OK, here is the output: michael@michaelspc:~$ amarok -d amarok: BEGIN: App::App() amarok: BEGIN: void App::continueInit() amarok: BEGIN: EngineController::EngineController() amarok: BEGIN: void EngineController::initializePhonon() amarok(31878) Phonon::KdePlatformPlugin::createBackend: using backend: "Xine" amarok: [EngineController] Tick Interval (actual): 100 amarok: END__: void EngineController::initializePhonon() - Took 0.47s amarok: END__: EngineController::EngineController() - Took 0.47s amarok: BEGIN: MainWindow::MainWindow() amarok: p before: QPoint(0,-30) amarok: p after: QPoint(0,-30) amarok: BEGIN: Playlist::Model::Model() amarok: ServiceBrowser starting... amarok: BEGIN: ServiceListDelegate::ServiceListDelegate(QTreeView*) amarok: END__: ServiceListDelegate::ServiceListDelegate(QTreeView*) - Took 9.6e-05s amarok: BEGIN: void ServicePluginManager::collect() amarok: [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: "[X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version] == 41 and [X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype] == 'service' and [X-KDE-Amarok-rank] > 0" amarok: Received [ "7" ] collection plugin offers amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "amarok_service_ampache" amarok: BEGIN: void CollectionManager::init() amarok: [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: "[X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version] == 41 and [X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype] == 'collection' and [X-KDE-Amarok-rank] > 0" amarok: [CollectionManager] Received [ "4" ] collection plugin offers amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "libamarok_collection-mtpcollection" amarok: [PluginManager] " " PluginManager Service Info: " " --------------------------- " " name : "MTP Collection" " " library : "libamarok_collection-mtpcollection" " " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_collection-mtpcollection.desktop" " " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "collection" " " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "mtp-collection" " " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Alejandro Wainzinger") " " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100" " " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1" " " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "41" amarok: BEGIN: virtual void MtpCollectionFactory::init() amarok: BEGIN: MediaDeviceMonitor::MediaDeviceMonitor() amarok: BEGIN: void MediaDeviceMonitor::init() amarok: BEGIN: MediaDeviceCache::MediaDeviceCache() amarok: END__: MediaDeviceCache::MediaDeviceCache() - Took 0.0059s amarok: END__: void MediaDeviceMonitor::init() - Took 0.0062s amarok: END__: MediaDeviceMonitor::MediaDeviceMonitor() - Took 0.0063s amarok: BEGIN: QStringList MediaDeviceMonitor::getDevices() amarok: BEGIN: void MediaDeviceCache::refreshCache() amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_d97fb0a0_f6e9_4825_94bd_06d2057b8491" amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Volume (swap)" and was made by "" amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_e6eb47ad_7c61_42d3_830f_928a7c1b3bc0" amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Volume (ext4)" and was made by "" amarok: END__: void MediaDeviceCache::refreshCache() - Took 0.012s amarok: END__: QStringList MediaDeviceMonitor::getDevices() - Took 0.012s amarok: BEGIN: bool MediaDeviceMonitor::isMtp(const QString&) amarok: [MediaDeviceMonitor] Not a PMP amarok: END__: bool MediaDeviceMonitor::isMtp(const QString&) - Took 0.00043s amarok: END__: virtual void MtpCollectionFactory::init() - Took 0.019s amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "libamarok_collection-sqlcollection" amarok: [PluginManager] " " PluginManager Service Info: " " --------------------------- " " name : "SQL Collection" " " library : "libamarok_collection-sqlcollection" " " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_collection-sqlcollection.desktop" " " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "collection" " " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "sql-collection" " " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Maximilian Kossick") " " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100" " " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1" " " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "41" amarok: BEGIN: ScanManager::ScanManager(SqlCollection*) amarok: END__: ScanManager::ScanManager(SqlCollection*) - Took 0.00011s amarok: Connected to MySQL server 5.1.30-0ubuntu1-embedded amarok: Initialized thread, count== 1 amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "libamarok_collection-daapcollection" amarok: [PluginManager] " " PluginManager Service Info: " " --------------------------- " " name : "DAAP Collection" " " library : "libamarok_collection-daapcollection" " " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_collection-daapcollection.desktop" " " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "collection" " " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "daap-collection" " " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Maximilian Kossick") " " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100" " " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1" " " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "41" amarok: BEGIN: virtual void DaapCollectionFactory::init() amarok: END__: virtual void DaapCollectionFactory::init() - Took 0.0063s amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "libamarok_collection-ipodcollection" amarok: [PluginManager] " " PluginManager Service Info: " " --------------------------- " " name : "Ipod