Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit 5903bc93385072f564e08ccbe5a965c9d2d1f9e7 Author: an.abdulrehman <email address hidden> Date: Thu Dec 17 22:06:20 2015 -0800
Renamed 'servicevm' in python-tackerclient
After renaming the service 'servicevm' and 'advsvc' in install file, functional tests were failing. Now renamed to 'tacker' in all files of python-tackerclient repo so that functional test wouldn't fail.
Change-Id: I919d77276af72586a20f50239166325adbf9fb11 Partial-Bug: #1524224
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/259293 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ python- tackerclient/ commit/ ?id=5903bc93385 072f564e08ccbe5 a965c9d2d1f9e7
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 5903bc93385072f 564e08ccbe5a965 c9d2d1f9e7
Author: an.abdulrehman <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Dec 17 22:06:20 2015 -0800
Renamed 'servicevm' in python-tackerclient
After renaming the service 'servicevm' and 'advsvc' in install file, tackerclient repo so that functional test wouldn't fail.
functional tests were failing. Now renamed to 'tacker' in all files of
Change-Id: I919d77276af725 86a20f502391663 25adbf9fb11
Partial-Bug: #1524224