(ubuntu_bootstrap:15145): Gtk-WARNING **: 05:37:56.971: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules/im-ibus.so: undefined symbol: ibus_input_context_set_post_process_key_event (ubuntu_bootstrap:15145): Gtk-WARNING **: 05:37:56.971: Loading IM context type 'ibus' failed flutter: INFO ubuntu_bootstrap: Logging to /var/log/installer/ubuntu_bootstrap.log flutter: INFO flavor_provider: Using default flavor: UbuntuFlavor.ubuntu flutter: INFO subiquity_server: Waiting server up to 90 seconds flutter: INFO subiquity_server: ApplicationState.WAITING flutter: INFO subiquity_client: Opening socket to Endpoint(/run/subiquity/socket ) flutter: DEBUG desktop: Disabling automounting flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: POST http://localhost/meta/client_variant?variant=%22desktop%22 flutter: DEBUG telemetry: Writing report to /var/log/installer/telemetry flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> setVariant(Variant.DESKTOP) null flutter: INFO subiquity_status: null => ApplicationStatus(state: ApplicationState.WAITING, confirmingTty: , error: null, cloudInitOk: true, interactive: true, echoSyslogId: subiquity_echo.9112, logSyslogId: subiquity_log.9112, eventSyslogId: subiquity_event.9112) flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: POST http://localhost/meta/mark_configured?endpoint_names=%5B%22mirror%22%2C%22proxy%22%2C%22ssh%22%2C%22snaplist%22%2C%22ubuntu_pro%22%5D flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> markConfigured([mirror, proxy, ssh, snaplist, ubuntu_pro]) null flutter: DEBUG desktop: Disabling screen blanking flutter: DEBUG desktop: Disabling screensaver flutter: DEBUG desktop: Inhibiting Gnome session flutter: INFO subiquity_status: null => ApplicationStatus(state: ApplicationState.WAITING, confirmingTty: , error: null, cloudInitOk: true, interactive: true, echoSyslogId: subiquity_echo.9112, logSyslogId: subiquity_log.9112, eventSyslogId: subiquity_event.9112) flutter: INFO subiquity_status: null => ApplicationStatus(state: ApplicationState.WAITING, confirmingTty: , error: null, cloudInitOk: true, interactive: true, echoSyslogId: subiquity_echo.9112, logSyslogId: subiquity_log.9112, eventSyslogId: subiquity_event.9112) flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/meta/interactive_sections flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> getInteractiveSections() null flutter: INFO locale: Loaded 75 languages flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/locale flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> locale() "tr_TR.UTF-8" flutter: INFO locale: Selected tr_TR as UI language flutter: INFO locale: Set tr_TR as system locale flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: POST http://localhost/locale flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> setLocale(tr_TR.UTF-8) null flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/storage/has_rst flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> hasRst() false flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/keyboard flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> keyboard() {"setting": {"layout": "tr", "variant": "", "toggle": null}, "layouts": [{"code": "af", "name": "Afganca", "variants": [{"code": "", "name": "Afganca"}, {"code": "ps", "name": "Afganca - Pe\u015ftuca"}, {"code": "olpc-ps", "name": "Afganca - Pe\u015ftuca (Afganistan, OLPC)"}, {"code": "fa-olpc", "name": "Afganca - Fars\u00e7a (Afganistan, Dari OLPC)"}, {"code": "uz", "name": "Afganca - \u00d6zbek\u00e7e (Afganistan)"}, {"code": "uz-olpc", "name": "Afganca - \u00d6zbek\u00e7e (Afganistan, OLPC)"}]}, {"code": "al", "name": "Arnavut\u00e7a", "variants": [{"code": "", "name": "Arnavut\u00e7a"}, {"code": "plisi", "name": "Arnavut\u00e7a - Arnavut\u00e7a (Plisi)"}, {"code": "veqilharxhi", "name": "Arnavut\u00e7a - Albanian (Veqilharxhi)"}]}, {"code": "et", "name": "Amharca", "variants": [{"code": "", "name": "Amharca"}]}, {"code": "ara", "name": "Arap\u00e7a", "variants": [{"code": "", "name": "Arap\u00e7a"}, {"code": "azerty", "name": "Arap\u00e7a - Arap\u00e7a (AZERTY)"}, {"code": "azerty_digits", "name": "Arap\u00e7a - Arap\u00e7a (AZERTY/rakamlar)"}, {"code": "buckwalter", "name": "Arap\u00e7a - Arap\u00e7a (Buckwalter)"}, {"code": "mac", "name": "Arap\u00e7a - Arap\u00e7a (Macintosh... flutter: INFO keyboard: Loaded 99 keyboard layouts flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/keyboard flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> keyboard() {"setting": {"layout": "tr", "variant": "", "toggle": null}, "layouts": [{"code": "af", "name": "Afganca", "variants": [{"code": "", "name": "Afganca"}, {"code": "ps", "name": "Afganca - Pe\u015ftuca"}, {"code": "olpc-ps", "name": "Afganca - Pe\u015ftuca (Afganistan, OLPC)"}, {"code": "fa-olpc", "name": "Afganca - Fars\u00e7a (Afganistan, Dari OLPC)"}, {"code": "uz", "name": "Afganca - \u00d6zbek\u00e7e (Afganistan)"}, {"code": "uz-olpc", "name": "Afganca - \u00d6zbek\u00e7e (Afganistan, OLPC)"}]}, {"code": "al", "name": "Arnavut\u00e7a", "variants": [{"code": "", "name": "Arnavut\u00e7a"}, {"code": "plisi", "name": "Arnavut\u00e7a - Arnavut\u00e7a (Plisi)"}, {"code": "veqilharxhi", "name": "Arnavut\u00e7a - Albanian (Veqilharxhi)"}]}, {"code": "et", "name": "Amharca", "variants": [{"code": "", "name": "Amharca"}]}, {"code": "ara", "name": "Arap\u00e7a", "variants": [{"code": "", "name": "Arap\u00e7a"}, {"code": "azerty", "name": "Arap\u00e7a - Arap\u00e7a (AZERTY)"}, {"code": "azerty_digits", "name": "Arap\u00e7a - Arap\u00e7a (AZERTY/rakamlar)"}, {"code": "buckwalter", "name": "Arap\u00e7a - Arap\u00e7a (Buckwalter)"}, {"code": "mac", "name": "Arap\u00e7a - Arap\u00e7a (Macintosh... flutter: INFO keyboard: Initialized tr () keyboard layout flutter: INFO keyboard: Updated tr () input source flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: POST http://localhost/keyboard/input_source?user=%22ubuntu%22 flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> setInputSource(KeyboardSetting(layout: tr, variant: , toggle: null)) null flutter: INFO keyboard: Saved tr () keyboard layout flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: POST http://localhost/keyboard flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> setKeyboard(KeyboardSetting(layout: tr, variant: , toggle: null)) null flutter: DEBUG network: Update devices: [EthernetDevice(vendor: Intel Corporation, model: I211 Gigabit Network Connection, state: activated)] flutter: DEBUG network: Selected connection mode: ethernet flutter: DEBUG network: Update access points: [] (WifiDevice(vendor: Intel Corporation, model: Wi-Fi 6 AX200 (NGW), state: disconnected)) flutter: DEBUG network: Update devices: [WifiDevice(vendor: Intel Corporation, model: Wi-Fi 6 AX200 (NGW), state: disconnected)] flutter: DEBUG network: Update access points: [] (WifiDevice(vendor: Intel Corporation, model: Wi-Fi 6 AX200 (NGW), state: disconnected)) flutter: DEBUG network: Update devices: [WifiDevice(vendor: Intel Corporation, model: Wi-Fi 6 AX200 (NGW), state: disconnected)] flutter: DEBUG network: Request scan: WifiDevice(vendor: Intel Corporation, model: Wi-Fi 6 AX200 (NGW), state: disconnected) flutter: DEBUG network: Update devices: [WifiDevice(vendor: Intel Corporation, model: Wi-Fi 6 AX200 (NGW), state: disconnected)] flutter: DEBUG network: Update devices: [WifiDevice(vendor: Intel Corporation, model: Wi-Fi 6 AX200 (NGW), state: disconnected)] flutter: DEBUG network: Update devices: [WifiDevice(vendor: Intel Corporation, model: Wi-Fi 6 AX200 (NGW), state: disconnected)] flutter: DEBUG network: Update devices: [WifiDevice(vendor: Intel Corporation, model: Wi-Fi 6 AX200 (NGW), state: disconnected)] flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/refresh?wait=true flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> checkRefresh() {"availability": "UNAVAILABLE", "current_snap_version": "0+git.8e11dcef", "new_snap_version": ""} flutter: DEBUG refresh: RefreshState.status(status: RefreshStatus(availability: RefreshCheckState.UNAVAILABLE, currentSnapVersion: 0+git.8e11dcef, newSnapVersion: )) flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/source flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/drivers flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/codecs flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> source() {"sources": [{"name": "Ubuntu Desktop (minimized)", "description": "A minimal but usable Ubuntu Desktop.", "id": "ubuntu-desktop-minimal", "size": 4442435584, "variant": "desktop", "default": true}, {"name": "Ubuntu Desktop", "description": "A full featured Ubuntu Desktop.", "id": "ubuntu-desktop", "size": 5824290816, "variant": "desktop", "default": false}], "current_id": "ubuntu-desktop", "search_drivers": true} flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> getDrivers() {"install": true, "drivers": null, "local_only": true, "search_drivers": true} flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> getCodecs() {"install": true} flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/source flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/drivers flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/codecs flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> source() {"sources": [{"name": "Ubuntu Desktop (minimized)", "description": "A minimal but usable Ubuntu Desktop.", "id": "ubuntu-desktop-minimal", "size": 4442435584, "variant": "desktop", "default": true}, {"name": "Ubuntu Desktop", "description": "A full featured Ubuntu Desktop.", "id": "ubuntu-desktop", "size": 5824290816, "variant": "desktop", "default": false}], "current_id": "ubuntu-desktop", "search_drivers": true} flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> getDrivers() {"install": true, "drivers": null, "local_only": true, "search_drivers": true} flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> getCodecs() {"install": true} flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: POST http://localhost/source?source_id=%22ubuntu-desktop%22&search_drivers=true flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: POST http://localhost/drivers flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: POST http://localhost/codecs flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> setSource(ubuntu-desktop) null flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/storage/v2?wait=true flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> setDrivers(true) null flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> setCodecs(true) null flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> getStorageV2() {"status": "DONE", "error_report": null, "disks": [{"id": "disk-sda", "label": "ST12000NM001G-2MV103_ZLW1GZG2", "type": "local disk", "size": 12000138625024, "usage_labels": [], "partitions": [{"size": 9840529244160, "number": 1, "preserve": true, "wipe": null, "annotations": ["existing", "already formatted as btrfs", "not mounted"], "mount": null, "format": "btrfs", "grub_device": false, "boot": false, "os": null, "offset": 1048576, "estimated_min_size": -1, "resize": null, "path": "/dev/sda1", "is_in_use": false, "$type": "Partition"}, {"size": 2159607283712, "number": 2, "preserve": true, "wipe": null, "annotations": ["existing", "already formatted as btrfs", "mounted at /media/NEVARSA"], "mount": "/media/NEVARSA", "format": "btrfs", "grub_device": false, "boot": false, "os": null, "offset": 9840530292736, "estimated_min_size": -1, "resize": null, "path": "/dev/sda2", "is_in_use": false, "$type": "Partition"}], "ok_for_guided": true, "ptable": "gpt", "preserve": true, "path": "/dev/sda", "boot_device": false, "can_be_boot_device": false, "model": "ST12000NM001G-2MV103", "vendor": null, "has_in_use_partition": false}, {"id": "disk-sdb", "label": "TOSHIBA_TransMemory_E46F13A4D420C... flutter: DEBUG storage: Update storage: StorageResponseV2(status: ProbeStatus.DONE, errorReport: null, disks: [Disk(id: disk-sda, label: ST12000NM001G-2MV103_ZLW1GZG2, type: local disk, size: 12000138625024, usageLabels: [], partitions: [PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 9840529244160, number: 1, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as btrfs, not mounted], mount: null, format: btrfs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 1048576, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sda1, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 2159607283712, number: 2, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as btrfs, mounted at /media/NEVARSA], mount: /media/NEVARSA, format: btrfs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 9840530292736, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sda2, isInUse: false)], okForGuided: true, ptable: gpt, preserve: true, path: /dev/sda, bootDevice: false, canBeBootDevice: false, model: ST12000NM001G-2MV103, vendor: null, hasInUsePartition: false), Disk(id: disk-sdb, label: TOSHIBA_TransMemory_E46F13A4D420C190C00269BD-0:0, type: local disk, size: 15500574720, usageLabels: [], partitions: [PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 5335691264, number: 1, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as iso9660, in use], mount: null, format: iso9660, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 32768, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sdb1, isInUse: true), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 5191680, number: 2, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, unused ESP, already formatted as vfat], mount: null, format: vfat, grubDevice: false, boot: true, os: null, offset: 5335724032, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sdb2, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 307200, number: 3, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, unused], mount: null, format: null, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 5340915712, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sdb3, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 10158604288, number: 4, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as ext4, in use], mount: null, format: ext4, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 5341446144, estimatedMinSize: 193986560, resize: null, path: /dev/sdb4, isInUse: true)], okForGuided: true, ptable: gpt, preserve: true, path: /dev/sdb, bootDevice: false, canBeBootDevice: true, model: TransMemory, vendor: TOSHIBA, hasInUsePartition: true), Disk(id: disk-nvme0n1, label: Samsung_SSD_980_PRO_2TB_S69ENX0TA23069P_1, type: local disk, size: 2000398934016, usageLabels: [], partitions: [PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 858993459200, number: 1, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 1048576, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p1, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 1127219200, number: 2, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, primary ESP, already formatted as vfat, mounted at /boot/efi], mount: /boot/efi, format: vfat, grubDevice: true, boot: true, os: null, offset: 858994507776, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p2, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.gap(offset: 860121726976, size: 521801826304, usable: GapUsable.YES), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 137438953472, number: 5, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as swap, unused], mount: null, format: swap, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 1381923553280, estimatedMinSize: 