Activity log for bug #299445

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2008-11-18 14:03:59 Jon Reagan bug added bug
2008-11-18 14:04:46 Jon Reagan None: assignee jonreagan
2008-11-18 14:04:46 Jon Reagan None: statusexplanation
2008-11-18 14:09:15 Jon Reagan None: status New In Progress
2008-11-18 23:18:00 Fabián Rodríguez marked as duplicate 188039
2008-11-19 15:20:36 Jon Reagan description OpenProj 1.4 is an open source project management application that has many of the features found in Microsoft Project. This program has had rising popularity, and is now included in the boxed versions of Sun's StarOffice. URL: License: Common Public Attribution License Version 1.0 (CPAL) - Notes: This is not the same packaging request as the previous bug, and this is set for the Jaunty Jackalope release of Ubuntu. (9.04) OpenProj 1.4 is an open source project management application that has many of the features found in Microsoft Project. This program has had rising popularity, and is now included in the boxed versions of Sun's StarOffice. URL: License: Common Public Attribution License Version 1.0 (CPAL) - Notes: This is not the same packaging request as the previous bug, and this is set for the Jaunty Jackalope release of Ubuntu. (9.04) REVU: