Attributes queryable via p1:1.0: Attribute 'OperatingSystem' (p1:1.0): 0. The valid values for 'OperatingSystem' are in the range 0 - 2 (inclusive). 'OperatingSystem' is a read-only attribute. 'OperatingSystem' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'NvidiaDriverVersion' (p1:1.0): 465.31 'NvidiaDriverVersion' is a string attribute. 'NvidiaDriverVersion' is a read-only attribute. 'NvidiaDriverVersion' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'NvControlVersion' (p1:1.0): 1.29 'NvControlVersion' is a string attribute. 'NvControlVersion' is a read-only attribute. 'NvControlVersion' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'GLXServerVersion' (p1:1.0): 1.4 'GLXServerVersion' is a string attribute. 'GLXServerVersion' is a read-only attribute. 'GLXServerVersion' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'GLXClientVersion' (p1:1.0): 1.4 'GLXClientVersion' is a string attribute. 'GLXClientVersion' is a read-only attribute. 'GLXClientVersion' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'OpenGLVersion' (p1:1.0): 4.6.0 NVIDIA 465.31 'OpenGLVersion' is a string attribute. 'OpenGLVersion' is a read-only attribute. 'OpenGLVersion' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'XRandRVersion' (p1:1.0): 1.6 'XRandRVersion' is a string attribute. 'XRandRVersion' is a read-only attribute. 'XRandRVersion' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'XF86VidModeVersion' (p1:1.0): 2.2 'XF86VidModeVersion' is a string attribute. 'XF86VidModeVersion' is a read-only attribute. 'XF86VidModeVersion' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'XvVersion' (p1:1.0): 2.2 'XvVersion' is a string attribute. 'XvVersion' is a read-only attribute. 'XvVersion' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'Ubb' (p1:1.0): 1. 'Ubb' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'Ubb' is a read-only attribute. 'Ubb' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'Overlay' (p1:1.0): 0. 'Overlay' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'Overlay' is a read-only attribute. 'Overlay' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'Stereo' (p1:1.0): 0. Valid values for 'Stereo' are: 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 14. 'Stereo' is a read-only attribute. 'Stereo' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'TwinView' (p1:1.0): 0. 'TwinView' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'TwinView' is a read-only attribute. 'TwinView' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'ConnectedDisplays' (p1:1.0): 0x00000400. 'ConnectedDisplays' is a bitmask attribute. 'ConnectedDisplays' is a read-only attribute. 'ConnectedDisplays' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'EnabledDisplays' (p1:1.0): 0x00000400. 'EnabledDisplays' is a bitmask attribute. 'EnabledDisplays' is a read-only attribute. 'EnabledDisplays' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'AssociatedDisplays' (p1:1.0): 0x00000700. 'AssociatedDisplays' is a bitmask attribute. 'AssociatedDisplays' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'InitialPixmapPlacement' (p1:1.0): 2. The valid values for 'InitialPixmapPlacement' are in the range 0 - 4 (inclusive). 'InitialPixmapPlacement' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'MultiGpuDisplayOwner' (p1:1.0): 0. 'MultiGpuDisplayOwner' is an integer attribute. 'MultiGpuDisplayOwner' is a read-only attribute. 'MultiGpuDisplayOwner' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'GlyphCache' (p1:1.0): 1. 'GlyphCache' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'GlyphCache' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'Depth30Allowed' (p1:1.0): 1. 'Depth30Allowed' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'Depth30Allowed' is a read-only attribute. 'Depth30Allowed' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'NoScanout' (p1:1.0): 0. 'NoScanout' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'NoScanout' is a read-only attribute. 'NoScanout' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'XServerUniqueId' (p1:1.0): 558690148. 'XServerUniqueId' is an integer attribute. 'XServerUniqueId' is a read-only attribute. 'XServerUniqueId' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'PixmapCache' (p1:1.0): 1. 'PixmapCache' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'PixmapCache' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'PixmapCacheRoundSizeKB' (p1:1.0): 1024. The valid values for 'PixmapCacheRoundSizeKB' are in the range 4 - 1048576 (inclusive). 'PixmapCacheRoundSizeKB' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'AccelerateTrapezoids' (p1:1.0): 1. 'AccelerateTrapezoids' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'AccelerateTrapezoids' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'ScreenPosition' (p1:1.0): x=0, y=0, width=9984, height=3456 'ScreenPosition' is a string attribute. 'ScreenPosition' is a read-only attribute. 'ScreenPosition' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'PrimeOutputsData' (p1:1.0): xpos=6144, ypos=1296, width=3840, height=2160, screen=0, sync=0; 'PrimeOutputsData' is a string attribute. 'PrimeOutputsData' is a read-only attribute. 'PrimeOutputsData' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'SyncToVBlank' (p1:1.0): 1. 'SyncToVBlank' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'SyncToVBlank' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'LogAniso' (p1:1.0): 0. The valid values for 'LogAniso' are in the range 0 - 4 (inclusive). 'LogAniso' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'FSAA' (p1:1.0): 0. Valid values for 'FSAA' are: 0, 1, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13 and 15. 'FSAA' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'GammaCorrectedAALines' (p1:1.0): 0. 'GammaCorrectedAALines' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'GammaCorrectedAALines' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'TextureClamping' (p1:1.0): 1. 'TextureClamping' is an integer attribute. 'TextureClamping' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'FXAA' (p1:1.0): 0. 'FXAA' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'FXAA' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'AllowFlipping' (p1:1.0): 1. 