- block: - name: Get docker Cinder-Volume image set_fact: docker_image: docker.io/tripleorocky/centos-binary-cinder-volume:current-tripleo docker_image_latest: docker.io/tripleorocky/centos-binary-cinder-volume:pcmklatest - name: Get previous Cinder-Volume image id register: cinder_volume_image_id shell: docker images | awk '/cinder-volume.* pcmklatest/{print $3}' | uniq - block: - name: Get a list of container using Cinder-Volume image register: cinder_volume_containers_to_destroy shell: docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{cinder_volume_image_id.stdout}}' - name: Remove any container using the same Cinder-Volume image shell: docker rm -fv {{item}} with_items: '{{ cinder_volume_containers_to_destroy.stdout_lines }}' - name: Remove previous Cinder-Volume images shell: docker rmi -f {{cinder_volume_image_id.stdout}} when: - cinder_volume_image_id.stdout != '' - command: docker pull {{docker_image}} name: Pull latest Cinder-Volume images - name: Retag pcmklatest to latest Cinder-Volume image shell: docker tag {{docker_image}} {{docker_image_latest}} name: Cinder-Volume fetch and retag container image for pacemaker when: step|int == 2 - block: - set_fact: container_registry_additional_sockets: - /var/lib/openstack/docker.sock container_registry_debug: false container_registry_deployment_user: '' container_registry_docker_options: --log-driver=journald --signature-verification=false --iptables=false --live-restore container_registry_insecure_registries: [] container_registry_mirror: '' container_registry_network_options: --bip= container_registry_skip_reconfiguration: false - include_role: name: container-registry tasks_from: docker-update name: Restart Docker when needed when: step|int == 2 - block: - name: Check for haproxy Kolla configuration register: haproxy_kolla_config stat: path: /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/haproxy - name: Check if haproxy is already containerized set_fact: haproxy_containerized: '{{haproxy_kolla_config.stat.isdir | default(false)}}' - command: hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml bootstrap_nodeid name: get bootstrap nodeid register: bootstrap_node tags: common - name: set is_bootstrap_node fact set_fact: is_bootstrap_node={{bootstrap_node.stdout|lower == ansible_hostname|lower}} tags: common name: Set HAProxy upgrade facts - block: - command: cibadmin --query --xpath "//storage-mapping[@id='haproxy-cert']" ignore_errors: true name: Check haproxy public certificate configuration in pacemaker register: haproxy_cert_mounted - name: Disable the haproxy cluster resource pacemaker_resource: resource: haproxy-bundle state: disable wait_for_resource: true register: output retries: 5 until: output.rc == 0 when: haproxy_cert_mounted.rc == 6 - name: Set HAProxy public cert volume mount fact set_fact: haproxy_public_cert_path: /etc/pki/tls/private/overcloud_endpoint.pem haproxy_public_tls_enabled: false - command: pcs resource bundle update haproxy-bundle storage-map add id=haproxy-cert source-dir={{ haproxy_public_cert_path }} target-dir=/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src-tls/{{ haproxy_public_cert_path }} options=ro name: Add a bind mount for public certificate in the haproxy bundle when: haproxy_cert_mounted.rc == 6 and haproxy_public_tls_enabled|bool - name: Enable the haproxy cluster resource pacemaker_resource: resource: haproxy-bundle state: enable wait_for_resource: true register: output retries: 5 until: output.rc == 0 when: haproxy_cert_mounted.rc == 6 name: Mount TLS cert if needed when: - step|int == 1 - haproxy_containerized|bool - is_bootstrap_node - block: - name: Get docker Haproxy image set_fact: docker_image: docker.io/tripleorocky/centos-binary-haproxy:current-tripleo docker_image_latest: docker.io/tripleorocky/centos-binary-haproxy:pcmklatest - name: Get previous Haproxy image id register: haproxy_image_id shell: docker images | awk '/haproxy.* pcmklatest/{print $3}' | uniq - block: - name: Get a list of container using Haproxy image register: haproxy_containers_to_destroy shell: docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{haproxy_image_id.stdout}}' - name: Remove any container using the same Haproxy image shell: docker rm -fv {{item}} with_items: '{{ haproxy_containers_to_destroy.stdout_lines }}' - name: Remove previous Haproxy images shell: docker rmi -f {{haproxy_image_id.stdout}} when: - haproxy_image_id.stdout != '' - command: docker pull {{docker_image}} name: Pull latest Haproxy images - name: Retag pcmklatest to latest Haproxy image shell: docker tag {{docker_image}} {{docker_image_latest}} name: Haproxy fetch and retag container image for pacemaker when: step|int == 2 - block: - name: Get docker Mariadb image set_fact: docker_image: docker.io/tripleorocky/centos-binary-mariadb:current-tripleo docker_image_latest: docker.io/tripleorocky/centos-binary-mariadb:pcmklatest - name: Get previous Mariadb image id register: mariadb_image_id shell: docker images | awk '/mariadb.