Tempest failures due to failure to return console logs from an instance

Bug #1251920 reported by Michael Still
This bug affects 20 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
OpenStack Compute (nova)
Robert Collins
Fix Released
Matt Riedemann
Fix Released
Ken'ichi Ohmichi

Bug Description

Logstash search: http://logstash.openstack.org/#eyJzZWFyY2giOiJmaWxlbmFtZTpjb25zb2xlLmh0bWwgQU5EIG1lc3NhZ2U6XCJhc3NlcnRpb25lcnJvcjogY29uc29sZSBvdXRwdXQgd2FzIGVtcHR5XCIiLCJmaWVsZHMiOltdLCJvZmZzZXQiOjAsInRpbWVmcmFtZSI6IjYwNDgwMCIsImdyYXBobW9kZSI6ImNvdW50IiwidGltZSI6eyJ1c2VyX2ludGVydmFsIjowfSwic3RhbXAiOjEzODQ2NDEwNzIxODl9

An example failure is http://logs.openstack.org/92/55492/8/check/check-tempest-devstack-vm-full/ef3a4a4/console.html


2013-11-16 21:54:27.998 | 2013-11-16 21:41:20,775 Request: POST
2013-11-16 21:54:27.998 | 2013-11-16 21:41:20,776 Request Headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': '<Token omitted>'}
2013-11-16 21:54:27.998 | 2013-11-16 21:41:20,776 Request Body: {"os-getConsoleOutput": {"length": 10}}
2013-11-16 21:54:27.998 | 2013-11-16 21:41:21,000 Response Status: 200
2013-11-16 21:54:27.999 | 2013-11-16 21:41:21,001 Nova request id: req-7a2ee0ab-c977-4957-abb5-1d84191bf30c
2013-11-16 21:54:27.999 | 2013-11-16 21:41:21,001 Response Headers: {'content-length': '14', 'date': 'Sat, 16 Nov 2013 21:41:20 GMT', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'connection': 'close'}
2013-11-16 21:54:27.999 | 2013-11-16 21:41:21,001 Response Body: {"output": ""}
2013-11-16 21:54:27.999 | }}}
2013-11-16 21:54:27.999 |
2013-11-16 21:54:27.999 | Traceback (most recent call last):
2013-11-16 21:54:27.999 | File "tempest/api/compute/servers/test_server_actions.py", line 281, in test_get_console_output
2013-11-16 21:54:28.000 | self.wait_for(get_output)
2013-11-16 21:54:28.000 | File "tempest/api/compute/base.py", line 133, in wait_for
2013-11-16 21:54:28.000 | condition()
2013-11-16 21:54:28.000 | File "tempest/api/compute/servers/test_server_actions.py", line 278, in get_output
2013-11-16 21:54:28.000 | self.assertTrue(output, "Console output was empty.")
2013-11-16 21:54:28.000 | File "/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/case.py", line 420, in assertTrue
2013-11-16 21:54:28.000 | raise self.failureException(msg)
2013-11-16 21:54:28.001 | AssertionError: Console output was empty.


