Activity log for bug #1726372

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2017-10-23 12:13:29 Marc Deslauriers bug added bug
2017-10-23 12:14:27 Marc Deslauriers nominated for series Ubuntu Artful
2017-10-23 12:14:27 Marc Deslauriers bug task added apport (Ubuntu Artful)
2017-10-23 12:14:27 Marc Deslauriers nominated for series Ubuntu Trusty
2017-10-23 12:14:27 Marc Deslauriers bug task added apport (Ubuntu Trusty)
2017-10-23 12:14:27 Marc Deslauriers nominated for series Ubuntu Xenial
2017-10-23 12:14:27 Marc Deslauriers bug task added apport (Ubuntu Xenial)
2017-10-23 12:14:27 Marc Deslauriers nominated for series Ubuntu Zesty
2017-10-23 12:14:27 Marc Deslauriers bug task added apport (Ubuntu Zesty)
2017-10-23 15:25:42 Tyler Hicks bug added subscriber Brian Murray
2017-10-23 15:26:16 Tyler Hicks bug added subscriber Patricia Gaughen
2017-10-25 20:24:32 Brian Murray bug added subscriber Stéphane Graber
2017-10-27 18:21:58 Brian Murray bug added subscriber Steve Langasek
2017-11-07 03:45:39 Tyler Hicks cve linked 2015-1324
2017-11-07 03:45:39 Tyler Hicks cve linked 2017-14177
2017-11-07 03:46:24 Tyler Hicks description We have received the following advisory: Security vulnerability report: multiple vulnerabilies in Apport / Ubuntu ======================================================================== OVERVIEW -------- Author: Sander Bos Author's e-mail address: sbos _at_ sbosnet _dot_ nl Author's web site: CVE numbers: requested Date: 2017-10-23 Version: 2 SUMMARY ------- Several security vulnerabilities were discovered by Sander Bos in the "Apport" crash handler program [1] affecting all currently supported releases of Ubuntu (12.04 LTS (ESM), 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS, 17.04, 17.10) and, likely, other distributions and Ubuntu derivatives using Apport as well. Exploitation types are privilege escalation (root exploitation), full disk DoS, and Linux container escaping. DESCRIPTION, WITH PROPOSED FIXES / WORKAROUNDS ---------------------------------------------- Issue 1: Incomplete fix for CVE-2015-1324 ----------------------------------------- Exploitation types: privilege escalation, full disk DoS. Ubuntu releases affected: 12.04 LTS (ESM), 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS, 17.04, 17.10 (i.e., all currently supported releases). Note: default OS installations might need an extra package installed, or a system configuration setting changed, to be exploitable. Description: The Apport issue I reported in 2015 (CVE-2015-1324) [2], leading to privilege escalation, was not fixed properly. The initial issue and vulnerability still apply, although to a lesser extent. Since the introduction of the fix [3] Apport detects setuid, unreadable, and other types of tainted / protected binaries / processes by comparing the real UID and real GID of the crashed process, read from /proc/<pid>/status and which Apport first sets its own UID and GID to, with the UID and GID file owner information of /proc/<pid>/stat. For non tainted processes, the file owner information of /proc/<pid>/stat is the UID and GID of the user that started the process. For tainted processes, the file owner information is 0. If the comparison does not match, Apport assumes the process to be a tainted process, and disables writing a core dump file. This on itself is correct. However, if the comparison _does_ match, it is not always correct to assume that the process is _not_ a tainted process (and, consequently, write a core dump file). For example, some setuid programs run by users receive real UID 0 and real GID 0. Also, some setuid processes started by root (partially) drop privileges at some point (after which users could crash them), for example after forking, but retain real UID 0 and real GID 0. In such cases, Apport writes a core dump file (as root) while in fact it should not do so. This brings back the problem of CVE-2015-1324. It should also be noted that, for the same reason, Apport "dropping privileges" to the real UID and real GID read from /proc/<pid>/status is at times incorrect and, thus, unsafe as well. Proposed fix: The proper fix is to really _never_ write a core dump file for processes where suid_dumpable=2 got effectuated. This was probably what was intended with the fix for CVE-2015-1324, but the check that was created does not catch all cases of tainted processes. A better approach would be to let Apport read out "%d" from core(5) through "kernel.core_pattern" and if it returns "2", not write a core dump file. Note however that "%d" is only present since kernel version 3.7, and would thus not work on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS systems running a 3.2 "GA" (General Availability) kernel from earlier Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases (as opposed to such systems running a 3.13 "HWE" (Hardware Enablement Stack) kernel from later Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases). Issue 2: Apport lacking container / PID namespace support and Issue 3: Apport broken container / PID namespace support --------------------------------------------------------- Exploitation types: container escape, privilege escalation, full disk DoS. Ubuntu releases affected: 12.04 LTS (ESM), 16.04 LTS, 17.04, 17.10. Note: exploitable on default OS installations. Description: Issue 2: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS: Apport does not recognize ("support") PID namespaces / containers. Issue 3: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Ubuntu 17.04, and Ubuntu 17.10: Apport supports containers, but checks if a crashed program originated in a container only by checking for a mismatch of the global PID and the local PID of a crashed process. This check will in fact be true in case of a process that originated in a container. However, the check does not suffice because a second, nested, PID namespace can exist in the container (without itself being part of another "full" container). In that case Apport (or, actually, a second Apport called by the host OS Apport, and running in the container) will incorrectly take information from the container /proc directory while in fact that /proc does not belong to the PID namespace from which the crashed process originated. (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, the other supported Ubuntu release, does detect containers but not "support" them: it exits in case of a global / local PID mismatch. Apport's container support was disabled in April 2015 due to security vulnerabilities and re-implemented in February 2016, but the new container support implementation was not added to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, probably because it uses sytemd features and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS does not run systemd. Thus, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is not vulnerable, although that is more or less by coincedence.) Apport misreading /proc for PID namespaces processes breaks Apport's functionality for applications that use "CLONE_NEWPID" (see the clone(2) and unshare(2) man pages), because /proc<pid>/ will either belong to a different (global) process with the same global PID as the local PID of the crashed proces, or it will not exist in case no global process with that PID exists. This broken functionality is a bug on itself but, worse, introduces a security vulnerability. Simple demonstrational PoC: To demonstrate the above, the following C program could be run as a non-root user on for example an Ubuntu 17.10 (LXC) system container (called "container OS" in the rest of this report) on an Ubuntu 17.04 host OS: --- #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <sched.