Collection" " " library : "libamarok_collection-ipodcollection" " " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_collection-ipodcollection.desktop" " " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "collection" " " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "ipod-collection" " " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Alejandro Wainzinger") " " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100" " " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1" " " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "41" amarok: BEGIN: virtual void IpodCollectionFactory::init() amarok: BEGIN: QStringList MediaDeviceMonitor::getDevices() amarok: BEGIN: void MediaDeviceCache::refreshCache() amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_d97fb0a0_f6e9_4825_94bd_06d2057b8491" amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Volume (swap)" and was made by "" amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_e6eb47ad_7c61_42d3_830f_928a7c1b3bc0" amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Volume (ext4)" and was made by "" amarok: END__: void MediaDeviceCache::refreshCache() - Took 0.0031s amarok: END__: QStringList MediaDeviceMonitor::getDevices() - Took 0.0032s amarok: BEGIN: bool IpodCollectionFactory::isIpod(const QString&) const amarok: [IpodCollection] Device udi: "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_e6eb47ad_7c61_42d3_830f_928a7c1b3bc0" amarok: [IpodCollection] Device name: "/" amarok: [IpodCollection] Mount point: "/" amarok: [IpodCollection] vendor: "ATA" , product: "Hitachi HTS72323" amarok: END__: bool IpodCollectionFactory::isIpod(const QString&) const - Took 0.0024s amarok: END__: virtual void IpodCollectionFactory::init() - Took 0.0057s amarok: END__: void CollectionManager::init() - Took 0.048s amarok: [PluginManager] " " PluginManager Service Info: " " --------------------------- " " name : "Ampache" " " library : "amarok_service_ampache" " " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_service_ampache.desktop" " " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "service" " " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "AmpacheService" " " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Nikolaj Hald Nielsen") " " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100" " " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1" " " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "41" amarok: Got hold of a valid plugin amarok: Got hold of a valid factory amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "amarok_service_shoutcast" amarok: [PluginManager] " " PluginManager Service Info: " " --------------------------- " " name : "Shoutcast Directory" " " library : "amarok_service_shoutcast" " " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_service_shoutcast.desktop" " " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "service" " " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "ShoutcastService" " " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Nikolaj Hald Nielsen") " " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100" " " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1" " " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "41" amarok: Got hold of a valid plugin amarok: Got hold of a valid factory amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "amarok_service_jamendo" amarok: [PluginManager] " " PluginManager Service Info: " " --------------------------- " " name : "Jamendo" " " library : "amarok_service_jamendo" " " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_service_jamendo.desktop" " " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "service" " " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "JamendoService" " " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Nikolaj Hald Nielsen") " " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100" " " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1" " " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "41" amarok: Got hold of a valid plugin amarok: Got hold of a valid factory amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "amarok_service_mp3tunes" amarok: [PluginManager] " " PluginManager Service Info: " " --------------------------- " " name : "Mp3tunes" " " library : "amarok_service_mp3tunes" " " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_service_mp3tunes.desktop" " " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "service" " " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "Mp3tunesService" " " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Nikolaj Hald Nielsen") " " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100" " " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1" " " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "41" amarok: Got hold of a valid plugin amarok: Got hold of a valid factory amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "amarok_service_lastfm" amarok: [PluginManager] " " PluginManager Service Info: " " --------------------------- " " name : "Last.fm" " " library : "amarok_service_lastfm" " " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_service_lastfm.desktop" " " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "service" " " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "LastFmService" " " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Shane King") " " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100" " " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1" " " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "41" amarok: Got hold of a valid plugin amarok: Got hold of a valid factory amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "amarok_service_opmldirectory" amarok: [PluginManager] " " PluginManager Service Info: " " --------------------------- " " name : "Podcast Directory" " " library : "amarok_service_opmldirectory" " " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_service_opmldirectory.desktop" " " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "service" " " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "JamendoService" " " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Nikolaj Hald Nielsen") " " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100" " " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1" " " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "41" amarok: Got hold of a valid plugin amarok: Got hold of a valid factory amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "amarok_service_magnatunestore" amarok: [PluginManager] " " PluginManager Service Info: " " --------------------------- " " name : "Magnatune Store" " " library : "amarok_service_magnatunestore" " " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_service_magnatunestore.desktop" " " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "service" " " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "MagnatuneStore" " " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Nikolaj Hald Nielsen") " " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100" " " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1" " " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "41" amarok: Got hold of a valid plugin amarok: Got hold of a valid factory amarok: END__: void ServicePluginManager::collect() - Took 0.063s amarok: BEGIN: void PlaylistManager::addProvider(PlaylistProvider*, int) amarok: END__: void PlaylistManager::addProvider(PlaylistProvider*, int) - Took 7.6e-05s amarok: BEGIN: void SqlUserPlaylistProvider::checkTables() amarok: END__: void SqlUserPlaylistProvider::checkTables() - Took 0.00014s amarok: BEGIN: void PlaylistManager::addProvider(PlaylistProvider*, int) amarok: END__: void PlaylistManager::addProvider(PlaylistProvider*, int) - Took 5e-05s amarok: BEGIN: Meta::PlaylistPtr Meta::loadPlaylist(const KUrl&) amarok: local file amarok: BEGIN: Meta::XSPFPlaylist::XSPFPlaylist(const KUrl&) amarok: url: KUrl("file:///home/michael/.kde/share/apps/amarok/current.xspf") amarok: END__: Meta::XSPFPlaylist::XSPFPlaylist(const KUrl&) - Took 0.00075s amarok: END__: Meta::PlaylistPtr Meta::loadPlaylist(const KUrl&) - Took 0.00099s amarok: BEGIN: virtual Meta::TrackList Meta::XSPFPlaylist::tracks() amarok: BEGIN: Meta::XSPFTrackList Meta::XSPFPlaylist::trackList() amarok: END__: Meta::XSPFTrackList Meta::XSPFPlaylist::trackList() - Took 0.00025s amarok: BEGIN: void MountPointManager::init() amarok: [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: "[X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version] == 41 and [X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype] == 'device' and [X-KDE-Amarok-rank] > 0" amarok: [MountPointManager] Received [ "1" ] device plugin offers amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "libamarok_massstorage-device" amarok: [PluginManager] " " PluginManager Service Info: " " --------------------------- " " name : "Mass Storage Device" " " library : "libamarok_massstorage-device" " " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_massstorage-device.desktop" " " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "device" " " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "massstorage-device" " " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Maximilian Kossick") " " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100" " " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1" " " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "41" amarok: [MountPointManager] Device added and mounted, checking handlers amarok: [MountPointManager] found handler for "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_d97fb0a0_f6e9_4825_94bd_06d2057b8491" amarok: BEGIN: virtual DeviceHandler* MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const QString&) const amarok: [MassStorageDeviceHandler] Volume isn't valid, can't create a handler amarok: END__: virtual DeviceHandler* MassStorageDeviceHandlerFactory::createHandler(const Solid::Device&, const QString&) const - Took 0.00077s amarok: [MountPointManager] Factory "uuid" could not create device handler amarok: [MountPointManager] Device added and mounted, checking handlers amarok: END__: void MountPointManager::init() - Took 0.011s Object::connect: No such signal MountPointManager::mediumConnected( int ) Object::connect: (sender name: 'MountPointManager') Object::connect: (receiver name: 'MountPointManager') amarok: END__: virtual Meta::TrackList Meta::XSPFPlaylist::tracks() - Took 0.015s amarok: BEGIN: Playlist::Actions::Actions() amarok: [Playlist::Actions] Dynamic mode: false amarok: [Playlist::Actions] Repeat enabled: true amarok: [Playlist::Actions] Random enabled: true amarok: [Playlist::Actions] Track mode: true amarok: [Playlist::Actions] Album mode: false amarok: BEGIN: void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() amarok: END__: void Playlist::RandomTrackNavigator::reset() - Took 7.3e-05s amarok: END__: Playlist::Actions::Actions() - Took 0.00048s amarok: END__: Playlist::Model::Model() - Took 0.083s amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Amarok::PlayPauseAction::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) amarok: NEWSTATE: 0 OLDSTATE: 1 amarok: END__: virtual void Amarok::PlayPauseAction::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) - Took 0.00044s amarok: setCurrentItem: 3 amarok: setCurrentItem: 1 amarok: setCurrentItem: 