'AllowFlipping' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'AllowFlipping' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'FSAAAppControlled' (p1:1.0): 1. 'FSAAAppControlled' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'FSAAAppControlled' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'LogAnisoAppControlled' (p1:1.0): 1. 'LogAnisoAppControlled' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'LogAnisoAppControlled' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'OpenGLImageSettings' (p1:1.0): 0. The valid values for 'OpenGLImageSettings' are in the range 0 - 3 (inclusive). 'OpenGLImageSettings' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'FSAAAppEnhanced' (p1:1.0): 0. 'FSAAAppEnhanced' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'FSAAAppEnhanced' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'GammaCorrectedAALinesValue' (p1:1.0): 16. The valid values for 'GammaCorrectedAALinesValue' are in the range 1 - 100 (inclusive). 'GammaCorrectedAALinesValue' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'SliMosaicModeAvailable' (p1:1.0): 0. 'SliMosaicModeAvailable' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'SliMosaicModeAvailable' is a read-only attribute. 'SliMosaicModeAvailable' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'ShowGraphicsVisualIndicator' (p1:1.0): 0. 'ShowGraphicsVisualIndicator' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'ShowGraphicsVisualIndicator' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'BusType' (p1:1.0): 2. The valid values for 'BusType' are in the range 0 - 3 (inclusive). 'BusType' is a read-only attribute. 'BusType' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'PCIEMaxLinkSpeed' (p1:1.0): 8000. 'PCIEMaxLinkSpeed' is an integer attribute. 'PCIEMaxLinkSpeed' is a read-only attribute. 'PCIEMaxLinkSpeed' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'PCIEMaxLinkWidth' (p1:1.0): 16. The valid values for 'PCIEMaxLinkWidth' are in the range 1 - 16 (inclusive). 'PCIEMaxLinkWidth' is a read-only attribute. 'PCIEMaxLinkWidth' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'PCIECurrentLinkSpeed' (p1:1.0): 8000. 'PCIECurrentLinkSpeed' is an integer attribute. 'PCIECurrentLinkSpeed' is a read-only attribute. 'PCIECurrentLinkSpeed' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'PCIECurrentLinkWidth' (p1:1.0): 16. 'PCIECurrentLinkWidth' is an integer attribute. 'PCIECurrentLinkWidth' is a read-only attribute. 'PCIECurrentLinkWidth' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'VideoRam' (p1:1.0): 4194304. 'VideoRam' is an integer attribute. 'VideoRam' is a read-only attribute. 'VideoRam' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'Irq' (p1:1.0): 185. 'Irq' is an integer attribute. 'Irq' is a read-only attribute. 'Irq' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'CUDACores' (p1:1.0): 896. 'CUDACores' is an integer attribute. 'CUDACores' is a read-only attribute. 'CUDACores' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GPUMemoryInterface' (p1:1.0): 128. 'GPUMemoryInterface' is an integer attribute. 'GPUMemoryInterface' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUMemoryInterface' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GPUCoreTemp' (p1:1.0): 44. 'GPUCoreTemp' is an integer attribute. 'GPUCoreTemp' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUCoreTemp' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GPUCurrentClockFreqs' (p1:1.0): 765,5000. 'GPUCurrentClockFreqs' is a packed integer attribute. 'GPUCurrentClockFreqs' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUCurrentClockFreqs' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'BusRate' (p1:1.0): 16. The valid values for 'BusRate' are in the range 1 - 16 (inclusive). 'BusRate' is a read-only attribute. 'BusRate' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'PCIEGen' (p1:1.0): 3. 'PCIEGen' is an integer attribute. 'PCIEGen' is a read-only attribute. 'PCIEGen' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GPUErrors' (p1:1.0): 0. 'GPUErrors' is an integer attribute. 'GPUErrors' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUErrors' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'GPUPowerSource' (p1:1.0): 0. 'GPUPowerSource' is an integer attribute. 'GPUPowerSource' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUPowerSource' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GPUCurrentPerfLevel' (p1:1.0): 2. 'GPUCurrentPerfLevel' is an integer attribute. 'GPUCurrentPerfLevel' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUCurrentPerfLevel' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GPUAdaptiveClockState' (p1:1.0): 1. 'GPUAdaptiveClockState' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'GPUAdaptiveClockState' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUAdaptiveClockState' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'ECCConfigurationSupported' (p1:1.0): 0. 'ECCConfigurationSupported' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'ECCConfigurationSupported' is a read-only attribute. 'ECCConfigurationSupported' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GPUCurrentClockFreqsString' (p1:1.0): nvclock=765, nvclockmin=300, nvclockmax=1530, nvclockeditable=0, memclock=5000, memclockmin=5001, memclockmax=5001, memclockeditable=0, memTransferRate=10000, memTransferRatemin=10002, memTransferRatemax=10002, memTransferRateeditable=0 'GPUCurrentClockFreqsString' is a string attribute. 'GPUCurrentClockFreqsString' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GPUPerfModes' (p1:1.0): perf=0, nvclock=300, nvclockmin=300, nvclockmax=645, nvclockeditable=0, memclock=405, memclockmin=405, memclockmax=405, memclockeditable=0, memTransferRate=810, memTransferRatemin=810, memTransferRatemax=810, memTransferRateeditable=0 ; perf=1, nvclock=300, nvclockmin=300, nvclockmax=1530, nvclockeditable=0, memclock=810, memclockmin=810, memclockmax=810, memclockeditable=0, memTransferRate=1620, memTransferRatemin=1620, memTransferRatemax=1620, memTransferRateeditable=0 ; perf=2, nvclock=300, nvclockmin=300, nvclockmax=1530, nvclockeditable=0, memclock=5001, memclockmin=5001, memclockmax=5001, memclockeditable=0, memTransferRate=10002, memTransferRatemin=10002, memTransferRatemax=10002, memTransferRateeditable=0 'GPUPerfModes' is a string attribute. 