Hi Mr. Dave, I'm suffering a lot for a long time because of this problem. I always use skype for communication officially and personally. some time I must need headphone and sometime I must need front speaker for loud voice. For me this is security issue. when I use headphone means, I don't want any other to listen. So this is security issue for me in a sense. Anyways, this is a big problem for me and not only me as I'm facing problem lot of people must facing problem. I would request you help me with some solution. I'm really in problem. I use skype for business purpose. this is hampering my day to day smooth business communication activities. Please help me. Thank You Kazi Shahnoor Ashraf www.kaziweb.com Mobile: +880 173 371 8466 (Bangladesh) Mobile: +974 5563 8032 (Qatar) Skype ID: kaziweb On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 3:29 AM, Dave Lentz