<<< Seems neutron openvswitch-agent not starting[1] <<< [1] https://logserver.rdoproject.org/openstack-periodic-integration-stable4/opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-ci/master/periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-train/e8133d7/logs/undercloud/var/log/extra/podman/containers/neutron_ovs_agent/stdout.log.txt.gz This is from undercloud node and unrelated to tempest failures. I see randomly different tempest test fails with below Traceback:- 2022-10-03 10:13:04,796 321780 INFO [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Creating ssh connection to '' as 'cirros' with public key authentication 2022-10-03 10:14:04,855 321780 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to cirros@ (timed out). Number attempts: 1. Retry after 2 seconds. 2022-10-03 10:15:07,413 321780 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to cirros@ (timed out). Number attempts: 2. Retry after 3 seconds. 2022-10-03 10:16:10,972 321780 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to cirros@ (timed out). Number attempts: 3. Retry after 4 seconds. 2022-10-03 10:17:15,531 321780 WARNING [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to cirros@ (timed out). Number attempts: 4. Retry after 5 seconds. 2022-10-03 10:18:21,092 321780 ERROR [tempest.lib.common.ssh] Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to cirros@ after 4 attempts. Proxy client: no proxy client 2022-10-03 10:18:21.092 321780 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh Traceback (most recent call last): 2022-10-03 10:18:21.092 321780 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tempest/lib/common/ssh.py", line 113, in _get_ssh_connection 2022-10-03 10:18:21.092 321780 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh sock=proxy_chan) 2022-10-03 10:18:21.092 321780 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/paramiko/client.py", line 349, in connect 2022-10-03 10:18:21.092 321780 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh retry_on_signal(lambda: sock.connect(addr)) 2022-10-03 10:18:21.092 321780 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/paramiko/util.py", line 283, in retry_on_signal 2022-10-03 10:18:21.092 321780 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh return function() 2022-10-03 10:18:21.092 321780 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/paramiko/client.py", line 349, in 2022-10-03 10:18:21.092 321780 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh retry_on_signal(lambda: sock.connect(addr)) 2022-10-03 10:18:21.092 321780 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh socket.timeout: timed out 2022-10-03 10:18:21.092 321780 ERROR tempest.lib.common.ssh This is happening from long as i see similar failure from 9th Sept, before that too there were some different kind of failures and around same time i see those jobs were moved to run on ibm cloud https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-jobs/+/44496. I couldn't find why it's failing but considering similar job is not seeing this issue with internal cloud, the issue seems be related to the performance on ibm cloud, good to check how much the cloud is loaded and performing when issue is seen.