Here you go, Alfonso. I'm happy to provide any additional information that I edited out in an email to you directly if you need it. Additional information about this scenario: RIL 1 has the AT&T SIM card RIL 0 has the Cricket SIM card Cricket is an MVNO of AT&T. However, as I sat in the same exact spot as I did yesterday when I recorded the previous video, my phone said "DENIED" for AT&T (2G/3G) but Cricket (2G Saves Battery) was fine with solid signal. I executed the list-modems script, and the AT&T network came back as an [H] network with 2Mbps download speeds. Obviously not the best speeds that I've seen, but far from "DENIED." Updating from "DENIED" to "H" while executing the script may be a coincidence, but I figured that I would mention it. /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modems log ___________________________________________________________________________________ [ /ril_1 ] Revision = S333_M86_20151002_CHNOPEN_MZ024 Lockdown = 0 Serial = xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Edited) Powered = 1 Model = Fake Modem Model Features = gprs ussd net sms rat sim Emergency = 0 Type = hardware Online = 1 Manufacturer = Fake Manufacturer Interfaces = org.ofono.ConnectionManager org.ofono.CallForwarding org.ofono.CallBarring org.ofono.CallSettings org.ofono.SupplementaryServices org.ofono.NetworkRegistration org.ofono.Phonebook org.ofono.PushNotification org.ofono.MessageManager org.ofono.NetworkTime org.ofono.MessageWaiting org.ofono.RadioSettings org.ofono.SimManager org.ofono.CallVolume org.ofono.VoiceCallManager [ org.ofono.ConnectionManager ] RoamingAllowed = 1 Attached = 0 Powered = 1 [ org.ofono.CallForwarding ] VoiceBusy = VoiceUnconditional = VoiceNoReply = ForwardingFlagOnSim = 1 VoiceNotReachable = VoiceNoReplyTimeout = 20 [ org.ofono.CallBarring ] VoiceIncoming = disabled VoiceOutgoing = disabled [ org.ofono.CallSettings ] CalledLinePresentation = disabled CallingLinePresentation = enabled ConnectedLinePresentation = unknown ConnectedLineRestriction = unknown VoiceCallWaiting = enabled CallingLineRestriction = off HideCallerId = default CallingNamePresentation = unknown [ org.ofono.SupplementaryServices ] State = idle [ org.ofono.NetworkRegistration ] Status = registered Mode = auto-only Technology = hspa Strength = 25 CellId = 160075535 Name = LocationAreaCode = 7981 [ org.ofono.Phonebook ] [ org.ofono.PushNotification ] [ org.ofono.MessageManager ] Bearer = cs-preferred ServiceCenterAddress = +13123149810 Alphabet = default UseDeliveryReports = 0 [ org.ofono.NetworkTime ] [ org.ofono.MessageWaiting ] VoicemailMailboxNumber = +14432803092 VoicemailMessageCount = 0 VoicemailWaiting = 0 [ org.ofono.RadioSettings ] FastDormancy = 0 AvailableTechnologies = gsm umts lte TechnologyPreference = umts [ org.ofono.SimManager ] MobileCountryCode = 310 MobileNetworkCode = 410 Present = 1 Retries = BarredDialing = 0 CardIdentifier = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Edited) FixedDialing = 0 LockedPins = PreferredLanguages = en SubscriberIdentity = xxxxxxxxxxxx (Edited) SubscriberNumbers = xxxxxxxxxxx (Edited) PinRequired = none [ org.ofono.CallVolume ] MicrophoneVolume = 0 Muted = 0 SpeakerVolume = 0 [ org.ofono.VoiceCallManager ] EmergencyNumbers = 08 000 999 110 120 911 122 112 118 119 [ /ril_0 ] Revision = S333_M86_20151002_CHNOPEN_MZ024 Lockdown = 0 Serial = xxxxxxxxxxxxx Powered = 1 Model = Fake Modem Model Features = gprs ussd net sms rat sim Emergency = 0 Type = hardware Online = 1 Manufacturer = Fake Manufacturer Interfaces = org.ofono.ConnectionManager org.ofono.CallForwarding org.ofono.CallBarring org.ofono.CallSettings org.ofono.SupplementaryServices org.ofono.NetworkRegistration org.ofono.Phonebook org.ofono.PushNotification org.ofono.MessageManager org.ofono.NetworkTime org.ofono.MessageWaiting org.ofono.RadioSettings org.ofono.SimManager org.ofono.CallVolume org.ofono.VoiceCallManager [ org.ofono.ConnectionManager ] RoamingAllowed = 1 Bearer = none Attached = 0 Powered = 0 [ org.ofono.CallForwarding ] VoiceBusy = VoiceUnconditional = VoiceNoReply = ForwardingFlagOnSim = 1 VoiceNotReachable = VoiceNoReplyTimeout = 20 [ org.ofono.CallBarring ] VoiceIncoming = disabled VoiceOutgoing = disabled [ org.ofono.CallSettings ] CalledLinePresentation = disabled CallingLinePresentation = enabled ConnectedLinePresentation = unknown ConnectedLineRestriction = unknown VoiceCallWaiting = enabled CallingLineRestriction = off HideCallerId = default CallingNamePresentation = unknown [ org.ofono.SupplementaryServices ] State = idle [ org.ofono.NetworkRegistration ] Status = registered MobileCountryCode = 310 Mode = manual Technology = gsm Strength = 19 CellId = 36623 Name = cricket MobileNetworkCode = 410 LocationAreaCode = 7018 [ org.ofono.Phonebook ] [ org.ofono.PushNotification ] [ org.ofono.MessageManager ] Bearer = cs-preferred ServiceCenterAddress = +19703769830 Alphabet = default UseDeliveryReports = 0 [ org.ofono.NetworkTime ] [ org.ofono.MessageWaiting ] VoicemailMailboxNumber = +18133823347 VoicemailMessageCount = 0 VoicemailWaiting = 0 [ org.ofono.RadioSettings ] FastDormancy = 0 AvailableTechnologies = gsm umts lte TechnologyPreference = gsm [ org.ofono.SimManager ] MobileCountryCode = 310 MobileNetworkCode = 150 Present = 1 Retries = BarredDialing = 0 CardIdentifier = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FixedDialing = 0 LockedPins = PreferredLanguages = en SubscriberIdentity = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SubscriberNumbers = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PinRequired = none [ org.ofono.CallVolume ] MicrophoneVolume = 0 Muted = 0 SpeakerVolume = 0 [ org.ofono.VoiceCallManager ] EmergencyNumbers = 08 000 999 110 120 911 122 112 118 119