1048576, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p5, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.gap(offset: 1519362506752, size: 68719476736, usable: GapUsable.YES), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 274877906944, number: 3, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 1588081983488, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p3, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 137438953472, number: 4, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, mounted at /], mount: /, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: OsProber(long: Ubuntu Noble Numbat, label: Ubuntu, type: linux, subpath: null, version: 24.04), offset: 1862959890432, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p4, isInUse: false)], okForGuided: true, ptable: gpt, preserve: true, path: /dev/nvme0n1, bootDevice: true, canBeBootDevice: true, model: null, vendor: null, hasInUsePartition: false), Disk(id: disk-nvme1n1, label: Seagate_FireCuda_510_SSD_ZP1000GM30031_7W1005F0_1, type: local disk, size: 1000204886016, usageLabels: [], partitions: [PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 535822336, number: 3, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, unused ESP, already formatted as vfat], mount: null, format: vfat, grubDevice: false, boot: true, os: null, offset: 1048576, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p3, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 2147483648, number: 4, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 536870912, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p4, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.gap(offset: 2684354560, size: 168592146432, usable: GapUsable.YES), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 549755813888, number: 5, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 171276500992, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p5, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 4294967296, number: 2, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 721032314880, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p2, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 274876858368, number: 1, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 725327282176, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p1, isInUse: false)], okForGuided: true, ptable: gpt, preserve: true, path: /dev/nvme1n1, bootDevice: false, canBeBootDevice: true, model: null, vendor: null, hasInUsePartition: false)], needRoot: false, needBoot: false, installMinimumSize: 11179917312) flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/storage/v2?wait=true flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> getStorageV2() {"status": "DONE", "error_report": null, "disks": [{"id": "disk-sda", "label": "ST12000NM001G-2MV103_ZLW1GZG2", "type": "local disk", "size": 12000138625024, "usage_labels": [], "partitions": [{"size": 9840529244160, "number": 1, "preserve": true, "wipe": null, "annotations": ["existing", "already formatted as btrfs", "not mounted"], "mount": null, "format": "btrfs", "grub_device": false, "boot": false, "os": null, "offset": 1048576, "estimated_min_size": -1, "resize": null, "path": "/dev/sda1", "is_in_use": false, "$type": "Partition"}, {"size": 2159607283712, "number": 2, "preserve": true, "wipe": null, "annotations": ["existing", "already formatted as btrfs", "mounted at /media/NEVARSA"], "mount": "/media/NEVARSA", "format": "btrfs", "grub_device": false, "boot": false, "os": null, "offset": 9840530292736, "estimated_min_size": -1, "resize": null, "path": "/dev/sda2", "is_in_use": false, "$type": "Partition"}], "ok_for_guided": true, "ptable": "gpt", "preserve": true, "path": "/dev/sda", "boot_device": false, "can_be_boot_device": false, "model": "ST12000NM001G-2MV103", "vendor": null, "has_in_use_partition": false}, {"id": "disk-sdb", "label": "TOSHIBA_TransMemory_E46F13A4D420C... flutter: DEBUG storage: Update storage: StorageResponseV2(status: ProbeStatus.DONE, errorReport: null, disks: [Disk(id: disk-sda, label: ST12000NM001G-2MV103_ZLW1GZG2, type: local disk, size: 12000138625024, usageLabels: [], partitions: [PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 9840529244160, number: 1, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as btrfs, not mounted], mount: null, format: btrfs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 1048576, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sda1, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 2159607283712, number: 2, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as btrfs, mounted at /media/NEVARSA], mount: /media/NEVARSA, format: btrfs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 9840530292736, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sda2, isInUse: false)], okForGuided: true, ptable: gpt, preserve: true, path: /dev/sda, bootDevice: false, canBeBootDevice: false, model: ST12000NM001G-2MV103, vendor: null, hasInUsePartition: false), Disk(id: disk-sdb, label: TOSHIBA_TransMemory_E46F13A4D420C190C00269BD-0:0, type: local disk, size: 15500574720, usageLabels: [], partitions: [PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 5335691264, number: 1, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as iso9660, in use], mount: null, format: iso9660, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 32768, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sdb1, isInUse: true), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 5191680, number: 2, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, unused ESP, already formatted as vfat], mount: null, format: vfat, grubDevice: false, boot: true, os: null, offset: 5335724032, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sdb2, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 307200, number: 3, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, unused], mount: null, format: null, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 5340915712, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sdb3, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 10158604288, number: 4, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as ext4, in use], mount: null, format: ext4, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 5341446144, estimatedMinSize: 193986560, resize: null, path: /dev/sdb4, isInUse: true)], okForGuided: true, ptable: gpt, preserve: true, path: /dev/sdb, bootDevice: false, canBeBootDevice: true, model: TransMemory, vendor: TOSHIBA, hasInUsePartition: true), Disk(id: disk-nvme0n1, label: Samsung_SSD_980_PRO_2TB_S69ENX0TA23069P_1, type: local disk, size: 2000398934016, usageLabels: [], partitions: [PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 858993459200, number: 1, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 1048576, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p1, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 1127219200, number: 2, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, primary ESP, already formatted as vfat, mounted at /boot/efi], mount: /boot/efi, format: vfat, grubDevice: true, boot: true, os: null, offset: 858994507776, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p2, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.gap(offset: 860121726976, size: 521801826304, usable: GapUsable.YES), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 137438953472, number: 5, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as swap, unused], mount: null, format: swap, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 1381923553280, estimatedMinSize: 1048576, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p5, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.gap(offset: 1519362506752, size: 68719476736, usable: GapUsable.YES), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 274877906944, number: 3, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 1588081983488, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p3, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 137438953472, number: 4, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, mounted at /], mount: /, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: OsProber(long: Ubuntu Noble Numbat, label: Ubuntu, type: linux, subpath: null, version: 24.04), offset: 1862959890432, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p4, isInUse: false)], okForGuided: true, ptable: gpt, preserve: true, path: /dev/nvme0n1, bootDevice: true, canBeBootDevice: true, model: null, vendor: null, hasInUsePartition: false), Disk(id: disk-nvme1n1, label: Seagate_FireCuda_510_SSD_ZP1000GM30031_7W1005F0_1, type: local disk, size: 1000204886016, usageLabels: [], partitions: [PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 535822336, number: 3, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, unused ESP, already formatted as vfat], mount: null, format: vfat, grubDevice: false, boot: true, os: null, offset: 1048576, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p3, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 2147483648, number: 4, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 536870912, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p4, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.gap(offset: 2684354560, size: 168592146432, usable: GapUsable.YES), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 549755813888, number: 5, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 171276500992, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p5, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 4294967296, number: 2, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 721032314880, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p2, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 274876858368, number: 1, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 725327282176, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p1, isInUse: false)], okForGuided: true, ptable: gpt, preserve: true, path: /dev/nvme1n1, bootDevice: false, canBeBootDevice: true, model: null, vendor: null, hasInUsePartition: false)], needRoot: false, needBoot: false, installMinimumSize: 11179917312) flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/storage/v2/guided?wait=true flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> getGuidedStorageV2(true) {"status": "DONE", "error_report": null, "configured": null, "targets": [{"disk_id": "disk-sda", "allowed": ["DIRECT", "LVM", "LVM_LUKS", "ZFS", "ZFS_LUKS_KEYSTORE"], "disallowed": [{"capability": "CORE_BOOT_ENCRYPTED", "reason": "CORE_BOOT_ENCRYPTION_UNAVAILABLE", "message": "not encrypting device storage as checking TPM gave: secure boot is disabled"}, {"capability": "CORE_BOOT_UNENCRYPTED", "reason": "THIRD_PARTY_DRIVERS", "message": "Enhanced secure boot options cannot currently install third party drivers."}], "$type": "GuidedStorageTargetReformat"}, {"disk_id": "disk-nvme0n1", "allowed": ["DIRECT", "LVM", "LVM_LUKS", "ZFS", "ZFS_LUKS_KEYSTORE"], "disallowed": [{"capability": "CORE_BOOT_ENCRYPTED", "reason": "CORE_BOOT_ENCRYPTION_UNAVAILABLE", "message": "not encrypting device storage as checking TPM gave: secure boot is disabled"}, {"capability": "CORE_BOOT_UNENCRYPTED", "reason": "THIRD_PARTY_DRIVERS", "message": "Enhanced secure boot options cannot currently install third party drivers."}], "$type": "GuidedStorageTargetReformat"}, {"disk_id": "disk-nvme1n1", "allowed": ["DIRECT", "LVM", "LVM_LUKS", "ZFS", "ZFS_LUKS_KEYSTORE"], "disallowed": [{"capability": "CORE_BOOT_ENCRYP... flutter: DEBUG storage: select guided capability: GuidedCapability.DIRECT flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/storage/has_bitlocker flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> hasBitLocker() [] flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/storage/v2/orig_config flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> getOriginalStorageV2() {"status": "DONE", "error_report": null, "disks": [{"id": "disk-sda", "label": "ST12000NM001G-2MV103_ZLW1GZG2", "type": "local disk", "size": 12000138625024, "usage_labels": [], "partitions": [{"size": 9840529244160, "number": 1, "preserve": true, "wipe": null, "annotations": ["existing", "already formatted as btrfs", "not mounted"], "mount": null, "format": "btrfs", "grub_device": false, "boot": false, "os": null, "offset": 1048576, "estimated_min_size": -1, "resize": null, "path": "/dev/sda1", "is_in_use": false, "$type": "Partition"}, {"size": 2159607283712, "number": 2, "preserve": true, "wipe": null, "annotations": ["existing", "already formatted as btrfs", "not mounted"], "mount": null, "format": "btrfs", "grub_device": false, "boot": false, "os": null, "offset": 9840530292736, "estimated_min_size": -1, "resize": null, "path": "/dev/sda2", "is_in_use": false, "$type": "Partition"}], "ok_for_guided": true, "ptable": "gpt", "preserve": true, "path": "/dev/sda", "boot_device": false, "can_be_boot_device": false, "model": "ST12000NM001G-2MV103", "vendor": null, "has_in_use_partition": false}, {"id": "disk-sdb", "label": "TOSHIBA_TransMemory_E46F13A4D420C190C00269BD-0:0", "type": ... flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/storage/v2?wait=true flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> getStorageV2() {"status": "DONE", "error_report": null, "disks": [{"id": "disk-sda", "label": "ST12000NM001G-2MV103_ZLW1GZG2", "type": "local disk", "size": 12000138625024, "usage_labels": [], "partitions": [{"size": 9840529244160, "number": 1, "preserve": true, "wipe": null, "annotations": ["existing", "already formatted as btrfs", "not mounted"], "mount": null, "format": "btrfs", "grub_device": false, "boot": false, "os": null, "offset": 1048576, "estimated_min_size": -1, "resize": null, "path": "/dev/sda1", "is_in_use": false, "$type": "Partition"}, {"size": 2159607283712, "number": 2, "preserve": true, "wipe": null, "annotations": ["existing", "already formatted as btrfs", "mounted at /media/NEVARSA"], "mount": "/media/NEVARSA", "format": "btrfs", "grub_device": false, "boot": false, "os": null, "offset": 9840530292736, "estimated_min_size": -1, "resize": null, "path": "/dev/sda2", "is_in_use": false, "$type": "Partition"}], "ok_for_guided": true, "ptable": "gpt", "preserve": true, "path": "/dev/sda", "boot_device": false, "can_be_boot_device": false, "model": "ST12000NM001G-2MV103", "vendor": null, "has_in_use_partition": false}, {"id": "disk-sdb", "label": "TOSHIBA_TransMemory_E46F13A4D420C... flutter: DEBUG storage: Update storage: StorageResponseV2(status: ProbeStatus.DONE, errorReport: null, disks: [Disk(id: disk-sda, label: ST12000NM001G-2MV103_ZLW1GZG2, type: local disk, size: 12000138625024, usageLabels: [], partitions: [PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 9840529244160, number: 1, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as btrfs, not mounted], mount: null, format: btrfs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 1048576, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sda1, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 2159607283712, number: 2, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as btrfs, mounted at /media/NEVARSA], mount: /media/NEVARSA, format: btrfs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 9840530292736, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sda2, isInUse: false)], okForGuided: true, ptable: gpt, preserve: true, path: /dev/sda, bootDevice: false, canBeBootDevice: false, model: ST12000NM001G-2MV103, vendor: null, hasInUsePartition: false), Disk(id: disk-sdb, label: TOSHIBA_TransMemory_E46F13A4D420C190C00269BD-0:0, type: local disk, size: 15500574720, usageLabels: [], partitions: [PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 5335691264, number: 1, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as iso9660, in use], mount: null, format: iso9660, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 32768, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sdb1, isInUse: true), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 5191680, number: 2, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, unused ESP, already formatted as vfat], mount: null, format: vfat, grubDevice: false, boot: true, os: null, offset: 5335724032, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sdb2, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 307200, number: 3, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, unused], mount: null, format: null, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 5340915712, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sdb3, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 10158604288, number: 4, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as ext4, in use], mount: null, format: ext4, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 5341446144, estimatedMinSize: 193986560, resize: null, path: /dev/sdb4, isInUse: true)], okForGuided: true, ptable: gpt, preserve: true, path: /dev/sdb, bootDevice: false, canBeBootDevice: true, model: TransMemory, vendor: TOSHIBA, hasInUsePartition: true), Disk(id: disk-nvme0n1, label: Samsung_SSD_980_PRO_2TB_S69ENX0TA23069P_1, type: local disk, size: 2000398934016, usageLabels: [], partitions: [PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 858993459200, number: 1, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 1048576, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p1, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 1127219200, number: 2, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, primary ESP, already formatted as vfat, mounted at /boot/efi], mount: /boot/efi, format: vfat, grubDevice: true, boot: true, os: null, offset: 858994507776, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p2, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.gap(offset: 860121726976, size: 521801826304, usable: GapUsable.YES), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 137438953472, number: 5, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as swap, unused], mount: null, format: swap, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 1381923553280, estimatedMinSize: 1048576, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p5, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.gap(offset: 1519362506752, size: 68719476736, usable: GapUsable.YES), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 274877906944, number: 3, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 1588081983488, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p3, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 137438953472, number: 4, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, mounted at /], mount: /, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: OsProber(long: Ubuntu Noble Numbat, label: Ubuntu, type: linux, subpath: null, version: 24.04), offset: 1862959890432, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p4, isInUse: false)], okForGuided: true, ptable: gpt, preserve: true, path: /dev/nvme0n1, bootDevice: true, canBeBootDevice: true, model: null, vendor: null, hasInUsePartition: false), Disk(id: disk-nvme1n1, label: Seagate_FireCuda_510_SSD_ZP1000GM30031_7W1005F0_1, type: local disk, size: 1000204886016, usageLabels: [], partitions: [PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 535822336, number: 3, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, unused ESP, already formatted as vfat], mount: null, format: vfat, grubDevice: false, boot: true, os: null, offset: 1048576, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p3, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 2147483648, number: 4, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 536870912, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p4, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.gap(offset: 2684354560, size: 168592146432, usable: GapUsable.YES), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 549755813888, number: 5, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 171276500992, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p5, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 4294967296, number: 2, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 721032314880, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p2, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 274876858368, number: 1, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 725327282176, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p1, isInUse: false)], okForGuided: true, ptable: gpt, preserve: true, path: /dev/nvme1n1, bootDevice: false, canBeBootDevice: true, model: null, vendor: null, hasInUsePartition: false)], needRoot: false, needBoot: false, installMinimumSize: 11179917312) flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: POST http://localhost/storage/v2 ** (ubuntu_bootstrap:15145): WARNING **: 05:38:22.098: atk-bridge: get_device_events_reply: unknown signature flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> setStorageV2() {"status": "DONE", "error_report": null, "disks": [{"id": "disk-sda", "label": "ST12000NM001G-2MV103_ZLW1GZG2", "type": "local disk", "size": 12000138625024, "usage_labels": [], "partitions": [{"size": 9840529244160, "number": 1, "preserve": true, "wipe": null, "annotations": ["existing", "already formatted as btrfs", "not mounted"], "mount": null, "format": "btrfs", "grub_device": false, "boot": false, "os": null, "offset": 1048576, "estimated_min_size": -1, "resize": null, "path": "/dev/sda1", "is_in_use": false, "$type": "Partition"}, {"size": 2159607283712, "number": 2, "preserve": true, "wipe": null, "annotations": ["existing", "already formatted as btrfs", "mounted at /media/NEVARSA"], "mount": "/media/NEVARSA", "format": "btrfs", "grub_device": false, "boot": false, "os": null, "offset": 9840530292736, "estimated_min_size": -1, "resize": null, "path": "/dev/sda2", "is_in_use": false, "$type": "Partition"}], "ok_for_guided": true, "ptable": "gpt", "preserve": true, "path": "/dev/sda", "boot_device": false, "can_be_boot_device": false, "model": "ST12000NM001G-2MV103", "vendor": null, "has_in_use_partition": false}, {"id": "disk-sdb", "label": "TOSHIBA_TransMemory_E46F13A4D420C... flutter: DEBUG storage: Update storage: StorageResponseV2(status: ProbeStatus.DONE, errorReport: null, disks: [Disk(id: disk-sda, label: ST12000NM001G-2MV103_ZLW1GZG2, type: local disk, size: 12000138625024, usageLabels: [], partitions: [PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 9840529244160, number: 1, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as btrfs, not mounted], mount: null, format: btrfs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 1048576, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sda1, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 2159607283712, number: 2, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as btrfs, mounted at /media/NEVARSA], mount: /media/NEVARSA, format: btrfs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 9840530292736, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sda2, isInUse: false)], okForGuided: true, ptable: gpt, preserve: true, path: /dev/sda, bootDevice: false, canBeBootDevice: false, model: ST12000NM001G-2MV103, vendor: null, hasInUsePartition: false), Disk(id: disk-sdb, label: