It turns out, that the SSLCipherSuite list on the default vHopst (as reported of apachectl -D DUMP_VHOSTS) has to be capable of TLSv1.1 ciphers. It is also needed, that the default vHost has TLSv1.1 enabled in order to use that on other vHosts.
So, the default vHost is the key here. I cant believe that this should be correct. If I dont want to enable TLSv1.1 on the default but on the 3rd vHost, this must be working.
I had the same problem - had!
It turns out, that the SSLCipherSuite list on the default vHopst (as reported of apachectl -D DUMP_VHOSTS) has to be capable of TLSv1.1 ciphers. It is also needed, that the default vHost has TLSv1.1 enabled in order to use that on other vHosts.
So, the default vHost is the key here. I cant believe that this should be correct. If I dont want to enable TLSv1.1 on the default but on the 3rd vHost, this must be working.