Comment 6 for bug 1212909

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clayg (clay-gerrard) wrote : Re: ImportError _bsddb with deadsnakes python2.6 anydbm

well, i ran into this again in a different context coming at it from this time... In all fairness I wonder if some of this really should just be filed against openstack - since we're the ones making all the noise.

I think maybe instead of anydbm if testrepository/repository/ explicitly chose a specific format it thinks is going to be well supported across various builds of 2.6 - 3.4 when creating a db it might have a better time of it.

For existing db's I guess you just open it with anydb and get whatever is in there. But when making the db the first time (or after someone deleted it trying to dig themselves out of this mess) it seems like just picking whatever python's happen to be running first's default isn't always the most widely supported choice.

OTOH, maybe tox should be isolating this better? Is there a good reason to support sharing this db across runs of different virtualenv's with different python interpreters?

my launchpad says i'm subscribed to this bug - so you if you need any more information or debugging from my end - maybe I'll see the next update.