2013-11-16 21:41:20.782 DEBUG nova.api.openstack.wsgi [req-7a2ee0ab-c977-4957-abb5-1d84191bf30c ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-user ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-tenant] Action: 'action', body: {"os-getConsoleOutput": {"length": 10}} _process_stack /opt/stack/new/nova/nova/api/openstack/wsgi.py:963
2013-11-16 21:41:20.782 DEBUG nova.api.openstack.wsgi [req-7a2ee0ab-c977-4957-abb5-1d84191bf30c ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-user ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-tenant] Calling method <bound method ConsoleOutputController.get_console_output of <nova.api.openstack.compute.contrib.console_output.ConsoleOutputController object at 0x3c1f990>> _process_stack /opt/stack/new/nova/nova/api/openstack/wsgi.py:964
2013-11-16 21:41:20.865 DEBUG nova.openstack.common.rpc.amqp [req-7a2ee0ab-c977-4957-abb5-1d84191bf30c ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-user ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-tenant] Making synchronous call on compute.devstack-precise-hpcloud-az2-663635 ... multicall /opt/stack/new/nova/nova/openstack/common/rpc/amqp.py:553
2013-11-16 21:41:20.866 DEBUG nova.openstack.common.rpc.amqp [req-7a2ee0ab-c977-4957-abb5-1d84191bf30c ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-user ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-tenant] MSG_ID is a93dceabf6a441eb850b5fbb012d661f multicall /opt/stack/new/nova/nova/openstack/common/rpc/amqp.py:556
2013-11-16 21:41:20.866 DEBUG nova.openstack.common.rpc.amqp [req-7a2ee0ab-c977-4957-abb5-1d84191bf30c ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-user ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-tenant] UNIQUE_ID is 706ab69dc066440fbe1bd7766b73d953. _add_unique_id /opt/stack/new/nova/nova/openstack/common/rpc/amqp.py:341
2013-11-16 21:41:20.869 22679 DEBUG amqp [-] Closed channel #1 _do_close /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/amqp/channel.py:95
2013-11-16 21:41:20.869 22679 DEBUG amqp [-] using channel_id: 1 __init__ /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/amqp/channel.py:71
2013-11-16 21:41:20.870 22679 DEBUG amqp [-] Channel open _open_ok /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/amqp/channel.py:429
2013-11-16 21:41:20.999 INFO nova.osapi_compute.wsgi.server [req-7a2ee0ab-c977-4957-abb5-1d84191bf30c ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-user ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-tenant] "POST /v2/3f6934d9aabf467aa8bc51397ccfa782/servers/10aace14-23c1-4cec-9bfd-2c873df1fbee/action HTTP/1.1" status: 200 len: 205 time: 0.2208662


2013-11-16 21:41:20.878 23086 DEBUG nova.openstack.common.rpc.amqp [-] received {u'_msg_id': u'a93dceabf6a441eb850b5fbb012d661f', u'_context_quota_class': None, u'_context_request_id': u'req-7a2ee0ab-c977-4957-abb5-1d84191bf30c', u'_context_service_catalog': [{u'endpoints_links': [], u'endpoints': [{u'adminURL': u'', u'region': u'RegionOne', u'publicURL': u'', u'internalURL': u'', u'id': u'5725cc234a8346408dfe343aea62d3aa'}], u'type': u'volume', u'name': u'cinder'}], u'_context_auth_token': '<SANITIZED>', u'_context_user_id': u'eae9401ba3794296ae8248748ef8e26e', u'_reply_q': u'reply_546cb0ef381e4ff29c76ee96eba21c22', u'namespace': None, u'_context_is_admin': False, u'version': u'2.0', u'_context_timestamp': u'2013-11-16T21:41:20.781052', u'_context_user': u'eae9401ba3794296ae8248748ef8e26e', u'method': u'get_console_output', u'_context_remote_address': u'', u'_context_roles': [u'_member_'], u'args': {u'instance': {u'vm_state': u'active', u'availability_zone': None, u'terminated_at': None, u'ephemeral_gb': 0, u'instance_type_id': 6, u'user_data': None, u'cleaned': False, u'vm_mode': None, u'deleted_at': None, u'reservation_id': u'r-dnps4t4l', u'id': 40, u'security_groups': [{u'deleted_at': None, u'user_id': u'eae9401ba3794296ae8248748ef8e26e', u'description': u'default', u'deleted': False, u'created_at': u'2013-11-16T21:37:03.000000', u'updated_at': None, u'project_id': u'3f6934d9aabf467aa8bc51397ccfa782', u'id': 47, u'name': u'default'}], u'disable_terminate': False, u'root_device_name': u'/dev/vda', u'display_name': u'ServerActionsTestJSON-instance-tempest-308881308', u'uuid': u'10aace14-23c1-4cec-9bfd-2c873df1fbee', u'default_swap_device': None, u'info_cache': {u'instance_uuid': u'10aace14-23c1-4cec-9bfd-2c873df1fbee', u'deleted': False, u'created_at': u'2013-11-16T21:37:03.000000', u'updated_at': u'2013-11-16T21:37:08.000000', u'network_info': [{u'ovs_interfaceid': None, u'network': {u'bridge': u'br100', u'label': u'private', u'meta': {u'tenant_id': None, u'should_create_bridge': True, u'bridge_interface': u'eth0'}, u'id': u'44a93331-6869-4e8a-8742-f92bb9cea7b5', u'subnets': [{u'ips': [{u'meta': {}, u'type': u'fixed', u'floating_ips': [], u'version': 4, u'address': u''}], u'version': 4, u'meta': {u'dhcp_server': u''}, u'dns': [{u'meta': {}, u'type': u'dns', u'version': 4, u'address': u''}], u'routes': [], u'cidr': u'', u'gateway': {u'meta': {}, u'type': u'gateway', u'version': 4, u'address': u''}}, {u'ips': [], u'version': None, u'meta': {u'dhcp_server': None}, u'dns': [], u'routes': [], u'cidr': None, u'gateway': {u'meta': {}, u'type': u'gateway', u'version': None, u'address': None}}]}, u'devname': None, u'qbh_params': None, u'meta': {}, u'address': u'fa:16:3e:38:6d:dd', u'type': u'bridge', u'id': u'2bd53919-68f4-4fdb-bd51-dfc3238c6cbb', u'qbg_params': None}], u'deleted_at': None}, u'hostname': u'serveractionstestjson-instance-tempest-308881308', u'launched_on': u'devstack-precise-hpcloud-az2-663635', u'display_description': u'ServerActionsTestJSON-instance-tempest-308881308', u'key_data': None, u'deleted': False, u'config_drive': u'', u'power_state': 1, u'default_ephemeral_device': None, u'progress': 0, u'project_id': u'3f6934d9aabf467aa8bc51397ccfa782', u'launched_at': u'2013-11-16T21:37:18.000000', u'scheduled_at': u'2013-11-16T21:37:04.000000', u'node': u'devstack-precise-hpcloud-az2-663635', u'ramdisk_id': u'cd16eea0-986d-443f-a345-3b82c8f4fce6', u'access_ip_v6': None, u'access_ip_v4': None, u'kernel_id': u'b1803c3b-8f66-408b-9105-73568c7181ca', u'key_name': None, u'updated_at': u'2013-11-16T21:38:00.000000', u'host': u'devstack-precise-hpcloud-az2-663635', u'user_id': u'eae9401ba3794296ae8248748ef8e26e', u'system_metadata': {u'image_kernel_id': u'b1803c3b-8f66-408b-9105-73568c7181ca', u'instance_type_memory_mb': u'64', u'instance_type_swap': u'0', u'instance