'GPUPerfModes' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUPerfModes' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GPUSlowdownTempThreshold' (p1:1.0): 92. 'GPUSlowdownTempThreshold' is an integer attribute. 'GPUSlowdownTempThreshold' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUSlowdownTempThreshold' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GPUShutdownTempThreshold' (p1:1.0): 97. 'GPUShutdownTempThreshold' is an integer attribute. 'GPUShutdownTempThreshold' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUShutdownTempThreshold' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GPUMaxOperatingTempThreshold' (p1:1.0): 87. 'GPUMaxOperatingTempThreshold' is an integer attribute. 'GPUMaxOperatingTempThreshold' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUMaxOperatingTempThreshold' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'FrameLockAvailable' (p1:1.0; display device: TV-2): 0. 'FrameLockAvailable' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'FrameLockAvailable' is a read-only attribute. 'FrameLockAvailable' is display device specific. 'FrameLockAvailable' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'FrameLockFirmwareUnsupported' (p1:1.0): 0. 'FrameLockFirmwareUnsupported' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'FrameLockFirmwareUnsupported' is a read-only attribute. 'FrameLockFirmwareUnsupported' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'DigitalVibrance' (p1:1.0; display device: TV-2): 0. The valid values for 'DigitalVibrance' are in the range -1024 - 1023 (inclusive). 'DigitalVibrance' is display device specific. 'DigitalVibrance' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'ImageSharpeningDefault' (p1:1.0; display device: TV-2): 127. 'ImageSharpeningDefault' is an integer attribute. 'ImageSharpeningDefault' is a read-only attribute. 'ImageSharpeningDefault' is display device specific. 'ImageSharpeningDefault' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'RefreshRate' (p1:1.0; display device: TV-2): 60.00 Hz. 'RefreshRate' is an integer attribute. 'RefreshRate' is a read-only attribute. 'RefreshRate' is display device specific. 'RefreshRate' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'RefreshRate3' (p1:1.0; display device: TV-2): 60.000 Hz. 'RefreshRate3' is an integer attribute. 'RefreshRate3' is a read-only attribute. 'RefreshRate3' is display device specific. 'RefreshRate3' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'ColorSpace' (p1:1.0; display device: TV-2): 0. Valid values for 'ColorSpace' are: 0 and 2. 'ColorSpace' is display device specific. 'ColorSpace' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'ColorRange' (p1:1.0; display device: TV-2): 0. Valid values for 'ColorRange' are: 0 and 1. 'ColorRange' is display device specific. 'ColorRange' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentColorSpace' (p1:1.0; display device: TV-2): 0. Valid values for 'CurrentColorSpace' are: 0, 2 and 3. 'CurrentColorSpace' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentColorSpace' is display device specific. 'CurrentColorSpace' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentColorRange' (p1:1.0; display device: TV-2): 0. Valid values for 'CurrentColorRange' are: 0 and 1. 'CurrentColorRange' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentColorRange' is display device specific. 'CurrentColorRange' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentMetaModeID' (p1:1.0): 50. 'CurrentMetaModeID' is an integer attribute. 'CurrentMetaModeID' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'CurrentMetaMode' (p1:1.0): id=50, switchable=yes, source=RandR :: DPY-2: nvidia-auto-select @6144x3456 +0+0 {Transform=(1.599991,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.599991,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000), ViewPortIn=6144x3456, ViewPortOut=3840x2160+0+0, ResamplingMethod=Bilinear} 'CurrentMetaMode' is a string attribute. 'CurrentMetaMode' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'XineramaInfoOrder' (p1:1.0): HDMI-0 'XineramaInfoOrder' is a string attribute. 'XineramaInfoOrder' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'XVideoSyncToDisplay' (p1:1.0): 0x00000400. 'XVideoSyncToDisplay' is a bitmask attribute. 'XVideoSyncToDisplay' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'XVideoSyncToDisplayID' (p1:1.0): -1. 'XVideoSyncToDisplayID' is an integer attribute. 'XVideoSyncToDisplayID' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attribute 'CurrentXVideoSyncToDisplayID' (p1:1.0): 2. 'CurrentXVideoSyncToDisplayID' is an integer attribute. 'CurrentXVideoSyncToDisplayID' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentXVideoSyncToDisplayID' can use the following target types: X Screen. Attributes queryable via p1:1[gpu:0]: Attribute 'OperatingSystem' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 0. The valid values for 'OperatingSystem' are in the range 0 - 2 (inclusive). 'OperatingSystem' is a read-only attribute. 'OperatingSystem' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'NvidiaDriverVersion' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 465.31 'NvidiaDriverVersion' is a string attribute. 'NvidiaDriverVersion' is a read-only attribute. 'NvidiaDriverVersion' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'ConnectedDisplays' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 0x00000400. 'ConnectedDisplays' is a bitmask attribute. 'ConnectedDisplays' is a read-only attribute. 'ConnectedDisplays' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'EnabledDisplays' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 0x00000400. 'EnabledDisplays' is a bitmask attribute. 'EnabledDisplays' is a read-only attribute. 'EnabledDisplays' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'Depth30Allowed' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 1. 'Depth30Allowed' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'Depth30Allowed' is a read-only attribute. 