Verified the fix on cluster Amber7 with Traf 1.1.0RC1 build. SQLCancel worked as expected. Below are the validation steps in ODBCTest: Full Connect(Default) Env. Attr. SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION set to SQL_OV_ODBC3 Successfully connected to DSN 'amber7'. SQLSetStmtAttr: In: StatementHandle = 0x00000000003BB220, Attribute = SQL_ATTR_ASYNC_ENABLE=4, ValuePtr = SQL_ASYNC_ENABLE_ON=1, StringLength = SQL_NTS=-3, fAttribute Type = SQL_C_SLONG=-16 Return: SQL_SUCCESS=0 SQLExecDirect: In: Statementhandle = 0x00000000003BB220, StatementText = "select count(*) from trafodion."_MD_".columns a, ...", Statementlength = 105 Return: SQL_STILL_EXECUTING=2 SQLExecDirect: In: Statementhandle = 0x00000000003BB220, StatementText = "select count(*) from trafodion."_MD_".columns a, ...", Statementlength = 105 Return: SQL_SUCCESS=0 SQLFetch: In: StatementHandle = 0x00000000003BB220 Return: SQL_STILL_EXECUTING=2 SQLFetch: In: StatementHandle = 0x00000000003BB220 Return: SQL_STILL_EXECUTING=2 SQLCancel: In: StatementHandle = 0x00000000003BB220 Return: SQL_SUCCESS=0 SQLFetch: In: StatementHandle = 0x00000000003BB220 Return: SQL_ERROR=-1 stmt: szSqlState = "HY008", *pfNativeError = -8007, *pcbErrorMsg = 131, *ColumnNumber = -1, *RowNumber = -2 MessageText = "[TRAF][Trafodion ODBC Driver][Trafodion Database] SQL error:*** ERROR[8007] The operation has been canceled. [2015-04-20 20:48:23]" stmt: szSqlState = "S1008", *pfNativeError = 0, *pcbErrorMsg = 50, *ColumnNumber = -1, *RowNumber = -2 MessageText = "[TRAF][Trafodion ODBC Driver] Operation cancelled." SQLExecDirect: In: Statementhandle = 0x00000000003BB220, StatementText = "select count(*) from trafodion."_MD_".columns a, ...", Statementlength = 134 Return: SQL_STILL_EXECUTING=2 SQLExecDirect: In: Statementhandle = 0x00000000003BB220, StatementText = "select count(*) from trafodion."_MD_".columns a, ...", Statementlength = 134 Return: SQL_SUCCESS=0 SQLFetch: In: StatementHandle = 0x00000000003BB220 Return: SQL_STILL_EXECUTING=2 SQLFetch: In: StatementHandle = 0x00000000003BB220 Return: SQL_STILL_EXECUTING=2 SQLCancel: In: StatementHandle = 0x00000000003BB220 Return: SQL_SUCCESS=0 SQLFetch: In: StatementHandle = 0x00000000003BB220 Return: SQL_ERROR=-1 stmt: szSqlState = "HY008", *pfNativeError = -8007, *pcbErrorMsg = 131, *ColumnNumber = -1, *RowNumber = -2 MessageText = "[TRAF][Trafodion ODBC Driver][Trafodion Database] SQL error:*** ERROR[8007] The operation has been canceled. [2015-04-20 20:50:08]" stmt: szSqlState = "S1008", *pfNativeError = 0, *pcbErrorMsg = 50, *ColumnNumber = -1, *RowNumber = -2 MessageText = "[TRAF][Trafodion ODBC Driver] Operation cancelled." SQLExecDirect: In: Statementhandle = 0x00000000003BB220, StatementText = "select count(*) from "_MD_".columns a, "_MD_".inde...", Statementlength = 232 Return: SQL_STILL_EXECUTING=2 SQLExecDirect: In: Statementhandle = 0x00000000003BB220, StatementText = "select count(*) from "_MD_".columns a, "_MD_".inde...", Statementlength = 232 Return: SQL_SUCCESS=0 SQLFetch: In: StatementHandle = 0x00000000003BB220 Return: SQL_STILL_EXECUTING=2 SQLFetch: In: StatementHandle = 0x00000000003BB220 Return: SQL_STILL_EXECUTING=2 SQLCancel: In: StatementHandle = 0x00000000003BB220 Return: SQL_SUCCESS=0 SQLFetch: In: StatementHandle = 0x00000000003BB220 Return: SQL_ERROR=-1 stmt: szSqlState = "HY008", *pfNativeError = -8007, *pcbErrorMsg = 131, *ColumnNumber = -1, *RowNumber = -2 MessageText = "[TRAF][Trafodion ODBC Driver][Trafodion Database] SQL error:*** ERROR[8007] The operation has been canceled. [2015-04-20 20:52:03]" stmt: szSqlState = "S1008", *pfNativeError = 0, *pcbErrorMsg = 50, *ColumnNumber = -1, *RowNumber = -2 MessageText = "[TRAF][Trafodion ODBC Driver] Operation cancelled." SQLPrepare: In: StatementHandle = 0x00000000003BB220, StatementText = "select count(*) from "_MD_".columns a, "_MD_".inde...", TextLength = 232 Return: SQL_STILL_EXECUTING=2 SQLPrepare: In: StatementHandle = 0x00000000003BB220, StatementText = "select count(*) from "_MD_".columns a, "_MD_".inde...", TextLength = 232 Return: SQL_SUCCESS=0 SQLExecute: In: StatementHandle = 0x00000000003BB220 Return: SQL_STILL_EXECUTING=2 SQLExecute: In: StatementHandle = 0x00000000003BB220 Return: SQL_SUCCESS=0 SQLFetch: In: StatementHandle = 0x00000000003BB220 Return: SQL_STILL_EXECUTING=2 SQLFetch: In: StatementHandle = 0x00000000003BB220 Return: SQL_STILL_EXECUTING=2 SQLCancel: In: StatementHandle = 0x00000000003BB220 Return: SQL_SUCCESS=0 SQLFetch: In: StatementHandle = 0x00000000003BB220 Return: SQL_ERROR=-1 stmt: szSqlState = "HY008", *pfNativeError = -8007, *pcbErrorMsg = 131, *ColumnNumber = -1, *RowNumber = -2 MessageText = "[TRAF][Trafodion ODBC Driver][Trafodion Database] SQL error:*** ERROR[8007] The operation has been canceled. [2015-04-20 20:53:56]" stmt: szSqlState = "S1008", *pfNativeError = 0, *pcbErrorMsg = 50, *ColumnNumber = -1, *RowNumber = -2 MessageText = "[TRAF][Trafodion ODBC Driver] Operation cancelled."