I was just able to capture the inverse using the same script. Cricket was disconnected and AT&T was connected without a problem (See attached picture.) Again, my phone hasn't moved. It's been charging in the same location this entire time. However, service has changed for both SIM cards. There seem to be lots of interesting changes between the last log that I posted and this one. Hope it helps! [ /ril_1 ] Type = hardware Powered = 1 Revision = S333_M86_20151002_CHNOPEN_MZ024 Manufacturer = Fake Manufacturer Online = 1 Interfaces = org.ofono.ConnectionManager org.ofono.CallForwarding org.ofono.CallBarring org.ofono.CallSettings org.ofono.SupplementaryServices org.ofono.NetworkRegistration org.ofono.Phonebook org.ofono.PushNotification org.ofono.MessageManager org.ofono.NetworkTime org.ofono.MessageWaiting org.ofono.RadioSettings org.ofono.SimManager org.ofono.CallVolume org.ofono.VoiceCallManager Lockdown = 0 Emergency = 0 Features = gprs ussd net sms rat sim Serial = xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Model = Fake Modem Model [ org.ofono.ConnectionManager ] Bearer = hsupa Powered = 1 RoamingAllowed = 1 Attached = 1 Suspended = 0 [ org.ofono.CallForwarding ] VoiceUnconditional = VoiceBusy = VoiceNoReplyTimeout = 20 ForwardingFlagOnSim = 1 VoiceNoReply = VoiceNotReachable = [ org.ofono.CallBarring ] VoiceOutgoing = disabled VoiceIncoming = disabled [ org.ofono.CallSettings ] ConnectedLinePresentation = unknown ConnectedLineRestriction = unknown VoiceCallWaiting = enabled CallingLineRestriction = off CalledLinePresentation = disabled CallingNamePresentation = unknown CallingLinePresentation = enabled HideCallerId = default [ org.ofono.SupplementaryServices ] State = idle [ org.ofono.NetworkRegistration ] Strength = 16 MobileCountryCode = 310 CellId = 160097075 MobileNetworkCode = 410 Technology = hspa Status = registered Name = AT&T LocationAreaCode = 7981 Mode = auto-only [ org.ofono.Phonebook ] [ org.ofono.PushNotification ] [ org.ofono.MessageManager ] Bearer = cs-preferred UseDeliveryReports = 0 ServiceCenterAddress = +13123149810 Alphabet = default [ org.ofono.NetworkTime ] [ org.ofono.MessageWaiting ] VoicemailMailboxNumber = +14432803092 VoicemailWaiting = 0 VoicemailMessageCount = 0 [ org.ofono.RadioSettings ] AvailableTechnologies = gsm umts lte TechnologyPreference = umts FastDormancy = 0 [ org.ofono.SimManager ] FixedDialing = 0 MobileCountryCode = 310 SubscriberNumbers = xxxxxxxxxxx Retries = SubscriberIdentity = xxxxxxxxxxxx LockedPins = PinRequired = none PreferredLanguages = en BarredDialing = 0 CardIdentifier = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MobileNetworkCode = 410 Present = 1 [ org.ofono.CallVolume ] Muted = 0 SpeakerVolume = 0 MicrophoneVolume = 0 [ org.ofono.VoiceCallManager ] EmergencyNumbers = 08 000 999 110 120 911 122 112 118 119 [ /ril_0 ] Type = hardware Powered = 1 Revision = S333_M86_20151002_CHNOPEN_MZ024 Manufacturer = Fake Manufacturer Online = 1 Interfaces = org.ofono.ConnectionManager org.ofono.CallForwarding org.ofono.CallBarring org.ofono.CallSettings org.ofono.SupplementaryServices org.ofono.NetworkRegistration org.ofono.Phonebook org.ofono.PushNotification org.ofono.MessageManager org.ofono.NetworkTime org.ofono.MessageWaiting org.ofono.RadioSettings org.ofono.SimManager org.ofono.CallVolume org.ofono.VoiceCallManager Lockdown = 0 Emergency = 0 Features = gprs ussd net sms rat sim Serial = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Model = Fake Modem Model [ org.ofono.ConnectionManager ] Bearer = none Powered = 0 RoamingAllowed = 1 Attached = 0 [ org.ofono.CallForwarding ] VoiceUnconditional = VoiceBusy = VoiceNoReplyTimeout = 20 ForwardingFlagOnSim = 1 VoiceNoReply = VoiceNotReachable = [ org.ofono.CallBarring ] VoiceOutgoing = disabled VoiceIncoming = disabled [ org.ofono.CallSettings ] ConnectedLinePresentation = unknown ConnectedLineRestriction = unknown VoiceCallWaiting = enabled CallingLineRestriction = off CalledLinePresentation = disabled CallingNamePresentation = unknown CallingLinePresentation = enabled HideCallerId = default [ org.ofono.SupplementaryServices ] State = idle [ org.ofono.NetworkRegistration ] Strength = 25 CellId = 36623 Technology = gsm Status = registered Name = LocationAreaCode = 7018 Mode = manual [ org.ofono.Phonebook ] [ org.ofono.PushNotification ] [ org.ofono.MessageManager ] Bearer = cs-preferred UseDeliveryReports = 0 ServiceCenterAddress = +19703769830 Alphabet = default [ org.ofono.NetworkTime ] [ org.ofono.MessageWaiting ] VoicemailMailboxNumber = +18133823347 VoicemailWaiting = 0 VoicemailMessageCount = 0 [ org.ofono.RadioSettings ] AvailableTechnologies = gsm umts lte TechnologyPreference = gsm FastDormancy = 0 [ org.ofono.SimManager ] FixedDialing = 0 MobileCountryCode = 310 SubscriberNumbers = xxxxxxxxxxx Retries = SubscriberIdentity = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LockedPins = PinRequired = none PreferredLanguages = en BarredDialing = 0 CardIdentifier = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MobileNetworkCode = 150 Present = 1 [ org.ofono.CallVolume ] Muted = 0 SpeakerVolume = 0 MicrophoneVolume = 0 [ org.ofono.VoiceCallManager ] EmergencyNumbers = 08 000 999 110 120 911 122 112 118 119