'Depth30Allowed' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'NoScanout' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 0. 'NoScanout' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'NoScanout' is a read-only attribute. 'NoScanout' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'SliMosaicModeAvailable' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 0. 'SliMosaicModeAvailable' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'SliMosaicModeAvailable' is a read-only attribute. 'SliMosaicModeAvailable' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'BusType' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 2. The valid values for 'BusType' are in the range 0 - 3 (inclusive). 'BusType' is a read-only attribute. 'BusType' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'PCIEMaxLinkSpeed' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 8000. 'PCIEMaxLinkSpeed' is an integer attribute. 'PCIEMaxLinkSpeed' is a read-only attribute. 'PCIEMaxLinkSpeed' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'PCIEMaxLinkWidth' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 16. The valid values for 'PCIEMaxLinkWidth' are in the range 1 - 16 (inclusive). 'PCIEMaxLinkWidth' is a read-only attribute. 'PCIEMaxLinkWidth' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'PCIECurrentLinkSpeed' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 8000. 'PCIECurrentLinkSpeed' is an integer attribute. 'PCIECurrentLinkSpeed' is a read-only attribute. 'PCIECurrentLinkSpeed' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'PCIECurrentLinkWidth' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 16. 'PCIECurrentLinkWidth' is an integer attribute. 'PCIECurrentLinkWidth' is a read-only attribute. 'PCIECurrentLinkWidth' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'VideoRam' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 4194304. 'VideoRam' is an integer attribute. 'VideoRam' is a read-only attribute. 'VideoRam' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'TotalDedicatedGPUMemory' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 3911. 'TotalDedicatedGPUMemory' is an integer attribute. 'TotalDedicatedGPUMemory' is a read-only attribute. 'TotalDedicatedGPUMemory' can use the following target types: GPU. Attribute 'UsedDedicatedGPUMemory' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 1844. 'UsedDedicatedGPUMemory' is an integer attribute. 'UsedDedicatedGPUMemory' is a read-only attribute. 'UsedDedicatedGPUMemory' can use the following target types: GPU. Attribute 'Irq' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 185. 'Irq' is an integer attribute. 'Irq' is a read-only attribute. 'Irq' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'CUDACores' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 896. 'CUDACores' is an integer attribute. 'CUDACores' is a read-only attribute. 'CUDACores' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GPUMemoryInterface' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 128. 'GPUMemoryInterface' is an integer attribute. 'GPUMemoryInterface' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUMemoryInterface' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GPUCoreTemp' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 44. 'GPUCoreTemp' is an integer attribute. 'GPUCoreTemp' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUCoreTemp' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GPUCurrentClockFreqs' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 765,5000. 'GPUCurrentClockFreqs' is a packed integer attribute. 'GPUCurrentClockFreqs' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUCurrentClockFreqs' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'BusRate' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 16. The valid values for 'BusRate' are in the range 1 - 16 (inclusive). 'BusRate' is a read-only attribute. 'BusRate' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'PCIDomain' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 0. 'PCIDomain' is an integer attribute. 'PCIDomain' is a read-only attribute. 'PCIDomain' can use the following target types: GPU. Attribute 'PCIBus' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 1. 'PCIBus' is an integer attribute. 'PCIBus' is a read-only attribute. 'PCIBus' can use the following target types: GPU. Attribute 'PCIDevice' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 0. 'PCIDevice' is an integer attribute. 'PCIDevice' is a read-only attribute. 'PCIDevice' can use the following target types: GPU. Attribute 'PCIFunc' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 0. 'PCIFunc' is an integer attribute. 'PCIFunc' is a read-only attribute. 'PCIFunc' can use the following target types: GPU. Attribute 'PCIID' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 4318,8121. 'PCIID' is a packed integer attribute. 'PCIID' is a read-only attribute. 'PCIID' can use the following target types: GPU. Attribute 'PCIEGen' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 3. 'PCIEGen' is an integer attribute. 'PCIEGen' is a read-only attribute. 'PCIEGen' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GPUPowerSource' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 0. 'GPUPowerSource' is an integer attribute. 'GPUPowerSource' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUPowerSource' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GPUCurrentPerfLevel' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 2. 'GPUCurrentPerfLevel' is an integer attribute. 'GPUCurrentPerfLevel' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUCurrentPerfLevel' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GPUAdaptiveClockState' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 1. 'GPUAdaptiveClockState' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'GPUAdaptiveClockState' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUAdaptiveClockState' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GPUPowerMizerMode' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 2. Valid values for 'GPUPowerMizerMode' are: 0, 1, 2 and 3. 