_type_vcpu_weight': None, u'instance_type_root_gb': u'0', u'instance_type_id': u'6', u'image_ramdisk_id': u'cd16eea0-986d-443f-a345-3b82c8f4fce6', u'instance_type_name': u'm1.nano', u'instance_type_ephemeral_gb': u'0', u'instance_type_rxtx_factor': u'1.0', u'image_disk_format': u'ami', u'instance_type_flavorid': u'42', u'image_container_format': u'ami', u'instance_type_vcpus': u'1', u'image_min_ram': u'0', u'image_min_disk': u'0', u'image_base_image_ref': u'11f4317b-d294-4d21-b2c4-2d7198aa32b8'}, u'task_state': None, u'shutdown_terminate': False, u'cell_name': None, u'root_gb': 0, u'locked': False, u'name': u'instance-00000028', u'created_at': u'2013-11-16T21:37:03.000000', u'locked_by': None, u'launch_index': 0, u'memory_mb': 64, u'vcpus': 1, u'image_ref': u'11f4317b-d294-4d21-b2c4-2d7198aa32b8', u'architecture': None, u'auto_disk_config': False, u'os_type': None, u'metadata': {}}, u'tail_length': 10}, u'_unique_id': u'706ab69dc066440fbe1bd7766b73d953', u'_context_project_name': u'ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-tenant', u'_context_read_deleted': u'no', u'_context_tenant': u'3f6934d9aabf467aa8bc51397ccfa782', u'_context_instance_lock_checked': False, u'_context_project_id': u'3f6934d9aabf467aa8bc51397ccfa782', u'_context_user_name': u'ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-user'} _safe_log /opt/stack/new/nova/nova/openstack/common/rpc/common.py:277
2013-11-16 21:41:20.879 23086 DEBUG nova.openstack.common.rpc.amqp [-] unpacked context: {'tenant': u'3f6934d9aabf467aa8bc51397ccfa782', 'project_name': u'ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-tenant', 'user_id': u'eae9401ba3794296ae8248748ef8e26e', 'roles': [u'_member_'], 'timestamp': u'2013-11-16T21:41:20.781052', 'auth_token': '<SANITIZED>', 'remote_address': u'', 'quota_class': None, 'is_admin': False, 'user': u'eae9401ba3794296ae8248748ef8e26e', 'service_catalog': [{u'endpoints': [{u'adminURL': u'', u'region': u'RegionOne', u'id': u'5725cc234a8346408dfe343aea62d3aa', u'internalURL': u'', u'publicURL': u''}], u'endpoints_links': [], u'type': u'volume', u'name': u'cinder'}], 'request_id': u'req-7a2ee0ab-c977-4957-abb5-1d84191bf30c', 'instance_lock_checked': False, 'project_id': u'3f6934d9aabf467aa8bc51397ccfa782', 'user_name': u'ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-user', 'read_deleted': u'no'} _safe_log /opt/stack/new/nova/nova/openstack/common/rpc/common.py:277
2013-11-16 21:41:20.880 AUDIT nova.compute.manager [req-7a2ee0ab-c977-4957-abb5-1d84191bf30c ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-user ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-tenant] [instance: 10aace14-23c1-4cec-9bfd-2c873df1fbee] Get console output
2013-11-16 21:41:20.894 DEBUG nova.openstack.common.processutils [req-7a2ee0ab-c977-4957-abb5-1d84191bf30c ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-user ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-tenant] Running cmd (subprocess): sudo nova-rootwrap /etc/nova/rootwrap.conf chown 1006 /opt/stack/data/nova/instances/10aace14-23c1-4cec-9bfd-2c873df1fbee/console.log execute /opt/stack/new/nova/nova/openstack/common/processutils.py:147
2013-11-16 21:41:20.993 DEBUG nova.openstack.common.rpc.amqp [req-7a2ee0ab-c977-4957-abb5-1d84191bf30c ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-user ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-tenant] UNIQUE_ID is 7abfb6072ea44239ae71367bde0a4485. _add_unique_id /opt/stack/new/nova/nova/openstack/common/rpc/amqp.py:341
2013-11-16 21:41:20.995 DEBUG nova.openstack.common.rpc.amqp [req-7a2ee0ab-c977-4957-abb5-1d84191bf30c ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-user ServerActionsTestJSON-tempest-2102529866-tenant] UNIQUE_ID is b463e1d350f441efb159170784f9ba41. _add_unique_id /opt/stack/new/nova/nova/openstack/common/rpc/amqp.py:341