0 amarok: setCurrentItem: 1 amarok: BEGIN: void MainWindow::init() QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to MainWindow "MainWindow", which already has a layout Couldn't resolve property: linearGradient5167 link XMLID_7_ hasn't been detected! link XMLID_7_ hasn't been detected! Couldn't resolve property: radialGradient3986 link XMLID_7_ hasn't been detected! link XMLID_7_ hasn't been detected! Couldn't resolve property: radialGradient3986 amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) amarok: END__: virtual void ProgressWidget::engineStateChanged(Phonon::State, Phonon::State) - Took 0.00026s amarok: BEGIN: ProgressiveSearchWidget::ProgressiveSearchWidget(QWidget*) amarok: END__: ProgressiveSearchWidget::ProgressiveSearchWidget(QWidget*) - Took 0.0014s amarok: BEGIN: Playlist::PrettyItemDelegate::PrettyItemDelegate(QObject*) amarok: BEGIN: Playlist::LayoutManager::LayoutManager() amarok: END__: Playlist::LayoutManager::LayoutManager() - Took 0.002s amarok: END__: Playlist::PrettyItemDelegate::PrettyItemDelegate(QObject*) - Took 0.0023s amarok: About to check layout at index 0 QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action amarok: BEGIN: Context::VerticalToolbarContainment::VerticalToolbarContainment(QObject*, const QVariantList&) amarok: applet containment has corona: QObject(0x0) amarok: END__: Context::VerticalToolbarContainment::VerticalToolbarContainment(QObject*, const QVariantList&) - Took 0.00057s amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Context::VerticalToolbarContainment::constraintsEvent(Plasma::Constraints) amarok: setting applets geom to QRectF(0,0 22x23) amarok: BEGIN: void Context::VerticalAppletLayout::showAtIndex(int) amarok: END__: void Context::VerticalAppletLayout::showAtIndex(int) - Took 0.00013s amarok: END__: virtual void Context::VerticalToolbarContainment::constraintsEvent(Plasma::Constraints) - Took 0.0007s amarok: BEGIN: void MainWindow::createContextView(Plasma::Containment*) amarok: BEGIN: ContextSubject::ContextSubject() amarok: END__: ContextSubject::ContextSubject() - Took 0.00016s amarok: BEGIN: Context::ContextView::ContextView(Plasma::Containment*, Plasma::Corona*, QWidget*) amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Context::VerticalToolbarContainment::setView(Context::ContextView*) amarok: END__: virtual void Context::VerticalToolbarContainment::setView(Context::ContextView*) - Took 0.00023s amarok: END__: Context::ContextView::ContextView(Plasma::Containment*, Plasma::Corona*, QWidget*) - Took 0.0059s amarok: applettoolbar created with a real containment amarok: BEGIN: void Context::ContextView::showHome() amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Context::VerticalToolbarContainment::loadConfig(const KConfigGroup&) amarok: plugins.size(): 0 amarok: BEGIN: void Context::VerticalAppletLayout::showAtIndex(int) amarok: END__: void Context::VerticalAppletLayout::showAtIndex(int) - Took 0.00014s amarok: END__: virtual void Context::VerticalToolbarContainment::loadConfig(const KConfigGroup&) - Took 0.00056s amarok: END__: void Context::ContextView::showHome() - Took 0.0021s amarok: BEGIN: void MainWindow::showContextView(bool) amarok: END__: void MainWindow::showContextView(bool) - Took 0.0003s amarok: END__: void MainWindow::createContextView(Plasma::Containment*) - Took 0.066s QGraphicsScene::addItem: item has already been added to this scene amarok: BEGIN: Creating browsers. Please report long start times! amarok: BEGIN: CollectionBrowser amarok: BEGIN: CollectionTreeItemDelegate::CollectionTreeItemDelegate(QTreeView*) amarok: END__: CollectionTreeItemDelegate::CollectionTreeItemDelegate(QTreeView*) - Took 0.00023s amarok: [CollectionTreeItemModel] Collection root has 1 children amarok: BEGIN: void MainWindow::slotShrinkBrowsers(int) amarok: END__: void MainWindow::slotShrinkBrowsers(int) - Took 0.00025s amarok: END__: CollectionBrowser - Took 0.0057s amarok: keys () amarok: BEGIN: void PlaylistManager::addProvider(PlaylistProvider*, int) amarok: END__: void PlaylistManager::addProvider(PlaylistProvider*, int) - Took 0.00015s amarok: BEGIN: PlaylistBrowser amarok: BEGIN: PlaylistBrowserNS::PlaylistBrowser::PlaylistBrowser(const char*, QWidget*) amarok: BEGIN: void PlaylistBrowserNS::PlaylistBrowser::addCategory(int) amarok: BEGIN: void PlaylistBrowserNS::DynamicModel::loadPlaylists() amarok: [ERROR!] Can not parse dynamic.xml amarok: [ERROR!] "unexpected end of file" amarok: [ERROR!] "Line: 1, Column 1" amarok: END__: void PlaylistBrowserNS::DynamicModel::loadPlaylists() - Took 0.00069s amarok: Setting index: 0 amarok: BEGIN: void PlaylistBrowserNS::DynamicBiasModel::setPlaylist(Dynamic::DynamicPlaylistPtr) amarok: BEGIN: PlaylistBrowserNS::BiasAddWidget::BiasAddWidget(const QString&, const QString&, QWidget*) amarok: END__: PlaylistBrowserNS::BiasAddWidget::BiasAddWidget(const QString&, const QString&, QWidget*) - Took 0.00049s amarok: BEGIN: PlaylistBrowserNS::BiasAddWidget::BiasAddWidget(const QString&, const QString&, QWidget*) amarok: END__: PlaylistBrowserNS::BiasAddWidget::BiasAddWidget(const QString&, const QString&, QWidget*) - Took 0.00036s amarok: END__: void PlaylistBrowserNS::DynamicBiasModel::setPlaylist(Dynamic::DynamicPlaylistPtr) - Took 0.0015s amarok: Changing biased playlist to: "Random" amarok: END__: void PlaylistBrowserNS::PlaylistBrowser::addCategory(int) - Took 0.013s amarok: 2 categories available amarok: adding category nr. 2 amarok: BEGIN: void PlaylistBrowserNS::PlaylistBrowser::addCategory(int) amarok: BEGIN: Meta::SqlPlaylistList Meta::SqlPlaylistGroup::childSqlPlaylists() const amarok: END__: Meta::SqlPlaylistList Meta::SqlPlaylistGroup::childSqlPlaylists() const - Took 0.00046s amarok: BEGIN: Meta::SqlPlaylistGroupList Meta::SqlPlaylistGroup::childSqlGroups() const amarok: END__: Meta::SqlPlaylistGroupList Meta::SqlPlaylistGroup::childSqlGroups() const - Took 0.00029s amarok: BEGIN: void PlaylistsInGroupsProxy::buildTree() amarok: "building tree with 0 leafs." amarok: m_groupHash: amarok: () amarok: END__: void PlaylistsInGroupsProxy::buildTree() - Took 0.00049s amarok: END__: void PlaylistBrowserNS::PlaylistBrowser::addCategory(int) - Took 0.03s amarok: adding category nr. 3 amarok: BEGIN: void PlaylistBrowserNS::PlaylistBrowser::addCategory(int) amarok: BEGIN: PlaylistBrowserNS::ViewKicker::ViewKicker(QTreeView*) amarok: END__: PlaylistBrowserNS::ViewKicker::ViewKicker(QTreeView*) - Took 0.00018s amarok: END__: void PlaylistBrowserNS::PlaylistBrowser::addCategory(int) - Took 0.002s amarok: BEGIN: void PlaylistBrowserNS::PlaylistBrowser::showCategory(int) amarok: END__: void PlaylistBrowserNS::PlaylistBrowser::showCategory(int) - Took 0.00014s amarok: END__: PlaylistBrowserNS::PlaylistBrowser::PlaylistBrowser(const char*, QWidget*) - Took 0.047s amarok: END__: PlaylistBrowser - Took 0.048s amarok: BEGIN: void PlaylistBrowserNS::PlaylistBrowser::showCategory(int) amarok: END__: void PlaylistBrowserNS::PlaylistBrowser::showCategory(int) - Took 0.00013s amarok: BEGIN: FileBrowser::Widget amarok: BEGIN: FileBrowser::Widget::Widget(const char*, QWidget*) amarok: BEGIN: MyDirOperator::MyDirOperator(const KUrl&, QWidget*) amarok: END__: MyDirOperator::MyDirOperator(const KUrl&, QWidget*) - Took 0.00027s amarok: BEGIN: void FileBrowser::Widget::readConfig() amarok: BEGIN: void FileBrowser::Widget::setDir(const KUrl&) amarok: END__: void FileBrowser::Widget::setDir(const KUrl&) - Took 0.00019s amarok: END__: void FileBrowser::Widget::readConfig() - Took 0.06s amarok: END__: FileBrowser::Widget::Widget(const char*, QWidget*) - Took 0.082s amarok: END__: FileBrowser::Widget - Took 0.083s amarok: BEGIN: void SideBarWidget::restoreSession() amarok: END__: void SideBarWidget::restoreSession() - Took 0.0002s amarok: PLUGIN CHECK: "amarok_service_ampache" amarok: PLUGIN CHECK: "amarok_service_jamendo" amarok: BEGIN: ServiceBase::ServiceBase(const QString&, ServiceFactory*, bool, const QString&) amarok: END__: ServiceBase::ServiceBase(const QString&, ServiceFactory*, bool, const QString&) - Took 0.0028s amarok: BEGIN: void ServiceBase::setIcon(const QIcon&) amarok: END__: void ServiceBase::setIcon(const QIcon&) - Took 0.00019s amarok: BEGIN: void ServicePluginManager::slotNewService(ServiceBase*) amarok: END__: void ServicePluginManager::slotNewService(ServiceBase*) - Took 0.00023s amarok: PLUGIN CHECK: "amarok_service_lastfm" amarok: [lastfm] load config amarok: BEGIN: ServiceBase::ServiceBase(const QString&, ServiceFactory*, bool, const QString&) amarok: END__: ServiceBase::ServiceBase(const QString&, ServiceFactory*, bool, const QString&) - Took 0.0014s amarok: BEGIN: LastFmService::LastFmService(LastFmServiceFactory*, const QString&, const QString&, QString, const QString&, bool, bool) amarok: BEGIN: void ServiceBase::setIcon(const QIcon&) amarok: END__: void ServiceBase::setIcon(const QIcon&) - Took 0.00017s amarok: END__: LastFmService::LastFmService(LastFmServiceFactory*, const QString&, const QString&, QString, const QString&, bool, bool) - Took 0.00058s amarok: BEGIN: void ServicePluginManager::slotNewService(ServiceBase*) amarok: END__: void ServicePluginManager::slotNewService(ServiceBase*) - Took 0.00022s amarok: PLUGIN CHECK: "amarok_service_mp3tunes" amarok: PLUGIN CHECK: "amarok_service_magnatunestore" amarok: BEGIN: virtual void MagnatuneServiceFactory::init() amarok: BEGIN: ServiceBase::ServiceBase(const QString&, ServiceFactory*, bool, const QString&) amarok: END__: ServiceBase::ServiceBase(const QString&, ServiceFactory*, bool, const QString&) - Took 0.0034s amarok: BEGIN: MagnatuneStore::MagnatuneStore(MagnatuneServiceFactory*, const char*) amarok: BEGIN: void ServiceBase::setIcon(const QIcon&) amarok: END__: void ServiceBase::setIcon(const QIcon&) - Took 0.0002s amarok: Magnatune browser starting... amarok(31878) MagnatuneConfig::load: load amarok: END__: MagnatuneStore::MagnatuneStore(MagnatuneServiceFactory*, const char*) - Took 0.0017s amarok: BEGIN: void ServicePluginManager::slotNewService(ServiceBase*) amarok: END__: void ServicePluginManager::slotNewService(ServiceBase*) - Took 0.00022s amarok: END__: virtual void MagnatuneServiceFactory::init() - Took 0.0062s amarok: PLUGIN CHECK: "amarok_service_opmldirectory" amarok: BEGIN: ServiceBase::ServiceBase(const QString&, ServiceFactory*, bool, const QString&) amarok: END__: ServiceBase::ServiceBase(const QString&, ServiceFactory*, bool, const QString&) - Took 0.0034s amarok: BEGIN: void ServiceBase::setIcon(const QIcon&) amarok: END__: void ServiceBase::setIcon(const QIcon&) - Took 0.0002s amarok: BEGIN: void ServicePluginManager::slotNewService(ServiceBase*) amarok: END__: void ServicePluginManager::slotNewService(ServiceBase*) - Took 0.00025s amarok: PLUGIN CHECK: "amarok_service_shoutcast" amarok: BEGIN: ServiceBase::ServiceBase(const QString&, ServiceFactory*, bool, const QString&) amarok: END__: ServiceBase::ServiceBase(const QString&, ServiceFactory*, bool, const QString&) - Took 0.0029s amarok: BEGIN: void ServiceBase::setIcon(const QIcon&) amarok: END__: void ServiceBase::setIcon(const QIcon&) - Took 0.00018s amarok: BEGIN: void ServicePluginManager::slotNewService(ServiceBase*) amarok: END__: void ServicePluginManager::slotNewService(ServiceBase*) - Took 0.00022s amarok: END__: Creating browsers. Please report long start times! - Took 0.17s amarok: END__: void MainWindow::init() - Took 