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #include <sys/time.h> int main(void) { int pid; struct rlimit corelimit; corelimit.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY; corelimit.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY; setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &corelimit); unshare(CLONE_NEWUSER|CLONE_NEWPID); chdir("/tmp/"); pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { abort(); } } --- Thus, there are three layers: host OS -> container OS -> PID namespace. The forked process in the program above will have PID 1 within the PID namespace, i.e., within the third layer. Running this program (in the container OS) will trigger Apport in the host OS, which will forward the crash to the Apport of the container OS. This second Apport instance will then actually handle the crash. It will use PID 1 for this, since that's the PID that Apport from the host OS has told it to use: the local PID of the crashed process. This PID 1 is the local PID 1 from the PID namespace, but Apport from the container OS reads from /proc/1/ from the container OS. This directory actually belongs to PID 1 within the container OS, _not_ PID 1 from within the PID namespace. Effectively, the Apport in the container will create a ".crash" crash report file in /var/crash/, for example /var/crash/_lib_systemd_systemd.0.crash or /var/crash/_sbin_init.0.crash, with UID root and GID root as file owner (although Apport may optionally change the GID of the crash report file later on). Apport will also create the file "/core", with UID root and GID root as file owner as well. The files will contain /proc information belonging to (coming from), and for the crash report file the path name of, the _global_ PID 1 within the container OS. Also, the CWD of that global PID 1 is taken as the directory to write the core dump file in, not the CWD of the crashed program (which is set to /tmp/ to demonstrate that). The core dump contents in the crash report file and the contents of the "/core" core dump file _are_ in fact coming from the crashed program, which is correct, although exactly this can be used for further exploitation. The above program also works on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, when running as a host OS (as opposed to running it as a container OS). The effect is similar, but the cause of the effect is different (it's a different bug / code issue): Apport in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS does not recognize at all that the crashed process originated in a PID namespace / container, and it will not see a global PID _and_ a local PID of the process, but only its local PID 1 which it will then use (which is wrong, as that local PID 1 obviously is not the global PID 1). For Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with a 3.2 "GA" (General Availability) kernel (from earlier Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases), as opposed to such systems running a 3.13 "HWE" (Hardware Enablement Stack) kernel (from later Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases), it should be noted that exploitation might be more difficult, and perhaps not possible on default OS installations. This is because user namespaces ("CLONE_NEWUSER", see the clone(2) and unshare(2) man pages) is not available in kernel version 3.2, i.e., non-root users can not create PID namespaces ("CLONE_NEWPID" requires "CLONE_NEWUSER"), although for example setuid programs from packages installed by root could do this for them. It should also be noted that exploitability of this vulnerability does not only depend on what release of Ubuntu is running, but also if it is running as the host OS, as a containers OS, or as both of them. Below follows a, possibly incomplete but believed to be accurate, overview of host OS / container OS combinations and what can be achieved in exploitation in each combination. Full disk DoS scenarios are also possible on either the host OS, the container OS, or both, but not included here. Host OS: 12.04 LTS Container OS: not involved Simple exploit: user on host OS creates "/core" on host OS Privilege escalation exploit: user host OS -> root host OS Host OS: 12.04 LTS Container OS: any Linux distribution Simple exploit: user in container OS creates "/core" on host OS Privilege escalation exploit: user container OS -> root host OS *** Note: effectively this means escaping a container, and is not limited to Ubuntu *** Host OS: 16.04 LTS / 17.04 / 17.10 Container OS: 16.04 LTS / 17.04 / 17.10 Simple exploit: user on container OS creates "/core" on container OS Privilege escalation exploit: user container OS -> root container OS Note: escaping a container as mentioned in the user container OS -> root host OS scenario above does not refer to a general container escape technique using for example a bug in LXC, Linux namespaces, or the fact that the kernel is shared between the container and host OS; instead, it refers to a Apport specific, newly found, but "indirect" method of escaping a container. The end effect is however equal, thus it is mentioned as a way of escaping a container. Note: the user container OS -> root container OS scenario could from that point on lead to privilege escalation to root on the host OS, for example by exploiting the fact that the container OS and the host OS share the same kernel. Known, general techniques could be used for that. This would require the container OS to be running in a "privileged" container, i.e., a container created by and running as the root user on the host OS, as opposed to be running in an "unprivileged" container, i.e., a container created by but not running as root on the host OS, or created by a non-root user on the host OS. This could for example be the case when user namespaces are disabled or otherwise not available on the host OS, Proposed fix: For Apport without container support (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS), a fix could be to have Apport detect containers by comparing the global PID and the local PID of a crashed process and if they don't match, exit (this is exactly what is currently done in Ubuntu LTS 14.04). Note however that the "%P" global PID template specifier from core(5) is only available and can thus be only used in "kernel.core_pattern" since kernel version 3.12, so this fix will be problematic to implement on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS systems running a 3.2 "GA" (General Availability) kernel (from earlier Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases) (as opposed to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS systems running a 3.13 "HWE" (Hardware Enablement Stack) kernel from later Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases). For Apport with container support (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, 17.04, 17.10), a short term fix (workaround) could be to (again) disable container support in Apport (this is what is currently done in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS). A long term fix would probably be to have Apport do a proper container check instead of only relying on PID number information. In any case, it should be made sure not to read from the wrong /proc directory (if that can be avoided with certainty at all, e.g., a "container" / collection of namespaces might not have its own mount namespace or /proc, in which case things might get difficult). REFERENCES ---------- [1] <>, <> [2] <> [3] <> REVISION HISTORY ---------------- 2017-10-21: Version 1: initial version 2017-10-23: Version 2: fix minor errors, improve text, better explain issue 1 (and explicitly mention that Apport "drops privileges" unsafely), add references section, add revision history section. CREDITS ------- Please credit "Sander Bos (" (without the quotes) in all documentation related to this issue including commit messages, releases, patches, and security advisories; thank you. EOF We have received the following advisory: Security vulnerability report: multiple vulnerabilies in Apport / Ubuntu ======================================================================== OVERVIEW -------- Author: Sander Bos Author's e-mail address: sbos _at_ sbosnet _dot_ nl Author's web site: CVE numbers: requested Date: 2017-10-23 Version: 2 SUMMARY ------- Several security vulnerabilities were discovered by Sander Bos in the "Apport" crash handler program [1] affecting all currently supported releases of Ubuntu (12.04 LTS (ESM), 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS, 17.04, 17.10) and, likely, other distributions and Ubuntu derivatives using Apport as well. Exploitation types are privilege escalation (root exploitation), full disk DoS, and Linux container escaping. DESCRIPTION, WITH PROPOSED FIXES / WORKAROUNDS ---------------------------------------------- Issue 1 (CVE-2017-14177): Incomplete fix for CVE-2015-1324 ----------------------------------------- Exploitation types: privilege escalation, full disk DoS. Ubuntu releases affected: 12.04 LTS (ESM), 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS, 17.04, 17.10 (i.e., all currently supported releases). Note: default OS installations might need an extra package installed, or a system configuration setting changed, to be exploitable. Description: The Apport issue I reported in 2015 (CVE-2015-1324) [2], leading to privilege escalation, was not fixed properly. The initial issue and vulnerability still apply, although to a lesser extent. Since the introduction of the fix [3] Apport detects setuid, unreadable, and other types of tainted / protected binaries / processes by comparing the real UID and real GID of the crashed process, read from /proc/<pid>/status and which Apport first sets its own UID and GID to, with the UID and GID file owner information of /proc/<pid>/stat. For non tainted processes, the file owner information of /proc/<pid>/stat is the UID and GID of the user that started the process. For tainted processes, the file owner information is 0. If the comparison does not match, Apport assumes the process to be a tainted process, and disables writing a core dump file. This on itself is correct. However, if the comparison _does_ match, it is not always correct to assume that the process is _not_ a tainted process (and, consequently, write a core dump file). For example, some setuid programs run by users receive real UID 0 and real GID 0. Also, some setuid processes started by root (partially) drop privileges at some point (after which users could crash them), for example after forking, but retain real UID 0 and real GID 0. In such cases, Apport writes a core dump file (as root) while in fact it should not do so. This brings back the problem of CVE-2015-1324. It should also be noted that, for the same reason, Apport "dropping privileges" to the real UID and real GID read from /proc/<pid>/status is at times incorrect and, thus, unsafe as well. Proposed fix: The proper fix is to really _never_ write a core dump file for processes where suid_dumpable=2 got effectuated. This was probably what was intended with the fix for CVE-2015-1324, but the check that was created does not catch all cases of tainted processes. A better approach would be to let Apport read out "%d" from core(5) through "kernel.core_pattern" and if it returns "2", not write a core dump file. Note however that "%d" is only present since kernel version 3.7, and would thus not work on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS systems running a 3.2 "GA" (General Availability) kernel from earlier Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases (as opposed to such systems running a 3.13 "HWE" (Hardware Enablement Stack) kernel from later Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases). Issue 2: Apport lacking container / PID namespace support and Issue 3: Apport broken container / PID namespace support --------------------------------------------------------- Exploitation types: container escape, privilege escalation, full disk DoS. Ubuntu releases affected: 12.04 LTS (ESM), 16.04 LTS, 17.04, 17.10. Note: exploitable on default OS installations. Description: Issue 2: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS: Apport does not recognize ("support") PID namespaces / containers. Issue 3: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Ubuntu 17.04, and Ubuntu 17.10: Apport supports containers, but checks if a crashed program originated in a container only by checking for a mismatch of the global PID and the local PID of a crashed process. This check will in fact be true in case of a process that originated in a container. However, the check does not suffice because a second, nested, PID namespace can exist in the container (without itself being part of another "full" container). In that case Apport (or, actually, a second Apport called by the host OS Apport, and running in the container) will incorrectly take information from the container /proc directory while in fact that /proc does not belong to the PID namespace from which the crashed process originated. (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, the other supported Ubuntu release, does detect containers but not "support" them: it exits in case of a global / local PID mismatch. Apport's container support was disabled in April 2015 due to security vulnerabilities and re-implemented in February 2016, but the new container support implementation was not added to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, probably because it uses sytemd features and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS does not run systemd. Thus, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is not vulnerable, although that is more or less by coincedence.) Apport misreading /proc for PID namespaces processes breaks Apport's functionality for applications that use "CLONE_NEWPID" (see the clone(2) and unshare(2) man pages), because /proc<pid>/ will either belong to a different (global) process with the same global PID as the local PID of the crashed proces, or it will not exist in case no global process with that PID exists. This broken functionality is a bug on itself but, worse, introduces a security vulnerability. Simple demonstrational PoC: To demonstrate the above, the following C program could be run as a non-root user on for example an Ubuntu 17.10 (LXC) system container (called "container OS" in the rest of this report) on an Ubuntu 17.04 host OS: --- #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <sched.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #include <sys/time.h> int main(void) {    int pid;    struct rlimit corelimit;    corelimit.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY;    corelimit.