In other words, nova doesn't log much here, but I think the console log might be genuinely empty?

Revision history for this message
Michael Still (mikal) wrote :

For the purpose of rechecks I am going to treat incomplete console logs as a special case of this bug. That might be wrong (its hard to tell at the moment), but at least it groups all the console log failures together.

Joe Gordon (jogo)
Changed in nova:
status: New → Confirmed
importance: Undecided → Medium
Revision history for this message
Joe Gordon (jogo) wrote :

Setting importance to high since it is hitting everyone via the gate

Changed in nova:
importance: Medium → High
Revision history for this message
Matt Riedemann (mriedem) wrote :

Hit it with debug logging here:


Looks like it's reading 255 bytes from the file console.

Revision history for this message
Michael Still (mikal) wrote :

So, it looks like the console log isn't growing...

Things I've checked:

 - I've downloaded the logs for the last 25 failures, and there's no commonality about what clusters fail, its spread
 - the cirros image we're using hasn't changed recently

Next idea, I'm going to bring up a devstack instance and see if I can get instances to fail without tempest.

Revision history for this message
Michael Still (mikal) wrote :

I just booted 100 instances in devstack, and none of them had this console problem. That's with libvirt 0.9.8-2ubuntu17.15.

Yours in frustration,

Joe Gordon (jogo)
Changed in nova:
importance: High → Critical
milestone: none → icehouse-1
Revision history for this message
Michael Still (mikal) wrote :

So, this morning I took a bunch of time to poke around on a jenkins which had seen this failure. I couldn't see an obvious smoking gun, apart from this log message which implies that the qemu monitor might have crashed:

    2013-11-19 21:52:20.053+0000: 9833: error : qemuMonitorIORead:513 : Unable to read from
              monitor: Connection reset by peer

Another thing I've tried is I've run a bunch of stable/havana reviews through check, and none of them have failed so far with 10 runs. That makes me think this isn't something that's changed in libvirt or qemu, although perhaps I am wrong.

I'm now at the point of reading the diff between stable/havana and master for the libvirt driver. The most obvious thing I see there that's changed is that we've started using lifecycle events. I wonder if that exposed a bug in libvirt?

Revision history for this message
Michael Still (mikal) wrote :

I am now trying a test run with https://review.openstack.org/#/c/55866/2 reverted.

Revision history for this message
Michael Still (mikal) wrote :

That didn't work. One out of six test runs with this change reverted failed (which I guess is a lower incidence rate, but not fixed).

Revision history for this message
Russell Bryant (russellb) wrote :

Handy link to logstash to show when this started showing up: http://bit.ly/1c2lEIr

Revision history for this message
Matt Riedemann (mriedem) wrote :

Given it started showing up on 11/14, that would make https://review.openstack.org/#/c/55866/ look like a decent candidate but mikal already beat us to trying it as the regression but apparently that's not it.

Revision history for this message
Matt Riedemann (mriedem) wrote :

Russell pushed up this test patch to disable lifecycle events: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57488/

Revision history for this message
Bhuvan Arumugam (bhuvan) wrote :

I think gate is unstable since this commit.

We are running tempest in our internal environment, tempest is stable until this commit. I'm yet to revert this patch and verify. If someone want to verify against gate (without merge), go for it.

Revision history for this message
Matt Riedemann (mriedem) wrote :

Bhuvan, Michael Still already tried that but it wasn't the fix. The proposed fix is this now:


Changed in nova:
status: Confirmed → In Progress
assignee: nobody → Robert Collins (lifeless)
Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix proposed to nova (stable/havana)

Fix proposed to branch: stable/havana
Review: https://review.openstack.org/57537

Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix merged to nova (master)

Reviewed: https://review.openstack.org/57509
Committed: http://github.com/openstack/nova/commit/9b44d9d75d3767c6b7d1af4f237da8c1cf16266a
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master

commit 9b44d9d75d3767c6b7d1af4f237da8c1cf16266a
Author: Robert Collins <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Nov 21 07:51:18 2013 +1300

    Sync local from oslo.

    local has a broken TLS symbol - strong_store - in Nova today, fixed in oslo
    some time ago in Ib544be1485823f6c619312fdee5a04031f48bbb4

    Change-Id: If4dd973acc23921dbc2bc69bb76225deb2802dad
    Closes-Bug: #1251920

Changed in nova:
status: In Progress → Fix Committed
Revision history for this message
Ken'ichi Ohmichi (oomichi) wrote :

After merging the above patch, this problem still happens.
Another patch(https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57193/) is on the road.

Joe Gordon (jogo)
Changed in nova:
status: Fix Committed → In Progress
Revision history for this message
Joe Gordon (jogo) wrote :

https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57193/ has been merged, which just disables the test that broke everything, we still have yet to address the root cause in nova (or perhaps tempest??)

Revision history for this message
Ken'ichi Ohmichi (oomichi) wrote :

https://review.openstack.org/#/c/58095/ is trying to fix the cause in tempest.

