Response from Kanika on 5/19/10: I tried to subscribe a user with One letter of his email address in capital (locally on my system) and I am getting same error.That is when I try to log in to the membership configuration page I get Mailman has hit a bug.I compared the lines of code with Old (before STORM implementation) and they were as follows: def getSubscriber_id_raw(mlist, addr): if addr == None: # syslog('info', 'getSubscriber_id_raw called with addr=None') return None return executeSQL(mlist, ["SELECT subscriber_id \ FROM subscriber \ WHERE mailman_key = '%s'" % addr.lower()]) As you see 'addr.lower()' is being used since long time before.I wonder why no such bug hit since then.The storm implementation is the exact replica of the above lines. I printed out the value of 'addr' on the info log and found that addr contains the email address all in lower case letters.If you look at the error log then it mentions about line 865 in Mailman/Cgi/ before mentioning about which is: subscriber_id = subscriber.getSubscriber_id_raw_or_die(user) The user here is again email address all in small letters. So I made a minor change: I changed the line: result =,Subscriber.mailman_key == unicode(addr.lower(),"utf-8")) to result =,Subscriber.mailman_key.lower() == unicode(addr,"utf-8")) and then the bug was resolved for the moment. But when I tried to change the membership option and hit 'submit my changes' button then again Mailman hit a bug.After reading the bug report I found that the line in that was giving the error was the one in red below: " def setDisable(self, member, flag): """Disable/enable delivery based on mm_cfg.DisableDelivery""" command = "result =,Subscriber.mailman_key == unicode(member,'utf-8'))\noldval = [(subscriber.suppress) for subscriber in result]\n" if DEBUG_MODE: syslog('info', 'DlistUtils(setDisable):Executing query:\n%s\n Member whoes suppress value is to be found \n %s', command,member) result =,Subscriber.mailman_key == unicode(member,"utf-8")) oldval = [(subscriber.suppress) for subscriber in result] if oldval == []: if DEBUG_MODE: syslog('info','oldval is an empty list.\nThis can happen either because of\n 1)Permission issues (Do a: bin/check_perms)\n 2)Inconsistency between database and pickle files (A user is in the database but not in pickle files or vice versa,Do a bin/')" Again on priniting the value of 'member' in the info log I found that member also gives the email address of a subscriber all in lowercase. So shall we make changes in the code such that whenever the email address of a subscriber is added(or changed) in the database it is added in lowercase(As everwhere email is being used in lowercase) or shall I just give a call to lower() function wherever Susbcriber.mailman_key is called to be on a safer side? -----Original Message----- From: