#0 0x1d307490 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #1 0x1d3081cc in ?? () No symbol table info available. #2 0x1d306c0c in ?? () No symbol table info available. #3 0x1d2f729c in ?? () No symbol table info available. #4 0x1d2f2390 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #5 0x1d3d4e30 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #6 0x1d221120 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #7 0x204ef820 in sokoke_js_script_eval (js_context=0x3fffffff, js_context@entry=0xf0c1fa68, script=script@entry=0x208b9b68 "(function (tags) {for (var tag in tags) {var l = document.getElementsByTagName (tag);for (var i in l) { if ((l[i].rel && l[i].rel.toLowerCase () == 'prev') || (l[i].innerHTML && (l[i].innerHTML.toLo"..., exception=0xfffffff9, exception@entry=0x0) at ../midori/sokoke.c:73 value = js_value_string = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "sokoke_js_script_eval" js_script = 0x0 js_exception = js_value = #8 0x204df9f8 in midori_view_get_related_page (view=view@entry=0x207eecb8, rel=rel@entry=0x20517864 "prev", local=0xf7b9b254 ) at ../midori/midori-view.c:5067 script = 0x208b9b68 "(function (tags) {for (var tag in tags) {var l = document.getElementsByTagName (tag);for (var i in l) { if ((l[i].rel && l[i].rel.toLowerCase () == 'prev') || (l[i].innerHTML && (l[i].innerHTML.toLo"... uri = 0x0 js_context = 0xf0c1fa68 #9 0x204e8e24 in midori_view_get_previous_page (view=view@entry=0x207eecb8) at ../midori/midori-view.c:5088 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "midori_view_get_previous_page" #10 0x204cb598 in _midori_browser_update_interface (browser=browser@entry=0x207d2030) at ../midori/midori-browser.c:301 widget = view = 0x207eecb8 loading = 0 can_reload = 1 action = #11 0x204cbaa0 in gtk_notebook_switch_page_after_cb (notebook=, page=, page_num=, browser=0x207d2030) at ../midori/midori-browser.c:4998 widget = view = 0x207eecb8 uri = 0x20510a8c "" action = #12 0x1fe7b178 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #13 0x20417884 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #14 0x20430bd8 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #15 0x204391d4 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #16 0x2043940c in ?? () No symbol table info available. #17 0x1fe9a2d4 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #18 0x1fea4a0c in ?? () No symbol table info available. #19 0x1fea37f0 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #20 0x204c3710 in _midori_browser_add_tab (browser=0xffd9c630, view=0x0) at ../midori/midori-browser.c:1610 notebook = 0x2086aa20 tab_label = 0x20806eb8 item = 0xffd9c630 n = #21 0x2041c304 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #22 0x204157a8 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #23 0x20417bc8 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #24 0x20438808 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #25 0x2043940c in ?? () No symbol table info available. #26 0x204c6588 in midori_browser_add_tab (browser=0x207eecb8, browser@entry=0x207d2030, view=0x2078cb08, view@entry=0x207eecb8) at ../midori/midori-browser.c:7086 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "midori_browser_add_tab" #27 0x204c6848 in midori_browser_add_item (browser=0x207d2030, item=) at ../midori/midori-browser.c:7130 uri = 0x204c3490 <_midori_browser_add_tab> "\224!\377" view = 0x207eecb8 page = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "midori_browser_add_item" #28 0x204a1afc in midori_load_session (data=) at ../midori/main.c:1408 _session = 0xfffffffb browser = 0x207d2030 app = 0xffd9cb94 settings = 0xffd9bd08 load_on_startup = 4294967295 config_file = 0x1 session = 0xf6f1d000 item = 0x208b8920 command = 0xfffffffa #29 0x20328bb4 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #30 0x2032d95c in ?? () No symbol table info available. #31 0x2032dd78 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #32 0x2032e250 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #33 0x1fe72774 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #34 0x2049f3c8 in main (argc=1, argv=0xffd9d2a4) at ../midori/main.c:2579 webapp = 0x0 config = 0x20568998 "/home/christian/.config/midori" private = 0 diagnostic_dialog = 1 back_from_crash = run = 0 snapshot = 0x0 logfile = 0x0 execute = 0 help_execute = 0 version = 0 uris = 0x0 block_uris = 0x0 inactivity_reset = 0 app = 0x2061a6d0 result = error = 0x0 entries = {{long_name = 0x2050f424 "app", short_name = 97 'a', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, arg_data = 0xffd9ce0c, description = 0x2050d28c "Run ADDRESS as a web application", arg_description = 0x2050d2b0 "ADDRESS"}, {long_name = 0x2050c900 "config", short_name = 99 'c', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, arg_data = 0xffd9ce10, description = 0x2050d2b8 "Use FOLDER as configuration folder", arg_description = 0x2050d2dc "FOLDER"}, {long_name = 0x2050d2e4 "private", short_name = 112 'p', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0xffd9ce14, description = 0x2050d2ec "Private browsing, no changes are saved", arg_description = 0x0}, {long_name = 0x2050d314 "diagnostic-dialog", short_name = 100 'd', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0xffd9ce18, description = 0x2050d328 "Show a diagnostic dialog", arg_description = 0x0}, {long_name = 0x2050d344 "run", short_name = 114 'r', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0xffd9ce1c, description = 0x2050d348 "Run the specified filename as javascript", arg_description = 0x0}, {long_name = 0x2050d374 "snapshot", short_name = 115 's', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, arg_data = 0xffd9ce20, description = 0x2050d380 "Take a snapshot of the specified URI", arg_description = 0x0}, {long_name = 0x205101c0 "execute", short_name = 101 'e', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0xffd9ce28, description = 0x2050d3a8 "Execute the specified command", arg_description = 0x0}, {long_name = 0x2050d3c8 "help-execute", short_name = 0 '\000', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0xffd9ce2c, description = 0x2050d3d8 "List available commands to execute with -e/ --execute", arg_description = 0x0}, {long_name = 0x2050d420 "version", short_name = 86 'V', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0xffd9ce30, description = 0x2050d410 "Display program version", arg_description = 0x0}, {long_name = 0x20510a8c "", short_name = 0 '\000', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_STRING_ARRAY, arg_data = 0xffd9ce34, description = 0x2050d428 "Addresses", arg_description = 0x0}, {long_name = 0x2050d434 "block-uris", short_name = 98 'b', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, arg_data = 0xffd9ce38, description = 0x2050d440 "Block URIs according to regular expression PATTERN", arg_description = 0x2050d474 "PATTERN"}, {long_name = 0x2050d47c "inactivity-reset", short_name = 105 'i', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_INT, arg_data = 0xffd9ce3c, description = 0x2050d490 "Reset Midori after SECONDS seconds of inactivity", arg_description = 0x2050d4c4 "SECONDS"}, {long_name = 0x2050d4cc "log-file", short_name = 108 'l', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, arg_data = 0xffd9ce24, description = 0x2050d4d8 "Redirects console warnings to the specified FILENAME", arg_description = 0x2050d504 "FILENAME"}, {long_name = 0x0, short_name = 0 '\000', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0x0, description = 0x0, arg_description = 0x0}} error_messages = extensions = 0x0 settings = 0x20567ba0 config_file = 0x0 bookmarks_file = speeddial = 0x2056d4c8 bookmarks_exist = load_on_startup = 4292463752 search_engines = bookmarks = 0xffd9cc8c history = 0x20328b80 _session = 0x0 trash = 0x206ba368 uri = 0x2057cbe8 "" item = uri_ready = errmsg = 0x0 db = 0xffd9cc88 max_history_age = clear_prefs = 0