> > And in all cases, the JVM in use is Sun Java 1.6.0-b105 (installed via > > the "sun-java6-jre" package). > Please test with sun-java5-jre, I have heard through a trusted source > that jre6 has compatibility problems and has been avoided in some very > large production environments. That was a pretty good suggestion. However, when I tested with Java 1.5.0_11 as apt-gotten from the repositories, I'm seeing the exact same results as I had originally desdribed above. After this round of testing, here's what I'm seeing: --It does not appear to be the JRE. When I use Xorg on the same or a different machine or Mocha X on a different machine, regardless of whether it's Sun Java 5 or 6 behind Azureus, it works perfectly). --It does not appear the method of connecting to the X server matters. I tried on same machine and over a network; it consistently worked with Xorg on same and different machines and with Mocha X on a different machine; it consistently failed with VNC4Server on same and other machine and X-Deep 32 4.0 on another machine). --It does not appear to be installation-specific. Same-machine runs of Azureus for VNC4Server both failed on completely different machines, even differently-purposed installations, e.g. a server and a desktop system. Even inter-machine runs fail. --It does not appear that where you get Azureus itself matters. I tried the Universe version and the official distribution copy from SF. Both consistently work with Xorg and consistently fail with VNC4Server. --It DOES appear that it is a VNC4Server issue for me. All of the foregoing assumes a Feisty Ubuntu distribution and software therein, with the sole exception of the official version of Azureus and everything being fully apt-get upgraded to the most recent versions. Basically, it works fine with Kubuntu and all-current versions of installed libraries, both available Sun JREs, and most recent Xorg server on the same machine. It works fine on Ubuntu server with Xorg running on another machine entirely with various considerations taken into account so remote clients can connect. It dies on VNC4Server, same- or different-machine. Conclusion: Either the X server (in my case and apropos to Ubuntu, VNC4Server) or X libraries used by the JRE are at fault. Since there may be other interactions going on at the library level, I'm reluctant to completely rule them out unless there's a good way of testing that. I will continue to follow this ticket, but I will check things out on the VNC4Server package now. --Ian. FOOTNOTE: I took my testing a few steps further and used two Windows X servers, X-Deep 32 4.0 when it was freeware and Mocha X which currently has a freeware offering (http://www.mochasoft.dk). It completely failed with X-Deep, but it worked just fine under Mocha X. The only "complaint" I have with Mocha X is that since I'm at work and the machines I'm testing Azureus from are at home, I have to use a VPN connection and it's a tad slow to update the screen. But that's what I get for using a slow connection. And I've tried both JRE 1.5.0_11 and JRE 1.6.0-b105. Both work with Mocha X. This seems to further indicate that, in my case, at least, it's an X server issue or an issue with a client library with select X servers.