'GPUPowerMizerMode' can use the following target types: GPU. Attribute 'GPUPowerMizerDefaultMode' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 0. 'GPUPowerMizerDefaultMode' is an integer attribute. 'GPUPowerMizerDefaultMode' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUPowerMizerDefaultMode' can use the following target types: GPU. Attribute 'ECCSupported' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 0. 'ECCSupported' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'ECCSupported' is a read-only attribute. 'ECCSupported' can use the following target types: GPU. Attribute 'ECCConfigurationSupported' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 0. 'ECCConfigurationSupported' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'ECCConfigurationSupported' is a read-only attribute. 'ECCConfigurationSupported' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'BaseMosaic' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 0. Valid values for 'BaseMosaic' are: 0. 'BaseMosaic' is a read-only attribute. 'BaseMosaic' can use the following target types: GPU. Attribute 'MultiGpuPrimaryPossible' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 0. 'MultiGpuPrimaryPossible' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'MultiGpuPrimaryPossible' is a read-only attribute. 'MultiGpuPrimaryPossible' can use the following target types: GPU. Attribute 'MultiGpuMasterPossible' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 0. 'MultiGpuMasterPossible' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'MultiGpuMasterPossible' is a read-only attribute. 'MultiGpuMasterPossible' can use the following target types: GPU. Attribute 'VideoEncoderUtilization' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 0. 'VideoEncoderUtilization' is an integer attribute. 'VideoEncoderUtilization' is a read-only attribute. 'VideoEncoderUtilization' can use the following target types: GPU. Attribute 'VideoDecoderUtilization' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 0. 'VideoDecoderUtilization' is an integer attribute. 'VideoDecoderUtilization' is a read-only attribute. 'VideoDecoderUtilization' can use the following target types: GPU. Attribute 'GPUCurrentClockFreqsString' (p1:1[gpu:0]): nvclock=765, nvclockmin=300, nvclockmax=1530, nvclockeditable=0, memclock=5000, memclockmin=5001, memclockmax=5001, memclockeditable=0, memTransferRate=10000, memTransferRatemin=10002, memTransferRatemax=10002, memTransferRateeditable=0 'GPUCurrentClockFreqsString' is a string attribute. 'GPUCurrentClockFreqsString' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GPUPerfModes' (p1:1[gpu:0]): perf=0, nvclock=300, nvclockmin=300, nvclockmax=645, nvclockeditable=0, memclock=405, memclockmin=405, memclockmax=405, memclockeditable=0, memTransferRate=810, memTransferRatemin=810, memTransferRatemax=810, memTransferRateeditable=0 ; perf=1, nvclock=300, nvclockmin=300, nvclockmax=1530, nvclockeditable=0, memclock=810, memclockmin=810, memclockmax=810, memclockeditable=0, memTransferRate=1620, memTransferRatemin=1620, memTransferRatemax=1620, memTransferRateeditable=0 ; perf=2, nvclock=300, nvclockmin=300, nvclockmax=1530, nvclockeditable=0, memclock=5001, memclockmin=5001, memclockmax=5001, memclockeditable=0, memTransferRate=10002, memTransferRatemin=10002, memTransferRatemax=10002, memTransferRateeditable=0 'GPUPerfModes' is a string attribute. 'GPUPerfModes' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUPerfModes' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GpuUUID' (p1:1[gpu:0]): GPU-60476749-adc2-405c-86b1-77a94024dca3 'GpuUUID' is a string attribute. 'GpuUUID' is a read-only attribute. 'GpuUUID' can use the following target types: GPU. Attribute 'GPUUtilization' (p1:1[gpu:0]): graphics=35, memory=16, video=0, PCIe=5 'GPUUtilization' is a string attribute. 'GPUUtilization' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUUtilization' can use the following target types: GPU. Attribute 'GPUSlowdownTempThreshold' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 92. 'GPUSlowdownTempThreshold' is an integer attribute. 'GPUSlowdownTempThreshold' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUSlowdownTempThreshold' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GPUShutdownTempThreshold' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 97. 'GPUShutdownTempThreshold' is an integer attribute. 'GPUShutdownTempThreshold' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUShutdownTempThreshold' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'GPUMaxOperatingTempThreshold' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 87. 'GPUMaxOperatingTempThreshold' is an integer attribute. 'GPUMaxOperatingTempThreshold' is a read-only attribute. 'GPUMaxOperatingTempThreshold' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'FrameLockAvailable' (p1:1[gpu:0]; display device: TV-2): 0. 'FrameLockAvailable' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'FrameLockAvailable' is a read-only attribute. 'FrameLockAvailable' is display device specific. 'FrameLockAvailable' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'FrameLockFirmwareUnsupported' (p1:1[gpu:0]): 0. 'FrameLockFirmwareUnsupported' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'FrameLockFirmwareUnsupported' is a read-only attribute. 'FrameLockFirmwareUnsupported' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU. Attribute 'Dithering' (p1:1[gpu:0]; display device: TV-2): 0. 'Dithering' is an integer attribute. 'Dithering' is display device specific. 'Dithering' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentDithering' (p1:1[gpu:0]; display device: TV-2): 1. 'CurrentDithering' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'CurrentDithering' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentDithering' is display device specific. 'CurrentDithering' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'DitheringMode' (p1:1[gpu:0]; display device: TV-2): 0. Valid values for 'DitheringMode' are: 0, 1, 2 and 3. 'DitheringMode' is display device specific. 'DitheringMode' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentDitheringMode' (p1:1[gpu:0]; display device: TV-2): 3. 