I'm not saying what is 0x1a node or 0x1b node or not, i'm only saying that changing this parameters in 0x1a node configuration in HDA_Analyzer made a change in headphones, and doing it in 0x1b do something in speakers, and with hda-jack-sense-test for example, i have always this output: $ sudo hda-jack-sense-test [sudo] password for ******: Pin 0x1b (Green Line Out): present = No Pin 0x1f (Pink Mic): present = Yes (Both are plugged) I copy the text dump in both cases, i don't understand a lot of things here, but i'm giving all the best information to give us light about the problem and for learn something and search what is happening in this case with this hardware. If only i had mixer control of the headphones volume, it would work in a reasonable functionaly, like in the past with AD198x, and the rest would be details. But about your suggest to use hdajackretask, i don't have any "HP" option in any of the options (including the advanced), i only see the "HP" option like i said above in HDA_Analyzer. And 0x1a is not connected but because i haven't that "HP" option i don't know what to do. If you give me a more specific changes to test... In the first try, I mess i little with hdajackretask and the only thing i get is broke the KDE Mixer until i restart the computer, and in the second try, i have always this message "tee: /sys/class/sound/hwC0D0/reconfig: Dispositivo o recurso ocupado" (Busy) and this terminal output: E: [pulseaudio] core-util.c: Home directory not accessible: Permiso denegado E: [pulseaudio] main.c: No se ha podido detener el demonio: Conseguido 0x1a 0x02214110 0x1b 0x82170110 0x1c 0x41013012 0x1d 0x41019011 0x1e 0x511711f0 0x1f 0x02a19020 0x20 0x41813021 0x21 0x5997e1f0 0x22 0x9933112e 0x23 0x59b771f0 0x24 0x91f711f0 0x25 0x0145f1f0 1 (Although, if i close and enter again in the program the options are remembered, i don't know if it means they are saved anyway!) I will upload hdajackretask' screenshot without any change to guide you, maybe it can help. Remembering some testing i do, i put appart the default model option, and i add in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf "options snd-hda-intel model=laptop-eapd". With this model i have, by default, sound through the headphones (with master volume control) and not through the speakers, and also appears Internal Mic along with the jack Mic what is always missing. I will upload alsa-info with laptop-eapd option. The problems in this case, i don't have sound in speakers, but with HDA_Analyzer i can brought back it, in Node 0x1b PIN -> Output Amplifier -> Unmuting and rising volume for both VAL[0] and VAL[1], BUT if it should be with the green jack unplugged and the sound comes through the speakers, but if i plug it comes to headphones (it's normal) but if i unplug it again the sound doesn't come throught speakers again until i click with the mouse in another node in HDA_Analyzer and click again in Node 0x1b (some refreshing?). Another detail is when i do this with the green jack plugged, when i unplug it, the sound comes to the speakers for less than a second until it mutes. It remembered me the hda-jack-sense-test, when it said the Green Line Out is always NO present. Before: Node 0x1b [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400185: Stereo Amp-Out Control: name="Speaker Playback Volume", index=0, device=0 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=1, idx=0, ofs=0 Control: name="Speaker Playback Switch", index=0, device=0 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=1, idx=0, ofs=0 Control: iface="card", name="Speaker Phantom Jack", index=0, device=0 Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x1f, nsteps=0x1f, stepsize=0x05, mute=1 Amp-Out vals: [0x80 0x80] Pincap 0x0001001f: OUT HP EAPD Detect Trigger ImpSense EAPD 0x2: EAPD Pin Default 0x01014010: [Jack] Line Out at Ext Rear Conn = 1/8, Color = Green DefAssociation = 0x1, Sequence = 0x0 Pin-ctls: 0x40: OUT Unsolicited: tag=0x00, enabled=0 Connection: 1 0x0b After: Node 0x1b [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400185: Stereo Amp-Out Control: name="Speaker Playback Volume", index=0, device=0 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=1, idx=0, ofs=0 Control: name="Speaker Playback Switch", index=0, device=0 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=1, idx=0, ofs=0 Control: iface="card", name="Speaker Phantom Jack", index=0, device=0 Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x1f, nsteps=0x1f, stepsize=0x05, mute=1 Amp-Out vals: [0x1f 0x1f] Pincap 0x0001001f: OUT HP EAPD Detect Trigger ImpSense EAPD 0x2: EAPD Pin Default 0x01014010: [Jack] Line Out at Ext Rear Conn = 1/8, Color = Green DefAssociation = 0x1, Sequence = 0x0 Pin-ctls: 0x40: OUT Unsolicited: tag=0x00, enabled=0 Connection: 1 0x0b Another problem with laptop-eapd, it is Internal mic is not directly used when i plug out jack pink, i need to pick in KDE system preferences what microphone use by default (Internal mic or jack mic) and it works in this case. However in Audacity although i pick "Mic" or "Internal Mic", the only what works is the one i selected in system preferences, the other is muted. I'm sorry for that bunch of information... but i want (and i need to) fix it or, at least, find the solution.