> On 15-03-2024 3:49 p.m., Dave Jones wrote: > > autopkgtest is "clever" about when it resets the testbed betweens > > tests, and this is a Bad Thing (tm) when it breaks assumptions > > about isolation. > > Ironically https://bugs.debian.org/1063533 has a request in the > opposite direction... Heh, well perhaps I can suggest a compromise ... > > If the tests are truly isolated, this *should* fail ... but it > > doesn't. Reverse the order of the tests, and of course it does > > fail. Or add another package to the Depends of the first test (so > > it's a superset of the second test) and it fails. > > Ack. > > > Having spent quite some time failing to debug something, because > > I'd made the faulty assumption that tests were actually isolated, > > this level of "clever" is annoying and should either be removed or > > at least documented, preferably in the man-page so it jumps out at > > me next time I've forgotten this! > > Currently I'm in favor of documenting, also because I know that > there are packages out there that rely on this. It does means that > yes, the order of the stanza matter. I'm also in favour of documenting *currently*, on the basis that it'd be a pretty fundamental change in behaviour and thus likely to cause breakage. However, I'm pretty strongly of the opinion that a key assumption that a test should be able to make, is that it is running on a "clean" test-bed. If a test *cannot* make that assumption, then there's a whole lotta hoops it needs to jump through before it can do anything useful, and that doesn't sound like a good system to me. I'll try and demonstrate below that this is how things currently stand, but first I had a quick dive through the docs to see what one can expect from the specification... The current autopkgtest spec. [1] doesn't say much (or anything?) about the state of the test-bed at the start of each test. That's presumably because having a clean test-bed is such a fundamental assumption that it wasn't considered worth specifying, explicitly, but perhaps it should be. The autopkgtest man-page [2] doesn't say anything on the subject either (that I can find?). The autopkgtest README.running-tests [3] *does*, but only to warn about the "null" virtualization leaving clutter on your system, and "chroot" providing no cleanup or revert. Interestingly, nothing seems to draw a distinction between tests specified in the same stanza, and tests in separate stanzas. I could see a reasonable case being made that tests in the same stanza (hence sharing Depends and Restrictions), could assume a specific running order, and that the test-bed will *not* be reset between them. In other words that the following would mean "foo" runs strictly before "bar", and "bar" will see the changes that "foo" made to the test-bed: Tests: foo, bar Depends: pkg1, pkg2 Restrictions: needs-root, isolation-machine Whilst the following would imply nothing about the running order, and both "foo" and "bar" could assume clean test-beds: Tests: foo Depends: pkg1, pkg2 Restrictions: needs-root, isolation-machine Tests: bar Depends: pkg1, pkg2 Restrictions: needs-root, isolation-machine I mention "no assumptions about the running order" because README.running-tests [3] talks about parallel test runs (under the QEMU section), in which case there would be no deterministic means of understanding which test would run on the test-bed prior to another (assuming any reuse of test-beds in such a scenario). Still, as things stand at the moment, why can no test be certain of having a clean test-bed? Consider the separate stanzas case of "foo" and "bar" above. If a developer wishes to add a new test, "baz", and they want to be sure of having a clean test-bed they have to insert the test at the *start* of the d/t/control file: Tests: baz Depends: pkg1, pkg2 Restrictions: needs-root, isolation-machine Tests: foo Depends: pkg1, pkg2 Restrictions: needs-root, isolation-machine Tests: bar Depends: pkg1, pkg2 Restrictions: needs-root, isolation-machine But, having done so, they may now break the "foo" test if its dependencies are a superset of the new test's, and "baz" affects the test-bed in a way that interacts with the "foo" test. In order to guarantee that "baz" doesn't affect "foo", we could add a redundant dependency (making baz's dependencies a superset of foo's), but then we have to consider if that pointless dependency will affect the "baz" test. Or alternatively we put the "baz" test at the bottom, but now we have to consider whether any prior test (with a subset of dependencies) can affect the test-bed in a way that breaks our new test. Argh! Ideally, a developer should be able to define a new test in d/t/control without having to trawl through existing tests to determine if they're going to break anything. [1]: https://salsa.debian.org/ci-team/autopkgtest/-/blob/master/doc/README.package-tests.rst [2]: https://salsa.debian.org/ci-team/autopkgtest/-/blob/master/runner/autopkgtest.1 [3]: https://salsa.debian.org/ci-team/autopkgtest/-/blob/master/doc/README.running-tests.rst