'CurrentDitheringMode' is an integer attribute. 'CurrentDitheringMode' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentDitheringMode' is display device specific. 'CurrentDitheringMode' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'DitheringDepth' (p1:1[gpu:0]; display device: TV-2): 0. 'DitheringDepth' is an integer attribute. 'DitheringDepth' is display device specific. 'DitheringDepth' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentDitheringDepth' (p1:1[gpu:0]; display device: TV-2): 2. 'CurrentDitheringDepth' is an integer attribute. 'CurrentDitheringDepth' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentDitheringDepth' is display device specific. 'CurrentDitheringDepth' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'DigitalVibrance' (p1:1[gpu:0]; display device: TV-2): 0. The valid values for 'DigitalVibrance' are in the range -1024 - 1023 (inclusive). 'DigitalVibrance' is display device specific. 'DigitalVibrance' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'ImageSharpeningDefault' (p1:1[gpu:0]; display device: TV-2): 127. 'ImageSharpeningDefault' is an integer attribute. 'ImageSharpeningDefault' is a read-only attribute. 'ImageSharpeningDefault' is display device specific. 'ImageSharpeningDefault' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'RefreshRate' (p1:1[gpu:0]; display device: TV-2): 60.00 Hz. 'RefreshRate' is an integer attribute. 'RefreshRate' is a read-only attribute. 'RefreshRate' is display device specific. 'RefreshRate' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'RefreshRate3' (p1:1[gpu:0]; display device: TV-2): 60.000 Hz. 'RefreshRate3' is an integer attribute. 'RefreshRate3' is a read-only attribute. 'RefreshRate3' is display device specific. 'RefreshRate3' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'ColorSpace' (p1:1[gpu:0]; display device: TV-2): 0. Valid values for 'ColorSpace' are: 0 and 2. 'ColorSpace' is display device specific. 'ColorSpace' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'ColorRange' (p1:1[gpu:0]; display device: TV-2): 0. Valid values for 'ColorRange' are: 0 and 1. 'ColorRange' is display device specific. 'ColorRange' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentColorSpace' (p1:1[gpu:0]; display device: TV-2): 0. Valid values for 'CurrentColorSpace' are: 0, 2 and 3. 'CurrentColorSpace' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentColorSpace' is display device specific. 'CurrentColorSpace' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentColorRange' (p1:1[gpu:0]; display device: TV-2): 0. Valid values for 'CurrentColorRange' are: 0 and 1. 'CurrentColorRange' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentColorRange' is display device specific. 'CurrentColorRange' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'SynchronousPaletteUpdates' (p1:1[gpu:0]; display device: TV-2): 0. 'SynchronousPaletteUpdates' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'SynchronousPaletteUpdates' is display device specific. 'SynchronousPaletteUpdates' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'Hdmi3D' (p1:1[gpu:0]; display device: TV-2): 0. 'Hdmi3D' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'Hdmi3D' is a read-only attribute. 'Hdmi3D' is display device specific. 'Hdmi3D' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attributes queryable via p1:1[thermalsensor:0]: Attribute 'ThermalSensorReading' (p1:1[thermalsensor:0]): 44. The valid values for 'ThermalSensorReading' are in the range 0 - 127 (inclusive). 'ThermalSensorReading' is a read-only attribute. 'ThermalSensorReading' can use the following target types: Thermal Sensor. Attribute 'ThermalSensorProvider' (p1:1[thermalsensor:0]): 1. 'ThermalSensorProvider' is an integer attribute. 'ThermalSensorProvider' is a read-only attribute. 'ThermalSensorProvider' can use the following target types: Thermal Sensor. Attribute 'ThermalSensorTarget' (p1:1[thermalsensor:0]): 1. 'ThermalSensorTarget' is an integer attribute. 'ThermalSensorTarget' is a read-only attribute. 'ThermalSensorTarget' can use the following target types: Thermal Sensor. Attributes queryable via p1:1[dpy:0]: Attribute 'FrameLockAvailable' (p1:1[dpy:0]): 0. 'FrameLockAvailable' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'FrameLockAvailable' is a read-only attribute. 'FrameLockAvailable' is display device specific. 'FrameLockAvailable' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'Dithering' (p1:1[dpy:0]): 0. 'Dithering' is an integer attribute. 'Dithering' is display device specific. 'Dithering' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentDithering' (p1:1[dpy:0]): 0. 'CurrentDithering' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'CurrentDithering' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentDithering' is display device specific. 'CurrentDithering' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'DitheringMode' (p1:1[dpy:0]): 0. Valid values for 'DitheringMode' are: 0, 1, 2 and 3. 'DitheringMode' is display device specific. 'DitheringMode' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentDitheringMode' (p1:1[dpy:0]): 0. 'CurrentDitheringMode' is an integer attribute. 'CurrentDitheringMode' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentDitheringMode' is display device specific. 'CurrentDitheringMode' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'DitheringDepth' (p1:1[dpy:0]): 0. 'DitheringDepth' is an integer attribute. 'DitheringDepth' is display device specific. 'DitheringDepth' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentDitheringDepth' (p1:1[dpy:0]): 0. 'CurrentDitheringDepth' is an integer attribute. 'CurrentDitheringDepth' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentDitheringDepth' is display device specific. 'CurrentDitheringDepth' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'ColorSpace' (p1:1[dpy:0]): 0. Valid values for 'ColorSpace' are: 0. 'ColorSpace' is display device specific. 'ColorSpace' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'ColorRange' (p1:1[dpy:0]): 0. Valid values for 'ColorRange' are: 0 and 1. 'ColorRange' is display device specific. 