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY;    setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &corelimit);    unshare(CLONE_NEWUSER|CLONE_NEWPID);    chdir("/tmp/");    pid = fork();    if (pid == 0) {       abort();    } } --- Thus, there are three layers: host OS -> container OS -> PID namespace. The forked process in the program above will have PID 1 within the PID namespace, i.e., within the third layer. Running this program (in the container OS) will trigger Apport in the host OS, which will forward the crash to the Apport of the container OS. This second Apport instance will then actually handle the crash. It will use PID 1 for this, since that's the PID that Apport from the host OS has told it to use: the local PID of the crashed process. This PID 1 is the local PID 1 from the PID namespace, but Apport from the container OS reads from /proc/1/ from the container OS. This directory actually belongs to PID 1 within the container OS, _not_ PID 1 from within the PID namespace. Effectively, the Apport in the container will create a ".crash" crash report file in /var/crash/, for example /var/crash/_lib_systemd_systemd.0.crash or /var/crash/_sbin_init.0.crash, with UID root and GID root as file owner (although Apport may optionally change the GID of the crash report file later on). Apport will also create the file "/core", with UID root and GID root as file owner as well. The files will contain /proc information belonging to (coming from), and for the crash report file the path name of, the _global_ PID 1 within the container OS. Also, the CWD of that global PID 1 is taken as the directory to write the core dump file in, not the CWD of the crashed program (which is set to /tmp/ to demonstrate that). The core dump contents in the crash report file and the contents of the "/core" core dump file _are_ in fact coming from the crashed program, which is correct, although exactly this can be used for further exploitation. The above program also works on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, when running as a host OS (as opposed to running it as a container OS). The effect is similar, but the cause of the effect is different (it's a different bug / code issue): Apport in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS does not recognize at all that the crashed process originated in a PID namespace / container, and it will not see a global PID _and_ a local PID of the process, but only its local PID 1 which it will then use (which is wrong, as that local PID 1 obviously is not the global PID 1). For Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with a 3.2 "GA" (General Availability) kernel (from earlier Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases), as opposed to such systems running a 3.13 "HWE" (Hardware Enablement Stack) kernel (from later Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases), it should be noted that exploitation might be more difficult, and perhaps not possible on default OS installations. This is because user namespaces ("CLONE_NEWUSER", see the clone(2) and unshare(2) man pages) is not available in kernel version 3.2, i.e., non-root users can not create PID namespaces ("CLONE_NEWPID" requires "CLONE_NEWUSER"), although for example setuid programs from packages installed by root could do this for them. It should also be noted that exploitability of this vulnerability does not only depend on what release of Ubuntu is running, but also if it is running as the host OS, as a containers OS, or as both of them. Below follows a, possibly incomplete but believed to be accurate, overview of host OS / container OS combinations and what can be achieved in exploitation in each combination. Full disk DoS scenarios are also possible on either the host OS, the container OS, or both, but not included here. Host OS: 12.04 LTS Container OS: not involved Simple exploit: user on host OS creates "/core" on host OS Privilege escalation exploit: user host OS -> root host OS Host OS: 12.04 LTS Container OS: any Linux distribution Simple exploit: user in container OS creates "/core" on host OS Privilege escalation exploit: user container OS -> root host OS *** Note: effectively this means escaping a container, and is not limited to Ubuntu *** Host OS: 16.04 LTS / 17.04 / 17.10 Container OS: 16.04 LTS / 17.04 / 17.10 Simple exploit: user on container OS creates "/core" on container OS Privilege escalation exploit: user container OS -> root container OS Note: escaping a container as mentioned in the user container OS -> root host OS scenario above does not refer to a general container escape technique using for example a bug in LXC, Linux namespaces, or the fact that the kernel is shared between the container and host OS; instead, it refers to a Apport specific, newly found, but "indirect" method of escaping a container. The end effect is however equal, thus it is mentioned as a way of escaping a container. Note: the user container OS -> root container OS scenario could from that point on lead to privilege escalation to root on the host OS, for example by exploiting the fact that the container OS and the host OS share the same kernel. Known, general techniques could be used for that. This would require the container OS to be running in a "privileged" container, i.e., a container created by and running as the root user on the host OS, as opposed to be running in an "unprivileged" container, i.e., a container created by but not running as root on the host OS, or created by a non-root user on the host OS. This could for example be the case when user namespaces are disabled or otherwise not available on the host OS, Proposed fix: For Apport without container support (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS), a fix could be to have Apport detect containers by comparing the global PID and the local PID of a crashed process and if they don't match, exit (this is exactly what is currently done in Ubuntu LTS 14.04). Note however that the "%P" global PID template specifier from core(5) is only available and can thus be only used in "kernel.core_pattern" since kernel version 3.12, so this fix will be problematic to implement on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS systems running a 3.2 "GA" (General Availability) kernel (from earlier Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases) (as opposed to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS systems running a 3.13 "HWE" (Hardware Enablement Stack) kernel from later Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases). For Apport with container support (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, 17.04, 17.10), a short term fix (workaround) could be to (again) disable container support in Apport (this is what is currently done in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS). A long term fix would probably be to have Apport do a proper container check instead of only relying on PID number information. In any case, it should be made sure not to read from the wrong /proc directory (if that can be avoided with certainty at all, e.g., a "container" / collection of namespaces might not have its own mount namespace or /proc, in which case things might get difficult). REFERENCES ---------- [1] <>, <> [2] <> [3] <> REVISION HISTORY ---------------- 2017-10-21: Version 1: initial version 2017-10-23: Version 2: fix minor errors, improve text, better explain                        issue 1 (and explicitly mention that Apport                        "drops privileges" unsafely), add references                        section, add revision history section. CREDITS ------- Please credit "Sander Bos (" (without the quotes) in all documentation related to this issue including commit messages, releases, patches, and security advisories; thank you. EOF
2017-11-07 06:06:05 Stéphane Graber attachment added fix-container-handling.diff
2017-11-09 23:33:42 Brian Murray attachment added bug-1726372-artful.debdiff
2017-11-10 01:36:19 Brian Murray attachment added bug-1726372-zesty.debdiff
2017-11-10 01:36:55 Brian Murray attachment added bug-1726372-xenial.debdiff