* pcmklatest/{print $3}' | uniq - block: - name: Get a list of container using Mariadb image register: mariadb_containers_to_destroy shell: docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{mariadb_image_id.stdout}}' - name: Remove any container using the same Mariadb image shell: docker rm -fv {{item}} with_items: '{{ mariadb_containers_to_destroy.stdout_lines }}' - name: Remove previous Mariadb images shell: docker rmi -f {{mariadb_image_id.stdout}} when: - mariadb_image_id.stdout != '' - command: docker pull {{docker_image}} name: Pull latest Mariadb images - name: Retag pcmklatest to latest Mariadb image shell: docker tag {{docker_image}} {{docker_image_latest}} name: Mariadb fetch and retag container image for pacemaker when: step|int == 2 - lineinfile: dest=/etc/sysconfig/iptables regexp=".*neutron-" state=absent name: Remove IPv4 iptables rules created by Neutron that are persistent when: step|int == 5 - lineinfile: dest=/etc/sysconfig/ip6tables regexp=".*neutron-" state=absent name: Remove IPv6 iptables rules created by Neutron that are persistent when: step|int == 5 - docker: name: octavia_api_tls_proxy state: absent name: remove TLS proxy if configured and running when: - step|int == 2 - internal_tls_enabled|bool - async: 30 name: Check pacemaker cluster running before the minor update pacemaker_cluster: state=online check_and_fail=true poll: 4 when: step|int == 0 - name: Move virtual IPs to another node before stopping pacemaker shell: "CLUSTER_NODE=$(crm_node -n)\necho \"Retrieving all the VIPs which are hosted\ \ on this node\"\nVIPS_TO_MOVE=$(crm_mon --as-xml | xmllint --xpath '//resource[@resource_agent\ \ = \"ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2\" and @role = \"Started\" and @managed = \"true\"\ \ and ./node[@name = \"'${CLUSTER_NODE}'\"]]/@id' - | sed -e 's/id=//g' -e 's/\"\ //g')\nfor v in ${VIPS_TO_MOVE}; do\n echo \"Moving VIP $v on another node\"\ \n pcs resource move $v --wait=300\ndone\necho \"Removing the location constraints\ \ that were created to move the VIPs\"\nfor v in ${VIPS_TO_MOVE}; do\n echo\ \ \"Removing location ban for VIP $v\"\n ban_id=$(cibadmin --query | xmllint\ \ --xpath 'string(//rsc_location[@rsc=\"'${v}'\" and @node=\"'${CLUSTER_NODE}'\"\ \ and @score=\"-INFINITY\"]/@id)' -)\n if [ -n \"$ban_id\" ]; then\n \ \ pcs constraint remove ${ban_id}\n else\n echo \"Could not retrieve\ \ and clear location constraint for VIP $v\" 2>&1\n fi\ndone\n" when: step|int == 1 - name: Stop pacemaker cluster pacemaker_cluster: state=offline when: step|int == 1 - name: Start pacemaker cluster pacemaker_cluster: state=online when: step|int == 4 - block: - name: Get docker Rabbitmq image set_fact: docker_image: docker.io/tripleorocky/centos-binary-rabbitmq:current-tripleo docker_image_latest: docker.io/tripleorocky/centos-binary-rabbitmq:pcmklatest - name: Get previous Rabbitmq image id register: rabbitmq_image_id shell: docker images | awk '/rabbitmq.* pcmklatest/{print $3}' | uniq - block: - name: Get a list of container using Rabbitmq image register: rabbitmq_containers_to_destroy shell: docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{rabbitmq_image_id.stdout}}' - name: Remove any container using the same Rabbitmq image shell: docker rm -fv {{item}} with_items: '{{ rabbitmq_containers_to_destroy.stdout_lines }}' - name: Remove previous Rabbitmq images shell: docker rmi -f {{rabbitmq_image_id.stdout}} when: - rabbitmq_image_id.stdout != '' - command: docker pull {{docker_image}} name: Pull latest Rabbitmq images - name: Retag pcmklatest to latest Rabbitmq image shell: docker tag {{docker_image}} {{docker_image_latest}} name: Rabbit fetch and retag container image for pacemaker when: step|int == 2 - block: - name: Get docker Redis image set_fact: docker_image: docker.io/tripleorocky/centos-binary-redis:current-tripleo docker_image_latest: docker.io/tripleorocky/centos-binary-redis:pcmklatest - name: Get previous Redis image id register: redis_image_id shell: docker images | awk '/redis.* pcmklatest/{print $3}' | uniq - block: - name: Get a list of container using Redis image register: redis_containers_to_destroy shell: docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{redis_image_id.stdout}}' - name: Remove any container using the same Redis image shell: docker rm -fv {{item}} with_items: '{{ redis_containers_to_destroy.stdout_lines }}' - name: Remove previous Redis images shell: docker rmi -f {{redis_image_id.stdout}} when: - redis_image_id.stdout != '' - command: docker pull {{docker_image}} name: Pull latest Redis images - name: Retag pcmklatest to latest Redis image shell: docker tag {{docker_image}} {{docker_image_latest}} name: Redis fetch and retag container image for pacemaker when: step|int == 2 - name: Check swift containers log folder/symlink exists register: swift_log_link stat: path: /var/log/containers/swift - file: path: /var/log/containers/swift state: absent name: Delete if symlink when: swift_log_link.stat.islnk is defined and swift_log_link.stat.islnk - file: path: /var/run/rsyncd.pid state: absent name: Ensure rsyncd pid file is absent - name: Check for existing yum.pid register: yum_pid_file stat: path=/var/run/yum.pid when: step|int == 0 or step|int == 3 - fail: msg="ERROR existing yum.pid detected - can't continue! Please ensure there is no other package update process for the duration of the minor update worfklow. Exiting." name: Exit if existing yum process when: (step|int == 0 or step|int == 3) and yum_pid_file.stat.exists - name: Update all packages package: name=* state=latest when: step == "3" - name: Ensure openvswitch is running after update service: enabled: true name: openvswitch state: started when: step|int == 3