atomes 1.1.16-1 source package in Ubuntu


atomes (1.1.16-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Team upload
  * New upstream version 1.1.16

 -- Pierre Gruet <email address hidden>  Thu, 26 Dec 2024 22:15:39 +0100

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Debichem Team
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Original maintainer:
Debichem Team
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Medium Urgency

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Series Pocket Published Component Section
Plucky release universe misc


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
atomes_1.1.16-1.dsc 2.1 KiB 89ccde7fbd60e22d8f3bb731ef235862b11a76514c665a362ffa8bbe6a3e110a
atomes_1.1.16.orig.tar.gz 4.9 MiB 951ce36e4caa969891dc2f7d50ba93170e965f595d3ef51eb4c24a394ac0c877
atomes_1.1.16-1.debian.tar.xz 14.0 KiB 246b0b04b184b8be7912566b3ccb5238b54f479861d15ac34a6af1746c539ded

Available diffs

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Binary packages built by this source

atomes: atomic-scale 3D modeling toolbox

 Atomes is a tool box to analyze (physico-chemical properties calculations),
 visualize (atoms, bonds, colormaps, measurements, coordination polyedra ...)
 create (crystal builder, molecular library, surface creation and
 passivation ...) 3D atomistic models.
 Atomes offers a workspace capable of handling many projects opened
 The different projects in the workspace can exchange data: analysis results,
 atomic coordinates...
 Atomes also provides an advanced input preparation system for further
 calculations using well known molecular dynamics codes:
 Classical MD: DLPOLY and LAMMPS
  - ab-initio MD: CPMD and CP2K
  - QM-MM MD: CPMD and CP2K
 To prepare the input files for these calculations is likely to be the key, and
 most complicated step towards MD simulations.
 Atomes offers a user-friendly assistant to help and guide the scientist step
 by step to achieve this crucial step.
 This package provides the binaries.

atomes-data: atomic-scale 3D modeling toolbox (data)

 Atomes is a tool box to analyze (physico-chemical properties calculations),
 visualize (atoms, bonds, colormaps, measurements, coordination polyedra ...)
 create (crystal builder, molecular library, surface creation and
 passivation ...) 3D atomistic models.
 Atomes offers a workspace capable of handling many projects opened
 The different projects in the workspace can exchange data: analysis results,
 atomic coordinates...
 Atomes also provides an advanced input preparation system for further
 calculations using well known molecular dynamics codes:
 Classical MD: DLPOLY and LAMMPS
  - ab-initio MD: CPMD and CP2K
  - QM-MM MD: CPMD and CP2K
 To prepare the input files for these calculations is likely to be the key, and
 most complicated step towards MD simulations.
 Atomes offers a user-friendly assistant to help and guide the scientist step
 by step to achieve this crucial step.
 This package contains data files for atomes.

atomes-dbgsym: debug symbols for atomes