All logs from the installation process. Jun 09 14:10:33 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/load_cloud_config/extract_autoinstall: Jun 09 14:10:34 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/load_cloud_config/extract_autoinstall: Jun 09 14:10:34 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/Early/apply_autoinstall_config: Jun 09 14:10:34 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/Early/apply_autoinstall_config: Jun 09 14:10:34 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/Reporting/apply_autoinstall_config: Jun 09 14:10:34 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/Reporting/apply_autoinstall_config: Jun 09 14:10:34 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/Error/apply_autoinstall_config: Jun 09 14:10:34 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/Error/apply_autoinstall_config: Jun 09 14:10:34 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/Userdata/apply_autoinstall_config: Jun 09 14:10:34 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/Userdata/apply_autoinstall_config: Jun 09 14:10:34 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/Package/apply_autoinstall_config: Jun 09 14:10:34 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/Package/apply_autoinstall_config: Jun 09 14:10:34 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/Debconf/apply_autoinstall_config: Jun 09 14:10:34 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/Debconf/apply_autoinstall_config: Jun 09 14:10:34 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/Kernel/apply_autoinstall_config: Jun 09 14:10:34 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/Kernel/apply_autoinstall_config: Jun 09 14:10:34 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/Zdev/apply_autoinstall_config: Jun 09 14:10:34 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/Zdev/apply_autoinstall_config: Jun 09 14:10:34 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/Ad/apply_autoinstall_config: Jun 09 14:10:34 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/Ad/apply_autoinstall_config: Jun 09 14:10:34 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/Late/apply_autoinstall_config: Jun 09 14:10:34 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/Late/apply_autoinstall_config: Jun 09 14:11:35 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: subiquity/Ad/has_support_GET: Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring apt Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: start: cmd-apt-config: curtin command apt-config Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Handling apt to target /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount with config {'debconf_selections': {'subiquity': ''}, 'disable_components': [], 'disable_suites': ['security'], 'preserve_sources_list': False, 'primary': [{'arches': ['default'], 'uri': ''}], 'security': [{'arches': ['amd64', 'i386'], 'uri': ''}, {'arches': ['s390x', 'arm64', 'armhf', 'powerpc', 'ppc64el', 'riscv64'], 'uri': ''}]} Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/usr/bin/true', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['unshare', '--help'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Checking if target_proc (/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount', 'lsb_release', '--all'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Checking if target_proc (/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount', 'dpkg', '--print-architecture'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: got primary mirror: Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: got security mirror: Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Apt Mirror info: {'PRIMARY': '', 'SECURITY': '', 'MIRROR': ''} Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Applying debconf selections Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Checking if target_proc (/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount', 'debconf-set-selections'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Checking if target_proc (/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount', 'dpkg-query', '--list'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: No custom template provided, fall back to modifymirrors in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sources on the target system Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Checking if target_proc (/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount', 'dpkg', '--print-architecture'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Checking if target_proc (/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount', 'dpkg-query', '--show', '--showformat', '${Version}', 'cloud-init'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Set preserve_sources_list to True in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/curtin-preserve-sources.cfg with: {'apt': {'preserve_sources_list': True}} Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Checking if target_proc (/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount', 'dpkg', '--print-architecture'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble-updates_InRelease to /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble-updates_InRelease Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble-updates_main_cnf_Commands-amd64 to /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble-updates_main_cnf_Commands-amd64 Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble-updates_restricted_cnf_Commands-amd64 to /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble-updates_restricted_cnf_Commands-amd64 Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_InRelease to /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_InRelease Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_binary-amd64_Packages to /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_binary-amd64_Packages Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_cnf_Commands-amd64 to /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_cnf_Commands-amd64 Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_dep11_Components-amd64.yml.gz to /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_dep11_Components-amd64.yml.gz Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_dep11_icons-48x48.tar.gz to /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_dep11_icons-48x48.tar.gz Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_dep11_icons-64x64%402.tar.gz to /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_dep11_icons-64x64%402.tar.gz Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_dep11_icons-64x64.tar.gz to /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_dep11_icons-64x64.tar.gz Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_i18n_Translation-en to /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_i18n_Translation-en Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_restricted_binary-amd64_Packages to /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_restricted_binary-amd64_Packages Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_restricted_cnf_Commands-amd64 to /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_restricted_cnf_Commands-amd64 Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_restricted_i18n_Translation-en to /tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_restricted_i18n_Translation-en Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.003 Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpcus5nrz1/mount/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:35 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6080]: finish: cmd-apt-config: SUCCESS: curtin command apt-config Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: start: cmd-apt-config: curtin command apt-config Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Handling apt to target /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount with config {'debconf_selections': {'subiquity': ''}, 'disable_components': [], 'preserve_sources_list': False, 'primary': [{'arches': ['default'], 'uri': ''}], 'security': [{'arches': ['amd64', 'i386'], 'uri': ''}, {'arches': ['s390x', 'arm64', 'armhf', 'powerpc', 'ppc64el', 'riscv64'], 'uri': ''}]} Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/usr/bin/true', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['unshare', '--help'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Checking if target_proc (/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount', 'lsb_release', '--all'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Checking if target_proc (/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount', 'dpkg', '--print-architecture'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: got primary mirror: Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: got security mirror: Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Apt Mirror info: {'PRIMARY': '', 'SECURITY': '', 'MIRROR': ''} Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Applying debconf selections Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Checking if target_proc (/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount', 'debconf-set-selections'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Checking if target_proc (/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount', 'dpkg-query', '--list'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: No custom template provided, fall back to modifymirrors in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sources on the target system Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Checking if target_proc (/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount', 'dpkg', '--print-architecture'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Checking if target_proc (/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount', 'dpkg-query', '--show', '--showformat', '${Version}', 'cloud-init'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Set preserve_sources_list to True in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/curtin-preserve-sources.cfg with: {'apt': {'preserve_sources_list': True}} Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Checking if target_proc (/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount', 'dpkg', '--print-architecture'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble-updates_InRelease to /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble-updates_InRelease Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble-updates_main_cnf_Commands-amd64 to /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble-updates_main_cnf_Commands-amd64 Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble-updates_restricted_cnf_Commands-amd64 to /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble-updates_restricted_cnf_Commands-amd64 Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_InRelease to /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_InRelease Jun 09 14:12:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_binary-amd64_Packages to /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_binary-amd64_Packages Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_cnf_Commands-amd64 to /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_cnf_Commands-amd64 Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_dep11_Components-amd64.yml.gz to /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_dep11_Components-amd64.yml.gz Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_dep11_icons-48x48.tar.gz to /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_dep11_icons-48x48.tar.gz Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_dep11_icons-64x64%402.tar.gz to /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_dep11_icons-64x64%402.tar.gz Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_dep11_icons-64x64.tar.gz to /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_dep11_icons-64x64.tar.gz Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_i18n_Translation-en to /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_main_i18n_Translation-en Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_restricted_binary-amd64_Packages to /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_restricted_binary-amd64_Packages Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_restricted_cnf_Commands-amd64 to /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_restricted_cnf_Commands-amd64 Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Renaming apt list /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_restricted_i18n_Translation-en to /tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/var/lib/apt/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_noble_restricted_i18n_Translation-en Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.003 Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpgjyxzy5j/mount/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6383]: finish: cmd-apt-config: SUCCESS: curtin command apt-config Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: start: cmd-in-target: curtin command in-target Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/usr/bin/true', '/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Running command ['unshare', '--help'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Checking if target_proc (/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/proc Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount', 'apt-get', 'update'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:1 file:/cdrom noble InRelease Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Ign:1 file:/cdrom noble InRelease Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble Release [1,072 B] Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble Release [1,072 B] Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:3 file:/cdrom noble Release.gpg [833 B] Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:3 file:/cdrom noble Release.gpg [833 B] Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:4 noble InRelease [256 kB] Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:5 noble-updates InRelease [126 kB] Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:6 noble-backports InRelease [126 kB] Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:7 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 Packages [53.0 kB] Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Ign:7 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 Packages Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:8 file:/cdrom noble/restricted amd64 Packages [15.2 kB] Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Ign:8 file:/cdrom noble/restricted amd64 Packages Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:7 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 Packages [53.0 kB] Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:8 file:/cdrom noble/restricted amd64 Packages [15.2 kB] Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:9 noble/main amd64 Packages [1,401 kB] Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: curtin command in-target Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:10 noble/main Translation-en [513 kB] Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:11 noble/restricted amd64 Packages [93.9 kB] Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:12 noble/restricted Translation-en [18.7 kB] Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:13 noble/universe amd64 Packages [15.0 MB] Jun 09 14:12:38 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:14 noble-security InRelease [126 kB] Jun 09 14:12:39 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:15 noble-security/main amd64 Packages [129 kB] Jun 09 14:12:39 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:16 noble-security/main Translation-en [34.6 kB] Jun 09 14:12:39 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:17 noble-security/main amd64 Components [6,876 B] Jun 09 14:12:39 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:18 noble-security/main Icons (48x48) [9,524 B] Jun 09 14:12:39 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:19 noble-security/main Icons (64x64) [11.2 kB] Jun 09 14:12:39 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:20 noble-security/main Icons (64x64@2) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:39 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:21 noble-security/restricted amd64 Packages [51.2 kB] Jun 09 14:12:39 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:22 noble-security/restricted Translation-en [10.8 kB] Jun 09 14:12:39 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:23 noble-security/restricted amd64 Components [212 B] Jun 09 14:12:39 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:24 noble-security/restricted Icons (48x48) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:39 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:25 noble-security/restricted Icons (64x64) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:39 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:26 noble-security/restricted Icons (64x64@2) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:39 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:27 noble-security/universe amd64 Packages [40.5 kB] Jun 09 14:12:39 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:28 noble-security/universe Translation-en [15.4 kB] Jun 09 14:12:39 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:29 noble-security/universe amd64 Components [8,632 B] Jun 09 14:12:39 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:30 noble-security/universe Icons (48x48) [3,763 B] Jun 09 14:12:39 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:31 noble-security/universe Icons (64x64) [4,851 B] Jun 09 14:12:39 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:32 noble-security/universe Icons (64x64@2) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:39 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:33 noble-security/universe amd64 c-n-f Metadata [112 B] Jun 09 14:12:39 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:34 noble-security/multiverse amd64 Components [208 B] Jun 09 14:12:40 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:35 noble/universe Translation-en [5,982 kB] Jun 09 14:12:40 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:36 noble-security/multiverse Icons (48x48) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:40 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:37 noble-security/multiverse Icons (64x64) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:40 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:38 noble-security/multiverse Icons (64x64@2) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:40 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:39 noble-security/multiverse amd64 c-n-f Metadata [116 B] Jun 09 14:12:40 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:40 noble/universe amd64 Components [3,871 kB] Jun 09 14:12:40 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:41 noble/universe Icons (48x48) [3,717 kB] Jun 09 14:12:41 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:42 noble/universe Icons (64x64) [7,747 kB] Jun 09 14:12:41 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:43 noble/universe Icons (64x64@2) [75.0 kB] Jun 09 14:12:41 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:44 noble/universe amd64 c-n-f Metadata [301 kB] Jun 09 14:12:41 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:45 noble/multiverse amd64 Packages [269 kB] Jun 09 14:12:41 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:46 noble/multiverse Translation-en [118 kB] Jun 09 14:12:41 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:47 noble/multiverse amd64 Components [35.0 kB] Jun 09 14:12:41 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:48 noble/multiverse Icons (48x48) [56.1 kB] Jun 09 14:12:41 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:49 noble/multiverse Icons (64x64) [186 kB] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:50 noble/multiverse Icons (64x64@2) [904 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:51 noble/multiverse amd64 c-n-f Metadata [8,328 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:52 noble-updates/main amd64 Packages [146 kB] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:53 noble-updates/main Translation-en [41.5 kB] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:54 noble-updates/main amd64 Components [8,564 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:55 noble-updates/main Icons (48x48) [12.6 kB] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:56 noble-updates/main Icons (64x64) [15.1 kB] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:57 noble-updates/main Icons (64x64@2) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:58 noble-updates/restricted amd64 Packages [51.2 kB] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:59 noble-updates/restricted Translation-en [10.8 kB] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:60 noble-updates/restricted amd64 Components [212 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:61 noble-updates/restricted Icons (48x48) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:62 noble-updates/restricted Icons (64x64) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:63 noble-updates/restricted Icons (64x64@2) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:64 noble-updates/universe amd64 Packages [59.4 kB] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:65 noble-updates/universe Translation-en [22.4 kB] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:66 noble-updates/universe amd64 Components [45.0 kB] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:67 noble-updates/universe Icons (48x48) [15.6 kB] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:68 noble-updates/universe Icons (64x64) [21.5 kB] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:69 noble-updates/universe Icons (64x64@2) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:70 noble-updates/universe amd64 c-n-f Metadata [112 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:71 noble-updates/multiverse amd64 Components [212 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:72 noble-updates/multiverse Icons (48x48) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:73 noble-updates/multiverse Icons (64x64) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:74 noble-updates/multiverse Icons (64x64@2) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:75 noble-updates/multiverse amd64 c-n-f Metadata [116 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:76 noble-backports/main amd64 Components [208 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:77 noble-backports/main Icons (48x48) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:78 noble-backports/main Icons (64x64) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:79 noble-backports/main Icons (64x64@2) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:80 noble-backports/main amd64 c-n-f Metadata [112 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:81 noble-backports/restricted amd64 Components [216 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:82 noble-backports/restricted Icons (48x48) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:83 noble-backports/restricted Icons (64x64) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:84 noble-backports/restricted Icons (64x64@2) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:85 noble-backports/restricted amd64 c-n-f Metadata [116 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:86 noble-backports/universe amd64 Packages [6,840 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:87 noble-backports/universe Translation-en [9,652 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:88 noble-backports/universe amd64 Components [17.6 kB] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:89 noble-backports/universe Icons (48x48) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:90 noble-backports/universe Icons (64x64) [2,900 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:91 noble-backports/universe Icons (64x64@2) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:92 noble-backports/universe amd64 c-n-f Metadata [116 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:93 noble-backports/multiverse amd64 Components [212 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:94 noble-backports/multiverse Icons (48x48) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:95 noble-backports/multiverse Icons (64x64) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:96 noble-backports/multiverse Icons (64x64@2) [29 B] Jun 09 14:12:42 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Get:97 noble-backports/multiverse amd64 c-n-f Metadata [116 B] Jun 09 14:12:44 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Fetched 40.9 MB in 4s (11.2 MB/s) Jun 09 14:12:44 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6490]: Reading package lists... Jun 09 14:12:44 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:44 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.002 Jun 09 14:12:44 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:44 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:44 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:44 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:44 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:44 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:44 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:44 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:44 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:44 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:44 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:44 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: Running command ['umount', '/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:44 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6478]: finish: cmd-in-target: SUCCESS: curtin command in-target Jun 09 14:12:44 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: curtin command in-target Jun 09 14:12:44 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring apt Jun 09 14:12:44 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: installing system Jun 09 14:12:44 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: executing curtin install initial step Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6831]: /usr/bin/ubuntu-drivers Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6832]: /usr/bin/ubuntu-drivers Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6824]: start: cmd-install: curtin command install Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6824]: curtin: Installation started. (24.0.0-3-gc66faffee) Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6824]: LANG=en_US.UTF-8 Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6824]: 'reporter' not found in config file. Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6824]: curtin: Installation started. (24.0.0-3-gc66faffee) Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6824]: Exporting resume data to /tmp/tmpkefggkci/resume-data.json so that further stages can be executed in a later invocation. Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6824]: {'WORKING_DIR': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/scratch', 'OUTPUT_FSTAB': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/state/fstab', 'OUTPUT_INTERFACES': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/state/interfaces', 'OUTPUT_NETWORK_CONFIG': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/state/network_config', 'OUTPUT_NETWORK_STATE': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/state/network_state', 'TARGET_MOUNT_POINT': '/target', 'CONFIG': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/state/config'} Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6824]: curtin: Installation finished. Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6824]: Skipping unmount: config disabled target unmounting Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6824]: TIMED INSTALL_COMMAND: 0.000 Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6824]: finish: cmd-install: SUCCESS: curtin command install Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: executing curtin install initial step Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: executing curtin install partitioning step Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: start: cmd-install: curtin command install Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: unknown type for url 'cp:///tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount', assuming type 'tgz' Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: curtin: Installation started. (24.0.0-3-gc66faffee) Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: LANG=en_US.UTF-8 Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: 'reporter' not found in config file. Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: curtin: Installation started. (24.0.0-3-gc66faffee) Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: {'WORKING_DIR': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/scratch', 'OUTPUT_FSTAB': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/state/fstab', 'OUTPUT_INTERFACES': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/state/interfaces', 'OUTPUT_NETWORK_CONFIG': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/state/network_config', 'OUTPUT_NETWORK_STATE': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/state/network_state', 'TARGET_MOUNT_POINT': '/target', 'CONFIG': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/state/config'} Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning: configuring storage Jun 09 14:12:45 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin: running 'curtin block-meta simple' Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: curtin command block-meta Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: curtin command install Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring storage Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: running 'curtin block-meta simple' Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume partition-0({'device': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'size': 999999668224, 'wipe': 'superblock', 'number': 5, 'preserve': False, 'offset': 2999980130304, 'id': 'partition-0', 'type': 'partition'}) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume disk-nvme0n1({'ptable': 'gpt', 'serial': 'Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7DPNJ0X123418M_1', 'wwn': 'eui.002538414142bab5', 'nvme_controller': 'nvme-controller-nvme0', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1', 'preserve': True, 'name': '', 'grub_device': False, 'id': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'type': 'disk'}) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Processing serial eui.002538414142bab5 via udev to eui.002538414142bab5 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: lookup_disks found: ['nvme-eui.002538414142bab5', 'nvme-eui.002538414142bab5-part2', 'nvme-eui.002538414142bab5-part3', 'nvme-eui.002538414142bab5-part5', 'nvme-eui.002538414142bab5-part4', 'nvme-eui.002538414142bab5-part1'] Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device? False Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: block.lookup_disk() returning path /dev/nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.017 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.017 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1p5 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: block-meta: extracted devices to clear: ['/dev/nvme0n1p5'] Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Declared block devices: ['/dev/nvme0n1p5'] Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: clearing devices=['/dev/nvme0n1p5'] Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta/clear-holders: removing previous storage devices Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['mdadm', '--assemble', '--scan', '-v'] with allowed return codes [0, 1, 2] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm assemble scan results: Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: looking for devices for further assembly Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/loop14 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/loop12 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/loop13 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/loop11 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/loop10 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/loop9 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/loop8 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/sda4 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/sda3 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: Cannot assemble mbr metadata on /dev/sda2 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/sda1 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: Cannot assemble mbr metadata on /dev/sda Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/nvme0n1p5 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: Cannot assemble mbr metadata on /dev/nvme0n1p4 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: Cannot assemble mbr metadata on /dev/nvme0n1p3 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/nvme0n1p2 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: Cannot assemble mbr metadata on /dev/nvme0n1p1 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: Cannot assemble mbr metadata on /dev/nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/loop7 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/loop6 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/loop5 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/loop4 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/loop3 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/loop2 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/loop1 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/loop0 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm: No arrays found in config file or automatically Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['mdadm', '--detail', '--scan', '-v'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mdadm detail scan after assemble: Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.001 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['pvscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['vgscan'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['vgchange', '--activate=y'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: curtin command block-meta Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: removing previous storage devices Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.007 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Loading kernel module bcache via modprobe Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['modprobe', '--use-blacklist', 'bcache'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Generating device storage trees for path(s): ['/dev/nvme0n1p5'] Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devname '/sys/class/block/nvme0n1p5' had holders: [] Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Current device storage tree: Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: nvme0n1p5 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Shutdown Plan: Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: {'level': 0, 'device': '/sys/class/block/nvme0n1p5', 'dev_type': 'partition'} Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: shutdown running on holder type: 'partition' syspath: '/sys/class/block/nvme0n1p5' Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_blockdev_sector_size: info: Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: { Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "nvme0n1": { Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ALIGNMENT": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ALN": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-GRAN": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-MAX": "2199023255040", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ZERO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "FSTYPE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "GROUP": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "KNAME": "nvme0n1", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LABEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LOG-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MAJ:MIN": "259:0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MIN-IO": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODE": "brw-rw----", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODEL": "Samsung SSD 990 PRO 4TB", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MOUNTPOINT": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "NAME": "nvme0n1", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OPT-IO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OWNER": "root", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "PHY-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RM": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ROTA": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RQ-SIZE": "1023", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "SIZE": "4000787030016", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "STATE": "live", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "TYPE": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "UUID": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "device_path": "/dev/nvme0n1" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: }, Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "nvme0n1p1": { Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ALIGNMENT": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ALN": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-GRAN": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-MAX": "2199023255040", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ZERO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "FSTYPE": "vfat", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "GROUP": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "KNAME": "nvme0n1p1", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LABEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LOG-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MAJ:MIN": "259:1", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MIN-IO": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODE": "brw-rw----", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MOUNTPOINT": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "NAME": "nvme0n1p1", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OPT-IO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OWNER": "root", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "PHY-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RM": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ROTA": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RQ-SIZE": "1023", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "SIZE": "104857600", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "STATE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "TYPE": "part", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "UUID": "CC45-101F", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "device_path": "/dev/nvme0n1p1" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: }, Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "nvme0n1p2": { Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ALIGNMENT": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ALN": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-GRAN": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-MAX": "2199023255040", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ZERO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "FSTYPE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "GROUP": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "KNAME": "nvme0n1p2", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LABEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LOG-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MAJ:MIN": "259:2", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MIN-IO": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODE": "brw-rw----", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MOUNTPOINT": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "NAME": "nvme0n1p2", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OPT-IO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OWNER": "root", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "PHY-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RM": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ROTA": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RQ-SIZE": "1023", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "SIZE": "16777216", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "STATE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "TYPE": "part", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "UUID": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "device_path": "/dev/nvme0n1p2" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: }, Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "nvme0n1p3": { Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ALIGNMENT": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ALN": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-GRAN": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-MAX": "2199023255040", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ZERO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "FSTYPE": "ntfs", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "GROUP": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "KNAME": "nvme0n1p3", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LABEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LOG-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MAJ:MIN": "259:3", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MIN-IO": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODE": "brw-rw----", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MOUNTPOINT": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "NAME": "nvme0n1p3", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OPT-IO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OWNER": "root", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "PHY-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RM": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ROTA": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RQ-SIZE": "1023", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "SIZE": "2999857446912", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "STATE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "TYPE": "part", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "UUID": "10D24709D246F310", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "device_path": "/dev/nvme0n1p3" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: }, Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "nvme0n1p4": { Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ALIGNMENT": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ALN": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-GRAN": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-MAX": "2199023255040", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ZERO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "FSTYPE": "ntfs", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "GROUP": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "KNAME": "nvme0n1p4", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LABEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LOG-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MAJ:MIN": "259:4", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MIN-IO": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODE": "brw-rw----", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MOUNTPOINT": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "NAME": "nvme0n1p4", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OPT-IO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OWNER": "root", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "PHY-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RM": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ROTA": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RQ-SIZE": "1023", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "SIZE": "805306368", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "STATE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "TYPE": "part", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "UUID": "6296E42B96E3FE03", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "device_path": "/dev/nvme0n1p4" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: }, Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "nvme0n1p5": { Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ALIGNMENT": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ALN": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-GRAN": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-MAX": "2199023255040", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ZERO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "FSTYPE": "ext4", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "GROUP": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "KNAME": "nvme0n1p5", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LABEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LOG-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MAJ:MIN": "259:5", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MIN-IO": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODE": "brw-rw----", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MOUNTPOINT": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "NAME": "nvme0n1p5", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OPT-IO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OWNER": "root", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "PHY-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RM": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ROTA": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RQ-SIZE": "1023", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "SIZE": "999999668224", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "STATE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "TYPE": "part", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "UUID": "fc8b5c5c-7754-4f79-819d-1f2e875d202e", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "device_path": "/dev/nvme0n1p5" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: } Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: } Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_blockdev_sector_size: (log=512, phys=512) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Checking if /dev/nvme0n1p5 is a swap device Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Found swap magic: b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: wiping superblock on /dev/nvme0n1p5 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: wiping /dev/nvme0n1p5 attempt 1/4 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['wipefs', '--all', '--force', '/dev/nvme0n1p5'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1p5: 2 bytes were erased at offset 0x00000438 (ext4): 53 ef Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: wiping 1M on /dev/nvme0n1p5 at offsets [0, -1048576] Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: successfully wiped device /dev/nvme0n1p5 on attempt 1/4 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devname '/sys/class/block/nvme0n1p5' had holders: [] Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta/clear-holders: SUCCESS: removing previous storage devices Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: blockmeta: detected storage config, using mode=custom Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring nvme_controller: nvme-controller-nvme0 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring nvme_controller: nvme-controller-nvme0 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring disk: disk-nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume disk-nvme0n1({'ptable': 'gpt', 'serial': 'Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7DPNJ0X123418M_1', 'wwn': 'eui.002538414142bab5', 'nvme_controller': 'nvme-controller-nvme0', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1', 'preserve': True, 'name': '', 'grub_device': False, 'id': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'type': 'disk'}) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: found candidate disks [{'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}] Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.025 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_blockdev_sector_size: info: Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: { Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "nvme0n1": { Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ALIGNMENT": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ALN": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-GRAN": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-MAX": "2199023255040", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ZERO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "FSTYPE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "GROUP": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "KNAME": "nvme0n1", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LABEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LOG-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MAJ:MIN": "259:0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MIN-IO": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODE": "brw-rw----", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODEL": "Samsung SSD 990 PRO 4TB", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MOUNTPOINT": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "NAME": "nvme0n1", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OPT-IO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OWNER": "root", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "PHY-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RM": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ROTA": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RQ-SIZE": "1023", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "SIZE": "4000787030016", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "STATE": "live", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "TYPE": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "UUID": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "device_path": "/dev/nvme0n1" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: }, Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "nvme0n1p1": { Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ALIGNMENT": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ALN": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-GRAN": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-MAX": "2199023255040", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ZERO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "FSTYPE": "vfat", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "GROUP": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "KNAME": "nvme0n1p1", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LABEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LOG-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MAJ:MIN": "259:6", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MIN-IO": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODE": "brw-rw----", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MOUNTPOINT": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "NAME": "nvme0n1p1", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OPT-IO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OWNER": "root", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "PHY-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RM": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ROTA": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RQ-SIZE": "1023", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "SIZE": "104857600", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "STATE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "TYPE": "part", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "UUID": "CC45-101F", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "device_path": "/dev/nvme0n1p1" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: }, Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "nvme0n1p2": { Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ALIGNMENT": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ALN": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-GRAN": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-MAX": "2199023255040", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ZERO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "FSTYPE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "GROUP": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "KNAME": "nvme0n1p2", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LABEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LOG-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MAJ:MIN": "259:7", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MIN-IO": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODE": "brw-rw----", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MOUNTPOINT": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "NAME": "nvme0n1p2", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OPT-IO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OWNER": "root", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "PHY-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RM": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ROTA": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RQ-SIZE": "1023", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "SIZE": "16777216", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "STATE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "TYPE": "part", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "UUID": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "device_path": "/dev/nvme0n1p2" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: }, Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "nvme0n1p3": { Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ALIGNMENT": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ALN": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-GRAN": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-MAX": "2199023255040", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ZERO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "FSTYPE": "ntfs", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "GROUP": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "KNAME": "nvme0n1p3", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LABEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LOG-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MAJ:MIN": "259:8", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MIN-IO": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODE": "brw-rw----", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MOUNTPOINT": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "NAME": "nvme0n1p3", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OPT-IO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OWNER": "root", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "PHY-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RM": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ROTA": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RQ-SIZE": "1023", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "SIZE": "2999857446912", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "STATE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "TYPE": "part", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "UUID": "10D24709D246F310", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "device_path": "/dev/nvme0n1p3" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: }, Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "nvme0n1p4": { Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ALIGNMENT": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ALN": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-GRAN": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-MAX": "2199023255040", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ZERO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "FSTYPE": "ntfs", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "GROUP": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "KNAME": "nvme0n1p4", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LABEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LOG-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MAJ:MIN": "259:9", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MIN-IO": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODE": "brw-rw----", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MOUNTPOINT": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "NAME": "nvme0n1p4", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OPT-IO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OWNER": "root", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "PHY-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RM": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ROTA": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RQ-SIZE": "1023", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "SIZE": "805306368", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "STATE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "TYPE": "part", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "UUID": "6296E42B96E3FE03", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "device_path": "/dev/nvme0n1p4" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: }, Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "nvme0n1p5": { Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ALIGNMENT": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ALN": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-GRAN": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-MAX": "2199023255040", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ZERO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "FSTYPE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "GROUP": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "KNAME": "nvme0n1p5", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LABEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LOG-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MAJ:MIN": "259:10", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MIN-IO": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODE": "brw-rw----", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MOUNTPOINT": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "NAME": "nvme0n1p5", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OPT-IO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OWNER": "root", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "PHY-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RM": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ROTA": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RQ-SIZE": "1023", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "SIZE": "999999668224", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "STATE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "TYPE": "part", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "UUID": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "device_path": "/dev/nvme0n1p5" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: } Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: } Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_blockdev_sector_size: (log=512, phys=512) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: disk: current ptable type: gpt Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: disk '/dev/nvme0n1' marked to be preserved, so keeping partition table Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume disk-nvme0n1({'ptable': 'gpt', 'serial': 'Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7DPNJ0X123418M_1', 