0.41s amarok: END__: MainWindow::MainWindow() - Took 0.66s amarok: BEGIN: Amarok::TrayIcon::TrayIcon(QWidget*) amarok: END__: Amarok::TrayIcon::TrayIcon(QWidget*) - Took 0.0017s amarok: BEGIN: void App::applySettings(bool) amarok: END__: void App::applySettings(bool) - Took 0.015s amarok: BEGIN: ScriptManager::ScriptManager(QWidget*) amarok: END__: ScriptManager::ScriptManager(QWidget*) - Took 0.0078s amarok: BEGIN: void CollectionManager::checkCollectionChanges() amarok: BEGIN: void ScanManager::startIncrementalScan() amarok: BEGIN: QStringList ScanManager::getDirsToScan() amarok: END__: QStringList ScanManager::getDirsToScan() - Took 0.00077s amarok: GOING TO SCAN: amarok: Scanning nothing, return. amarok: BEGIN: void ScanManager::writeBatchIncrementalInfoFile() amarok: END__: void ScanManager::writeBatchIncrementalInfoFile() - Took 0.00048s amarok: END__: void ScanManager::startIncrementalScan() - Took 0.0022s amarok: END__: void CollectionManager::checkCollectionChanges() - Took 0.0026s amarok: END__: void App::continueInit() - Took 1.2s amarok: END__: App::App() - Took 1.2s amarok: setting layout to QRectF(0,0 0x30) amarok: BEGIN: XesamCollectionBuilder::XesamCollectionBuilder(SqlCollection*) amarok: END__: XesamCollectionBuilder::XesamCollectionBuilder(SqlCollection*) - Took 0.00088s amarok: [MountPointManager] [WARNING!] NOT-IMPLEMENTED: void MountPointManager::startStatisticsUpdateJob() amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Context::VerticalToolbarContainment::constraintsEvent(Plasma::Constraints) amarok: setting applets geom to QRectF(0,0 50x50) amarok: BEGIN: void Context::VerticalAppletLayout::showAtIndex(int) amarok: END__: void Context::VerticalAppletLayout::showAtIndex(int) - Took 0.00014s amarok: END__: virtual void Context::VerticalToolbarContainment::constraintsEvent(Plasma::Constraints) - Took 0.00068s amarok: BEGIN: virtual void CollectionTreeItemModel::requestCollectionsExpansion() amarok: BEGIN: void CollectionTreeView::slotExpand(const QModelIndex&) amarok: modelindex = QModelIndex(0,0,0x350b360,CollectionTreeItemModel(0x350b450) ) amarok: m_filterModel ? true amarok: END__: void CollectionTreeView::slotExpand(const QModelIndex&) - Took 0.00039s amarok: END__: virtual void CollectionTreeItemModel::requestCollectionsExpansion() - Took 0.00067s amarok: BEGIN: void ScriptManager::findScripts() amarok: BEGIN: bool ScriptManager::loadScript(const QString&) amarok: [ScriptManager] script info: "Lyricwiki" ".2" "Lyrics" amarok: END__: bool ScriptManager::loadScript(const QString&) - Took 0.00068s amarok: BEGIN: bool ScriptManager::loadScript(const QString&) amarok: [ScriptManager] script info: "Librivox.org" "1.0" "Scriptable Service" amarok: END__: bool ScriptManager::loadScript(const QString&) - Took 0.0006s amarok: BEGIN: bool ScriptManager::loadScript(const QString&) amarok: [ScriptManager] script info: "Cool Streams" "1.0" "Scriptable Service" amarok: END__: bool ScriptManager::loadScript(const QString&) - Took 0.00064s amarok: BEGIN: bool ScriptManager::loadScript(const QString&) amarok: [ScriptManager] script info: "Amarok Script Console" "1.0" "Generic" amarok: END__: bool ScriptManager::loadScript(const QString&) - Took 0.00063s amarok: BEGIN: void ScriptSelector::addScripts(const QList&, KPluginSelector::PluginLoadMethod, const QString&, const QString&, const KSharedPtr&) amarok: END__: void ScriptSelector::addScripts(const QList&, KPluginSelector::PluginLoadMethod, const QString&, const QString&, const KSharedPtr&) - Took 0.009s amarok: BEGIN: void ScriptSelector::addScripts(const QList&, KPluginSelector::PluginLoadMethod, const QString&, const QString&, const KSharedPtr&) amarok: END__: void ScriptSelector::addScripts(const QList&, KPluginSelector::PluginLoadMethod, const QString&, const QString&, const KSharedPtr&) - Took 0.0084s amarok: BEGIN: void ScriptSelector::addScripts(const QList&, KPluginSelector::PluginLoadMethod, const QString&, const QString&, const KSharedPtr&) amarok: END__: void ScriptSelector::addScripts(const QList&, KPluginSelector::PluginLoadMethod, const QString&, const QString&, const KSharedPtr&) - Took 0.027s amarok: BEGIN: void ScriptManager::slotConfigChanged(bool) amarok: BEGIN: void ScriptManager::slotConfigChanged(bool) amarok: END__: void ScriptManager::slotConfigChanged(bool) - Took 0.00014s amarok: BEGIN: bool ScriptManager::slotRunScript(QString, bool) amarok: BEGIN: void ScriptManager::startScriptEngine(QString) amarok: BEGIN: ScriptableServiceScript::ScriptableServiceScript(QScriptEngine*) amarok: END__: ScriptableServiceScript::ScriptableServiceScript(QScriptEngine*) - Took 0.00016s amarok: BEGIN: Downloader::Downloader(QScriptEngine*) amarok: END__: Downloader::Downloader(QScriptEngine*) - Took 0.00015s amarok: END__: void ScriptManager::startScriptEngine(QString) - Took 0.0014s amarok: BEGIN: static QScriptValue ScriptableServiceScript::ScriptableServiceScript_prototype_ctor(QScriptContext*, QScriptEngine*) amarok: BEGIN: bool ScriptableServiceManager::initService(const QString&, int, const QString&, const QString&, bool) amarok: initializing scripted service: "Cool Streams" amarok: BEGIN: ServiceBase::ServiceBase(const QString&, ServiceFactory*, bool, const QString&) amarok: END__: ServiceBase::ServiceBase(const QString&, ServiceFactory*, bool, const QString&) - Took 0.0031s amarok: BEGIN: void ServiceBase::setIcon(const QIcon&) amarok: END__: void ServiceBase::setIcon(const QIcon&) - Took 0.00015s amarok: BEGIN: void ScriptableService::init(int, const QString&, bool) amarok: BEGIN: ScriptableServiceCollection::ScriptableServiceCollection(const QString&) amarok: END__: ScriptableServiceCollection::ScriptableServiceCollection(const