Let's take a step back and look at what we have and what works under which situation. So these are the 2 outputs and 3 mic inputs on the Sony Vaio Z11/Z12/Z13: * Internal speakers (stereo) * Internal microphone (mono) * One combined 5-segment jack for headphones (stereo) and external microphone (mono or stereo?) for the Sony earplugs with built-in microphones on each ear that came with the laptop * One external microphone jack (assuming mono) A. In the default out-of-the-box situation, my internal speakers remain silent. Earplugs do work, but mics in the earplugs do not work. Internal mic does work and when I plug a microphone in the external mic jack, the internal mic is silenced and the external one takes over. B. When I only check the "Override" for 0x15 (headphones), it fixes my internal speakers and sound flows through my earplugs as soon as I plug them in (and internal speakers are silenced). Earplug mics don't work. Internal mic does work and when I plug a microphone in the external mic jack, the internal mic is silenced and the external one takes over. C. When I only disable 0x18 (black mic, right side) by setting "Override" to "Not Connected", it does fix my internal speakers and headphones still work as expected. But now I don't have any internal microphone anymore. However, as soon as I plug in my earplugs with built-in microphones, I do see a microphone input. Tapping left and right earplug confirms that they work. I think the two mics (left ear and right ear) deliver one input stream (mono), as I count 5 segments on the jack plug - 3 for stereo out and 2 for mono in, correct? Or do you think the two mics in the earplugs are stereo? The external mic jack does not work in this situation. D. When I only disable 0x19 (also black mic, right side), my internal speakers and headphones also work as expected. But again, no internal microphone. And the earplug mic also does not work in this situation. Only the external mic jack works. E. With 0x12 disabled I have no working speakers nor internal mic. Earplugs do work, but its mics don't work. External one does. Based on the above findings, I would conclude that: * 0x12 is the internal mic * 0x14 is the internal speakers * 0x15 is headphones output * 0x18 is the external mic jack * 0x19 is headphones mic input Situation B works the best for now, but what we ultimately want (out-of-the-box) is: 1. Without anything plugged in: working internal speakers and internal microphone. 2. With earplugs-with-mics plugged in (0x15 and 0x19): speakers silenced and earplugs take over. Sound options should show 2 mic inputs (internal and external) and user should be allowed to choose one of the two inputs. 3. With external mic plugged in (0x18): internal microphone silenced and external one takes over. This action is more explicit - you intend to use the external microphone. 4. With both earplugs-with-mics and external mic plugged in (0x15, 0x19 and 0x18): speakers and internal mic silenced. Output flows through earplugs. External mic (0x18) is the only input (intentional use of external mic jack). Do you think this is achievable? Any pointers in the right direction? Thanks so much for your time!