I want to report that i also have the same problem: http://ubuntuone.com/4QKmKzyZ1r5OsMVKvqndl4 http://ubuntuone.com/2emstn5Aq0qvNy1alTqHcJ The problem occurs on my laptop and I also have a desktop on which i do not have this problem. Both pcs are running under ubuntu 11.10 64bits. here are some outputs: ############################################ On the laptop with the problem: $ ubuntu-tweak -d [app][DEBUG] Distribution: Ubuntu 11.10 oneiric Application: Ubuntu Tweak 0.6.0-1~oneiric1 Desktop:ubuntu (main.py:259) [app][DEBUG] Load modules, remove: False (main.py:191) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading system modules for tweaks... (__init__.py:53) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: metacity (__init__.py:149) (ubuntu-tweak:24366): GConf-WARNING **: : You can't use a GConfEngine that has an active GConfClient wrapper object. Use GConfClient API instead. (ubuntu-tweak:24366): GConf-WARNING **: : You can't use a GConfEngine that has an active GConfClient wrapper object. Use GConfClient API instead. Checking if settings need to be migrated ...no Checking if internal files need to be migrated ...no Backend : gconf Integration : true Profile : unity Adding plugins Skipping upgrade com.canonical.unity.unity.01.upgrade Skipping upgrade com.canonical.unity.unity.02.upgrade Initializing core options...done [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: icons (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: loginsettings (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: ccm (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: lockdown (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: fonts (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: compiz (__init__.py:149) (ubuntu-tweak:24366): GConf-WARNING **: : You can't use a GConfEngine that has an active GConfClient wrapper object. Use GConfClient API instead. (ubuntu-tweak:24366): GConf-WARNING **: : You can't use a GConfEngine that has an active GConfClient wrapper object. Use GConfClient API instead. Checking if settings need to be migrated ...no Checking if internal files need to be migrated ...no Backend : gconf Integration : true Profile : unity Adding plugins Skipping upgrade com.canonical.unity.unity.01.upgrade Skipping upgrade com.canonical.unity.unity.02.upgrade Initializing core options...done [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: misc (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: theme (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: session (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: workarounds (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: nautilus (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: unity (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading user extensions for tweaks... (__init__.py:63) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][DEBUG] Load modules, remove: False (main.py:191) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading system modules for admins... (__init__.py:53) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: scripts (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: userdir (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: desktoprecovery (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: sourcecenter (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: filetypemanager (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: sourceeditor (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: templates (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: shortcuts (__init__.py:149) (ubuntu-tweak:24366): GConf-WARNING **: : You can't use a GConfEngine that has an active GConfClient wrapper object. Use GConfClient API instead. (ubuntu-tweak:24366): GConf-WARNING **: : You can't use a GConfEngine that has an active GConfClient wrapper object. Use GConfClient API instead. Checking if settings need to be migrated ...no Checking if internal files need to be migrated ...no Backend : gconf Integration : true Profile : unity Adding plugins Skipping upgrade com.canonical.unity.unity.01.upgrade Skipping upgrade com.canonical.unity.unity.02.upgrade Initializing core options...done [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: appcenter (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading user extensions for admins... (__init__.py:63) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [ClipPage][DEBUG] Load clips, do_remove: False (__init__.py:143) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading system modules for clips... (__init__.py:53) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: cleanerinfo (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: hardwareinfo (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: userinfo (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: systeminfo (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: updateinfo (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading user extensions for clips... (__init__.py:63) [ClipPage][DEBUG] Load clip: HardwareInfo (__init__.py:164) [ClipPage][DEBUG] Load clip: SystemInfo (__init__.py:164) [ClipPage][DEBUG] Load clip: CleanerInfo (__init__.py:164) [ClipPage][DEBUG] Load clip: UpdateInfo (__init__.py:164) [ClipPage][DEBUG] Load clip: UserInfo (__init__.py:164) [ClipPage][DEBUG] Overview page: setup_rencently_used (__init__.py:256) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "Nautilus" for "tweaks"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "LoginSettings" for "tweaks"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "Theme" for "tweaks"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "Compiz" for "tweaks"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "LockDown" for "tweaks"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "Session" for "tweaks"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "Icon" for "tweaks"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "UnitySettings" for "tweaks"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "Metacity" for "tweaks"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "DesktopRecovery" for "admins"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "SourceEditor" for "admins"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "Misc" for "tweaks"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "Workarounds" for "tweaks"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "FileTypeManager" for "admins"... (__init__.py:107) [ClipPage][DEBUG] slide_clips (__init__.py:176) [ClipPage][DEBUG] slide_clips (__init__.py:176) [GSetting][DEBUG] The the value for type: None and value: (1176, 685) (gsettings.py:41) ############################################ on my desktop with no problem: $ ubuntu-tweak -d [app][DEBUG] Distribution: Ubuntu 11.10 oneiric Application: Ubuntu Tweak 0.6.0-1~oneiric1 Desktop:None (main.py:259) [app][DEBUG] Load modules, remove: False (main.py:191) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading system modules for tweaks... (__init__.py:53) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: misc (__init__.py:149) Checking if settings need to be migrated ...no Checking if internal files need to be migrated ...no Backend : ini Integration : true Profile : default Adding plugins Skipping upgrade com.canonical.unity.unity.01.upgrade Skipping upgrade com.canonical.unity.unity.02.upgrade Initializing core options...done [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: ccm (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: workarounds (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: nautilus (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: metacity (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: theme (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: fonts (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: lockdown (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: unity (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: compiz (__init__.py:149) Checking if settings need to be migrated ...no Checking if internal files need to be migrated ...no Backend : ini Integration : true Profile : default Adding plugins Skipping upgrade com.canonical.unity.unity.01.upgrade Skipping upgrade com.canonical.unity.unity.02.upgrade Initializing core options...done [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: loginsettings (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: session (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: icons (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading user extensions for tweaks... (__init__.py:63) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][DEBUG] Load modules, remove: False (main.py:191) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading system modules for admins... (__init__.py:53) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: desktoprecovery (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: scripts (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: userdir (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: shortcuts (__init__.py:149) Checking if settings need to be migrated ...no Checking if internal files need to be migrated ...no Backend : ini Integration : true Profile : default Adding plugins Skipping upgrade com.canonical.unity.unity.01.upgrade Skipping upgrade com.canonical.unity.unity.02.upgrade Initializing core options...done [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: templates (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: sourceeditor (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: appcenter (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: filetypemanager (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: sourcecenter (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading user extensions for admins... (__init__.py:63) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [app][INFO] Creating ModuleButton: (main.py:68) [ClipPage][DEBUG] Load clips, do_remove: False (__init__.py:143) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading system modules for clips... (__init__.py:53) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: hardwareinfo (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: systeminfo (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: updateinfo (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: cleanerinfo (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] Try to load module: userinfo (__init__.py:149) [ModuleLoader][DEBUG] is_supported_distro (__init__.py:212) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading user extensions for clips... (__init__.py:63) [ClipPage][DEBUG] Load clip: HardwareInfo (__init__.py:164) [ClipPage][DEBUG] Load clip: SystemInfo (__init__.py:164) [ClipPage][DEBUG] Load clip: CleanerInfo (__init__.py:164) [ClipPage][DEBUG] Load clip: UpdateInfo (__init__.py:164) [ClipPage][DEBUG] Overview page: setup_rencently_used (__init__.py:256) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "LoginSettings" for "tweaks"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "Theme" for "tweaks"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "Misc" for "tweaks"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "Fonts" for "tweaks"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "UnitySettings" for "tweaks"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "SourceEditor" for "admins"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "Metacity" for "tweaks"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "Icon" for "tweaks"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "DesktopRecovery" for "admins"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "UserDir" for "admins"... (__init__.py:107) [ModuleLoader][INFO] Loading module "FileTypeManager" for "admins"... (__init__.py:107) [ClipPage][DEBUG] slide_clips (__init__.py:176) [ClipPage][DEBUG] slide_clips (__init__.py:176) [ClipPage][DEBUG] slide_clips (__init__.py:176) [app][DEBUG] on_overview_button_toggled and widget.active is: False (main.py:522) [app][DEBUG] on_tweaks_button_toggled and widget.active is: True (main.py:522) [app][DEBUG] on_tweaks_button_toggled and widget.active is: True (main.py:522) [GSetting][DEBUG] The the value for type: None and value: (1107, 866) (gsettings.py:41)