QString&) - Took 0.00014s amarok: END__: void ScriptableService::init(int, const QString&, bool) - Took 0.00046s amarok: END__: bool ScriptableServiceManager::initService(const QString&, int, const QString&, const QString&, bool) - Took 0.0045s amarok: END__: static QScriptValue ScriptableServiceScript::ScriptableServiceScript_prototype_ctor(QScriptContext*, QScriptEngine*) - Took 0.0049s amarok: BEGIN: void ScriptableServiceScript::slotCustomize(const QString&) amarok: END__: void ScriptableServiceScript::slotCustomize(const QString&) - Took 0.00015s amarok: END__: bool ScriptManager::slotRunScript(QString, bool) - Took 0.0088s amarok: BEGIN: bool ScriptManager::slotRunScript(QString, bool) amarok: BEGIN: void ScriptManager::startScriptEngine(QString) amarok: BEGIN: ScriptableServiceScript::ScriptableServiceScript(QScriptEngine*) amarok: END__: ScriptableServiceScript::ScriptableServiceScript(QScriptEngine*) - Took 0.00015s amarok: BEGIN: Downloader::Downloader(QScriptEngine*) amarok: END__: Downloader::Downloader(QScriptEngine*) - Took 0.00015s amarok: END__: void ScriptManager::startScriptEngine(QString) - Took 0.0011s amarok: BEGIN: bool AmarokScript::ScriptImporter::loadQtBinding(const QString&) amarok: importing qt bindings "qt.core" amarok: END__: bool AmarokScript::ScriptImporter::loadQtBinding(const QString&) - Took 0.0052s amarok: [ScriptManager] [ERROR!] Script Error: "05:39:31 Error: Unable to import qt.core: no such extension on Line: 24" amarok: BEGIN: void ScriptManager::slotStopScript(QString) amarok: no such service to remove amarok: BEGIN: void ScriptManager::scriptFinished(QString) amarok: BEGIN: virtual ScriptableServiceScript::~ScriptableServiceScript() amarok: END__: virtual ScriptableServiceScript::~ScriptableServiceScript() - Took 0.00013s amarok: END__: void ScriptManager::scriptFinished(QString) - Took 0.00069s amarok: END__: void ScriptManager::slotStopScript(QString) - Took 0.0011s amarok: BEGIN: virtual int App::newInstance() amarok: BEGIN: static void App::handleCliArgs() amarok: END__: static void App::handleCliArgs() - Took 0.00021s amarok: END__: virtual int App::newInstance() - Took 0.0006s michael@michaelspc:~$ amarok: BEGIN: void DaapCollectionFactory::connectToManualServers() amarok: END__: void DaapCollectionFactory::connectToManualServers() - Took 0.00028s amarok: END__: bool ScriptManager::slotRunScript(QString, bool) - Took 1s amarok: BEGIN: bool ScriptManager::slotRunScript(QString, bool) amarok: BEGIN: void ScriptManager::startScriptEngine(QString) amarok: BEGIN: ScriptableServiceScript::ScriptableServiceScript(QScriptEngine*) amarok: END__: ScriptableServiceScript::ScriptableServiceScript(QScriptEngine*) - Took 0.00016s amarok: BEGIN: Downloader::Downloader(QScriptEngine*) amarok: END__: Downloader::Downloader(QScriptEngine*) - Took 0.00013s amarok: END__: void ScriptManager::startScriptEngine(QString) - Took 0.0016s amarok: BEGIN: bool AmarokScript::ScriptImporter::loadQtBinding(const QString&) amarok: importing qt bindings "qt.core" amarok: END__: bool AmarokScript::ScriptImporter::loadQtBinding(const QString&) - Took 0.0034s amarok: [ScriptManager] [ERROR!] Script Error: "05:39:32 Error: Unable to import qt.core: no such extension on Line: 26" amarok: BEGIN: void ScriptManager::slotStopScript(QString) amarok: BEGIN: void ScriptManager::scriptFinished(QString) amarok: BEGIN: virtual ScriptableServiceScript::~ScriptableServiceScript() amarok: END__: virtual ScriptableServiceScript::~ScriptableServiceScript() - Took 9.1e-05s amarok: END__: void ScriptManager::scriptFinished(QString) - Took 0.00085s amarok: END__: void ScriptManager::slotStopScript(QString) - Took 0.0011s amarok: END__: bool ScriptManager::slotRunScript(QString, bool) - Took 0.46s amarok: END__: void ScriptManager::slotConfigChanged(bool) - Took 1.5s amarok: END__: void ScriptManager::findScripts() - Took 1.5s amarok: BEGIN: virtual App::~App() amarok: BEGIN: virtual void SqlCollection::stopScan() amarok: BEGIN: virtual ScanManager::~ScanManager() amarok: BEGIN: void ScanManager::stopParser() amarok: END__: void ScanManager::stopParser() - Took 0.00032s amarok: END__: virtual ScanManager::~ScanManager() - Took 0.001s amarok: END__: virtual void SqlCollection::stopScan() - Took 0.0029s amarok: BEGIN: virtual ScriptManager::~ScriptManager() amarok: BEGIN: void ScriptManager::slotStopScript(QString) amarok: BEGIN: void ServiceBrowser::removeService(const QString&) amarok: removing service: "Cool Streams" amarok: BEGIN: virtual CollectionTreeView::~CollectionTreeView() amarok: END__: virtual CollectionTreeView::~CollectionTreeView() - Took 0.00038s amarok: END__: void ServiceBrowser::removeService(const QString&) - Took 0.0025s amarok: BEGIN: void ScriptManager::scriptFinished(QString) amarok: BEGIN: virtual ScriptableServiceScript::~ScriptableServiceScript() amarok: END__: virtual ScriptableServiceScript::~ScriptableServiceScript() - Took 0.00034s amarok: END__: void ScriptManager::scriptFinished(QString) - Took 0.0018s amarok: END__: void ScriptManager::slotStopScript(QString) - Took 0.0054s amarok: END__: virtual ScriptManager::~ScriptManager() - Took 0.0062s amarok: BEGIN: virtual OSDWidget::~OSDWidget() amarok: END__: virtual OSDWidget::~OSDWidget() - Took 0.00028s amarok: BEGIN: void SideBar::deleteBrowsers() amarok: BEGIN: virtual CollectionTreeView::~CollectionTreeView() amarok: BEGIN: virtual CollectionTreeItemModel::~CollectionTreeItemModel() amarok: END__: virtual CollectionTreeItemModel::~CollectionTreeItemModel() - Took 0.00023s amarok: END__: virtual CollectionTreeView::~CollectionTreeView() - Took 0.00068s amarok: BEGIN: virtual