Michael Still (mikal)
Changed in nova:
assignee: Robert Collins (lifeless) → nobody
status: In Progress → Confirmed
status: Confirmed → Triaged
Revision history for this message
Ken'ichi Ohmichi (oomichi) wrote :

We can reproduce this problem with the following:

 $ nova boot --image cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec --flavor m1.nano vm01
 $ nova backup vm01 vm01-backup daily 2
 $ nova console-log vm01

The result of "nova console-log" would be empty.
In addition, we can reproduce this with creating an instance snapshot instead of "nova backup":

 $ nova boot --image cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec --flavor m1.nano vm01
 $ nova image-create vm01 vm01-snapshot
 $ nova console-log vm01

Revision history for this message
Ken'ichi Ohmichi (oomichi) wrote :

This problem seems difficult to fix at Nova side.

At snapshot() in nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py, a qemu process stops before extracting snapshot.
Then, it creates a qemu process again after extracting snapshot like the following:

 snapshot_backend.snapshot_extract(out_path, image_format)

The console log file is passed as "-chardev" option of qemu process.
Ex) -chardev file,id=charserial0,path=/opt/stack/data/nova/instances/6454f845-9a47-4024-bb9e-85a6525466c1/console.log
And "console-log" API reads the file, and return it as a response.
The manpage of the option is the following:

 $ man qemu-system-x86_64
       -chardev file ,id=id ,path=path
           Log all traffic received from the guest to a file.

           path specifies the path of the file to be opened. This file will be created if it does not already exist, and overwritten if it does. path is required.

That means the file content will be truncated if the file exists.
As the result, we cannot get the console log after an instance snapshot/backup.

We could avoid this problem if live-snapshot, because of an instance not-stopping.
However, current gate environment could not use live-snapshot, I guess.

So I don't have a solution at Nova side.
I guess we can avoid this if putting the console log test at the first in Tempest.

Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Related fix proposed to tempest (master)

Related fix proposed to branch: master
Review: https://review.openstack.org/58478

Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Related fix merged to tempest (master)

Reviewed: https://review.openstack.org/58478
Committed: http://github.com/openstack/tempest/commit/851a1352b9743167011371469e52b7a52550b1b7
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master

commit 851a1352b9743167011371469e52b7a52550b1b7
Author: Ken'ichi Ohmichi <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Nov 26 18:42:52 2013 +0900

    Add hard reboot for outputting console log

    If a instance backup, the console log file is truncated and we cannot
    get any console log through "console-log" API.
    To avoid this problem, this patch adds a hard reboot call for outputting
    some console log.

    Related-Bug: #1251920
    Change-Id: Ic41ee9e12beb3277a1095933c81016336057111f

Changed in tempest:
assignee: nobody → Ken'ichi Ohmichi (oomichi)
status: New → Fix Committed
Revision history for this message
Russell Bryant (russellb) wrote :

Closing this out for Nova since it appears to have been addressed in tempest

Changed in nova:
status: Triaged → Invalid
Changed in nova:
milestone: icehouse-1 → none
Revision history for this message
OpenStack Infra (hudson-openstack) wrote : Fix merged to nova (stable/havana)

Reviewed: https://review.openstack.org/57537
Committed: http://github.com/openstack/nova/commit/f4301f0601a6c45fb9bb85360259aea02325ac11
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/havana

commit f4301f0601a6c45fb9bb85360259aea02325ac11
Author: Robert Collins <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Nov 21 07:51:18 2013 +1300

    Sync local from oslo.

    local has a broken TLS symbol - strong_store - in Nova today, fixed in oslo
    some time ago in Ib544be1485823f6c619312fdee5a04031f48bbb4

    Change-Id: If4dd973acc23921dbc2bc69bb76225deb2802dad
    Closes-Bug: #1251920
    (cherry picked from commit 9b44d9d75d3767c6b7d1af4f237da8c1cf16266a)

tags: added: in-stable-havana
Alan Pevec (apevec)
tags: removed: in-stable-havana
Changed in tempest:
importance: Undecided → Critical
Alan Pevec (apevec)
Changed in nova:
importance: Critical → High
assignee: nobody → Robert Collins (lifeless)
Revision history for this message
Adalberto Medeiros (adalbas) wrote :

Since this is not hitting on tempest anymore, moving to Fix Released

Changed in tempest:
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
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