Bugzilla snarfers fail because they're looking up the wrong URL.
<Unit193> https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8092 <ubottu> Error: Could not parse XML returned by bugzilla.xfce.org: HTTP Error 404: Not Found (http://bugzilla.xfce.org/xml.cgi?id=8092)
I did a little testing, and switching to /show_bug.cgi?ctype=xml seems to fix it.
Bugzilla snarfers fail because they're looking up the wrong URL.
<Unit193> https:/ /bugzilla. xfce.org/ show_bug. cgi?id= 8092 bugzilla. xfce.org/ xml.cgi? id=8092)
<ubottu> Error: Could not parse XML returned by bugzilla.xfce.org: HTTP Error 404: Not Found (http://
I did a little testing, and switching to /show_bug. cgi?ctype= xml seems to fix it.