ServiceBrowser::~ServiceBrowser() amarok: BEGIN: virtual CollectionTreeView::~CollectionTreeView() amarok: END__: virtual CollectionTreeView::~CollectionTreeView() - Took 0.00015s amarok: BEGIN: virtual LastFmService::~LastFmService() amarok: END__: virtual LastFmService::~LastFmService() - Took 0.00014s amarok: BEGIN: virtual CollectionTreeView::~CollectionTreeView() amarok: END__: virtual CollectionTreeView::~CollectionTreeView() - Took 0.00016s amarok: BEGIN: virtual CollectionTreeView::~CollectionTreeView() amarok: END__: virtual CollectionTreeView::~CollectionTreeView() - Took 0.00016s amarok: BEGIN: virtual CollectionTreeView::~CollectionTreeView() amarok: END__: virtual CollectionTreeView::~CollectionTreeView() - Took 0.00015s amarok: END__: virtual ServiceBrowser::~ServiceBrowser() - Took 0.0033s amarok: BEGIN: virtual ScriptableServiceManager::~ScriptableServiceManager() amarok: END__: virtual ScriptableServiceManager::~ScriptableServiceManager() - Took 0.00015s amarok: BEGIN: virtual FileBrowser::Widget::~Widget() amarok: BEGIN: void FileBrowser::Widget::writeConfig() amarok: END__: void FileBrowser::Widget::writeConfig() - Took 0.00028s amarok: END__: virtual FileBrowser::Widget::~Widget() - Took 0.0008s amarok: END__: void SideBar::deleteBrowsers() - Took 0.015s amarok: BEGIN: virtual MainWindow::~MainWindow() amarok: BEGIN: virtual PlaylistFileProvider::~PlaylistFileProvider() amarok: 0 Playlists loaded amarok: END__: virtual PlaylistFileProvider::~PlaylistFileProvider() - Took 0.0004s amarok: BEGIN: virtual Context::ContextView::~ContextView() amarok: Unloading plasma engine: "amarok-wikipedia" amarok: Unloading plasma engine: "amarok-current" amarok: Unloading plasma engine: "amarok-lyrics" amarok: Unloading plasma engine: "amarok-service" amarok: BEGIN: void Context::ContextView::clear(const Context::ContextState&) amarok(31878) Context::ContextView::clear: " " Line: 129 amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Context::VerticalAppletLayout::saveToConfig(KConfigGroup&) amarok: END__: virtual void Context::VerticalAppletLayout::saveToConfig(KConfigGroup&) - Took 0.00015s amarok: END__: void Context::ContextView::clear(const Context::ContextState&) - Took 0.0027s amarok: END__: virtual Context::ContextView::~ContextView() - Took 0.005s amarok: BEGIN: virtual ContextSubject::~ContextSubject() amarok: END__: virtual ContextSubject::~ContextSubject() - Took 0.00014s amarok: BEGIN: virtual Context::ContextScene::~ContextScene() amarok: END__: virtual Context::ContextScene::~ContextScene() - Took 0.00014s amarok: BEGIN: virtual Context::Containment::~Containment() amarok: END__: virtual Context::Containment::~Containment() - Took 0.00038s amarok: BEGIN: virtual Amarok::Splitter::~Splitter() amarok: END__: virtual Amarok::Splitter::~Splitter() - Took 0.00028s amarok: BEGIN: virtual SideBar::~SideBar() amarok: END__: virtual SideBar::~SideBar() - Took 0.00017s amarok: BEGIN: virtual SideBarWidget::~SideBarWidget() amarok: END__: virtual SideBarWidget::~SideBarWidget() - Took 0.0035s amarok: BEGIN: virtual StatusBar::~StatusBar() amarok: BEGIN: virtual CompoundProgressBar::~CompoundProgressBar() amarok: BEGIN: virtual PopupWidget::~PopupWidget() amarok: END__: virtual PopupWidget::~PopupWidget() - Took 0.00013s amarok: END__: virtual CompoundProgressBar::~CompoundProgressBar() - Took 0.00042s amarok: END__: virtual StatusBar::~StatusBar() - Took 0.00076s amarok: BEGIN: virtual MainToolbar::~MainToolbar() amarok: END__: virtual MainToolbar::~MainToolbar() - Took 0.00014s amarok: BEGIN: SvgHandler::SvgHandler(QObject*) amarok: END__: SvgHandler::SvgHandler(QObject*) - Took 0.00017s amarok: BEGIN: virtual SvgHandler::~SvgHandler() amarok: END__: virtual SvgHandler::~SvgHandler() - Took 0.00014s amarok: BEGIN: virtual PaletteHandler::~PaletteHandler() amarok: END__: virtual PaletteHandler::~PaletteHandler() - Took 0.00019s amarok: END__: virtual MainWindow::~MainWindow() - Took 0.031s amarok: BEGIN: virtual CollectionManager::~CollectionManager() amarok: BEGIN: virtual MySqlEmbeddedCollection::~MySqlEmbeddedCollection() amarok: END__: virtual MySqlEmbeddedCollection::~MySqlEmbeddedCollection() - Took 0.0002s amarok: BEGIN: virtual IpodCollectionFactory::~IpodCollectionFactory() amarok: END__: virtual IpodCollectionFactory::~IpodCollectionFactory() - Took 0.00021s amarok: END__: virtual CollectionManager::~CollectionManager() - Took 0.0015s amarok: BEGIN: virtual MountPointManager::~MountPointManager() amarok: END__: virtual MountPointManager::~MountPointManager() - Took 0.00014s amarok: BEGIN: virtual Playlist::Actions::~Actions() amarok: END__: virtual Playlist::Actions::~Actions() - Took 0.00014s amarok: BEGIN: virtual Playlist::Model::~Model() amarok: BEGIN: bool PlaylistManager::exportPlaylist(Meta::TrackList, const QString&) amarok: BEGIN: Meta::XSPFPlaylist::XSPFPlaylist(Meta::TrackList) amarok: BEGIN: virtual void Meta::XSPFPlaylist::setTrackList(Meta::TrackList, bool) amarok: END__: virtual void Meta::XSPFPlaylist::setTrackList(Meta::TrackList, bool) - Took 0.00032s amarok: END__: Meta::XSPFPlaylist::XSPFPlaylist(Meta::TrackList) - Took 0.00061s amarok: BEGIN: virtual bool Meta::XSPFPlaylist::save(const QString&, bool) amarok: END__: virtual bool Meta::XSPFPlaylist::save(const QString&, bool) - Took 0.0018s amarok: END__: bool PlaylistManager::exportPlaylist(Meta::TrackList, const QString&) - Took 0.0029s amarok: END__: virtual Playlist::Model::~Model() - Took 0.0032s amarok: BEGIN: virtual EngineController::~EngineController() amarok: END__: virtual EngineController::~EngineController() - Took 0.0006s amarok: END__: virtual App::~App() - Took 0.23s amarok: Deinitialized thread, count== 0