In bug 461098 we added a ( reply | v ) button with the reply all menu item as a first step toward this and to help get the styling correct. In the next, b3, release I'd like to get this button to react to the message being displayed, showing "what we consider to be the best default" as the button face and still having other reasonable actions in the popup menu. Sorry for the huge bug comment. Here's the set of default / popup menus I have been working with for each situation. My goals have been this. * use the correct default button in the appropriate situation * refer to people / email addresses instead of header types like reply-to, sender * provide a reasonable set of actions in the popup to balance a confusing list of all possible and an unhelpful list of too few. * create an easy understanding of what the default action will do (as expectations obviously vary) single recipient, no reply-to ( reply | v )____________________ | reply to