This bug was fixed in the package avant-window-navigator - 0.4.0-2ubuntu1 --------------- avant-window-navigator (0.4.0-2ubuntu1) maverick; urgency=low * Sync with Debian. * Cherry-pick some fixes from upstream: - 901-grouping-and-OOo.patch: Fix grouping and window matching with OOo (r689,690,691,692,693) - 902-fix-nautilus-launcher.patch: Fix Nautilus launcher (r694, LP: #487105) - 903-fix-setlocale.patch: Fix settings locale in awn-settings (r695, LP: #563449) - 904-fix-behavior-with-compiz.patch: Fix behavior with compiz (r696,697,698) - 905-timeout-OOo.patch: Adjust timeout for OOo windows matching (r699) - 906-untranslated-strings-1.patch & 907-untranslated-strings-2.patch: Translated missing strings. (r700,708, LP: #586670) - 908-equal-in-schemas.patch: Remove == from schemas files (r710, LP: #590842) - 909-viewport-fix.patch: Fix for viewports where the active windows is not within the viewport (r712) - 910-add-remove-launcher.patch: Add ability to remove a launcher on right click. (r713, LP: #565412) - 911-freedesktop-dbus-name.patch: Don't use freedesktop for d-bus dockmanager name (r717) - 912-startup-invisible.patch: Fix invisible dock on startup (r718, LP: #620629) - 913-fix-unfocusing-dialog.patch: Fix unfocusing dialog (r725) - 914-fix-compatibility-0.9-vala.patch: Fix compatibility with vala 0.9.X - 920-translation-update.patch: Translation update (2010-08-23) avant-window-navigator (0.4.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Set priority to medium to fix RC bug. * debian/control: - Add Conlicts/Replaces between libawn0-dbg and libawn1-dbg. (Closes: #586031) * debian/NEWS - Mention some incompatible changes with previous version. avant-window-navigator (0.4.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. - Fix icons placed outside the panel. Closes: #471661 - Add an option to go under the panel. Closes: #474228 - Fix autohide behavior. LP: #130235 - Allow only 1 instance of Awn. LP: #258675 - Ensure the autostart exist before trying to delete it. LP: #334454 - Fix position with multiple screen. LP: #248769 - Fix crash when event is NULL. LP: #550541 - Fix crash in awn-setting when adding applet. LP: #557778 * debian/patches: - 10_correct_exception.patch: Dropped, problem fixed in the new version. - 00-wm-behavior.patch and 01-tasks-have-arrow.patch: Merged upstream. - 02-ftbfs-python-2.6.patch: Refresh. - 03-python-import.patch: Refresh. - 01-bad-pointer-init.patch: From upstream, bad unitialized pointer. * Bump libawn SONAME * debian/control: - Add minimum requirement for libwnck-dev libgtk2.0-dev libglib2.0-dev and valac. - Drop build-depends on libgnome2-dev, libgnome-desktop-dev, libglade2-dev. - Bump build-depends for debhelper to (>= 7.0.50~) for overrides. - Build-depends on libgtop2-dev. - Replace build-depends on python-gnome2-dev by python-gtk2-dev (>= 2.12). - Build-depends on gconf2, libdesktop-agnostic-dev, libdesktop-agnostic-bin, python-desktop-agnostic, vala-desktop-agnostic for desktop-agnostic support. - Demote the composite manager to Recommends, Awn works without it. - Depends on libdesktop-agnostic-* and dbus. - Bump libawn SONAME. - Rename awn-manager to awn-settings. - libawn-dev : drop libgnome*-dev and add libdesktop-agnostic-dev depends. - Demote depends on awn-manager by a recommends on awn-settings for avant-window-navigator. - Add depends on avant-window-navigator, python-desktop-agnostic, bzr and python-dbus for awn-settings. - Remove depends on python-galde2 for awn-settings. - Replace vala depends by vala-desktop-agnostic for vala-awn. - Add Conflicts/Replaces to replace separator applets which is in core now. - Add mutter as another composite manager. - Use space instead of tabulation. - Add Conflicts/Replaces on awn-manager for awn-settings. (LP: #507822, #512411) - Add depends on python-desktop-agnostic for python-awn. - Add mention of Awn in the description. * debian/rules: - Rewrite with overrides. - Remove awn.wrapper. - Bump libawn SONAME. - Use dh_install --fail-missing. - Remove .la, .a, .pyo and pyc before installing. * debian/avant-window-navigator{,-data}.install: - Update installed files in core. - Install core applets * debian/awn.wrapper & debian/avant-window-navigator.links: - Dropped, previous configuration is incompatible. * debian/awn-manager.install - Rename to awn-settings.install. - Update installed files. * debian/awn-applet*.1 && debian/avant-window-navigator.manpages - Update manpages. * debian/awn-manager.* - Rename awn-manager to awn-settings and update the content. - Remove unused manpages. * debian/python-awn: - Update to the new location. * debian/README.Debian: - Mention that real transparency is not needed. - Add mutter in the list of composite managers. * debian/copyright: - Update copyright and licenses. * debian/libawn1.symbols: - Add missing symbol. avant-window-navigator ( unstable; urgency=medium * debian/patches/02-ftbfs-python-2.6.patch: Remove LOCALMODLIBS in configure and m4 to avoid unnecessary linking with -lssl. (Closes: #571150) avant-window-navigator ( unstable; urgency=medium * Urgency set to medium to fix RC bug (#566995). * debian/patches/10_correct_execption.patch - Don't crash when raising exception. (Closes: #562549) * debian/control: - Add depends on python-glade2 for awn-manager, as it used glade for the UI. (Closes: #568253). - Remove python-elementtree from Build-Depends, only depend on python-all-dev as elementtree is already part of stdlib (Closes: #566995). Thanks Luca Falavigna for the patch. - Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4 (no change needed). * Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format - Remove build-depends on quilt. - Remove README.source for the usage of quilt. - Remove usage of quilt in debian/rules. -- Julien Lavergne