2006-08-30 12:53:21,690 DEBUG Foreign: automatix 2006-08-30 12:53:21,690 DEBUG Obsolete: mesa-common-dev gaim-data libxss1 libvte-common libglitz1 libfreetype6 xlibs libgl1-mesa-dri rhythmbox-dbg skype libtunepimp2c2a rhythmbox libxfixes-dev libfontconfig1-dev libglitz1-dev libglu1-mesa fontconfig-config libsipphoneapi libgl1-mesa fontconfig libcairo2-dev gnome-terminal-data libcairo2 libfontconfig1 libwnck-common listen gizmo-project libxfixes3 libdvdcss2 gnome-terminal libdrm2 libxcomposite1 beep-media-player-wma jabref libpoppler1 gaim libgl1-mesa-dev libwnck18 libpoppler1-qt xserver-xorg-driver-i810 libfreetype6-dev w32codecs libpoppler1-glib picasa mesa-utils opera x11proto-fixes-dev frostwire python-vte libvte4 bmp-docklet wine 2006-08-30 12:53:21,693 DEBUG updateSourcesList() 2006-08-30 12:53:21,759 DEBUG rewriteSourcesList() 2006-08-30 12:53:22,570 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://www.getautomatix.com/apt dapper main' 2006-08-30 12:53:22,575 DEBUG entry '# deb http://www.getautomatix.com/apt dapper main' was disabled (unknown mirror) 2006-08-30 12:53:22,575 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted universe multiverse' 2006-08-30 12:53:22,576 DEBUG entry 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main restricted universe multiverse' updated to new dist 2006-08-30 12:53:22,576 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-security main restricted universe multiverse' 2006-08-30 12:53:22,577 DEBUG entry 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-security main restricted universe multiverse' updated to new dist 2006-08-30 12:53:22,577 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse' 2006-08-30 12:53:22,577 DEBUG entry 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-updates main restricted universe multiverse' updated to new dist 2006-08-30 12:53:22,578 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse' 2006-08-30 12:53:22,578 DEBUG entry 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse' updated to new dist 2006-08-30 12:54:50,713 DEBUG Marking 'ubuntu-desktop' for upgrade 2006-08-30 12:54:50,802 DEBUG Can't mark 'ubuntu-desktop' for upgrade (E:ImpossĂ­vel corrigir problemas, vocĂȘ manteve (hold) pacotes quebrados.)