rusivi1, sorry if I came off too sharply. Please don't take anything I said personally. My frustration was aimed at the whole Ubuntu bug process in general, and not you. As you say, most of us are volunteers here. Anyway, here's a detailed report of my test today. Several problems I have not seen before have appeared. See the last paragraph for my conclusions and advice. I built a virtual machine on Lucid and installed the server installation of the latest Meerkat, ubuntu-10.10-beta-server-i386.iso, with no services other than openssh server. I then did an "apt-get update" and "apt-get dist-upgrade", and rebooted to kernel 2.6.35-22. That done, I installed apt-file and its dependencies, followed by "apt-file update". root@meerkat:~# apt-file --version apt-file version 2.4.0 (c) 2002 Sebastien J. Gross