From my personal point of view, leaving the launcher always on may not be a good idea since it occupies the usable areas, and a user may not know how to make it automatic. Making the icon a special one is a good idea from them or whatever means. During the power-up, do we need to show the icon to get more acquaintance? Again, what is the definition of being "home" on ubuntu phone or tablet? I think it is quite confusing as well. Is the home the "Apps" page, "Scope" page, "Videos" page or the "Music" page? In fact, I am a little lot as well since we seem to have many home by swiping from the left to the right, and sometimes, swiping from the left to right does not seem to move at all. To a lot of people, the "Apps" page is the home. Another observation is that some users like to close the app if it is not going to be used. For me, it is the case too. I like to free the resources, or close the apps to disconnect network access to make sure no data is wasted. I find people the difficulty to close the apps after they have been launched. I once reported a new feature to close all. Best regards, xiaoguo On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 9:34 PM, Ruby Hatem