Here's the terminal log.. Trying to load QML from: "/opt/" Trying to load QML from: "/opt/" using main qml file from: "/opt/" loadAllColorSchemes qml: kbScrl.height = 111 qml: kbCtrl.height = 52 qml: Column.height = -118 qml: Column.height = 0 qml: Column.height = 975 file:///opt/ QML Page11: Binding loop detected for property "height" qml: Column.height = 857 UbuntuWindow - regular geometry qml: Column.height = 842 file:///opt/ QML Row: Cannot specify left, right, horizontalCenter, fill or centerIn anchors for items inside Row. Row will not function. qml: kbFn.height = 52 qml: kbFn.height = 111 QOpenGLShader::compile(Fragment): 1:10: S0032: no default precision defined for return value *** Problematic Fragment shader source code *** #ifndef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH #define highp mediump #endif uniform sampler2D source; uniform highp float qt_Opacity; uniform highp float time; varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0; varying highp float brightness; uniform highp vec4 screen_color; uniform highp sampler2D bloomSource; uniform highp float screen_curvature;float rgb2grey(vec3 v){ return dot(v, vec3(0.21, 0.72, 0.04)); }vec3 computeColor(vec3 color){ return mix(rgb2grey(color) * screen_color.rgb, color, 0.20000000); }void main() {vec2 cc = vec2(0.5) - qt_TexCoord0;float distance = length(cc); float distortion = dot(cc, cc) * screen_curvature; vec2 coords = (qt_TexCoord0 - cc * (1.0 + distortion) * distortion);vec3 color = computeColor(texture2D(source, coords).rgb); vec4 bloomColor = texture2D(bloomSource, coords); color += computeColor(bloomColor.rgb) * bloomColor.a * 1.12000000;gl_FragColor = vec4(color * brightness *1.25000000, qt_Opacity); } *** QQuickCustomMaterialShader: Shader compilation failed: "1:10: S0032: no default precision defined for return value" UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceFocusChange(focused=true) UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceResize(width=540, height=921) qml: *** Fragment shader *** 1:10: S0032: no default precision defined for return value qml: Column.height = 803 file:///opt/ QML Row: Cannot specify left, right, horizontalCenter, fill or centerIn anchors for items inside Row. Row will not function. file:///opt/ QML Row: Cannot specify left, right, horizontalCenter, fill or centerIn anchors for items inside Row. Row will not function. file:///opt/ TypeError: Type error file:///opt/ QML Row: Cannot specify left, right, horizontalCenter, fill or centerIn anchors for items inside Row. Row will not function. UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceFocusChange(focused=false) UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceFocusChange(focused=true) UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceFocusChange(focused=false) UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceFocusChange(focused=true)