Good post Iain !!! The problem is not "lack of interest" to that we could add: "in what" ? My friends who visit me here, in Mazatlan Mexico have no choice but to use my Ubuntu laptop, do they complain, not once ! Oh they miss the blue screen of death, but... They notice that it's quicker, easier, but figure that I've "tricked it out ". (No) Everyone has been a 'mature' user, with me so far ? No one plays games, just get their email, pay a few bills, check the news and weather, make reservations and phone on Skype. Games involve patents ! We are all up against the world's biggest patent hog and troll ! So there ! Several developed a keen interest in Ubuntu, not Linux.. Ok that's a start, but let's look at the fragmented world of Linux. Little cohesion, we're all independent people, not mindless zombies. Perhaps the real solution lies with free and open source sofware FOSS. Patent free software. Or we could spend over a billion USD dollars each year promoting Linux and fighting the patent war. The best flagship for attacking this problem lies here: GROKLAW Join in, help in a positive way, thanks, Allen On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 2:51 PM, tinivole