Dear Mr. Bacher, thank you for your initiative. I just want to tell you that before I have raised my "bug report", I have gone thoroughly through the reports of other members of the community on and tried out anything which is accesable to my knowledge of Linux/Ubuntu (which isn't much). I don't know what is Nvidia, apic, smp, compiz, inbetween I've learned what is REISUB, kernel, GRUB etc. Going through the discussions is uneasy: * You have to find out which user (within a certain discussion) has the same trouble like you, because some have problems with their sound card, some with a dual core, and within one thread, and their solutions match different conditions. During the discussion you have to filter out those participants who share your problem and ignore the other ones. Sometimes you learn later on that also a "co-patient" has differing symptoms from yours. * Mostly I have no idea how to realize the suggested solution, it is like "I have installed the 6.22 kernel and got rid of the freeze", but where do I find that? And a week after the user rejoins the debate stating that it didn't help anyway. Following your recommendation I have checked also the solutions presented on The comparision with other members of the community has strengthened my feeling that it's really a bug I'm confronted with. From the bugs listed there the following resemble most to my case (with comments about the differences): * Bug 5537 has different symptoms (mouse still running, additional strange behaviour I don't experience) * Bug 23525 has different symptoms (drive going mad) * Bug 18942 and 13252 looks the same, but it is already "answered" (without solution) * Bug 25485 has different symptoms (mouse still running) * Bug 11848 has different symptoms (freeze right after start) * Bug 14634 has different symptoms (freezes much less regularly) I'm firmly persuaded, that my freezes come from something very basic. My system has been running perfectly for three months, and the freeze occured suddenly without any change from my side (as I know). The point of no return happened on Jan 14. I have just clicked the "recommended software update" asterisk, and after two hours intended to leave my office. I've forgotten something, so I rebooted the machine, and from then I have these crashes within ten minutes after start, without any exception. I'm sure it is something basic, because I don't need to run any applications, just logging in and watching the screen, and the system hangs within 5-10 minutes, reliably. In the following weeks I had a lot work to do so I just intermediately switched back to the XP partition, reloading some data there. From that date I'm using the internet surface instead of Evolution for mailing, which is not comfortable neither fast. Chaos is rising concerning which version of my files are more actual - the ones on Windows or on Ubuntu). Frequently I need something from a mail stored in the Ubuntu partition in Evolution, which means a reboot to Ubuntu and another one back to Windows, and to be fast before Mr. Freeze comes. I hope something can be done to enable my return to Linux, I don't know what to say to friends and my wife who are sceptic anyway to this. Sorry for bothering you, but I really don't know what to do. All the best for your work, Peter Wagner ----- PŮVODNÍ ZPRÁVA ----- Od: "Sebastien Bacher"