Comment 38 for bug 636711

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carlos thee G (caryo1991) wrote :

what is a CR? i tried with a cd but it gave me this:

. : [ alias break cd chdir command continue echo eval exec exit export false getopts hash help let local printf pwd read readonly return set shift source test times trap true type ulimit umask unalias unset wait [ [[ ash awk basename cat chmod chroot chvt clear cmp cp cut deallocvt df dnsdomainname du dumpkmap echo egrep env expr false fbset fdflush fgrep find grep gunzip gzip hostname ifconfig ip kill ln loadfont loadkmap ls mkdir mkfifo mknod mkswap mktemp more mount mv openvt pidof printf ps pwd readlink reset rm rmdir sed setkeycodes sh sleep sort stat static-sh stty sync tail tee test touch tr true tty unmount uname unip wc wget yes zcat


what shall I do. i want to install ubuntu no matter what but it gives me this error. Ive also confirmed that I downloaded the cd perfectly....

DOES Any1 knows how to fix this?? help me please!!!!