'ColorRange' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentColorSpace' (p1:1[dpy:0]): 0. Valid values for 'CurrentColorSpace' are: 0 and 3. 'CurrentColorSpace' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentColorSpace' is display device specific. 'CurrentColorSpace' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentColorRange' (p1:1[dpy:0]): 0. Valid values for 'CurrentColorRange' are: 0 and 1. 'CurrentColorRange' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentColorRange' is display device specific. 'CurrentColorRange' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'SynchronousPaletteUpdates' (p1:1[dpy:0]): 0. 'SynchronousPaletteUpdates' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'SynchronousPaletteUpdates' is display device specific. 'SynchronousPaletteUpdates' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'RandROutputID' (p1:1[dpy:0]): 541. 'RandROutputID' is an integer attribute. 'RandROutputID' is a read-only attribute. 'RandROutputID' is display device specific. 'RandROutputID' can use the following target types: Display Device. Attribute 'DisplayPortConnectorType' (p1:1[dpy:0]): 0. 'DisplayPortConnectorType' is an integer attribute. 'DisplayPortConnectorType' is a read-only attribute. 'DisplayPortConnectorType' is display device specific. 'DisplayPortConnectorType' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'DisplayPortIsMultiStream' (p1:1[dpy:0]): 0. 'DisplayPortIsMultiStream' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'DisplayPortIsMultiStream' is a read-only attribute. 'DisplayPortIsMultiStream' is display device specific. 'DisplayPortIsMultiStream' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'DisplayPortSinkIsAudioCapable' (p1:1[dpy:0]): 0. 'DisplayPortSinkIsAudioCapable' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'DisplayPortSinkIsAudioCapable' is a read-only attribute. 'DisplayPortSinkIsAudioCapable' is display device specific. 'DisplayPortSinkIsAudioCapable' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'DisplayVRRMode' (p1:1[dpy:0]): 0. 'DisplayVRRMode' is an integer attribute. 'DisplayVRRMode' is a read-only attribute. 'DisplayVRRMode' is display device specific. 'DisplayVRRMode' can use the following target types: Display Device. Attribute 'DisplayVRREnabled' (p1:1[dpy:0]): 0. 'DisplayVRREnabled' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'DisplayVRREnabled' is a read-only attribute. 'DisplayVRREnabled' is display device specific. 'DisplayVRREnabled' can use the following target types: Display Device. Attributes queryable via p1:1[dpy:1]: Attribute 'FrameLockAvailable' (p1:1[dpy:1]): 0. 'FrameLockAvailable' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'FrameLockAvailable' is a read-only attribute. 'FrameLockAvailable' is display device specific. 'FrameLockAvailable' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'Dithering' (p1:1[dpy:1]): 0. 'Dithering' is an integer attribute. 'Dithering' is display device specific. 'Dithering' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentDithering' (p1:1[dpy:1]): 0. 'CurrentDithering' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'CurrentDithering' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentDithering' is display device specific. 'CurrentDithering' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'DitheringMode' (p1:1[dpy:1]): 0. Valid values for 'DitheringMode' are: 0, 1, 2 and 3. 'DitheringMode' is display device specific. 'DitheringMode' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentDitheringMode' (p1:1[dpy:1]): 0. 'CurrentDitheringMode' is an integer attribute. 'CurrentDitheringMode' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentDitheringMode' is display device specific. 'CurrentDitheringMode' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'DitheringDepth' (p1:1[dpy:1]): 0. 'DitheringDepth' is an integer attribute. 'DitheringDepth' is display device specific. 'DitheringDepth' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentDitheringDepth' (p1:1[dpy:1]): 0. 'CurrentDitheringDepth' is an integer attribute. 'CurrentDitheringDepth' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentDitheringDepth' is display device specific. 'CurrentDitheringDepth' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'ColorSpace' (p1:1[dpy:1]): 0. Valid values for 'ColorSpace' are: 0. 'ColorSpace' is display device specific. 'ColorSpace' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'ColorRange' (p1:1[dpy:1]): 0. Valid values for 'ColorRange' are: 0 and 1. 'ColorRange' is display device specific. 'ColorRange' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentColorSpace' (p1:1[dpy:1]): 0. Valid values for 'CurrentColorSpace' are: 0 and 3. 'CurrentColorSpace' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentColorSpace' is display device specific. 'CurrentColorSpace' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentColorRange' (p1:1[dpy:1]): 0. Valid values for 'CurrentColorRange' are: 0 and 1. 'CurrentColorRange' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentColorRange' is display device specific. 'CurrentColorRange' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'SynchronousPaletteUpdates' (p1:1[dpy:1]): 0. 'SynchronousPaletteUpdates' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'SynchronousPaletteUpdates' is display device specific. 'SynchronousPaletteUpdates' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'RandROutputID' (p1:1[dpy:1]): 542. 'RandROutputID' is an integer attribute. 'RandROutputID' is a read-only attribute. 'RandROutputID' is display device specific. 'RandROutputID' can use the following target types: Display Device. Attribute 'DisplayPortConnectorType' (p1:1[dpy:1]): 0. 'DisplayPortConnectorType' is an integer attribute. 'DisplayPortConnectorType' is a read-only attribute. 'DisplayPortConnectorType' is display device specific. 'DisplayPortConnectorType' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'DisplayPortIsMultiStream' (p1:1[dpy:1]): 0. 'DisplayPortIsMultiStream' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'DisplayPortIsMultiStream' is a read-only attribute. 'DisplayPortIsMultiStream' is display device specific. 