'wwn': 'eui.002538414142bab5', 'nvme_controller': 'nvme-controller-nvme0', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1', 'preserve': True, 'name': '', 'grub_device': False, 'id': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'type': 'disk'}) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: found candidate disks [{'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}] Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.038 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_blockdev_sector_size: info: Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: { Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "nvme0n1": { Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ALIGNMENT": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ALN": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-GRAN": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-MAX": "2199023255040", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ZERO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "FSTYPE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "GROUP": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "KNAME": "nvme0n1", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LABEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LOG-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MAJ:MIN": "259:0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MIN-IO": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODE": "brw-rw----", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODEL": "Samsung SSD 990 PRO 4TB", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MOUNTPOINT": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "NAME": "nvme0n1", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OPT-IO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OWNER": "root", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "PHY-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RM": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ROTA": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RQ-SIZE": "1023", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "SIZE": "4000787030016", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "STATE": "live", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "TYPE": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "UUID": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "device_path": "/dev/nvme0n1" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: }, Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "nvme0n1p1": { Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ALIGNMENT": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ALN": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-GRAN": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-MAX": "2199023255040", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ZERO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "FSTYPE": "vfat", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "GROUP": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "KNAME": "nvme0n1p1", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LABEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LOG-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MAJ:MIN": "259:1", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MIN-IO": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODE": "brw-rw----", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MOUNTPOINT": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "NAME": "nvme0n1p1", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OPT-IO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OWNER": "root", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "PHY-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RM": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ROTA": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RQ-SIZE": "1023", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "SIZE": "104857600", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "STATE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "TYPE": "part", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "UUID": "CC45-101F", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "device_path": "/dev/nvme0n1p1" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: }, Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "nvme0n1p2": { Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ALIGNMENT": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ALN": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-GRAN": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-MAX": "2199023255040", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ZERO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "FSTYPE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "GROUP": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "KNAME": "nvme0n1p2", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LABEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LOG-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MAJ:MIN": "259:2", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MIN-IO": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODE": "brw-rw----", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MOUNTPOINT": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "NAME": "nvme0n1p2", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OPT-IO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OWNER": "root", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "PHY-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RM": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ROTA": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RQ-SIZE": "1023", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "SIZE": "16777216", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "STATE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "TYPE": "part", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "UUID": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "device_path": "/dev/nvme0n1p2" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: }, Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "nvme0n1p3": { Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ALIGNMENT": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ALN": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-GRAN": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-MAX": "2199023255040", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ZERO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "FSTYPE": "ntfs", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "GROUP": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "KNAME": "nvme0n1p3", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LABEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LOG-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MAJ:MIN": "259:3", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MIN-IO": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODE": "brw-rw----", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MOUNTPOINT": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "NAME": "nvme0n1p3", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OPT-IO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OWNER": "root", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "PHY-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RM": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ROTA": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RQ-SIZE": "1023", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "SIZE": "2999857446912", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "STATE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "TYPE": "part", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "UUID": "10D24709D246F310", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "device_path": "/dev/nvme0n1p3" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: }, Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "nvme0n1p4": { Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ALIGNMENT": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ALN": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-GRAN": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-MAX": "2199023255040", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ZERO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "FSTYPE": "ntfs", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "GROUP": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "KNAME": "nvme0n1p4", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LABEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LOG-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MAJ:MIN": "259:4", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MIN-IO": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODE": "brw-rw----", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MOUNTPOINT": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "NAME": "nvme0n1p4", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OPT-IO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OWNER": "root", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "PHY-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RM": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ROTA": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RQ-SIZE": "1023", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "SIZE": "805306368", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "STATE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "TYPE": "part", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "UUID": "6296E42B96E3FE03", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "device_path": "/dev/nvme0n1p4" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: }, Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "nvme0n1p5": { Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ALIGNMENT": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ALN": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-GRAN": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-MAX": "2199023255040", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ZERO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "FSTYPE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "GROUP": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "KNAME": "nvme0n1p5", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LABEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LOG-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MAJ:MIN": "259:5", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MIN-IO": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODE": "brw-rw----", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MOUNTPOINT": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "NAME": "nvme0n1p5", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OPT-IO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OWNER": "root", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "PHY-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RM": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ROTA": "0", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RQ-SIZE": "1023", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "SIZE": "999999668224", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "STATE": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "TYPE": "part", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "UUID": "", Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "device_path": "/dev/nvme0n1p5" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: } Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: } Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_blockdev_sector_size: (log=512, phys=512) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['sfdisk', '--json', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Verifying /dev/nvme0n1p1 size, expecting 104857600 bytes, found 104857600 bytes Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Verifying /dev/nvme0n1p1 offset, expecting 1048576, found 1048576 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Verifying /dev/nvme0n1p1 partition flag, expecting boot, found boot Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Verifying /dev/nvme0n1p2 size, expecting 16777216 bytes, found 16777216 bytes Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Verifying /dev/nvme0n1p2 offset, expecting 105906176, found 105906176 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Verifying /dev/nvme0n1p2 partition flag, expecting msftres, found msftres Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Verifying /dev/nvme0n1p3 size, expecting 2999857446912 bytes, found 2999857446912 bytes Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Verifying /dev/nvme0n1p3 offset, expecting 122683392, found 122683392 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Verifying /dev/nvme0n1p4 size, expecting 805306368 bytes, found 805306368 bytes Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Verifying /dev/nvme0n1p4 offset, expecting 3999979798528, found 3999979798528 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['wipefs', '--all', '--force', '/dev/nvme0n1p5'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: wiping 1M on /dev/nvme0n1p5 at offsets [0, -1048576] Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: sfdisk input: Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: --- Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: label: gpt Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: label-id: 3A4D28DC-C4D7-401A-9384-DCDBC87CEE8E Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: first-lba: 34 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: last-lba: 7814037134 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: 1: start=2048 size=204800 type=c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b uuid=06e991c2-75f7-4f3f-97fd-12a9b8c1a79d name="EFI\x20system\x20partition" attrs="GUID:63" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: 2: start=206848 size=32768 type=e3c9e316-0b5c-4db8-817d-f92df00215ae uuid=e88c95a3-facc-40df-9ffc-f3dfdd94baad name="Microsoft\x20reserved\x20partition" attrs="GUID:63" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: 3: start=239616 size=5859096576 type=ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 uuid=e76418dd-f997-4772-8f20-64e6ecfeda0c name="Basic\x20data\x20partition" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: 4: start=7812460544 size=1572864 type=de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac uuid=008feaf6-090f-4fdf-ac92-c68b3663b1e7 attrs="RequiredPartition GUID:63" Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: 5: start=5859336192 size=1953124352 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: --- Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['losetup', '--version'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['sfdisk', '--no-reread', '/dev/nvme0n1', '--no-tell-kernel'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Disk /dev/nvme0n1: 3.64 TiB, 4000787030016 bytes, 7814037168 sectors Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Disk model: Samsung SSD 990 PRO 4TB Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Disklabel type: gpt Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Disk identifier: 3A4D28DC-C4D7-401A-9384-DCDBC87CEE8E Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Old situation: Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Device Start End Sectors Size Type Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1p1 2048 206847 204800 100M EFI System Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1p2 206848 239615 32768 16M Microsoft reserved Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1p3 239616 5859336191 5859096576 2.7T Microsoft basic data Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1p4 7812460544 7814033407 1572864 768M Windows recovery environment Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1p5 5859336192 7812460543 1953124352 931.3G Linux filesystem Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Partition table entries are not in disk order. Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: >>> Script header accepted. Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: >>> Script header accepted. Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: >>> Script header accepted. Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: >>> Script header accepted. Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: >>> Created a new GPT disklabel (GUID: 3A4D28DC-C4D7-401A-9384-DCDBC87CEE8E). Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1p1: Created a new partition 1 of type 'EFI System' and of size 100 MiB. Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Partition #1 contains a vfat signature. Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1p2: Created a new partition 2 of type 'Microsoft reserved' and of size 16 MiB. Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1p3: Created a new partition 3 of type 'Microsoft basic data' and of size 2.7 TiB. Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Partition #3 contains a ntfs signature. Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1p4: Created a new partition 4 of type 'Windows recovery environment' and of size 768 MiB. Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Partition #4 contains a ntfs signature. Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: removing previous storage devices Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring nvme_controller: nvme-controller-nvme0 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring nvme_controller: nvme-controller-nvme0 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring disk: disk-nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1p5: Created a new partition 5 of type 'Linux filesystem' and of size 931.3 GiB. Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1p6: Done. Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: New situation: Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Disklabel type: gpt Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Disk identifier: 3A4D28DC-C4D7-401A-9384-DCDBC87CEE8E Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Device Start End Sectors Size Type Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1p1 2048 206847 204800 100M EFI System Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1p2 206848 239615 32768 16M Microsoft reserved Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1p3 239616 5859336191 5859096576 2.7T Microsoft basic data Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1p4 7812460544 7814033407 1572864 768M Windows recovery environment Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1p5 5859336192 7812460543 1953124352 931.3G Linux filesystem Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Partition table entries are not in disk order. Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: The partition table has been altered. Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.016 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['wipefs', '--all', '--force', '/dev/nvme0n1p5'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: wiping 1M on /dev/nvme0n1p5 at offsets [0, -1048576] Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume partition-nvme0n1p1({'device': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'size': 104857600, 'flag': 'boot', 'number': 1, 'preserve': True, 'grub_device': True, 'offset': 1048576, 'partition_type': 'c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1p1', 'uuid': '06e991c2-75f7-4f3f-97fd-12a9b8c1a79d', 'id': 'partition-nvme0n1p1', 'type': 'partition'}) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume disk-nvme0n1({'ptable': 'gpt', 'serial': 'Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7DPNJ0X123418M_1', 'wwn': 'eui.002538414142bab5', 'nvme_controller': 'nvme-controller-nvme0', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1', 'preserve': True, 'name': '', 'grub_device': False, 'id': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'type': 'disk'}) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: found candidate disks [{'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}] Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.016 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.021 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1p1 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['blkid', '-o', 'export', '/dev/nvme0n1p1'] with allowed return codes [0, 2] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: No partition-specific dname Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume partition-nvme0n1p2({'device': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'size': 16777216, 'flag': 'msftres', 'number': 2, 'preserve': True, 'grub_device': False, 'offset': 105906176, 'partition_type': 'e3c9e316-0b5c-4db8-817d-f92df00215ae', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1p2', 'uuid': 'e88c95a3-facc-40df-9ffc-f3dfdd94baad', 'id': 'partition-nvme0n1p2', 'type': 'partition'}) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume disk-nvme0n1({'ptable': 'gpt', 'serial': 'Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7DPNJ0X123418M_1', 'wwn': 'eui.002538414142bab5', 'nvme_controller': 'nvme-controller-nvme0', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1', 'preserve': True, 'name': '', 'grub_device': False, 'id': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'type': 'disk'}) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: found candidate disks [{'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}] Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.016 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.015 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1p2 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['blkid', '-o', 'export', '/dev/nvme0n1p2'] with allowed return codes [0, 2] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: No partition-specific dname Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume partition-nvme0n1p3({'device': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'size': 2999857446912, 'number': 3, 'preserve': True, 'grub_device': False, 'offset': 122683392, 'partition_type': 'ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1p3', 'uuid': 'e76418dd-f997-4772-8f20-64e6ecfeda0c', 'id': 'partition-nvme0n1p3', 'type': 'partition'}) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume disk-nvme0n1({'ptable': 'gpt', 'serial': 'Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7DPNJ0X123418M_1', 'wwn': 'eui.002538414142bab5', 'nvme_controller': 'nvme-controller-nvme0', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1', 'preserve': True, 'name': '', 'grub_device': False, 'id': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'type': 'disk'}) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: found candidate disks [{'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}] Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.014 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.015 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1p3 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['blkid', '-o', 'export', '/dev/nvme0n1p3'] with allowed return codes [0, 2] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: No partition-specific dname Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume partition-nvme0n1p4({'device': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'size': 805306368, 'number': 4, 'preserve': True, 'grub_device': False, 'offset': 3999979798528, 'partition_type': 'de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1p4', 'uuid': '008feaf6-090f-4fdf-ac92-c68b3663b1e7', 'id': 'partition-nvme0n1p4', 'type': 'partition'}) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume disk-nvme0n1({'ptable': 'gpt', 'serial': 'Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7DPNJ0X123418M_1', 'wwn': 'eui.002538414142bab5', 'nvme_controller': 'nvme-controller-nvme0', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1', 'preserve': True, 'name': '', 'grub_device': False, 'id': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'type': 'disk'}) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: found candidate disks [{'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}] Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.014 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.016 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1p4 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['blkid', '-o', 'export', '/dev/nvme0n1p4'] with allowed return codes [0, 2] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: No partition-specific dname Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume partition-0({'device': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'size': 999999668224, 'wipe': 'superblock', 'number': 5, 'preserve': False, 'offset': 2999980130304, 'id': 'partition-0', 'type': 'partition'}) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume disk-nvme0n1({'ptable': 'gpt', 'serial': 'Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7DPNJ0X123418M_1', 'wwn': 'eui.002538414142bab5', 'nvme_controller': 'nvme-controller-nvme0', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1', 'preserve': True, 'name': '', 'grub_device': False, 'id': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'type': 'disk'}) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: found candidate disks [{'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}] Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.027 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.016 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1p5 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['blkid', '-o', 'export', '/dev/nvme0n1p5'] with allowed return codes [0, 2] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: No partition-specific dname Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring disk: disk-nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring partition: partition-nvme0n1p1 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume partition-nvme0n1p1({'device': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'size': 104857600, 'flag': 'boot', 'number': 1, 'preserve': True, 'grub_device': True, 'offset': 1048576, 'partition_type': 'c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1p1', 'uuid': '06e991c2-75f7-4f3f-97fd-12a9b8c1a79d', 'id': 'partition-nvme0n1p1', 'type': 'partition'}) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume disk-nvme0n1({'ptable': 'gpt', 'serial': 'Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7DPNJ0X123418M_1', 'wwn': 'eui.002538414142bab5', 'nvme_controller': 'nvme-controller-nvme0', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1', 'preserve': True, 'name': '', 'grub_device': False, 'id': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'type': 'disk'}) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: found candidate disks [{'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}] Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.017 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring disk: disk-nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring partition: partition-nvme0n1p1 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.015 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1p1 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring partition: partition-nvme0n1p1 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring partition: partition-nvme0n1p2 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume partition-nvme0n1p2({'device': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'size': 16777216, 'flag': 'msftres', 'number': 2, 'preserve': True, 'grub_device': False, 'offset': 105906176, 'partition_type': 'e3c9e316-0b5c-4db8-817d-f92df00215ae', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1p2', 'uuid': 'e88c95a3-facc-40df-9ffc-f3dfdd94baad', 'id': 'partition-nvme0n1p2', 'type': 'partition'}) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume disk-nvme0n1({'ptable': 'gpt', 'serial': 'Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7DPNJ0X123418M_1', 'wwn': 'eui.002538414142bab5', 'nvme_controller': 'nvme-controller-nvme0', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1', 'preserve': True, 'name': '', 'grub_device': False, 'id': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'type': 'disk'}) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: found candidate disks [{'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}] Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.015 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.014 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1p2 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring partition: partition-nvme0n1p2 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring partition: partition-nvme0n1p3 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume partition-nvme0n1p3({'device': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'size': 2999857446912, 'number': 3, 'preserve': True, 'grub_device': False, 'offset': 122683392, 'partition_type': 'ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1p3', 'uuid': 'e76418dd-f997-4772-8f20-64e6ecfeda0c', 'id': 'partition-nvme0n1p3', 'type': 'partition'}) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume disk-nvme0n1({'ptable': 'gpt', 'serial': 'Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7DPNJ0X123418M_1', 'wwn': 'eui.002538414142bab5', 'nvme_controller': 'nvme-controller-nvme0', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1', 'preserve': True, 'name': '', 'grub_device': False, 'id': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'type': 'disk'}) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: found candidate disks [{'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}] Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.014 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.014 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1p3 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring partition: partition-nvme0n1p3 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring partition: partition-nvme0n1p4 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume partition-nvme0n1p4({'device': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'size': 805306368, 'number': 4, 'preserve': True, 'grub_device': False, 'offset': 3999979798528, 'partition_type': 'de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1p4', 'uuid': '008feaf6-090f-4fdf-ac92-c68b3663b1e7', 'id': 'partition-nvme0n1p4', 'type': 'partition'}) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume disk-nvme0n1({'ptable': 'gpt', 'serial': 'Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7DPNJ0X123418M_1', 'wwn': 'eui.002538414142bab5', 'nvme_controller': 'nvme-controller-nvme0', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1', 'preserve': True, 'name': '', 'grub_device': False, 'id': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'type': 'disk'}) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: found candidate disks [{'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}] Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.016 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.023 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1p4 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring partition: partition-nvme0n1p4 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring partition: partition-0 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume partition-0({'device': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'size': 999999668224, 'wipe': 'superblock', 'number': 5, 'preserve': False, 'offset': 2999980130304, 'id': 'partition-0', 'type': 'partition'}) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume disk-nvme0n1({'ptable': 'gpt', 'serial': 'Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7DPNJ0X123418M_1', 'wwn': 'eui.002538414142bab5', 'nvme_controller': 'nvme-controller-nvme0', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1', 'preserve': True, 'name': '', 'grub_device': False, 'id': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'type': 'disk'}) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: found candidate disks [{'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}] Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring partition: partition-nvme0n1p1 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring partition: partition-nvme0n1p2 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring partition: partition-nvme0n1p2 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring partition: partition-nvme0n1p3 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring partition: partition-nvme0n1p3 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring partition: partition-nvme0n1p4 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring partition: partition-nvme0n1p4 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring partition: partition-0 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.018 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.017 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1p5 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring partition: partition-0 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring format: format-0 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume partition-0({'device': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'size': 999999668224, 'wipe': 'superblock', 'number': 5, 'preserve': False, 'offset': 2999980130304, 'id': 'partition-0', 'type': 'partition'}) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume disk-nvme0n1({'ptable': 'gpt', 'serial': 'Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7DPNJ0X123418M_1', 'wwn': 'eui.002538414142bab5', 'nvme_controller': 'nvme-controller-nvme0', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1', 'preserve': True, 'name': '', 'grub_device': False, 'id': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'type': 'disk'}) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: found candidate disks [{'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}] Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.021 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.016 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1p5 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: mkfs /dev/nvme0n1p5 info: {'fstype': 'ext4', 'volume': 'partition-0', 'preserve': False, 'id': 'format-0', 'type': 'format'} Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/nvme0n1p5'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_blockdev_sector_size: info: Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: { Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "nvme0n1p5": { Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ALIGNMENT": "0", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ALN": "0", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-GRAN": "512", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-MAX": "2199023255040", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "DISC-ZERO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "FSTYPE": "", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "GROUP": "disk", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "KNAME": "nvme0n1p5", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LABEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "LOG-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MAJ:MIN": "259:10", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MIN-IO": "512", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODE": "brw-rw----", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MODEL": "", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "MOUNTPOINT": "", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "NAME": "nvme0n1p5", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OPT-IO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "OWNER": "root", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "PHY-SEC": "512", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RM": "0", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RO": "0", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "ROTA": "0", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "RQ-SIZE": "1023", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "SIZE": "999999668224", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "STATE": "", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "TYPE": "part", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "UUID": "", Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: "device_path": "/dev/nvme0n1p5" Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: } Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: } Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_blockdev_sector_size: (log=512, phys=512) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['mkfs.ext4', '-F', '-U', '6d3ac05c-cca5-4153-8072-7efa473a203e', '/dev/nvme0n1p5'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring partition: partition-0 Jun 09 14:12:47 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring format: format-0 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Formated device type: partition Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring format: format-0 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring mount: mount-0 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume partition-0({'device': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'size': 999999668224, 'wipe': 'superblock', 'number': 5, 'preserve': False, 'offset': 2999980130304, 'id': 'partition-0', 'type': 'partition'}) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume disk-nvme0n1({'ptable': 'gpt', 'serial': 'Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7DPNJ0X123418M_1', 'wwn': 'eui.002538414142bab5', 'nvme_controller': 'nvme-controller-nvme0', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1', 'preserve': True, 'name': '', 'grub_device': False, 'id': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'type': 'disk'}) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: found candidate disks [{'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}] Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.014 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.014 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1p5 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: volume_path=/dev/nvme0n1p5 found slaves: ['nvme0n1p5'] Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: kname_is_iscsi: no iscsi disk found for kname nvme0n1p5 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: kname_is_iscsi: no iscsi disk found for kname nvme0n1p5 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['mount', '-t', 'ext4', '-o', 'defaults', '/dev/nvme0n1p5', '/target/'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/nvme0n1p5'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/nvme0n1p5'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: volspec: path=/dev/nvme0n1p5 type=part Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: info[DEVLINKS] = ['/dev/disk/by-diskseq/9-part5', '/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7DPNJ0X123418M-part5', '/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7DPNJ0X123418M_1-part5', '/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-eui.002538414142bab5-part5', '/dev/disk/by-partuuid/a2aeea57-d4cc-4e44-a5d0-0818786bebb9', '/dev/disk/by-uuid/6d3ac05c-cca5-4153-8072-7efa473a203e', '/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:03:00.0-nvme-1-part5'] Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring mount: mount-0 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring format: format-partition-nvme0n1p1 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume partition-nvme0n1p1({'device': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'size': 104857600, 'flag': 'boot', 'number': 1, 'preserve': True, 'grub_device': True, 'offset': 1048576, 'partition_type': 'c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1p1', 'uuid': '06e991c2-75f7-4f3f-97fd-12a9b8c1a79d', 'id': 'partition-nvme0n1p1', 'type': 'partition'}) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume disk-nvme0n1({'ptable': 'gpt', 'serial': 'Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7DPNJ0X123418M_1', 'wwn': 'eui.002538414142bab5', 'nvme_controller': 'nvme-controller-nvme0', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1', 'preserve': True, 'name': '', 'grub_device': False, 'id': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'type': 'disk'}) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: found candidate disks [{'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}] Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.012 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.018 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1p1 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring format: format-partition-nvme0n1p1 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: start: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: configuring mount: mount-1 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume partition-nvme0n1p1({'device': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'size': 104857600, 'flag': 'boot', 'number': 1, 'preserve': True, 'grub_device': True, 'offset': 1048576, 'partition_type': 'c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1p1', 'uuid': '06e991c2-75f7-4f3f-97fd-12a9b8c1a79d', 'id': 'partition-nvme0n1p1', 'type': 'partition'}) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: get_path_to_storage_volume for volume disk-nvme0n1({'ptable': 'gpt', 'serial': 'Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7DPNJ0X123418M_1', 'wwn': 'eui.002538414142bab5', 'nvme_controller': 'nvme-controller-nvme0', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1', 'preserve': True, 'name': '', 'grub_device': False, 'id': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'type': 'disk'}) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: found candidate disks [{'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}, {'/dev/nvme0n1'}] Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.023 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['partprobe', '/dev/nvme0n1'] with allowed return codes [0, 1] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED udevadm_settle(): 0.017 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: devsync happy - path /dev/nvme0n1 now exists Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: return volume path /dev/nvme0n1p1 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: volume_path=/dev/nvme0n1p1 found slaves: ['nvme0n1p1'] Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: kname_is_iscsi: no iscsi disk found for kname nvme0n1p1 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: kname_is_iscsi: no iscsi disk found for kname nvme0n1p1 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['mount', '-t', 'vfat', '-o', 'defaults', '/dev/nvme0n1p1', '/target/boot/efi'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring format: format-0 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring mount: mount-0 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring mount: mount-0 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring format: format-partition-nvme0n1p1 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring format: format-partition-nvme0n1p1 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring mount: mount-1 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['udevadm', 'info', '--query=property', '--export', '/dev/nvme0n1p1'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Running command ['lsblk', '--noheadings', '--bytes', '--pairs', '--output=ALIGNMENT,DISC-ALN,DISC-GRAN,DISC-MAX,DISC-ZERO,FSTYPE,GROUP,KNAME,LABEL,LOG-SEC,MAJ:MIN,MIN-IO,MODE,MODEL,MOUNTPOINT,NAME,OPT-IO,OWNER,PHY-SEC,RM,RO,ROTA,RQ-SIZE,SIZE,STATE,TYPE,UUID', '/dev/nvme0n1p1'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: volspec: path=/dev/nvme0n1p1 type=part Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: info[DEVLINKS] = ['/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7DPNJ0X123418M_1-part1', '/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-eui.002538414142bab5-part1', '/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-Samsung_SSD_990_PRO_4TB_S7DPNJ0X123418M-part1', '/dev/disk/by-partlabel/EFIx20systemx20partition', '/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:03:00.0-nvme-1-part1', '/dev/disk/by-uuid/CC45-101F', '/dev/disk/by-diskseq/9-part1', '/dev/disk/by-partuuid/06e991c2-75f7-4f3f-97fd-12a9b8c1a79d'] Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: configuring mount: mount-1 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED BLOCK_META: 2.793 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: SUCCESS: curtin command block-meta Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin: SUCCESS: running 'curtin block-meta simple' Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: builtin took 3.218 seconds Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: stage_partitioning took 3.218 seconds Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning: SUCCESS: configuring storage Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: curtin: Installation finished. Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: Skipping unmount: config disabled target unmounting Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: TIMED INSTALL_COMMAND: 3.219 Jun 09 14:12:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[6854]: finish: cmd-install: SUCCESS: curtin command install Jun 09 14:12:49 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring mount: mount-1 Jun 09 14:12:49 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: running 'curtin block-meta simple' Jun 09 14:12:49 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring storage Jun 09 14:12:49 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: curtin command install Jun 09 14:12:49 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: executing curtin install partitioning step Jun 09 14:12:49 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: executing curtin install extract step Jun 09 14:12:49 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: start: cmd-install: curtin command install Jun 09 14:12:49 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: unknown type for url 'cp:///tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount', assuming type 'tgz' Jun 09 14:12:49 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: curtin: Installation started. (24.0.0-3-gc66faffee) Jun 09 14:12:49 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: LANG=en_US.UTF-8 Jun 09 14:12:49 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: 'reporter' not found in config file. Jun 09 14:12:49 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: curtin: Installation started. (24.0.0-3-gc66faffee) Jun 09 14:12:49 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: {'WORKING_DIR': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/scratch', 'OUTPUT_FSTAB': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/state/fstab', 'OUTPUT_INTERFACES': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/state/interfaces', 'OUTPUT_NETWORK_CONFIG': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/state/network_config', 'OUTPUT_NETWORK_STATE': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/state/network_state', 'TARGET_MOUNT_POINT': '/target', 'CONFIG': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/state/config'} Jun 09 14:12:49 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: start: cmd-install/stage-extract: writing install sources to disk Jun 09 14:12:49 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: start: cmd-install/stage-extract/builtin: running 'curtin extract' Jun 09 14:12:50 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: curtin command install Jun 09 14:12:50 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: writing install sources to disk Jun 09 14:12:50 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: running 'curtin extract' Jun 09 14:12:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: start: cmd-install/stage-extract/builtin/cmd-extract: curtin command extract Jun 09 14:12:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: Installing sources: [{'type': 'tgz', 'uri': 'cp:///tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount'}] to target at /target Jun 09 14:12:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: start: cmd-install/stage-extract/builtin/cmd-extract: acquiring and extracting image from cp:///tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount Jun 09 14:12:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: Setting up Trivial Source for stack /tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount Jun 09 14:12:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: Running command ['rsync', '-aXHAS', '--one-file-system', '/tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount/', '.'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:12:50 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: curtin command extract Jun 09 14:12:50 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: acquiring and extracting image from cp:///tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount Jun 09 14:13:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: finish: cmd-install/stage-extract/builtin/cmd-extract: SUCCESS: acquiring and extracting image from cp:///tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount Jun 09 14:13:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: Applying write_files from config. Jun 09 14:13:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: finish: cmd-install/stage-extract/builtin/cmd-extract: SUCCESS: curtin command extract Jun 09 14:13:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: finish: cmd-install/stage-extract/builtin: SUCCESS: running 'curtin extract' Jun 09 14:13:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: builtin took 56.613 seconds Jun 09 14:13:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: stage_extract took 56.613 seconds Jun 09 14:13:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: finish: cmd-install/stage-extract: SUCCESS: writing install sources to disk Jun 09 14:13:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: curtin: Installation finished. Jun 09 14:13:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: Skipping unmount: config disabled target unmounting Jun 09 14:13:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: TIMED INSTALL_COMMAND: 56.613 Jun 09 14:13:46 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7939]: finish: cmd-install: SUCCESS: curtin command install Jun 09 14:13:46 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: acquiring and extracting image from cp:///tmp/tmpr77w0wc3/mount Jun 09 14:13:46 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: running 'curtin extract' Jun 09 14:13:46 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: writing install sources to disk Jun 09 14:13:46 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: curtin command install Jun 09 14:13:46 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: executing curtin install extract step Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring keyboard Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: start: cmd-in-target: curtin command in-target Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Running command ['unshare', '--help'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'setupcon', '--save-only'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.005 Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: curtin command in-target Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[7965]: finish: cmd-in-target: SUCCESS: curtin command in-target Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: curtin command in-target Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring keyboard Jun 09 14:13:47 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: executing curtin install curthooks step Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install: curtin command install Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: curtin: Installation started. (24.0.0-3-gc66faffee) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: LANG=en_US.UTF-8 Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: 'reporter' not found in config file. Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: curtin: Installation started. (24.0.0-3-gc66faffee) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: {'WORKING_DIR': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/scratch', 'OUTPUT_FSTAB': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/state/fstab', 'OUTPUT_INTERFACES': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/state/interfaces', 'OUTPUT_NETWORK_CONFIG': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/state/network_config', 'OUTPUT_NETWORK_STATE': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/state/network_state', 'TARGET_MOUNT_POINT': '/target', 'CONFIG': '/tmp/tmpc7jimggw/state/config'} Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks: configuring installed system Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin: running 'curtin curthooks' Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: curtin command install Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring installed system Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: running 'curtin curthooks' Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks: curtin command curthooks Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running curtin builtin curthooks Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Configuring target system for distro: ubuntu osfamily: debian Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/writing-apt-config: configuring apt configuring apt Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: No apt config provided, skipping Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Diverting original update-initramfs in target. Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--help'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'dpkg-divert', '--add', '--rename', '--divert', '/usr/sbin/update-initramfs.curtin-disabled', '/usr/sbin/update-initramfs'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Adding 'local diversion of /usr/sbin/update-initramfs to /usr/sbin/update-initramfs.curtin-disabled' Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.002 Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/writing-apt-config: SUCCESS: configuring apt configuring apt Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It's not, using normal behavior Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'lsb_release', '--all'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-missing-packages: installing missing packages Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It's not, using normal behavior Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'dpkg-query', '--list'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Curtin config dependencies requires additional packages: ['e2fsprogs'] Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['dpkg', '--print-architecture'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['apt-cache', 'pkgnames'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['apt-cache', 'pkgnames'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Skipping install of {'bridge-utils', 'vlan', 'ifenslave', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'efibootmgr', 'shim-signed'}. Not needed on netplan system. Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks: Installing packages on target system: ['efibootmgr', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'shim-signed'] Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Updating apt sources in /target Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: curtin command curthooks Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring apt configuring apt Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring apt configuring apt Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: installing missing packages Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: Installing packages on target system: ['efibootmgr', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'shim-signed'] Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', 'update'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running in chroot, ignoring command 'start' Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:1 file:/cdrom noble InRelease Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Ign:1 file:/cdrom noble InRelease Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble Release [1,072 B] Jun 09 14:13:48 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble Release [1,072 B] Jun 09 14:13:49 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:3 noble InRelease Jun 09 14:13:49 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:4 noble-updates InRelease Jun 09 14:13:49 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:5 noble-backports InRelease Jun 09 14:13:49 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:7 noble-security InRelease Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading package lists... Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.002 Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--assume-yes', '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold', 'install', '--download-only', 'efibootmgr', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'shim-signed'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading package lists... Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Building dependency tree... Jun 09 14:13:50 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading state information... Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following additional packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: grub-efi-amd64-bin grub2-common mokutil Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following NEW packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: efibootmgr grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-amd64-signed Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: grub2-common mokutil shim-signed Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: 0 upgraded, 7 newly installed, 0 to remove and 100 not upgraded. Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Need to get 0 B/4,471 kB of archives. Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: After this operation, 24.4 MB of additional disk space will be used. Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:1 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 efibootmgr amd64 18-1build2 [31.7 kB] Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [1,634 kB] Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:3 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub2-common amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [669 kB] Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:4 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64 amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [52.8 kB] Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:5 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64-signed amd64 1.202+2.12-1ubuntu7 [1,392 kB] Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:6 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 mokutil amd64 0.6.0-2build3 [26.8 kB] Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:7 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 shim-signed amd64 1.58+15.8-0ubuntu1 [665 kB] Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Download complete and in download only mode Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--assume-yes', '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold', 'install', 'efibootmgr', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'shim-signed'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading package lists... Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Building dependency tree... Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading state information... Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following additional packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: grub-efi-amd64-bin grub2-common mokutil Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following NEW packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: efibootmgr grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-amd64-signed Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: grub2-common mokutil shim-signed Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: 0 upgraded, 7 newly installed, 0 to remove and 100 not upgraded. Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Need to get 0 B/4,471 kB of archives. Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: After this operation, 24.4 MB of additional disk space will be used. Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:1 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 efibootmgr amd64 18-1build2 [31.7 kB] Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [1,634 kB] Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:3 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub2-common amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [669 kB] Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:4 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64 amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [52.8 kB] Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:5 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64-signed amd64 1.202+2.12-1ubuntu7 [1,392 kB] Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:6 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 mokutil amd64 0.6.0-2build3 [26.8 kB] Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:7 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 shim-signed amd64 1.58+15.8-0ubuntu1 [665 kB] Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preconfiguring packages ... Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: E: Can not write log (Is /dev/pts mounted?) - posix_openpt (19: No such device) Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package efibootmgr. Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: (Reading database ... 99355 files and directories currently installed.) Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../0-efibootmgr_18-1build2_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking efibootmgr (18-1build2) ... Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package grub-efi-amd64-bin. Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../1-grub-efi-amd64-bin_2.12-1ubuntu7_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking grub-efi-amd64-bin (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package grub2-common. Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../2-grub2-common_2.12-1ubuntu7_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking grub2-common (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package grub-efi-amd64. Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../3-grub-efi-amd64_2.12-1ubuntu7_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:13:51 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking grub-efi-amd64 (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:13:52 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package grub-efi-amd64-signed. Jun 09 14:13:52 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../4-grub-efi-amd64-signed_1.202+2.12-1ubuntu7_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:13:52 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking grub-efi-amd64-signed (1.202+2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:13:52 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package mokutil. Jun 09 14:13:52 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../5-mokutil_0.6.0-2build3_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:13:52 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking mokutil (0.6.0-2build3) ... Jun 09 14:13:52 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package shim-signed. Jun 09 14:13:52 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../6-shim-signed_1.58+15.8-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:13:52 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking shim-signed (1.58+15.8-0ubuntu1) ... Jun 09 14:13:52 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up efibootmgr (18-1build2) ... Jun 09 14:13:52 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up mokutil (0.6.0-2build3) ... Jun 09 14:13:52 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up grub2-common (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:13:52 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up grub-efi-amd64-bin (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:13:52 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up grub-efi-amd64 (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:13:52 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Creating config file /etc/default/grub with new version Jun 09 14:13:52 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up grub-efi-amd64-signed (1.202+2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:13:53 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up shim-signed (1.58+15.8-0ubuntu1) ... Jun 09 14:13:53 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/shim/shimx64.efi.signed.latest to provide /usr/lib/shim/shimx64.efi.signed (shimx64.efi.signed) in auto mode Jun 09 14:13:53 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Processing triggers for man-db (2.12.0-4build2) ... Jun 09 14:13:53 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Processing triggers for install-info (7.1-3build2) ... Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.002 Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', 'clean'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.006 Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks: SUCCESS: Installing packages on target system: ['efibootmgr', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'shim-signed'] Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-missing-packages: SUCCESS: installing missing packages Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-iscsi-service: configuring iscsi service Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-iscsi-service: SUCCESS: configuring iscsi service Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-mdadm-service: configuring raid (mdadm) service Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-mdadm-service: SUCCESS: configuring raid (mdadm) service Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-nvme-over-tcp: configuring NVMe over TCP Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-nvme-over-tcp: SUCCESS: configuring NVMe over TCP Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-kernel: installing kernel Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It's not, using normal behavior Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'lsb_release', '--all'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['dpkg', '--print-architecture'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Updating apt sources in /target Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', 'update'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running in chroot, ignoring command 'start' Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:1 file:/cdrom noble InRelease Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Ign:1 file:/cdrom noble InRelease Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble Release [1,072 B] Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble Release [1,072 B] Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:3 noble InRelease Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:4 noble-updates InRelease Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:5 noble-backports InRelease Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:7 noble-security InRelease Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: Installing packages on target system: ['efibootmgr', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'shim-signed'] Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: installing missing packages Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring iscsi service Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring iscsi service Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring raid (mdadm) service Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring raid (mdadm) service Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring NVMe over TCP Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring NVMe over TCP Jun 09 14:13:54 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: installing kernel Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading package lists... Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.004 Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--assume-yes', '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold', 'install', '--download-only', 'linux-generic-hwe-24.04'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading package lists... Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Building dependency tree... Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading state information... Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following additional packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: amd64-microcode bpfcc-tools bpftrace firmware-sof-signed hwdata ieee-data Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: intel-microcode iucode-tool libbpfcc libc-bin libc-dev-bin libc-devtools Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: libc6 libc6-dbg libc6-dev libclang-cpp18 libclang1-18 libcrypt-dev libllvm18 Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-firmware linux-headers-6.8.0-35 linux-headers-6.8.0-35-generic Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-headers-generic-hwe-24.04 linux-image-6.8.0-35-generic Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-image-generic-hwe-24.04 linux-libc-dev linux-modules-6.8.0-35-generic Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-35-generic linux-tools-6.8.0-35 Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-tools-6.8.0-35-generic linux-tools-common locales manpages-dev Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: python3-bpfcc python3-netaddr rpcsvc-proto thermald Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: ubuntu-kernel-accessories Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Suggested packages: Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: glibc-doc libnss-nis libnss-nisplus fdutils linux-tools ipython3 Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: python-netaddr-docs Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following NEW packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: amd64-microcode bpfcc-tools bpftrace firmware-sof-signed hwdata ieee-data Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: intel-microcode iucode-tool libbpfcc libc-dev-bin libc-devtools libc6-dev Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: libclang-cpp18 libclang1-18 libcrypt-dev libllvm18 linux-firmware Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-generic-hwe-24.04 linux-headers-6.8.0-35 Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-headers-6.8.0-35-generic linux-headers-generic-hwe-24.04 Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-image-6.8.0-35-generic linux-image-generic-hwe-24.04 linux-libc-dev Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-modules-6.8.0-35-generic linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-35-generic Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-tools-6.8.0-35 linux-tools-6.8.0-35-generic linux-tools-common Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: manpages-dev python3-bpfcc python3-netaddr rpcsvc-proto thermald Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: ubuntu-kernel-accessories Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following packages will be upgraded: Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: libc-bin libc6 libc6-dbg locales Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: 4 upgraded, 35 newly installed, 0 to remove and 96 not upgraded. Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Need to get 216 MB/752 MB of archives. Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: After this operation, 1,077 MB of additional disk space will be used. Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:1 noble-updates/main amd64 libc6-dbg amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [7,451 kB] Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 libllvm18 amd64 1:18.1.3-1 [27.5 MB] Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:3 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 libclang-cpp18 amd64 1:18.1.3-1 [13.5 MB] Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:4 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 libbpfcc amd64 0.29.1+ds-1ubuntu7 [663 kB] Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:5 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 python3-bpfcc all 0.29.1+ds-1ubuntu7 [40.2 kB] Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:6 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 ieee-data all 20220827.1 [2,113 kB] Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:7 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 python3-netaddr all 0.8.0-2ubuntu1 [319 kB] Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:8 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 bpfcc-tools all 0.29.1+ds-1ubuntu7 [687 kB] Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:9 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 libclang1-18 amd64 1:18.1.3-1 [7,815 kB] Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:10 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 bpftrace amd64 0.20.2-1ubuntu4 [1,011 kB] Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:11 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 firmware-sof-signed all 2023.12.1-1ubuntu1 [3,906 kB] Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:12 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 hwdata all 0.379-1 [29.1 kB] Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:13 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 iucode-tool amd64 2.3.1-3build1 [43.9 kB] Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:14 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 libcrypt-dev amd64 1:4.4.36-4build1 [112 kB] Jun 09 14:13:55 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:15 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 rpcsvc-proto amd64 1.4.2-0ubuntu7 [67.4 kB] Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:16 noble-updates/main amd64 libc6 amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [3,263 kB] Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:17 noble-updates/main amd64 libc-bin amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [682 kB] Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:18 noble-updates/main amd64 locales all 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [4,235 kB] Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:19 noble-updates/main amd64 libc-dev-bin amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [20.4 kB] Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:20 noble-updates/main amd64 libc-devtools amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [29.3 kB] Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:21 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-libc-dev amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [1,626 kB] Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:22 noble-updates/main amd64 libc6-dev amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [2,124 kB] Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:23 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-modules-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [39.1 MB] Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:24 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 linux-firmware amd64 20240318.git3b128b60-0ubuntu2 [475 MB] Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Err:24 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 linux-firmware amd64 20240318.git3b128b60-0ubuntu2 Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hash Sum mismatch Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hashes of expected file: Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA512:04b4c530acd73f2c5cbe4c7fed14e99d58b3e17fe9846e9332614b86f3585d307be2c3ce83a67199400542b38c97e4eb50bbdebb125ec3e291ef92f4feec2b48 Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA256:7b2d9bdf5a4b494d6200f6b925508530f6c8e67ee6e2e4d5dcd79b8d2f281f5f Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - Filesize:475433818 [weak] Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA1:7f0fcb5ff056056a6e0dbb0a83d3a28006f6bcc9 [weak] Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - MD5Sum:b423233cce99a21f1fb9c2e2ea2ba817 [weak] Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hashes of received file: Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA512:8d0668f7fabc021c981c2a8426ab3ba3f283bae2c7f03975d4e8e127b6c14a3f4bd52e78fad9c229fc15a9dd476059b32ea050d66c42a1ebb27e89358a6bdeae Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA256:d92e7b8d508d728b400c970dc0bc9295bf8d779405a5c9f383ce9e24431ab13e Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA1:3a5df369ca05b4586f0e88dbdf129f64e2e67884 [weak] Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - MD5Sum:cb7892053eba4ce568bbe78c94805abd [weak] Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - Filesize:475433818 [weak] Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Last modification reported: Tue, 09 Apr 2024 23:09:13 +0000 Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:25 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 amd64-microcode amd64 3.20231019.1ubuntu2 [173 kB] Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:26 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 manpages-dev all 6.7-2 [2,013 kB] Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:27 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 thermald amd64 2.5.6-2build2 [212 kB] Jun 09 14:13:56 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:28 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 ubuntu-kernel-accessories amd64 1.539 [10.8 kB] Jun 09 14:14:00 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:29 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-image-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35+1 [14.7 MB] Jun 09 14:14:01 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:30 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [113 MB] Jun 09 14:14:08 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Ign:30 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 Jun 09 14:14:09 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:31 noble-updates/main amd64 intel-microcode amd64 3.20240514.0ubuntu0.24.04.1 [6,862 kB] Jun 09 14:14:10 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:32 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-image-generic-hwe-24.04 amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [10.2 kB] Jun 09 14:14:10 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:33 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-headers-6.8.0-35 all 6.8.0-35.35 [13.6 MB] Jun 09 14:14:11 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:34 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-headers-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [3,898 kB] Jun 09 14:14:11 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:35 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-headers-generic-hwe-24.04 amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [10.0 kB] Jun 09 14:14:11 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:36 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-generic-hwe-24.04 amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [1,722 B] Jun 09 14:14:11 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:37 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-tools-common all 6.8.0-35.35 [468 kB] Jun 09 14:14:11 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:38 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-tools-6.8.0-35 amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [4,925 kB] Jun 09 14:14:12 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:39 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-tools-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [1,794 B] Jun 09 14:14:12 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:30 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [113 MB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Fetched 149 MB in 20s (7,296 kB/s) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: E: Failed to fetch file:/cdrom/pool/main/l/linux-firmware/linux-firmware_20240318.git3b128b60-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb Hash Sum mismatch Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hashes of expected file: Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA512:04b4c530acd73f2c5cbe4c7fed14e99d58b3e17fe9846e9332614b86f3585d307be2c3ce83a67199400542b38c97e4eb50bbdebb125ec3e291ef92f4feec2b48 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA256:7b2d9bdf5a4b494d6200f6b925508530f6c8e67ee6e2e4d5dcd79b8d2f281f5f Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - Filesize:475433818 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA1:7f0fcb5ff056056a6e0dbb0a83d3a28006f6bcc9 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - MD5Sum:b423233cce99a21f1fb9c2e2ea2ba817 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hashes of received file: Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA512:8d0668f7fabc021c981c2a8426ab3ba3f283bae2c7f03975d4e8e127b6c14a3f4bd52e78fad9c229fc15a9dd476059b32ea050d66c42a1ebb27e89358a6bdeae Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA256:d92e7b8d508d728b400c970dc0bc9295bf8d779405a5c9f383ce9e24431ab13e Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA1:3a5df369ca05b4586f0e88dbdf129f64e2e67884 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - MD5Sum:cb7892053eba4ce568bbe78c94805abd [weak] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - Filesize:475433818 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Last modification reported: Tue, 09 Apr 2024 23:09:13 +0000 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: E: Some files failed to download Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.005 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-kernel: FAIL: installing kernel Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks: FAIL: curtin command curthooks Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Traceback (most recent call last): Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 202, in main Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: ret = args.func(args) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 2224, in curthooks Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: builtin_curthooks(cfg, target, state) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 2048, in builtin_curthooks Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: install_kernel(cfg, target) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 393, in install_kernel Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: install(kernel_package) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 369, in install Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: distro.install_packages([pkg], target=target, env=env) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 473, in install_packages Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: return install_cmd('install', args=pkglist, opts=opts, target=target, Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 255, in run_apt_command Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: cmd_rv = apt_install(mode, args, opts=opts, env=env, target=target, Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 303, in apt_install Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: cmd_rv = inchroot.subp(cmd + dl_opts + packages, env=env, Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 843, in subp Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: return subp(*args, **kwargs) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 323, in subp Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: return _subp(*args, **kwargs) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 172, in _subp Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: raise ProcessExecutionError(stdout=out, stderr=err, Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: curtin.util.ProcessExecutionError: Unexpected error while running command. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Command: ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--assume-yes', '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold', 'install', '--download-only', 'linux-generic-hwe-24.04'] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Exit code: 100 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reason: - Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stdout: '' Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stderr: '' Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unexpected error while running command. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Command: ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--assume-yes', '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold', 'install', '--download-only', 'linux-generic-hwe-24.04'] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Exit code: 100 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reason: - Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stdout: '' Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stderr: '' Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: builtin command failed Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin: FAIL: running 'curtin curthooks' Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: builtin took 27.537 seconds Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: stage_curthooks took 27.537 seconds Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks: FAIL: configuring installed system Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: curtin: Installation failed with exception: Unexpected error while running command. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Command: ['curtin', 'curthooks'] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Exit code: 3 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reason: - Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stdout: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks: curtin command curthooks Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running curtin builtin curthooks Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Configuring target system for distro: ubuntu osfamily: debian Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/writing-apt-config: configuring apt configuring apt Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: No apt config provided, skipping Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Diverting original update-initramfs in target. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--help'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'dpkg-divert', '--add', '--rename', '--divert', '/usr/sbin/update-initramfs.curtin-disabled', '/usr/sbin/update-initramfs'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Adding 'local diversion of /usr/sbin/update-initramfs to /usr/sbin/update-initramfs.curtin-disabled' Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.002 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/writing-apt-config: SUCCESS: configuring apt configuring apt Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It's not, using normal behavior Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'lsb_release', '--all'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-missing-packages: installing missing packages Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It's not, using normal behavior Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'dpkg-query', '--list'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Curtin config dependencies requires additional packages: ['e2fsprogs'] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['dpkg', '--print-architecture'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['apt-cache', 'pkgnames'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['apt-cache', 'pkgnames'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Skipping install of {'bridge-utils', 'vlan', 'ifenslave', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'efibootmgr', 'shim-signed'}. Not needed on netplan system. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks: Installing packages on target system: ['efibootmgr', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'shim-signed'] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Updating apt sources in /target Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', 'update'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running in chroot, ignoring command 'start' Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:1 file:/cdrom noble InRelease Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Ign:1 file:/cdrom noble InRelease Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble Release [1,072 B] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble Release [1,072 B] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:3 noble InRelease Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:4 noble-updates InRelease Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:5 noble-backports InRelease Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:7 noble-security InRelease Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading package lists... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.002 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--assume-yes', '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold', 'install', '--download-only', 'efibootmgr', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'shim-signed'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading package lists... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Building dependency tree... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading state information... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following additional packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: grub-efi-amd64-bin grub2-common mokutil Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following NEW packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: efibootmgr grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-amd64-signed Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: grub2-common mokutil shim-signed Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: 0 upgraded, 7 newly installed, 0 to remove and 100 not upgraded. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Need to get 0 B/4,471 kB of archives. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: After this operation, 24.4 MB of additional disk space will be used. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:1 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 efibootmgr amd64 18-1build2 [31.7 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [1,634 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:3 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub2-common amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [669 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:4 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64 amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [52.8 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:5 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64-signed amd64 1.202+2.12-1ubuntu7 [1,392 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:6 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 mokutil amd64 0.6.0-2build3 [26.8 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:7 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 shim-signed amd64 1.58+15.8-0ubuntu1 [665 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Download complete and in download only mode Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--assume-yes', '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold', 'install', 'efibootmgr', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'shim-signed'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading package lists... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Building dependency tree... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading state information... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following additional packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: grub-efi-amd64-bin grub2-common mokutil Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following NEW packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: efibootmgr grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-amd64-signed Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: grub2-common mokutil shim-signed Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: 0 upgraded, 7 newly installed, 0 to remove and 100 not upgraded. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Need to get 0 B/4,471 kB of archives. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: After this operation, 24.4 MB of additional disk space will be used. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:1 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 efibootmgr amd64 18-1build2 [31.7 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [1,634 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:3 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub2-common amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [669 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:4 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64 amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [52.8 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:5 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64-signed amd64 1.202+2.12-1ubuntu7 [1,392 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:6 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 mokutil amd64 0.6.0-2build3 [26.8 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:7 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 shim-signed amd64 1.58+15.8-0ubuntu1 [665 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preconfiguring packages ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: E: Can not write log (Is /dev/pts mounted?) - posix_openpt (19: No such device) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package efibootmgr. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: (Reading database ... 99355 files and directories currently installed.) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../0-efibootmgr_18-1build2_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking efibootmgr (18-1build2) ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package grub-efi-amd64-bin. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../1-grub-efi-amd64-bin_2.12-1ubuntu7_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking grub-efi-amd64-bin (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package grub2-common. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../2-grub2-common_2.12-1ubuntu7_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking grub2-common (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package grub-efi-amd64. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../3-grub-efi-amd64_2.12-1ubuntu7_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking grub-efi-amd64 (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package grub-efi-amd64-signed. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../4-grub-efi-amd64-signed_1.202+2.12-1ubuntu7_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking grub-efi-amd64-signed (1.202+2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package mokutil. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../5-mokutil_0.6.0-2build3_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking mokutil (0.6.0-2build3) ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package shim-signed. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../6-shim-signed_1.58+15.8-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking shim-signed (1.58+15.8-0ubuntu1) ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up efibootmgr (18-1build2) ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up mokutil (0.6.0-2build3) ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up grub2-common (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up grub-efi-amd64-bin (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up grub-efi-amd64 (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Creating config file /etc/default/grub with new version Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up grub-efi-amd64-signed (1.202+2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up shim-signed (1.58+15.8-0ubuntu1) ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/shim/shimx64.efi.signed.latest to provide /usr/lib/shim/shimx64.efi.signed (shimx64.efi.signed) in auto mode Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Processing triggers for man-db (2.12.0-4build2) ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Processing triggers for install-info (7.1-3build2) ... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.002 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', 'clean'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.006 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks: SUCCESS: Installing packages on target system: ['efibootmgr', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'shim-signed'] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-missing-packages: SUCCESS: installing missing packages Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-iscsi-service: configuring iscsi service Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-iscsi-service: SUCCESS: configuring iscsi service Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-mdadm-service: configuring raid (mdadm) service Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-mdadm-service: SUCCESS: configuring raid (mdadm) service Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-nvme-over-tcp: configuring NVMe over TCP Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-nvme-over-tcp: SUCCESS: configuring NVMe over TCP Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-kernel: installing kernel Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It's not, using normal behavior Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'lsb_release', '--all'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['dpkg', '--print-architecture'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Updating apt sources in /target Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', 'update'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running in chroot, ignoring command 'start' Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:1 file:/cdrom noble InRelease Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Ign:1 file:/cdrom noble InRelease Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble Release [1,072 B] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble Release [1,072 B] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:3 noble InRelease Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:4 noble-updates InRelease Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:5 noble-backports InRelease Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:7 noble-security InRelease Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading package lists... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.004 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--assume-yes', '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold', 'install', '--download-only', 'linux-generic-hwe-24.04'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading package lists... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Building dependency tree... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading state information... Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following additional packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: amd64-microcode bpfcc-tools bpftrace firmware-sof-signed hwdata ieee-data Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: intel-microcode iucode-tool libbpfcc libc-bin libc-dev-bin libc-devtools Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: libc6 libc6-dbg libc6-dev libclang-cpp18 libclang1-18 libcrypt-dev libllvm18 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-firmware linux-headers-6.8.0-35 linux-headers-6.8.0-35-generic Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-headers-generic-hwe-24.04 linux-image-6.8.0-35-generic Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-image-generic-hwe-24.04 linux-libc-dev linux-modules-6.8.0-35-generic Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-35-generic linux-tools-6.8.0-35 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-tools-6.8.0-35-generic linux-tools-common locales manpages-dev Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: python3-bpfcc python3-netaddr rpcsvc-proto thermald Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: ubuntu-kernel-accessories Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Suggested packages: Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: glibc-doc libnss-nis libnss-nisplus fdutils linux-tools ipython3 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: python-netaddr-docs Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following NEW packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: amd64-microcode bpfcc-tools bpftrace firmware-sof-signed hwdata ieee-data Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: intel-microcode iucode-tool libbpfcc libc-dev-bin libc-devtools libc6-dev Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: libclang-cpp18 libclang1-18 libcrypt-dev libllvm18 linux-firmware Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-generic-hwe-24.04 linux-headers-6.8.0-35 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-headers-6.8.0-35-generic linux-headers-generic-hwe-24.04 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-image-6.8.0-35-generic linux-image-generic-hwe-24.04 linux-libc-dev Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-modules-6.8.0-35-generic linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-35-generic Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-tools-6.8.0-35 linux-tools-6.8.0-35-generic linux-tools-common Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: manpages-dev python3-bpfcc python3-netaddr rpcsvc-proto thermald Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: ubuntu-kernel-accessories Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following packages will be upgraded: Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: libc-bin libc6 libc6-dbg locales Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: 4 upgraded, 35 newly installed, 0 to remove and 96 not upgraded. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Need to get 216 MB/752 MB of archives. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: After this operation, 1,077 MB of additional disk space will be used. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:1 noble-updates/main amd64 libc6-dbg amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [7,451 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 libllvm18 amd64 1:18.1.3-1 [27.5 MB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:3 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 libclang-cpp18 amd64 1:18.1.3-1 [13.5 MB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:4 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 libbpfcc amd64 0.29.1+ds-1ubuntu7 [663 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:5 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 python3-bpfcc all 0.29.1+ds-1ubuntu7 [40.2 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:6 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 ieee-data all 20220827.1 [2,113 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:7 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 python3-netaddr all 0.8.0-2ubuntu1 [319 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:8 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 bpfcc-tools all 0.29.1+ds-1ubuntu7 [687 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:9 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 libclang1-18 amd64 1:18.1.3-1 [7,815 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:10 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 bpftrace amd64 0.20.2-1ubuntu4 [1,011 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:11 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 firmware-sof-signed all 2023.12.1-1ubuntu1 [3,906 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:12 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 hwdata all 0.379-1 [29.1 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:13 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 iucode-tool amd64 2.3.1-3build1 [43.9 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:14 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 libcrypt-dev amd64 1:4.4.36-4build1 [112 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:15 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 rpcsvc-proto amd64 1.4.2-0ubuntu7 [67.4 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:16 noble-updates/main amd64 libc6 amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [3,263 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:17 noble-updates/main amd64 libc-bin amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [682 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:18 noble-updates/main amd64 locales all 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [4,235 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:19 noble-updates/main amd64 libc-dev-bin amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [20.4 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:20 noble-updates/main amd64 libc-devtools amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [29.3 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:21 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-libc-dev amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [1,626 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:22 noble-updates/main amd64 libc6-dev amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [2,124 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:23 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-modules-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [39.1 MB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:24 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 linux-firmware amd64 20240318.git3b128b60-0ubuntu2 [475 MB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Err:24 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 linux-firmware amd64 20240318.git3b128b60-0ubuntu2 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hash Sum mismatch Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hashes of expected file: Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA512:04b4c530acd73f2c5cbe4c7fed14e99d58b3e17fe9846e9332614b86f3585d307be2c3ce83a67199400542b38c97e4eb50bbdebb125ec3e291ef92f4feec2b48 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA256:7b2d9bdf5a4b494d6200f6b925508530f6c8e67ee6e2e4d5dcd79b8d2f281f5f Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - Filesize:475433818 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA1:7f0fcb5ff056056a6e0dbb0a83d3a28006f6bcc9 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - MD5Sum:b423233cce99a21f1fb9c2e2ea2ba817 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hashes of received file: Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA512:8d0668f7fabc021c981c2a8426ab3ba3f283bae2c7f03975d4e8e127b6c14a3f4bd52e78fad9c229fc15a9dd476059b32ea050d66c42a1ebb27e89358a6bdeae Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA256:d92e7b8d508d728b400c970dc0bc9295bf8d779405a5c9f383ce9e24431ab13e Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA1:3a5df369ca05b4586f0e88dbdf129f64e2e67884 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - MD5Sum:cb7892053eba4ce568bbe78c94805abd [weak] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - Filesize:475433818 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Last modification reported: Tue, 09 Apr 2024 23:09:13 +0000 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:25 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 amd64-microcode amd64 3.20231019.1ubuntu2 [173 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:26 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 manpages-dev all 6.7-2 [2,013 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:27 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 thermald amd64 2.5.6-2build2 [212 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:28 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 ubuntu-kernel-accessories amd64 1.539 [10.8 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:29 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-image-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35+1 [14.7 MB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:30 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [113 MB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Ign:30 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:31 noble-updates/main amd64 intel-microcode amd64 3.20240514.0ubuntu0.24.04.1 [6,862 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:32 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-image-generic-hwe-24.04 amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [10.2 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:33 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-headers-6.8.0-35 all 6.8.0-35.35 [13.6 MB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:34 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-headers-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [3,898 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:35 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-headers-generic-hwe-24.04 amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [10.0 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:36 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-generic-hwe-24.04 amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [1,722 B] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:37 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-tools-common all 6.8.0-35.35 [468 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:38 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-tools-6.8.0-35 amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [4,925 kB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:39 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-tools-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [1,794 B] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:30 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [113 MB] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Fetched 149 MB in 20s (7,296 kB/s) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: E: Failed to fetch file:/cdrom/pool/main/l/linux-firmware/linux-firmware_20240318.git3b128b60-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb Hash Sum mismatch Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hashes of expected file: Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA512:04b4c530acd73f2c5cbe4c7fed14e99d58b3e17fe9846e9332614b86f3585d307be2c3ce83a67199400542b38c97e4eb50bbdebb125ec3e291ef92f4feec2b48 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA256:7b2d9bdf5a4b494d6200f6b925508530f6c8e67ee6e2e4d5dcd79b8d2f281f5f Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - Filesize:475433818 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA1:7f0fcb5ff056056a6e0dbb0a83d3a28006f6bcc9 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - MD5Sum:b423233cce99a21f1fb9c2e2ea2ba817 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hashes of received file: Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA512:8d0668f7fabc021c981c2a8426ab3ba3f283bae2c7f03975d4e8e127b6c14a3f4bd52e78fad9c229fc15a9dd476059b32ea050d66c42a1ebb27e89358a6bdeae Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA256:d92e7b8d508d728b400c970dc0bc9295bf8d779405a5c9f383ce9e24431ab13e Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA1:3a5df369ca05b4586f0e88dbdf129f64e2e67884 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - MD5Sum:cb7892053eba4ce568bbe78c94805abd [weak] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - Filesize:475433818 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Last modification reported: Tue, 09 Apr 2024 23:09:13 +0000 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: E: Some files failed to download Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.005 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-kernel: FAIL: installing kernel Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks: FAIL: curtin command curthooks Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Traceback (most recent call last): Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 202, in main Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: ret = args.func(args) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 2224, in curthooks Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: builtin_curthooks(cfg, target, state) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 2048, in builtin_curthooks Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: install_kernel(cfg, target) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 393, in install_kernel Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: install(kernel_package) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 369, in install Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: distro.install_packages([pkg], target=target, env=env) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 473, in install_packages Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: return install_cmd('install', args=pkglist, opts=opts, target=target, Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 255, in run_apt_command Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: cmd_rv = apt_install(mode, args, opts=opts, env=env, target=target, Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 303, in apt_install Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: cmd_rv = inchroot.subp(cmd + dl_opts + packages, env=env, Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 843, in subp Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: return subp(*args, **kwargs) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 323, in subp Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: return _subp(*args, **kwargs) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 172, in _subp Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: raise ProcessExecutionError(stdout=out, stderr=err, Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: curtin.util.ProcessExecutionError: Unexpected error while running command. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Command: ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--assume-yes', '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold', 'install', '--download-only', 'linux-generic-hwe-24.04'] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Exit code: 100 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reason: - Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stdout: '' Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stderr: '' Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unexpected error while running command. Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Command: ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--assume-yes', '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold', 'install', '--download-only', 'linux-generic-hwe-24.04'] Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Exit code: 100 Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reason: - Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stdout: '' Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stderr: '' Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stderr: '' Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['uname', '-a'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:15 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['sudo', 'lshw'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: installing kernel Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: running 'curtin curthooks' Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: configuring installed system Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['ip', '--oneline', 'address', 'list'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=combine) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['ip', '--oneline', '-6', 'address', 'list'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=combine) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['ip', '--oneline', 'route', 'list'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=combine) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['ip', '--oneline', '-6', 'route', 'list'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=combine) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['tar', '-cvf', '/var/log/installer/curtin-errors.tar', 'curtin-logs-2024-06-09-12-14'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Wrote: /var/log/installer/curtin-errors.tar Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Skipping unmount: config disabled target unmounting Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED INSTALL_COMMAND: 28.129 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install: FAIL: curtin command install Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Traceback (most recent call last): Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 202, in main Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: ret = args.func(args) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 97, in wrapper Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: return log_time("TIMED %s: " % msg, func, *args, **kwargs) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 79, in log_time Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: return func(*args, **kwargs) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 538, in cmd_install Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: raise e Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 523, in cmd_install Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 295, in run Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: raise util.ProcessExecutionError( Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: curtin.util.ProcessExecutionError: Unexpected error while running command. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Command: ['curtin', 'curthooks'] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Exit code: 3 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reason: - Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stdout: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks: curtin command curthooks Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running curtin builtin curthooks Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Configuring target system for distro: ubuntu osfamily: debian Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/writing-apt-config: configuring apt configuring apt Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: No apt config provided, skipping Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Diverting original update-initramfs in target. