I understand what you mean now about placing the bug report under the wrong package section. Yes this was my fault and yes I did misinterpret what you wrote yesterday. Apologies for that. I have reported several bugs and find the whole process via the launchpad to be incredibly complicated for some one new to Linux who just simply wants to report a bug. In fact I have had some bugs that I wanted to report such as my memory amount not showing correctly in the system monitor section yet when I went to report it via Launchpad I couldn't! No matter what I wrote it wouldn't send. I really do feel that launchpad should be made much more easy and packages, etc clearly laid out instead of using cryptic wording which unless you are a Linux expert you wouldn't know what they are, without doing a lot of research. Yes I could research and learn about packages etc but that takes time. I need to report bugs now! I personally find it incredibly frustrating for a Linux newbie to go through this whole process especially considering that you also have to get used to using Linux as well. I'm trying very hard to help the Linux community by reporting bugs but sometimes I question myself is all this really worth it? What would be a better system is one that would allow any error report which could be made via the operating system so then the user just clicks a button maybe fills out a few sentences to describe what happened then its sent, now that would be so much easier. Apologies if my comments are inappropriate in this section but the Linux developers really do need to know the feelings of people like me who've just come over to Linux and if things get too complicated people like me will eventually become frustrated and just find an alternative operating system. 2009/4/8 Charlie_Smotherman (porthose)