adsys 0.14.3~24.04ubuntu0.1 source package in Ubuntu


adsys (0.14.3~24.04ubuntu0.1) noble-security; urgency=medium

  * SECURITY UPDATE: Denial of service in parse function.
    - Use strings.EqualFold instead of direct comparison and
      strings.ToLower in .../html/doctype.go, .../html/foreign.go, and
      .../html/parse.go. Based on
      upstream patch.
    - CVE-2024-45338

 -- Hlib Korzhynskyy <email address hidden>  Tue, 07 Jan 2025 13:50:46 -0330

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Hlib Korzhynskyy
Uploaded to:
Original maintainer:
Ubuntu Developers
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Noble updates main admin
Noble security main admin


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
adsys_0.14.3~24.04ubuntu0.1.tar.xz 6.8 MiB 9f59269b1cdb7af99a3f8f4d82d7ed9cefa80522321af6daa59b409922586536
adsys_0.14.3~24.04ubuntu0.1.dsc 2.2 KiB f84af1dda8a11511857cd33fe249c68d64661876bc5ee31802cf2cfe90400563

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Binary packages built by this source

adsys: AD SYStem integration

 ADSys is an AD SYStem tool to integrate GPOs with a linux system.
 It allows one to handle machine and users GPOs, mapping them to dconf keys,
 apparmor rules, mounts, proxy settings, certificate autoenrollment and running
 scripts at different points in time.

adsys-dbgsym: debug symbols for adsys
adsys-windows: AD SYStem integration

 ADSys is an AD SYStem tool to integrate GPOs with a linux system.
 It allows one to handle machine and users GPOs, mapping them to dconf keys,
 apparmor rules, mounts, proxy settings, certificate autoenrollment and running
 scripts at different points in time.
 This package contains all the assets and binaries to install
 on the Active Directory Windows server.
 The binaries are Windows executables.