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--help'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'dpkg-divert', '--add', '--rename', '--divert', '/usr/sbin/update-initramfs.curtin-disabled', '/usr/sbin/update-initramfs'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Adding 'local diversion of /usr/sbin/update-initramfs to /usr/sbin/update-initramfs.curtin-disabled' Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.002 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/writing-apt-config: SUCCESS: configuring apt configuring apt Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It's not, using normal behavior Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'lsb_release', '--all'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-missing-packages: installing missing packages Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It's not, using normal behavior Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'dpkg-query', '--list'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Curtin config dependencies requires additional packages: ['e2fsprogs'] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['dpkg', '--print-architecture'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['apt-cache', 'pkgnames'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['apt-cache', 'pkgnames'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Skipping install of {'bridge-utils', 'vlan', 'ifenslave', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'efibootmgr', 'shim-signed'}. Not needed on netplan system. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks: Installing packages on target system: ['efibootmgr', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'shim-signed'] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Updating apt sources in /target Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', 'update'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running in chroot, ignoring command 'start' Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:1 file:/cdrom noble InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Ign:1 file:/cdrom noble InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble Release [1,072 B] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble Release [1,072 B] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:3 noble InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:4 noble-updates InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:5 noble-backports InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:7 noble-security InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading package lists... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.002 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--assume-yes', '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold', 'install', '--download-only', 'efibootmgr', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'shim-signed'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading package lists... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Building dependency tree... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading state information... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following additional packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: grub-efi-amd64-bin grub2-common mokutil Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following NEW packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: efibootmgr grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-amd64-signed Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: grub2-common mokutil shim-signed Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: 0 upgraded, 7 newly installed, 0 to remove and 100 not upgraded. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Need to get 0 B/4,471 kB of archives. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: After this operation, 24.4 MB of additional disk space will be used. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:1 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 efibootmgr amd64 18-1build2 [31.7 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [1,634 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:3 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub2-common amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [669 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:4 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64 amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [52.8 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:5 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64-signed amd64 1.202+2.12-1ubuntu7 [1,392 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:6 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 mokutil amd64 0.6.0-2build3 [26.8 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:7 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 shim-signed amd64 1.58+15.8-0ubuntu1 [665 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Download complete and in download only mode Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--assume-yes', '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold', 'install', 'efibootmgr', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'shim-signed'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading package lists... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Building dependency tree... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading state information... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following additional packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: grub-efi-amd64-bin grub2-common mokutil Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following NEW packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: efibootmgr grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-amd64-signed Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: grub2-common mokutil shim-signed Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: 0 upgraded, 7 newly installed, 0 to remove and 100 not upgraded. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Need to get 0 B/4,471 kB of archives. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: After this operation, 24.4 MB of additional disk space will be used. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:1 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 efibootmgr amd64 18-1build2 [31.7 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [1,634 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:3 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub2-common amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [669 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:4 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64 amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [52.8 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:5 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64-signed amd64 1.202+2.12-1ubuntu7 [1,392 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:6 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 mokutil amd64 0.6.0-2build3 [26.8 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:7 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 shim-signed amd64 1.58+15.8-0ubuntu1 [665 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preconfiguring packages ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: E: Can not write log (Is /dev/pts mounted?) - posix_openpt (19: No such device) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package efibootmgr. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: (Reading database ... 99355 files and directories currently installed.) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../0-efibootmgr_18-1build2_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking efibootmgr (18-1build2) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package grub-efi-amd64-bin. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../1-grub-efi-amd64-bin_2.12-1ubuntu7_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking grub-efi-amd64-bin (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package grub2-common. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../2-grub2-common_2.12-1ubuntu7_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking grub2-common (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package grub-efi-amd64. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../3-grub-efi-amd64_2.12-1ubuntu7_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking grub-efi-amd64 (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package grub-efi-amd64-signed. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../4-grub-efi-amd64-signed_1.202+2.12-1ubuntu7_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking grub-efi-amd64-signed (1.202+2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package mokutil. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../5-mokutil_0.6.0-2build3_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking mokutil (0.6.0-2build3) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package shim-signed. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../6-shim-signed_1.58+15.8-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking shim-signed (1.58+15.8-0ubuntu1) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up efibootmgr (18-1build2) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up mokutil (0.6.0-2build3) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up grub2-common (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up grub-efi-amd64-bin (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up grub-efi-amd64 (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Creating config file /etc/default/grub with new version Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up grub-efi-amd64-signed (1.202+2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up shim-signed (1.58+15.8-0ubuntu1) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/shim/shimx64.efi.signed.latest to provide /usr/lib/shim/shimx64.efi.signed (shimx64.efi.signed) in auto mode Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Processing triggers for man-db (2.12.0-4build2) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Processing triggers for install-info (7.1-3build2) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.002 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', 'clean'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.006 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks: SUCCESS: Installing packages on target system: ['efibootmgr', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'shim-signed'] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-missing-packages: SUCCESS: installing missing packages Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-iscsi-service: configuring iscsi service Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-iscsi-service: SUCCESS: configuring iscsi service Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-mdadm-service: configuring raid (mdadm) service Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-mdadm-service: SUCCESS: configuring raid (mdadm) service Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-nvme-over-tcp: configuring NVMe over TCP Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-nvme-over-tcp: SUCCESS: configuring NVMe over TCP Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-kernel: installing kernel Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It's not, using normal behavior Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'lsb_release', '--all'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['dpkg', '--print-architecture'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Updating apt sources in /target Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', 'update'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running in chroot, ignoring command 'start' Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:1 file:/cdrom noble InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Ign:1 file:/cdrom noble InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble Release [1,072 B] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble Release [1,072 B] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:3 noble InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:4 noble-updates InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:5 noble-backports InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:7 noble-security InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading package lists... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.004 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--assume-yes', '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold', 'install', '--download-only', 'linux-generic-hwe-24.04'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading package lists... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Building dependency tree... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading state information... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following additional packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: amd64-microcode bpfcc-tools bpftrace firmware-sof-signed hwdata ieee-data Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: intel-microcode iucode-tool libbpfcc libc-bin libc-dev-bin libc-devtools Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: libc6 libc6-dbg libc6-dev libclang-cpp18 libclang1-18 libcrypt-dev libllvm18 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-firmware linux-headers-6.8.0-35 linux-headers-6.8.0-35-generic Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-headers-generic-hwe-24.04 linux-image-6.8.0-35-generic Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-image-generic-hwe-24.04 linux-libc-dev linux-modules-6.8.0-35-generic Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-35-generic linux-tools-6.8.0-35 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-tools-6.8.0-35-generic linux-tools-common locales manpages-dev Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: python3-bpfcc python3-netaddr rpcsvc-proto thermald Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: ubuntu-kernel-accessories Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Suggested packages: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: glibc-doc libnss-nis libnss-nisplus fdutils linux-tools ipython3 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: python-netaddr-docs Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following NEW packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: amd64-microcode bpfcc-tools bpftrace firmware-sof-signed hwdata ieee-data Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: intel-microcode iucode-tool libbpfcc libc-dev-bin libc-devtools libc6-dev Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: libclang-cpp18 libclang1-18 libcrypt-dev libllvm18 linux-firmware Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-generic-hwe-24.04 linux-headers-6.8.0-35 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-headers-6.8.0-35-generic linux-headers-generic-hwe-24.04 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-image-6.8.0-35-generic linux-image-generic-hwe-24.04 linux-libc-dev Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-modules-6.8.0-35-generic linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-35-generic Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-tools-6.8.0-35 linux-tools-6.8.0-35-generic linux-tools-common Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: manpages-dev python3-bpfcc python3-netaddr rpcsvc-proto thermald Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: ubuntu-kernel-accessories Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following packages will be upgraded: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: libc-bin libc6 libc6-dbg locales Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: 4 upgraded, 35 newly installed, 0 to remove and 96 not upgraded. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Need to get 216 MB/752 MB of archives. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: After this operation, 1,077 MB of additional disk space will be used. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:1 noble-updates/main amd64 libc6-dbg amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [7,451 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 libllvm18 amd64 1:18.1.3-1 [27.5 MB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:3 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 libclang-cpp18 amd64 1:18.1.3-1 [13.5 MB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:4 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 libbpfcc amd64 0.29.1+ds-1ubuntu7 [663 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:5 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 python3-bpfcc all 0.29.1+ds-1ubuntu7 [40.2 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:6 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 ieee-data all 20220827.1 [2,113 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:7 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 python3-netaddr all 0.8.0-2ubuntu1 [319 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:8 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 bpfcc-tools all 0.29.1+ds-1ubuntu7 [687 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:9 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 libclang1-18 amd64 1:18.1.3-1 [7,815 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:10 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 bpftrace amd64 0.20.2-1ubuntu4 [1,011 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:11 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 firmware-sof-signed all 2023.12.1-1ubuntu1 [3,906 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:12 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 hwdata all 0.379-1 [29.1 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:13 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 iucode-tool amd64 2.3.1-3build1 [43.9 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:14 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 libcrypt-dev amd64 1:4.4.36-4build1 [112 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:15 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 rpcsvc-proto amd64 1.4.2-0ubuntu7 [67.4 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:16 noble-updates/main amd64 libc6 amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [3,263 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:17 noble-updates/main amd64 libc-bin amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [682 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:18 noble-updates/main amd64 locales all 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [4,235 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:19 noble-updates/main amd64 libc-dev-bin amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [20.4 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:20 noble-updates/main amd64 libc-devtools amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [29.3 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:21 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-libc-dev amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [1,626 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:22 noble-updates/main amd64 libc6-dev amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [2,124 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:23 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-modules-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [39.1 MB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:24 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 linux-firmware amd64 20240318.git3b128b60-0ubuntu2 [475 MB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Err:24 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 linux-firmware amd64 20240318.git3b128b60-0ubuntu2 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hash Sum mismatch Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hashes of expected file: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA512:04b4c530acd73f2c5cbe4c7fed14e99d58b3e17fe9846e9332614b86f3585d307be2c3ce83a67199400542b38c97e4eb50bbdebb125ec3e291ef92f4feec2b48 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA256:7b2d9bdf5a4b494d6200f6b925508530f6c8e67ee6e2e4d5dcd79b8d2f281f5f Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - Filesize:475433818 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA1:7f0fcb5ff056056a6e0dbb0a83d3a28006f6bcc9 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - MD5Sum:b423233cce99a21f1fb9c2e2ea2ba817 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hashes of received file: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA512:8d0668f7fabc021c981c2a8426ab3ba3f283bae2c7f03975d4e8e127b6c14a3f4bd52e78fad9c229fc15a9dd476059b32ea050d66c42a1ebb27e89358a6bdeae Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA256:d92e7b8d508d728b400c970dc0bc9295bf8d779405a5c9f383ce9e24431ab13e Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA1:3a5df369ca05b4586f0e88dbdf129f64e2e67884 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - MD5Sum:cb7892053eba4ce568bbe78c94805abd [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - Filesize:475433818 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Last modification reported: Tue, 09 Apr 2024 23:09:13 +0000 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:25 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 amd64-microcode amd64 3.20231019.1ubuntu2 [173 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:26 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 manpages-dev all 6.7-2 [2,013 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:27 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 thermald amd64 2.5.6-2build2 [212 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:28 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 ubuntu-kernel-accessories amd64 1.539 [10.8 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:29 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-image-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35+1 [14.7 MB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:30 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [113 MB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Ign:30 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:31 noble-updates/main amd64 intel-microcode amd64 3.20240514.0ubuntu0.24.04.1 [6,862 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:32 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-image-generic-hwe-24.04 amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [10.2 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:33 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-headers-6.8.0-35 all 6.8.0-35.35 [13.6 MB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:34 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-headers-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [3,898 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:35 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-headers-generic-hwe-24.04 amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [10.0 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:36 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-generic-hwe-24.04 amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [1,722 B] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:37 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-tools-common all 6.8.0-35.35 [468 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:38 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-tools-6.8.0-35 amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [4,925 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:39 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-tools-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [1,794 B] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:30 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [113 MB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Fetched 149 MB in 20s (7,296 kB/s) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: E: Failed to fetch file:/cdrom/pool/main/l/linux-firmware/linux-firmware_20240318.git3b128b60-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb Hash Sum mismatch Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hashes of expected file: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA512:04b4c530acd73f2c5cbe4c7fed14e99d58b3e17fe9846e9332614b86f3585d307be2c3ce83a67199400542b38c97e4eb50bbdebb125ec3e291ef92f4feec2b48 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA256:7b2d9bdf5a4b494d6200f6b925508530f6c8e67ee6e2e4d5dcd79b8d2f281f5f Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - Filesize:475433818 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA1:7f0fcb5ff056056a6e0dbb0a83d3a28006f6bcc9 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - MD5Sum:b423233cce99a21f1fb9c2e2ea2ba817 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hashes of received file: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA512:8d0668f7fabc021c981c2a8426ab3ba3f283bae2c7f03975d4e8e127b6c14a3f4bd52e78fad9c229fc15a9dd476059b32ea050d66c42a1ebb27e89358a6bdeae Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA256:d92e7b8d508d728b400c970dc0bc9295bf8d779405a5c9f383ce9e24431ab13e Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA1:3a5df369ca05b4586f0e88dbdf129f64e2e67884 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - MD5Sum:cb7892053eba4ce568bbe78c94805abd [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - Filesize:475433818 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Last modification reported: Tue, 09 Apr 2024 23:09:13 +0000 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: E: Some files failed to download Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.005 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-kernel: FAIL: installing kernel Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks: FAIL: curtin command curthooks Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Traceback (most recent call last): Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 202, in main Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: ret = args.func(args) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 2224, in curthooks Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: builtin_curthooks(cfg, target, state) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 2048, in builtin_curthooks Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: install_kernel(cfg, target) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 393, in install_kernel Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: install(kernel_package) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 369, in install Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: distro.install_packages([pkg], target=target, env=env) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 473, in install_packages Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: return install_cmd('install', args=pkglist, opts=opts, target=target, Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 255, in run_apt_command Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: cmd_rv = apt_install(mode, args, opts=opts, env=env, target=target, Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 303, in apt_install Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: cmd_rv = inchroot.subp(cmd + dl_opts + packages, env=env, Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 843, in subp Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: return subp(*args, **kwargs) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 323, in subp Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: return _subp(*args, **kwargs) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 172, in _subp Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: raise ProcessExecutionError(stdout=out, stderr=err, Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: curtin.util.ProcessExecutionError: Unexpected error while running command. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Command: ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--assume-yes', '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold', 'install', '--download-only', 'linux-generic-hwe-24.04'] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Exit code: 100 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reason: - Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stdout: '' Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stderr: '' Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unexpected error while running command. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Command: ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--assume-yes', '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold', 'install', '--download-only', 'linux-generic-hwe-24.04'] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Exit code: 100 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reason: - Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stdout: '' Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stderr: '' Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stderr: '' Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unexpected error while running command. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Command: ['curtin', 'curthooks'] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Exit code: 3 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reason: - Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stdout: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks: curtin command curthooks Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running curtin builtin curthooks Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Configuring target system for distro: ubuntu osfamily: debian Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/writing-apt-config: configuring apt configuring apt Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: No apt config provided, skipping Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Diverting original update-initramfs in target. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--help'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'dpkg-divert', '--add', '--rename', '--divert', '/usr/sbin/update-initramfs.curtin-disabled', '/usr/sbin/update-initramfs'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Adding 'local diversion of /usr/sbin/update-initramfs to /usr/sbin/update-initramfs.curtin-disabled' Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.002 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/writing-apt-config: SUCCESS: configuring apt configuring apt Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It's not, using normal behavior Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'lsb_release', '--all'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-missing-packages: installing missing packages Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It's not, using normal behavior Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'dpkg-query', '--list'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Curtin config dependencies requires additional packages: ['e2fsprogs'] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['dpkg', '--print-architecture'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['apt-cache', 'pkgnames'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['apt-cache', 'pkgnames'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Skipping install of {'bridge-utils', 'vlan', 'ifenslave', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'efibootmgr', 'shim-signed'}. Not needed on netplan system. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks: Installing packages on target system: ['efibootmgr', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'shim-signed'] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Updating apt sources in /target Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', 'update'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running in chroot, ignoring command 'start' Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:1 file:/cdrom noble InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Ign:1 file:/cdrom noble InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble Release [1,072 B] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble Release [1,072 B] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:3 noble InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:4 noble-updates InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:5 noble-backports InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:7 noble-security InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading package lists... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.002 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--assume-yes', '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold', 'install', '--download-only', 'efibootmgr', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'shim-signed'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading package lists... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Building dependency tree... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading state information... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following additional packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: grub-efi-amd64-bin grub2-common mokutil Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following NEW packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: efibootmgr grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-amd64-signed Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: grub2-common mokutil shim-signed Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: 0 upgraded, 7 newly installed, 0 to remove and 100 not upgraded. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Need to get 0 B/4,471 kB of archives. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: After this operation, 24.4 MB of additional disk space will be used. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:1 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 efibootmgr amd64 18-1build2 [31.7 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [1,634 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:3 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub2-common amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [669 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:4 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64 amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [52.8 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:5 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64-signed amd64 1.202+2.12-1ubuntu7 [1,392 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:6 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 mokutil amd64 0.6.0-2build3 [26.8 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:7 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 shim-signed amd64 1.58+15.8-0ubuntu1 [665 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Download complete and in download only mode Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--assume-yes', '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold', 'install', 'efibootmgr', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'shim-signed'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading package lists... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Building dependency tree... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading state information... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following additional packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: grub-efi-amd64-bin grub2-common mokutil Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following NEW packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: efibootmgr grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-amd64-signed Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: grub2-common mokutil shim-signed Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: 0 upgraded, 7 newly installed, 0 to remove and 100 not upgraded. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Need to get 0 B/4,471 kB of archives. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: After this operation, 24.4 MB of additional disk space will be used. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:1 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 efibootmgr amd64 18-1build2 [31.7 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [1,634 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:3 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub2-common amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [669 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:4 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64 amd64 2.12-1ubuntu7 [52.8 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:5 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 grub-efi-amd64-signed amd64 1.202+2.12-1ubuntu7 [1,392 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:6 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 mokutil amd64 0.6.0-2build3 [26.8 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:7 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 shim-signed amd64 1.58+15.8-0ubuntu1 [665 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preconfiguring packages ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: E: Can not write log (Is /dev/pts mounted?) - posix_openpt (19: No such device) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package efibootmgr. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: (Reading database ... 99355 files and directories currently installed.) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../0-efibootmgr_18-1build2_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking efibootmgr (18-1build2) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package grub-efi-amd64-bin. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../1-grub-efi-amd64-bin_2.12-1ubuntu7_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking grub-efi-amd64-bin (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package grub2-common. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../2-grub2-common_2.12-1ubuntu7_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking grub2-common (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package grub-efi-amd64. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../3-grub-efi-amd64_2.12-1ubuntu7_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking grub-efi-amd64 (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package grub-efi-amd64-signed. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../4-grub-efi-amd64-signed_1.202+2.12-1ubuntu7_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking grub-efi-amd64-signed (1.202+2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package mokutil. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../5-mokutil_0.6.0-2build3_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking mokutil (0.6.0-2build3) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Selecting previously unselected package shim-signed. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Preparing to unpack .../6-shim-signed_1.58+15.8-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unpacking shim-signed (1.58+15.8-0ubuntu1) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up efibootmgr (18-1build2) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up mokutil (0.6.0-2build3) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up grub2-common (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up grub-efi-amd64-bin (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up grub-efi-amd64 (2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Creating config file /etc/default/grub with new version Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up grub-efi-amd64-signed (1.202+2.12-1ubuntu7) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Setting up shim-signed (1.58+15.8-0ubuntu1) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/shim/shimx64.efi.signed.latest to provide /usr/lib/shim/shimx64.efi.signed (shimx64.efi.signed) in auto mode Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Processing triggers for man-db (2.12.0-4build2) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Processing triggers for install-info (7.1-3build2) ... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.002 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', 'clean'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.006 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks: SUCCESS: Installing packages on target system: ['efibootmgr', 'grub-efi-amd64', 'grub-efi-amd64-signed', 'shim-signed'] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-missing-packages: SUCCESS: installing missing packages Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-iscsi-service: configuring iscsi service Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-iscsi-service: SUCCESS: configuring iscsi service Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-mdadm-service: configuring raid (mdadm) service Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-mdadm-service: SUCCESS: configuring raid (mdadm) service Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-nvme-over-tcp: configuring NVMe over TCP Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-nvme-over-tcp: SUCCESS: configuring NVMe over TCP Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: start: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-kernel: installing kernel Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It's not, using normal behavior Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'lsb_release', '--all'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['dpkg', '--print-architecture'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Updating apt sources in /target Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--option=Acquire::Languages=none', 'update'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running in chroot, ignoring command 'start' Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:1 file:/cdrom noble InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Ign:1 file:/cdrom noble InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble Release [1,072 B] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble Release [1,072 B] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:3 noble InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:4 noble-updates InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:5 noble-backports InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hit:7 noble-security InRelease Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading package lists... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.004 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/run', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--bind', '/target/usr/bin/true', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Checking if target_proc (/target/proc) is a mount Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: It is, so unshare will use --mount-proc=/target/proc Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--assume-yes', '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold', 'install', '--download-only', 'linux-generic-hwe-24.04'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading package lists... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Building dependency tree... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reading state information... Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following additional packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: amd64-microcode bpfcc-tools bpftrace firmware-sof-signed hwdata ieee-data Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: intel-microcode iucode-tool libbpfcc libc-bin libc-dev-bin libc-devtools Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: libc6 libc6-dbg libc6-dev libclang-cpp18 libclang1-18 libcrypt-dev libllvm18 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-firmware linux-headers-6.8.0-35 linux-headers-6.8.0-35-generic Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-headers-generic-hwe-24.04 linux-image-6.8.0-35-generic Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-image-generic-hwe-24.04 linux-libc-dev linux-modules-6.8.0-35-generic Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-35-generic linux-tools-6.8.0-35 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-tools-6.8.0-35-generic linux-tools-common locales manpages-dev Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: python3-bpfcc python3-netaddr rpcsvc-proto thermald Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: ubuntu-kernel-accessories Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Suggested packages: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: glibc-doc libnss-nis libnss-nisplus fdutils linux-tools ipython3 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: python-netaddr-docs Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following NEW packages will be installed: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: amd64-microcode bpfcc-tools bpftrace firmware-sof-signed hwdata ieee-data Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: intel-microcode iucode-tool libbpfcc libc-dev-bin libc-devtools libc6-dev Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: libclang-cpp18 libclang1-18 libcrypt-dev libllvm18 linux-firmware Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-generic-hwe-24.04 linux-headers-6.8.0-35 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-headers-6.8.0-35-generic linux-headers-generic-hwe-24.04 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-image-6.8.0-35-generic linux-image-generic-hwe-24.04 linux-libc-dev Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-modules-6.8.0-35-generic linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-35-generic Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: linux-tools-6.8.0-35 linux-tools-6.8.0-35-generic linux-tools-common Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: manpages-dev python3-bpfcc python3-netaddr rpcsvc-proto thermald Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: ubuntu-kernel-accessories Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: The following packages will be upgraded: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: libc-bin libc6 libc6-dbg locales Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: 4 upgraded, 35 newly installed, 0 to remove and 96 not upgraded. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Need to get 216 MB/752 MB of archives. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: After this operation, 1,077 MB of additional disk space will be used. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:1 noble-updates/main amd64 libc6-dbg amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [7,451 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:2 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 libllvm18 amd64 1:18.1.3-1 [27.5 MB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:3 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 libclang-cpp18 amd64 1:18.1.3-1 [13.5 MB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:4 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 libbpfcc amd64 0.29.1+ds-1ubuntu7 [663 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:5 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 python3-bpfcc all 0.29.1+ds-1ubuntu7 [40.2 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:6 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 ieee-data all 20220827.1 [2,113 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:7 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 python3-netaddr all 0.8.0-2ubuntu1 [319 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:8 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 bpfcc-tools all 0.29.1+ds-1ubuntu7 [687 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:9 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 libclang1-18 amd64 1:18.1.3-1 [7,815 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:10 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 bpftrace amd64 0.20.2-1ubuntu4 [1,011 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:11 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 firmware-sof-signed all 2023.12.1-1ubuntu1 [3,906 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:12 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 hwdata all 0.379-1 [29.1 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:13 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 iucode-tool amd64 2.3.1-3build1 [43.9 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:14 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 libcrypt-dev amd64 1:4.4.36-4build1 [112 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:15 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 rpcsvc-proto amd64 1.4.2-0ubuntu7 [67.4 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:16 noble-updates/main amd64 libc6 amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [3,263 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:17 noble-updates/main amd64 libc-bin amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [682 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:18 noble-updates/main amd64 locales all 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [4,235 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:19 noble-updates/main amd64 libc-dev-bin amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [20.4 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:20 noble-updates/main amd64 libc-devtools amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [29.3 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:21 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-libc-dev amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [1,626 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:22 noble-updates/main amd64 libc6-dev amd64 2.39-0ubuntu8.2 [2,124 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:23 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-modules-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [39.1 MB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:24 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 linux-firmware amd64 20240318.git3b128b60-0ubuntu2 [475 MB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Err:24 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 linux-firmware amd64 20240318.git3b128b60-0ubuntu2 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hash Sum mismatch Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hashes of expected file: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA512:04b4c530acd73f2c5cbe4c7fed14e99d58b3e17fe9846e9332614b86f3585d307be2c3ce83a67199400542b38c97e4eb50bbdebb125ec3e291ef92f4feec2b48 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA256:7b2d9bdf5a4b494d6200f6b925508530f6c8e67ee6e2e4d5dcd79b8d2f281f5f Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - Filesize:475433818 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA1:7f0fcb5ff056056a6e0dbb0a83d3a28006f6bcc9 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - MD5Sum:b423233cce99a21f1fb9c2e2ea2ba817 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hashes of received file: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA512:8d0668f7fabc021c981c2a8426ab3ba3f283bae2c7f03975d4e8e127b6c14a3f4bd52e78fad9c229fc15a9dd476059b32ea050d66c42a1ebb27e89358a6bdeae Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA256:d92e7b8d508d728b400c970dc0bc9295bf8d779405a5c9f383ce9e24431ab13e Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA1:3a5df369ca05b4586f0e88dbdf129f64e2e67884 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - MD5Sum:cb7892053eba4ce568bbe78c94805abd [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - Filesize:475433818 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Last modification reported: Tue, 09 Apr 2024 23:09:13 +0000 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:25 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 amd64-microcode amd64 3.20231019.1ubuntu2 [173 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:26 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 manpages-dev all 6.7-2 [2,013 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:27 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 thermald amd64 2.5.6-2build2 [212 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:28 file:/cdrom noble/main amd64 ubuntu-kernel-accessories amd64 1.539 [10.8 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:29 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-image-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35+1 [14.7 MB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:30 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [113 MB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Ign:30 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:31 noble-updates/main amd64 intel-microcode amd64 3.20240514.0ubuntu0.24.04.1 [6,862 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:32 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-image-generic-hwe-24.04 amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [10.2 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:33 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-headers-6.8.0-35 all 6.8.0-35.35 [13.6 MB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:34 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-headers-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [3,898 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:35 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-headers-generic-hwe-24.04 amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [10.0 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:36 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-generic-hwe-24.04 amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [1,722 B] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:37 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-tools-common all 6.8.0-35.35 [468 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:38 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-tools-6.8.0-35 amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [4,925 kB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:39 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-tools-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [1,794 B] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Get:30 noble-updates/main amd64 linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-35-generic amd64 6.8.0-35.35 [113 MB] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Fetched 149 MB in 20s (7,296 kB/s) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: E: Failed to fetch file:/cdrom/pool/main/l/linux-firmware/linux-firmware_20240318.git3b128b60-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb Hash Sum mismatch Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hashes of expected file: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA512:04b4c530acd73f2c5cbe4c7fed14e99d58b3e17fe9846e9332614b86f3585d307be2c3ce83a67199400542b38c97e4eb50bbdebb125ec3e291ef92f4feec2b48 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA256:7b2d9bdf5a4b494d6200f6b925508530f6c8e67ee6e2e4d5dcd79b8d2f281f5f Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - Filesize:475433818 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA1:7f0fcb5ff056056a6e0dbb0a83d3a28006f6bcc9 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - MD5Sum:b423233cce99a21f1fb9c2e2ea2ba817 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Hashes of received file: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA512:8d0668f7fabc021c981c2a8426ab3ba3f283bae2c7f03975d4e8e127b6c14a3f4bd52e78fad9c229fc15a9dd476059b32ea050d66c42a1ebb27e89358a6bdeae Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA256:d92e7b8d508d728b400c970dc0bc9295bf8d779405a5c9f383ce9e24431ab13e Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - SHA1:3a5df369ca05b4586f0e88dbdf129f64e2e67884 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - MD5Sum:cb7892053eba4ce568bbe78c94805abd [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: - Filesize:475433818 [weak] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Last modification reported: Tue, 09 Apr 2024 23:09:13 +0000 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: E: Some files failed to download Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['udevadm', 'settle'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: TIMED subp(['udevadm', 'settle']): 0.005 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/usr/bin/ischroot'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/sys'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/installing-kernel: FAIL: installing kernel Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks: FAIL: curtin command curthooks Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Traceback (most recent call last): Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 202, in main Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: ret = args.func(args) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 2224, in curthooks Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: builtin_curthooks(cfg, target, state) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 2048, in builtin_curthooks Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: install_kernel(cfg, target) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 393, in install_kernel Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: install(kernel_package) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 369, in install Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: distro.install_packages([pkg], target=target, env=env) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 473, in install_packages Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: return install_cmd('install', args=pkglist, opts=opts, target=target, Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 255, in run_apt_command Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: cmd_rv = apt_install(mode, args, opts=opts, env=env, target=target, Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 303, in apt_install Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: cmd_rv = inchroot.subp(cmd + dl_opts + packages, env=env, Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 843, in subp Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: return subp(*args, **kwargs) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 323, in subp Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: return _subp(*args, **kwargs) Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/171/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 172, in _subp Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: raise ProcessExecutionError(stdout=out, stderr=err, Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: curtin.util.ProcessExecutionError: Unexpected error while running command. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Command: ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--assume-yes', '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold', 'install', '--download-only', 'linux-generic-hwe-24.04'] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Exit code: 100 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reason: - Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stdout: '' Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stderr: '' Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Unexpected error while running command. Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Command: ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', 'apt-get', '--quiet', '--assume-yes', '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold', 'install', '--download-only', 'linux-generic-hwe-24.04'] Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Exit code: 100 Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Reason: - Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stdout: '' Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stderr: '' Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_log.4183[8153]: Stderr: '' Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: curtin command install Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: executing curtin install curthooks step Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: installing system Jun 09 14:14:16 ubuntu subiquity_event.4183[4183]: