* Fix DCONF policy manager removing user DB on empty policy (LP: #2078245)
* Ignore casing in domain/ section of sssd.conf (LP: #2078246)
* Fix parsing of slash usernames (i.e. domain\user) (LP: #2078247)
* Fix errno in get_ticket_path(LP: #2078473)
* Remove XML declaration from glib schemas
* Bump Go version to 1.23
* CI and quality of life changes not impacting package functionality:
- Integrate repo with TiCS quality assessment
- Switch documentation spellchecking to en-GB
- Add text version of certificates tutorial
- Additional code coverage through more testing
- Improvements to the e2e test environment
* Bump dependencies to latest:
- jidicula/clang-format-action
- github.com/charmbracelet/bubbles
- github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea
- github.com/charmbracelet/glamour
- github.com/charmbracelet/lipgloss
- github.com/fatih/color
- github.com/leonelquinteros/gotext
- github.com/spf13/cobra
- github.com/spf13/viper
- golang.org/x/crypto
- golang.org/x/net
- golang.org/x/sync
- golang.org/x/sys
- golang.org/x/text
- google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc
- google.golang.org/grpc
- google.golang.org/protobuf
- github.com/golangci/golangci-lint
This bug was fixed in the package adsys - 0.15.1
adsys (0.15.1) oracular; urgency=medium
* Fix version based tests on released version
adsys (0.15) oracular; urgency=medium
* Fix DCONF policy manager removing user DB on empty policy (LP: #2078245) clang-format- action com/charmbracel et/bubbles com/charmbracel et/bubbletea com/charmbracel et/glamour com/charmbracel et/lipgloss com/fatih/ color com/leonelquint eros/gotext com/spf13/ cobra com/spf13/ viper golang. org/grpc/ cmd/protoc- gen-go- grpc golang. org/grpc golang. org/protobuf com/golangci/ golangci- lint
* Ignore casing in domain/ section of sssd.conf (LP: #2078246)
* Fix parsing of slash usernames (i.e. domain\user) (LP: #2078247)
* Fix errno in get_ticket_path(LP: #2078473)
* Remove XML declaration from glib schemas
* Bump Go version to 1.23
* CI and quality of life changes not impacting package functionality:
- Integrate repo with TiCS quality assessment
- Switch documentation spellchecking to en-GB
- Add text version of certificates tutorial
- Additional code coverage through more testing
- Improvements to the e2e test environment
* Bump dependencies to latest:
- jidicula/
- github.
- github.
- github.
- github.
- github.
- github.
- github.
- github.
- golang.org/x/crypto
- golang.org/x/net
- golang.org/x/sync
- golang.org/x/sys
- golang.org/x/text
- google.
- google.
- google.
- github.
-- Didier Roche-Tolomelli <email address hidden> Mon, 02 Sep 2024 14:05:22 +0200