2017-11-10 02:29:45 Tyler Hicks cve linked 2017-14179
2017-11-10 02:29:45 Tyler Hicks cve linked 2017-14180
2017-11-10 02:29:55 Tyler Hicks description We have received the following advisory: Security vulnerability report: multiple vulnerabilies in Apport / Ubuntu ======================================================================== OVERVIEW -------- Author: Sander Bos Author's e-mail address: sbos _at_ sbosnet _dot_ nl Author's web site: CVE numbers: requested Date: 2017-10-23 Version: 2 SUMMARY ------- Several security vulnerabilities were discovered by Sander Bos in the "Apport" crash handler program [1] affecting all currently supported releases of Ubuntu (12.04 LTS (ESM), 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS, 17.04, 17.10) and, likely, other distributions and Ubuntu derivatives using Apport as well. Exploitation types are privilege escalation (root exploitation), full disk DoS, and Linux container escaping. DESCRIPTION, WITH PROPOSED FIXES / WORKAROUNDS ---------------------------------------------- Issue 1 (CVE-2017-14177): Incomplete fix for CVE-2015-1324 ----------------------------------------- Exploitation types: privilege escalation, full disk DoS. Ubuntu releases affected: 12.04 LTS (ESM), 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS, 17.04, 17.10 (i.e., all currently supported releases). Note: default OS installations might need an extra package installed, or a system configuration setting changed, to be exploitable. Description: The Apport issue I reported in 2015 (CVE-2015-1324) [2], leading to privilege escalation, was not fixed properly. The initial issue and vulnerability still apply, although to a lesser extent. Since the introduction of the fix [3] Apport detects setuid, unreadable, and other types of tainted / protected binaries / processes by comparing the real UID and real GID of the crashed process, read from /proc/<pid>/status and which Apport first sets its own UID and GID to, with the UID and GID file owner information of /proc/<pid>/stat. For non tainted processes, the file owner information of /proc/<pid>/stat is the UID and GID of the user that started the process. For tainted processes, the file owner information is 0. If the comparison does not match, Apport assumes the process to be a tainted process, and disables writing a core dump file. This on itself is correct. However, if the comparison _does_ match, it is not always correct to assume that the process is _not_ a tainted process (and, consequently, write a core dump file). For example, some setuid programs run by users receive real UID 0 and real GID 0. Also, some setuid processes started by root (partially) drop privileges at some point (after which users could crash them), for example after forking, but retain real UID 0 and real GID 0. In such cases, Apport writes a core dump file (as root) while in fact it should not do so. This brings back the problem of CVE-2015-1324. It should also be noted that, for the same reason, Apport "dropping privileges" to the real UID and real GID read from /proc/<pid>/status is at times incorrect and, thus, unsafe as well. Proposed fix: The proper fix is to really _never_ write a core dump file for processes where suid_dumpable=2 got effectuated. This was probably what was intended with the fix for CVE-2015-1324, but the check that was created does not catch all cases of tainted processes. A better approach would be to let Apport read out "%d" from core(5) through "kernel.core_pattern" and if it returns "2", not write a core dump file. Note however that "%d" is only present since kernel version 3.7, and would thus not work on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS systems running a 3.2 "GA" (General Availability) kernel from earlier Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases (as opposed to such systems running a 3.13 "HWE" (Hardware Enablement Stack) kernel from later Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases). Issue 2: Apport lacking container / PID namespace support and Issue 3: Apport broken container / PID namespace support --------------------------------------------------------- Exploitation types: container escape, privilege escalation, full disk DoS. Ubuntu releases affected: 12.04 LTS (ESM), 16.04 LTS, 17.04, 17.10. Note: exploitable on default OS installations. Description: Issue 2: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS: Apport does not recognize ("support") PID namespaces / containers. Issue 3: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Ubuntu 17.04, and Ubuntu 17.10: Apport supports containers, but checks if a crashed program originated in a container only by checking for a mismatch of the global PID and the local PID of a crashed process. This check will in fact be true in case of a process that originated in a container. However, the check does not suffice because a second, nested, PID namespace can exist in the container (without itself being part of another "full" container). In that case Apport (or, actually, a second Apport called by the host OS Apport, and running in the container) will incorrectly take information from the container /proc directory while in fact that /proc does not belong to the PID namespace from which the crashed process originated. (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, the other supported Ubuntu release, does detect containers but not "support" them: it exits in case of a global / local PID mismatch. Apport's container support was disabled in April 2015 due to security vulnerabilities and re-implemented in February 2016, but the new container support implementation was not added to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, probably because it uses sytemd features and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS does not run systemd. Thus, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is not vulnerable, although that is more or less by coincedence.) Apport misreading /proc for PID namespaces processes breaks Apport's functionality for applications that use "CLONE_NEWPID" (see the clone(2) and unshare(2) man pages), because /proc<pid>/ will either belong to a different (global) process with the same global PID as the local PID of the crashed proces, or it will not exist in case no global process with that PID exists. This broken functionality is a bug on itself but, worse, introduces a security vulnerability. Simple demonstrational PoC: To demonstrate the above, the following C program could be run as a non-root user on for example an Ubuntu 17.10 (LXC) system container (called "container OS" in the rest of this report) on an Ubuntu 17.04 host OS: --- #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <sched.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #include <sys/time.h> int main(void) {    int pid;    struct rlimit corelimit;    corelimit.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY;    corelimit.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY;    setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &corelimit);    unshare(CLONE_NEWUSER|CLONE_NEWPID);    chdir("/tmp/");    pid = fork();    if (pid == 0) {       abort();    } } --- Thus, there are three layers: host OS -> container OS -> PID namespace. The forked process in the program above will have PID 1 within the PID namespace, i.e., within the third layer. Running this program (in the container OS) will trigger Apport in the host OS, which will forward the crash to the Apport of the container OS. This second Apport instance will then actually handle the crash. It will use PID 1 for this, since that's the PID that Apport from the host OS has told it to use: the local PID of the crashed process. This PID 1 is the local PID 1 from the PID namespace, but Apport from the container OS reads from /proc/1/ from the container OS. This directory actually belongs to PID 1 within the container OS, _not_ PID 1 from within the PID namespace. Effectively, the Apport in the container will create a ".crash" crash report file in /var/crash/, for example /var/crash/_lib_systemd_systemd.0.crash or /var/crash/_sbin_init.0.crash, with UID root and GID root as file owner (although Apport may optionally change the GID of the crash report file later on). Apport will also create the file "/core", with UID root and GID root as file owner as well. The files will contain /proc information belonging to (coming from), and for the crash report file the path name of, the _global_ PID 1 within the container OS. Also, the CWD of that global PID 1 is taken as the directory to write the core dump file in, not the CWD of the crashed program (which is set to /tmp/ to demonstrate that). The core dump contents in the crash report file and the contents of the "/core" core dump file _are_ in fact coming from the crashed program, which is correct, although exactly this can be used for further exploitation. The above program also works on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, when running as a host OS (as opposed to running it as a container OS). The effect is similar, but the cause of the effect is different (it's a different bug / code issue): Apport in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS does not recognize at all that the crashed process originated in a PID namespace / container, and it will not see a global PID _and_ a local PID of the process, but only its local PID 1 which it will then use (which is wrong, as that local PID 1 obviously is not the global PID 1). For Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with a 3.2 "GA" (General Availability) kernel (from earlier Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases), as opposed to such systems running a 3.13 "HWE" (Hardware Enablement Stack) kernel (from later Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases), it should be noted that exploitation might be more difficult, and perhaps not possible on default OS installations. This is because user namespaces ("CLONE_NEWUSER", see the clone(2) and unshare(2) man pages) is not available in kernel version 3.2, i.e., non-root users can not create PID namespaces ("CLONE_NEWPID" requires "CLONE_NEWUSER"), although for example setuid programs from packages installed by root could do this for them. It should also be noted that exploitability of this vulnerability does not only depend on what release of Ubuntu is running, but also if it is running as the host OS, as a containers OS, or as both of them. Below follows a, possibly incomplete but believed to be accurate, overview of host OS / container OS combinations and what can be achieved in exploitation in each combination. Full disk DoS scenarios are also possible on either the host OS, the container OS, or both, but not included here. Host OS: 12.04 LTS Container OS: not involved Simple exploit: user on host OS creates "/core" on host OS Privilege escalation exploit: user host OS -> root host OS Host OS: 12.04 LTS Container OS: any Linux distribution Simple exploit: user in container OS creates "/core" on host OS Privilege escalation exploit: user container OS -> root host OS *** Note: effectively this means escaping a container, and is not limited to Ubuntu *** Host OS: 16.04 LTS / 17.04 / 17.10 Container OS: 16.04 LTS / 17.04 / 17.10 Simple exploit: user on container OS creates "/core" on container OS Privilege escalation exploit: user container OS -> root container OS Note: escaping a container as mentioned in the user container OS -> root host OS scenario above does not refer to a general container escape technique using for example a bug in LXC, Linux namespaces, or the fact that the kernel is shared between the container and host OS; instead, it refers to a Apport specific, newly found, but "indirect" method of escaping a container. The end effect is however equal, thus it is mentioned as a way of escaping a container. Note: the user container OS -> root container OS scenario could from that point on lead to privilege escalation to root on the host OS, for example by exploiting the fact that the container OS and the host OS share the same kernel. Known, general techniques could be used for that. This would require the container OS to be running in a "privileged" container, i.e., a container created by and running as the root user on the host OS, as opposed to be running in an "unprivileged" container, i.e., a container created by but not running as root on the host OS, or created by a non-root user on the host OS. This could for example be the case when user namespaces are disabled or otherwise not available on the host OS, Proposed fix: For Apport without container support (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS), a fix could be to have Apport detect containers by comparing the global PID and the local PID of a crashed process and if they don't match, exit (this is exactly what is currently done in Ubuntu LTS 14.04). Note however that the "%P" global PID template specifier from core(5) is only available and can thus be only used in "kernel.core_pattern" since kernel version 3.12, so this fix will be problematic to implement on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS systems running a 3.2 "GA" (General Availability) kernel (from earlier Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases) (as opposed to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS systems running a 3.13 "HWE" (Hardware Enablement Stack) kernel from later Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases). For Apport with container support (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, 17.04, 17.10), a short term fix (workaround) could be to (again) disable container support in Apport (this is what is currently done in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS). A long term fix would probably be to have Apport do a proper container check instead of only relying on PID number information. In any case, it should be made sure not to read from the wrong /proc directory (if that can be avoided with certainty at all, e.g., a "container" / collection of namespaces might not have its own mount namespace or /proc, in which case things might get difficult). REFERENCES ---------- [1] <>, <> [2] <> [3] <> REVISION HISTORY ---------------- 2017-10-21: Version 1: initial version 2017-10-23: Version 2: fix minor errors, improve text, better explain                        issue 1 (and explicitly mention that Apport                        "drops privileges" unsafely), add references                        section, add revision history section. CREDITS ------- Please credit "Sander Bos (" (without the quotes) in all documentation related to this issue including commit messages, releases, patches, and security advisories; thank you. EOF We have received the following advisory: Security vulnerability report: multiple vulnerabilies in Apport / Ubuntu ======================================================================== OVERVIEW -------- Author: Sander Bos Author's e-mail address: sbos _at_ sbosnet _dot_ nl Author's web site: CVE numbers: requested Date: 2017-10-23 Version: 2 SUMMARY ------- Several security vulnerabilities were discovered by Sander Bos in the "Apport" crash handler program [1] affecting all currently supported releases of Ubuntu (12.04 LTS (ESM), 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS, 17.04, 17.10) and, likely, other distributions and Ubuntu derivatives using Apport as well. Exploitation types are privilege escalation (root exploitation), full disk DoS, and Linux container escaping. DESCRIPTION, WITH PROPOSED FIXES / WORKAROUNDS ---------------------------------------------- Issue 1 (CVE-2017-14177): Incomplete fix for CVE-2015-1324 ----------------------------------------- Exploitation types: privilege escalation, full disk DoS. Ubuntu releases affected: 12.04 LTS (ESM), 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS, 17.04, 17.10 (i.e., all currently supported releases). Note: default OS installations might need an extra package installed, or a system configuration setting changed, to be exploitable. Description: The Apport issue I reported in 2015 (CVE-2015-1324) [2], leading to privilege escalation, was not fixed properly. The initial issue and vulnerability still apply, although to a lesser extent. Since the introduction of the fix [3] Apport detects setuid, unreadable, and other types of tainted / protected binaries / processes by comparing the real UID and real GID of the crashed process, read from /proc/<pid>/status and which Apport first sets its own UID and GID to, with the UID and GID file owner information of /proc/<pid>/stat. For non tainted processes, the file owner information of /proc/<pid>/stat is the UID and GID of the user that started the process. For tainted processes, the file owner information is 0. If the comparison does not match, Apport assumes the process to be a tainted process, and disables writing a core dump file. This on itself is correct. However, if the comparison _does_ match, it is not always correct to assume that the process is _not_ a tainted process (and, consequently, write a core dump file). For example, some setuid programs run by users receive real UID 0 and real GID 0. Also, some setuid processes started by root (partially) drop privileges at some point (after which users could crash them), for example after forking, but retain real UID 0 and real GID 0. In such cases, Apport writes a core dump file (as root) while in fact it should not do so. This brings back the problem of CVE-2015-1324. It should also be noted that, for the same reason, Apport "dropping privileges" to the real UID and real GID read from /proc/<pid>/status is at times incorrect and, thus, unsafe as well. Proposed fix: The proper fix is to really _never_ write a core dump file for processes where suid_dumpable=2 got effectuated. This was probably what was intended with the fix for CVE-2015-1324, but the check that was created does not catch all cases of tainted processes. A better approach would be to let Apport read out "%d" from core(5) through "kernel.core_pattern" and if it returns "2", not write a core dump file. Note however that "%d" is only present since kernel version 3.7, and would thus not work on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS systems running a 3.2 "GA" (General Availability) kernel from earlier Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases (as opposed to such systems running a 3.13 "HWE" (Hardware Enablement Stack) kernel from later Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases). Issue 2 (CVE-2017-14179): Apport lacking container / PID namespace support and Issue 3 (CVE-2017-14180): Apport broken container / PID namespace support --------------------------------------------------------- Exploitation types: container escape, privilege escalation, full disk DoS. Ubuntu releases affected: 12.04 LTS (ESM), 16.04 LTS, 17.04, 17.10. Note: exploitable on default OS installations. Description: Issue 2 (CVE-2017-14179): Ubuntu 12.04 LTS: Apport does not recognize ("support") PID namespaces / containers. Issue 3 (CVE-2017-14180): Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Ubuntu 17.04, and Ubuntu 17.10: Apport supports containers, but checks if a crashed program originated in a container only by checking for a mismatch of the global PID and the local PID of a crashed process. This check will in fact be true in case of a process that originated in a container. However, the check does not suffice because a second, nested, PID namespace can exist in the container (without itself being part of another "full" container). In that case Apport (or, actually, a second Apport called by the host OS Apport, and running in the container) will incorrectly take information from the container /proc directory while in fact that /proc does not belong to the PID namespace from which the crashed process originated. (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, the other supported Ubuntu release, does detect containers but not "support" them: it exits in case of a global / local PID mismatch. Apport's container support was disabled in April 2015 due to security vulnerabilities and re-implemented in February 2016, but the new container support implementation was not added to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, probably because it uses sytemd features and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS does not run systemd. Thus, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is not vulnerable, although that is more or less by coincedence.) Apport misreading /proc for PID namespaces processes breaks Apport's functionality for applications that use "CLONE_NEWPID" (see the clone(2) and unshare(2) man pages), because /proc<pid>/ will either belong to a different (global) process with the same global PID as the local PID of the crashed proces, or it will not exist in case no global process with that PID exists. This broken functionality is a bug on itself but, worse, introduces a security vulnerability. Simple demonstrational PoC: To demonstrate the above, the following C program could be run as a non-root user on for example an Ubuntu 17.10 (LXC) system container (called "container OS" in the rest of this report) on an Ubuntu 17.04 host OS: --- #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <sched.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #include <sys/time.h> int main(void) {    int pid;    struct rlimit corelimit;    corelimit.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY;    corelimit.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY;    setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &corelimit);    unshare(CLONE_NEWUSER|CLONE_NEWPID);    chdir("/tmp/");    pid = fork();    if (pid == 0) {       abort();    } } --- Thus, there are three layers: host OS -> container OS -> PID namespace. The forked process in the program above will have PID 1 within the PID namespace, i.e., within the third layer. Running this program (in the container OS) will trigger Apport in the host OS, which will forward the crash to the Apport of the container OS. This second Apport instance will then actually handle the crash. It will use PID 1 for this, since that's the PID that Apport from the host OS has told it to use: the local PID of the crashed process. This PID 1 is the local PID 1 from the PID namespace, but Apport from the container OS reads from /proc/1/ from the container OS. This directory actually belongs to PID 1 within the container OS, _not_ PID 1 from within the PID namespace. Effectively, the Apport in the container will create a ".crash" crash report file in /var/crash/, for example /var/crash/_lib_systemd_systemd.0.crash or /var/crash/_sbin_init.0.crash, with UID root and GID root as file owner (although Apport may optionally change the GID of the crash report file later on). Apport will also create