'DisplayPortIsMultiStream' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'DisplayPortSinkIsAudioCapable' (p1:1[dpy:1]): 0. 'DisplayPortSinkIsAudioCapable' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'DisplayPortSinkIsAudioCapable' is a read-only attribute. 'DisplayPortSinkIsAudioCapable' is display device specific. 'DisplayPortSinkIsAudioCapable' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'DisplayVRRMode' (p1:1[dpy:1]): 0. 'DisplayVRRMode' is an integer attribute. 'DisplayVRRMode' is a read-only attribute. 'DisplayVRRMode' is display device specific. 'DisplayVRRMode' can use the following target types: Display Device. Attribute 'DisplayVRREnabled' (p1:1[dpy:1]): 0. 'DisplayVRREnabled' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'DisplayVRREnabled' is a read-only attribute. 'DisplayVRREnabled' is display device specific. 'DisplayVRREnabled' can use the following target types: Display Device. Attributes queryable via p1:1[dpy:2]: Attribute 'FrameLockAvailable' (p1:1[dpy:2]): 0. 'FrameLockAvailable' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'FrameLockAvailable' is a read-only attribute. 'FrameLockAvailable' is display device specific. 'FrameLockAvailable' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'Dithering' (p1:1[dpy:2]): 0. 'Dithering' is an integer attribute. 'Dithering' is display device specific. 'Dithering' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentDithering' (p1:1[dpy:2]): 1. 'CurrentDithering' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'CurrentDithering' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentDithering' is display device specific. 'CurrentDithering' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'DitheringMode' (p1:1[dpy:2]): 0. Valid values for 'DitheringMode' are: 0, 1, 2 and 3. 'DitheringMode' is display device specific. 'DitheringMode' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentDitheringMode' (p1:1[dpy:2]): 3. 'CurrentDitheringMode' is an integer attribute. 'CurrentDitheringMode' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentDitheringMode' is display device specific. 'CurrentDitheringMode' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'DitheringDepth' (p1:1[dpy:2]): 0. 'DitheringDepth' is an integer attribute. 'DitheringDepth' is display device specific. 'DitheringDepth' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentDitheringDepth' (p1:1[dpy:2]): 2. 'CurrentDitheringDepth' is an integer attribute. 'CurrentDitheringDepth' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentDitheringDepth' is display device specific. 'CurrentDitheringDepth' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'DigitalVibrance' (p1:1[dpy:2]): 0. The valid values for 'DigitalVibrance' are in the range -1024 - 1023 (inclusive). 'DigitalVibrance' is display device specific. 'DigitalVibrance' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'ImageSharpeningDefault' (p1:1[dpy:2]): 127. 'ImageSharpeningDefault' is an integer attribute. 'ImageSharpeningDefault' is a read-only attribute. 'ImageSharpeningDefault' is display device specific. 'ImageSharpeningDefault' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'RefreshRate' (p1:1[dpy:2]): 60.00 Hz. 'RefreshRate' is an integer attribute. 'RefreshRate' is a read-only attribute. 'RefreshRate' is display device specific. 'RefreshRate' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'RefreshRate3' (p1:1[dpy:2]): 60.000 Hz. 'RefreshRate3' is an integer attribute. 'RefreshRate3' is a read-only attribute. 'RefreshRate3' is display device specific. 'RefreshRate3' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'ColorSpace' (p1:1[dpy:2]): 0. Valid values for 'ColorSpace' are: 0 and 2. 'ColorSpace' is display device specific. 'ColorSpace' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'ColorRange' (p1:1[dpy:2]): 0. Valid values for 'ColorRange' are: 0 and 1. 'ColorRange' is display device specific. 'ColorRange' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentColorSpace' (p1:1[dpy:2]): 0. Valid values for 'CurrentColorSpace' are: 0, 2 and 3. 'CurrentColorSpace' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentColorSpace' is display device specific. 'CurrentColorSpace' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'CurrentColorRange' (p1:1[dpy:2]): 0. Valid values for 'CurrentColorRange' are: 0 and 1. 'CurrentColorRange' is a read-only attribute. 'CurrentColorRange' is display device specific. 'CurrentColorRange' can use the following target types: X Screen, GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'SynchronousPaletteUpdates' (p1:1[dpy:2]): 0. 'SynchronousPaletteUpdates' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'SynchronousPaletteUpdates' is display device specific. 'SynchronousPaletteUpdates' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'RandROutputID' (p1:1[dpy:2]): 543. 'RandROutputID' is an integer attribute. 'RandROutputID' is a read-only attribute. 'RandROutputID' is display device specific. 'RandROutputID' can use the following target types: Display Device. Attribute 'Hdmi3D' (p1:1[dpy:2]): 0. 'Hdmi3D' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'Hdmi3D' is a read-only attribute. 'Hdmi3D' is display device specific. 'Hdmi3D' can use the following target types: GPU, Display Device. Attribute 'DisplayVRRMode' (p1:1[dpy:2]): 0. 'DisplayVRRMode' is an integer attribute. 'DisplayVRRMode' is a read-only attribute. 'DisplayVRRMode' is display device specific. 'DisplayVRRMode' can use the following target types: Display Device. Attribute 'DisplayVRRMinRefreshRate' (p1:1[dpy:2]): 0. The valid values for 'DisplayVRRMinRefreshRate' are in the range 0 - 0 (inclusive). 'DisplayVRRMinRefreshRate' is a read-only attribute. 'DisplayVRRMinRefreshRate' is display device specific. 'DisplayVRRMinRefreshRate' can use the following target types: Display Device. Attribute 'DisplayVRREnabled' (p1:1[dpy:2]): 0. 'DisplayVRREnabled' is a boolean attribute; valid values are: 1 (on/true) and 0 (off/false). 'DisplayVRREnabled' is a read-only attribute. 'DisplayVRREnabled' is display device specific. 'DisplayVRREnabled' can use the following target types: Display Device.