TOSHIBA_TransMemory_E46F13A4D420C190C00269BD-0:0, type: local disk, size: 15500574720, usageLabels: [], partitions: [PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 5335691264, number: 1, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as iso9660, in use], mount: null, format: iso9660, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 32768, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sdb1, isInUse: true), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 5191680, number: 2, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, unused ESP, already formatted as vfat], mount: null, format: vfat, grubDevice: false, boot: true, os: null, offset: 5335724032, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sdb2, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 307200, number: 3, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, unused], mount: null, format: null, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 5340915712, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sdb3, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 10158604288, number: 4, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as ext4, in use], mount: null, format: ext4, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 5341446144, estimatedMinSize: 193986560, resize: null, path: /dev/sdb4, isInUse: true)], okForGuided: true, ptable: gpt, preserve: true, path: /dev/sdb, bootDevice: false, canBeBootDevice: true, model: TransMemory, vendor: TOSHIBA, hasInUsePartition: true), Disk(id: disk-nvme0n1, label: Samsung_SSD_980_PRO_2TB_S69ENX0TA23069P_1, type: local disk, size: 2000398934016, usageLabels: [], partitions: [PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 858993459200, number: 1, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 1048576, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p1, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 1127219200, number: 2, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, primary ESP, already formatted as vfat, mounted at /boot/efi], mount: /boot/efi, format: vfat, grubDevice: true, boot: true, os: null, offset: 858994507776, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p2, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.gap(offset: 860121726976, size: 521801826304, usable: GapUsable.YES), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 137438953472, number: 5, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as swap, unused], mount: null, format: swap, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 1381923553280, estimatedMinSize: 1048576, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p5, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.gap(offset: 1519362506752, size: 68719476736, usable: GapUsable.YES), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 274877906944, number: 3, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 1588081983488, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p3, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 137438953472, number: 4, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, mounted at /], mount: /, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: OsProber(long: Ubuntu Noble Numbat, label: Ubuntu, type: linux, subpath: null, version: 24.04), offset: 1862959890432, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p4, isInUse: false)], okForGuided: true, ptable: gpt, preserve: true, path: /dev/nvme0n1, bootDevice: true, canBeBootDevice: true, model: null, vendor: null, hasInUsePartition: false), Disk(id: disk-nvme1n1, label: Seagate_FireCuda_510_SSD_ZP1000GM30031_7W1005F0_1, type: local disk, size: 1000204886016, usageLabels: [], partitions: [PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 535822336, number: 3, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, unused ESP, already formatted as vfat], mount: null, format: vfat, grubDevice: false, boot: true, os: null, offset: 1048576, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p3, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 2147483648, number: 4, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 536870912, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p4, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.gap(offset: 2684354560, size: 168592146432, usable: GapUsable.YES), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 549755813888, number: 5, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 171276500992, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p5, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 4294967296, number: 2, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 721032314880, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p2, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 274876858368, number: 1, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 725327282176, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p1, isInUse: false)], okForGuided: true, ptable: gpt, preserve: true, path: /dev/nvme1n1, bootDevice: false, canBeBootDevice: true, model: null, vendor: null, hasInUsePartition: false)], needRoot: false, needBoot: false, installMinimumSize: 11179917312) flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/identity flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> identity() {"realname": "", "username": "", "crypted_password": "", "hostname": ""} flutter: INFO identity: Loaded identity: Identity(realname: , username: , password: , hostname: , autoLogin: false) flutter: INFO identity: Read product name: System-Product-Name flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/active_directory/has_support flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> hasActiveDirectorySupport() true flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/identity/validate_username?username=%22e%22 flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> identity/validate_username() "OK" flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/identity/validate_username?username=%22er%22 flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> identity/validate_username() "OK" flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/identity/validate_username?username=%22erk%22 flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> identity/validate_username() "OK" flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/identity/validate_username?username=%22erki%22 flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> identity/validate_username() "OK" flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/identity/validate_username?username=%22erkin%22 flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> identity/validate_username() "OK" flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/identity/validate_username?username=%22erkina%22 flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> identity/validate_username() "OK" flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/identity/validate_username?username=%22erkinal%22 flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> identity/validate_username() "OK" flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/identity/validate_username?username=%22erkinalp%22 flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> identity/validate_username() "OK" flutter: INFO identity: Saved identity: Identity(realname: erkinalp, username: erkinalp, password: ******, hostname: erkinalp-ef, autoLogin: true) flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: POST http://localhost/meta/mark_configured?endpoint_names=%5B%22active_directory%22%5D flutter: DEBUG post-install: saved 1 entries to /tmp/ubuntu_bootstrap.conf flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: POST http://localhost/identity flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> markConfigured([active_directory]) null flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> setIdentity(IdentityData(realname: erkinalp, username: erkinalp, cryptedPassword: $6$Riw23gnIw88mjFb0$FP5CZOrU/XdHV1pDA5PDEDhj3YGCgaOu.ol.8VA5qjmOvcvUXkmdMCkPkrzOkwQT.YShiXJxLFZDGM8nMPkdh1, hostname: erkinalp-ef)) null flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/timezone flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> timezone() {"timezone": "Asia/Istanbul", "from_geoip": true} flutter: DEBUG timezone: Initialized Asia/Istanbul flutter: DEBUG timezone: Saved Europe/Istanbul flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: POST http://localhost/timezone?tz=%22Europe%2FIstanbul%22 flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> setTimezone(Europe/Istanbul) null flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/storage/v2?wait=true flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> getStorageV2() {"status": "DONE", "error_report": null, "disks": [{"id": "disk-sda", "label": "ST12000NM001G-2MV103_ZLW1GZG2", "type": "local disk", "size": 12000138625024, "usage_labels": [], "partitions": [{"size": 9840529244160, "number": 1, "preserve": true, "wipe": null, "annotations": ["existing", "already formatted as btrfs", "not mounted"], "mount": null, "format": "btrfs", "grub_device": false, "boot": false, "os": null, "offset": 1048576, "estimated_min_size": -1, "resize": null, "path": "/dev/sda1", "is_in_use": false, "$type": "Partition"}, {"size": 2159607283712, "number": 2, "preserve": true, "wipe": null, "annotations": ["existing", "already formatted as btrfs", "mounted at /media/NEVARSA"], "mount": "/media/NEVARSA", "format": "btrfs", "grub_device": false, "boot": false, "os": null, "offset": 9840530292736, "estimated_min_size": -1, "resize": null, "path": "/dev/sda2", "is_in_use": false, "$type": "Partition"}], "ok_for_guided": true, "ptable": "gpt", "preserve": true, "path": "/dev/sda", "boot_device": false, "can_be_boot_device": false, "model": "ST12000NM001G-2MV103", "vendor": null, "has_in_use_partition": false}, {"id": "disk-sdb", "label": "TOSHIBA_TransMemory_E46F13A4D420C... flutter: DEBUG storage: Update storage: StorageResponseV2(status: ProbeStatus.DONE, errorReport: null, disks: [Disk(id: disk-sda, label: ST12000NM001G-2MV103_ZLW1GZG2, type: local disk, size: 12000138625024, usageLabels: [], partitions: [PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 9840529244160, number: 1, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as btrfs, not mounted], mount: null, format: btrfs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 1048576, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sda1, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 2159607283712, number: 2, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as btrfs, mounted at /media/NEVARSA], mount: /media/NEVARSA, format: btrfs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 9840530292736, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sda2, isInUse: false)], okForGuided: true, ptable: gpt, preserve: true, path: /dev/sda, bootDevice: false, canBeBootDevice: false, model: ST12000NM001G-2MV103, vendor: null, hasInUsePartition: false), Disk(id: disk-sdb, label: TOSHIBA_TransMemory_E46F13A4D420C190C00269BD-0:0, type: local disk, size: 15500574720, usageLabels: [], partitions: [PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 5335691264, number: 1, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as iso9660, in use], mount: null, format: iso9660, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 32768, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sdb1, isInUse: true), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 5191680, number: 2, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, unused ESP, already formatted as vfat], mount: null, format: vfat, grubDevice: false, boot: true, os: null, offset: 5335724032, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sdb2, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 307200, number: 3, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, unused], mount: null, format: null, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 5340915712, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/sdb3, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 10158604288, number: 4, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as ext4, in use], mount: null, format: ext4, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 5341446144, estimatedMinSize: 193986560, resize: null, path: /dev/sdb4, isInUse: true)], okForGuided: true, ptable: gpt, preserve: true, path: /dev/sdb, bootDevice: false, canBeBootDevice: true, model: TransMemory, vendor: TOSHIBA, hasInUsePartition: true), Disk(id: disk-nvme0n1, label: Samsung_SSD_980_PRO_2TB_S69ENX0TA23069P_1, type: local disk, size: 2000398934016, usageLabels: [], partitions: [PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 858993459200, number: 1, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 1048576, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p1, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 1127219200, number: 2, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, primary ESP, already formatted as vfat, mounted at /boot/efi], mount: /boot/efi, format: vfat, grubDevice: true, boot: true, os: null, offset: 858994507776, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p2, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.gap(offset: 860121726976, size: 521801826304, usable: GapUsable.YES), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 137438953472, number: 5, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as swap, unused], mount: null, format: swap, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 1381923553280, estimatedMinSize: 1048576, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p5, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.gap(offset: 1519362506752, size: 68719476736, usable: GapUsable.YES), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 274877906944, number: 3, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 1588081983488, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p3, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 137438953472, number: 4, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, mounted at /], mount: /, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: OsProber(long: Ubuntu Noble Numbat, label: Ubuntu, type: linux, subpath: null, version: 24.04), offset: 1862959890432, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme0n1p4, isInUse: false)], okForGuided: true, ptable: gpt, preserve: true, path: /dev/nvme0n1, bootDevice: true, canBeBootDevice: true, model: null, vendor: null, hasInUsePartition: false), Disk(id: disk-nvme1n1, label: Seagate_FireCuda_510_SSD_ZP1000GM30031_7W1005F0_1, type: local disk, size: 1000204886016, usageLabels: [], partitions: [PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 535822336, number: 3, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, unused ESP, already formatted as vfat], mount: null, format: vfat, grubDevice: false, boot: true, os: null, offset: 1048576, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p3, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 2147483648, number: 4, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 536870912, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p4, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.gap(offset: 2684354560, size: 168592146432, usable: GapUsable.YES), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 549755813888, number: 5, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 171276500992, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p5, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 4294967296, number: 2, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 721032314880, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p2, isInUse: false), PartitionOrGap.partition(size: 274876858368, number: 1, preserve: true, wipe: null, annotations: [existing, already formatted as f2fs, not mounted], mount: null, format: f2fs, grubDevice: false, boot: false, os: null, offset: 725327282176, estimatedMinSize: -1, resize: null, path: /dev/nvme1n1p1, isInUse: false)], okForGuided: true, ptable: gpt, preserve: true, path: /dev/nvme1n1, bootDevice: false, canBeBootDevice: true, model: null, vendor: null, hasInUsePartition: false)], needRoot: false, needBoot: false, installMinimumSize: 11179917312) flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/storage/v2/orig_config flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> getOriginalStorageV2() {"status": "DONE", "error_report": null, "disks": [{"id": "disk-sda", "label": "ST12000NM001G-2MV103_ZLW1GZG2", "type": "local disk", "size": 12000138625024, "usage_labels": [], "partitions": [{"size": 9840529244160, "number": 1, "preserve": true, "wipe": null, "annotations": ["existing", "already formatted as btrfs", "not mounted"], "mount": null, "format": "btrfs", "grub_device": false, "boot": false, "os": null, "offset": 1048576, "estimated_min_size": -1, "resize": null, "path": "/dev/sda1", "is_in_use": false, "$type": "Partition"}, {"size": 2159607283712, "number": 2, "preserve": true, "wipe": null, "annotations": ["existing", "already formatted as btrfs", "not mounted"], "mount": null, "format": "btrfs", "grub_device": false, "boot": false, "os": null, "offset": 9840530292736, "estimated_min_size": -1, "resize": null, "path": "/dev/sda2", "is_in_use": false, "$type": "Partition"}], "ok_for_guided": true, "ptable": "gpt", "preserve": true, "path": "/dev/sda", "boot_device": false, "can_be_boot_device": false, "model": "ST12000NM001G-2MV103", "vendor": null, "has_in_use_partition": false}, {"id": "disk-sdb", "label": "TOSHIBA_TransMemory_E46F13A4D420C190C00269BD-0:0", "type": ... flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/meta/status flutter: INFO slides: No custom slides found, using default slides. flutter: ERROR slides: Error loading slide index 1 with locale tr_TR from asset assets/slides/1/slide_tr_TR.html. Unable to load asset: "assets/slides/1/slide_tr_TR.html". flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> status() {"state": "WAITING", "confirming_tty": "", "error": null, "nonreportable_error": null, "cloud_init_ok": true, "interactive": true, "echo_syslog_id": "subiquity_echo.9112", "log_syslog_id": "subiquity_log.9112", "event_syslog_id": "subiquity_event.9112"} flutter: INFO subiquity_client: state: null => WAITING flutter: ERROR slides: Error loading slide index 2 with locale tr_TR from asset assets/slides/2/slide_tr_TR.html. Unable to load asset: "assets/slides/2/slide_tr_TR.html". flutter: INFO subiquity_status: null => ApplicationStatus(state: ApplicationState.WAITING, confirmingTty: , error: null, cloudInitOk: true, interactive: true, echoSyslogId: subiquity_echo.9112, logSyslogId: subiquity_log.9112, eventSyslogId: subiquity_event.9112) flutter: ERROR slides: Error loading slide index 3 with locale tr_TR from asset assets/slides/3/slide_tr_TR.html. Unable to load asset: "assets/slides/3/slide_tr_TR.html". flutter: ERROR slides: Error loading slide index 4 with locale tr_TR from asset assets/slides/4/slide_tr_TR.html. Unable to load asset: "assets/slides/4/slide_tr_TR.html". flutter: ERROR slides: Error loading slide index 5 with locale tr_TR from asset assets/slides/5/slide_tr_TR.html. Unable to load asset: "assets/slides/5/slide_tr_TR.html". flutter: ERROR slides: Error loading slide index 6 with locale tr_TR from asset assets/slides/6/slide_tr_TR.html. Unable to load asset: "assets/slides/6/slide_tr_TR.html". flutter: ERROR slides: Error loading slide index 7 with locale tr_TR from asset assets/slides/7/slide_tr_TR.html. Unable to load asset: "assets/slides/7/slide_tr_TR.html". flutter: ERROR slides: Error loading slide index 8 with locale tr_TR from asset assets/slides/8/slide_tr_TR.html. Unable to load asset: "assets/slides/8/slide_tr_TR.html". flutter: ERROR slides: Error loading slide index 9 with locale tr_TR from asset assets/slides/9/slide_tr_TR.html. Unable to load asset: "assets/slides/9/slide_tr_TR.html". flutter: ERROR slides: Error loading slide index 10 with locale tr_TR from asset assets/slides/10/slide_tr_TR.html. Unable to load asset: "assets/slides/10/slide_tr_TR.html". flutter: ERROR slides: Error loading slide index 10 with locale en_US from asset assets/slides/10/slide_en_US.html. Unable to load asset: "assets/slides/10/slide_en_US.html". flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: POST http://localhost/meta/mark_configured?endpoint_names=%5B%22network%22%5D flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> markConfigured([network]) null flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: POST http://localhost/meta/confirm?tty=%22%2Fdev%2Ftty1%22 flutter: INFO subiquity_status: WAITING => ApplicationStatus(state: ApplicationState.NEEDS_CONFIRMATION, confirmingTty: , error: null, cloudInitOk: true, interactive: true, echoSyslogId: subiquity_echo.9112, logSyslogId: subiquity_log.9112, eventSyslogId: subiquity_event.9112) flutter: INFO subiquity_status: WAITING => ApplicationStatus(state: ApplicationState.NEEDS_CONFIRMATION, confirmingTty: , error: null, cloudInitOk: true, interactive: true, echoSyslogId: subiquity_echo.9112, logSyslogId: subiquity_log.9112, eventSyslogId: subiquity_event.9112) flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> confirm(/dev/tty1) null flutter: INFO subiquity_status: NEEDS_CONFIRMATION => ApplicationStatus(state: ApplicationState.RUNNING, confirmingTty: /dev/tty1, error: null, cloudInitOk: true, interactive: true, echoSyslogId: subiquity_echo.9112, logSyslogId: subiquity_log.9112, eventSyslogId: subiquity_event.9112) flutter: INFO subiquity_status: NEEDS_CONFIRMATION => ApplicationStatus(state: ApplicationState.RUNNING, confirmingTty: /dev/tty1, error: null, cloudInitOk: true, interactive: true, echoSyslogId: subiquity_echo.9112, logSyslogId: subiquity_log.9112, eventSyslogId: subiquity_event.9112) ^[zflutter: INFO subiquity_status: RUNNING => ApplicationStatus(state: ApplicationState.ERROR, confirmingTty: /dev/tty1, error: ErrorReportRef(state: ErrorReportState.INCOMPLETE, base: 1712554905.187139750.install_fail, kind: ErrorReportKind.INSTALL_FAIL, seen: false, oopsId: null), cloudInitOk: true, interactive: true, echoSyslogId: subiquity_echo.9112, logSyslogId: subiquity_log.9112, eventSyslogId: subiquity_event.9112) flutter: INFO subiquity_status: RUNNING => ApplicationStatus(state: ApplicationState.ERROR, confirmingTty: /dev/tty1, error: ErrorReportRef(state: ErrorReportState.INCOMPLETE, base: 1712554905.187139750.install_fail, kind: ErrorReportKind.INSTALL_FAIL, seen: false, oopsId: null), cloudInitOk: true, interactive: true, echoSyslogId: subiquity_echo.9112, logSyslogId: subiquity_log.9112, eventSyslogId: subiquity_event.9112) flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: GET http://localhost/meta/status flutter: DEBUG subiquity_client: ==> status() {"state": "ERROR", "confirming_tty": "/dev/tty1", "error": {"state": "INCOMPLETE", "base": "1712554905.187139750.install_fail", "kind": "INSTALL_FAIL", "seen": false, "oops_id": null}, "nonreportable_error": null, "cloud_init_ok": true, "interactive": true, "echo_syslog_id": "subiquity_echo.9112", "log_syslog_id": "subiquity_log.9112", "event_syslog_id": "subiquity_event.9112"} flutter: INFO subiquity_client: state: null => ERROR Terminated