the file "/core", with UID root and GID root as file owner as well. The files will contain /proc information belonging to (coming from), and for the crash report file the path name of, the _global_ PID 1 within the container OS. Also, the CWD of that global PID 1 is taken as the directory to write the core dump file in, not the CWD of the crashed program (which is set to /tmp/ to demonstrate that). The core dump contents in the crash report file and the contents of the "/core" core dump file _are_ in fact coming from the crashed program, which is correct, although exactly this can be used for further exploitation. The above program also works on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, when running as a host OS (as opposed to running it as a container OS). The effect is similar, but the cause of the effect is different (it's a different bug / code issue): Apport in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS does not recognize at all that the crashed process originated in a PID namespace / container, and it will not see a global PID _and_ a local PID of the process, but only its local PID 1 which it will then use (which is wrong, as that local PID 1 obviously is not the global PID 1). For Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with a 3.2 "GA" (General Availability) kernel (from earlier Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases), as opposed to such systems running a 3.13 "HWE" (Hardware Enablement Stack) kernel (from later Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases), it should be noted that exploitation might be more difficult, and perhaps not possible on default OS installations. This is because user namespaces ("CLONE_NEWUSER", see the clone(2) and unshare(2) man pages) is not available in kernel version 3.2, i.e., non-root users can not create PID namespaces ("CLONE_NEWPID" requires "CLONE_NEWUSER"), although for example setuid programs from packages installed by root could do this for them. It should also be noted that exploitability of this vulnerability does not only depend on what release of Ubuntu is running, but also if it is running as the host OS, as a containers OS, or as both of them. Below follows a, possibly incomplete but believed to be accurate, overview of host OS / container OS combinations and what can be achieved in exploitation in each combination. Full disk DoS scenarios are also possible on either the host OS, the container OS, or both, but not included here. Host OS: 12.04 LTS Container OS: not involved Simple exploit: user on host OS creates "/core" on host OS Privilege escalation exploit: user host OS -> root host OS Host OS: 12.04 LTS Container OS: any Linux distribution Simple exploit: user in container OS creates "/core" on host OS Privilege escalation exploit: user container OS -> root host OS *** Note: effectively this means escaping a container, and is not limited to Ubuntu *** Host OS: 16.04 LTS / 17.04 / 17.10 Container OS: 16.04 LTS / 17.04 / 17.10 Simple exploit: user on container OS creates "/core" on container OS Privilege escalation exploit: user container OS -> root container OS Note: escaping a container as mentioned in the user container OS -> root host OS scenario above does not refer to a general container escape technique using for example a bug in LXC, Linux namespaces, or the fact that the kernel is shared between the container and host OS; instead, it refers to a Apport specific, newly found, but "indirect" method of escaping a container. The end effect is however equal, thus it is mentioned as a way of escaping a container. Note: the user container OS -> root container OS scenario could from that point on lead to privilege escalation to root on the host OS, for example by exploiting the fact that the container OS and the host OS share the same kernel. Known, general techniques could be used for that. This would require the container OS to be running in a "privileged" container, i.e., a container created by and running as the root user on the host OS, as opposed to be running in an "unprivileged" container, i.e., a container created by but not running as root on the host OS, or created by a non-root user on the host OS. This could for example be the case when user namespaces are disabled or otherwise not available on the host OS, Proposed fix: For Apport without container support (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS), a fix could be to have Apport detect containers by comparing the global PID and the local PID of a crashed process and if they don't match, exit (this is exactly what is currently done in Ubuntu LTS 14.04). Note however that the "%P" global PID template specifier from core(5) is only available and can thus be only used in "kernel.core_pattern" since kernel version 3.12, so this fix will be problematic to implement on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS systems running a 3.2 "GA" (General Availability) kernel (from earlier Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases) (as opposed to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS systems running a 3.13 "HWE" (Hardware Enablement Stack) kernel from later Ubuntu 12.04.x LTS releases). For Apport with container support (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, 17.04, 17.10), a short term fix (workaround) could be to (again) disable container support in Apport (this is what is currently done in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS). A long term fix would probably be to have Apport do a proper container check instead of only relying on PID number information. In any case, it should be made sure not to read from the wrong /proc directory (if that can be avoided with certainty at all, e.g., a "container" / collection of namespaces might not have its own mount namespace or /proc, in which case things might get difficult). REFERENCES ---------- [1] <>, <> [2] <> [3] <> REVISION HISTORY ---------------- 2017-10-21: Version 1: initial version 2017-10-23: Version 2: fix minor errors, improve text, better explain                        issue 1 (and explicitly mention that Apport                        "drops privileges" unsafely), add references                        section, add revision history section. CREDITS ------- Please credit "Sander Bos (" (without the quotes) in all documentation related to this issue including commit messages, releases, patches, and security advisories; thank you. EOF
2017-11-13 19:41:05 Brian Murray attachment added bug-1726372-trusty.debdiff
2017-11-14 18:34:05 Brian Murray attachment added bug-1726372-no-containers.debdiff
2017-11-14 18:53:45 Brian Murray attachment added bug-1726372-no-containers.debdiff
2017-11-14 18:58:29 Brian Murray attachment added bug-1725372-no-containers-xenial.debdiff
2017-11-14 19:07:38 Brian Murray attachment added bug-1726372-no-containers-trusty.debdiff
2017-11-15 18:56:26 Launchpad Janitor apport (Ubuntu Zesty): status New Fix Released
2017-11-15 18:56:28 Launchpad Janitor apport (Ubuntu Artful): status New Fix Released
2017-11-15 18:56:31 Launchpad Janitor apport (Ubuntu Xenial): status New Fix Released
2017-11-15 19:04:25 Tyler Hicks information type Private Security Public Security
2017-11-15 19:06:31 Launchpad Janitor apport (Ubuntu Trusty): status New Fix Released
2017-11-15 20:07:38 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:apport
2017-11-15 20:22:15 Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot tags patch
2017-11-15 21:14:04 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/bionic/apport/ubuntu
2017-11-16 03:03:16 Launchpad Janitor apport (Ubuntu): status New Fix Released