# Autogenerated by Subiquity: 2024-02-28 13:40:52.568553 UTC grub: probe_additional_os: true remove_old_uefi_loaders: false reorder_uefi: false terminal: unmodified install: error_tarfile: /var/log/installer/curtin-errors.tar log_file: /var/log/installer/curtin-install.log log_file_append: true resume_data: /tmp/tmpw7vl3jvv/resume-data.json save_install_config: false save_install_log: false target: /target unmount: disabled kernel: package: linux-generic-hwe-22.04 pollinate: user_agent: subiquity: 0+git.15cde5fb_6 storage: config: - ptable: gpt path: /dev/vda wipe: superblock-recursive preserve: false name: '' grub_device: false id: disk-vda type: disk - device: disk-vda size: 1127219200 wipe: superblock flag: boot number: 1 preserve: false grub_device: true offset: 1048576 path: /dev/vda1 id: partition-0 type: partition - fstype: fat32 volume: partition-0 preserve: false id: format-0 type: format - device: disk-vda size: 41820356608 wipe: superblock number: 2 preserve: false offset: 1128267776 path: /dev/vda2 id: partition-1 type: partition - fstype: ext4 volume: partition-1 preserve: false id: format-1 type: format - path: / device: format-1 id: mount-1 type: mount - path: /boot/efi device: format-0 id: mount-0 type: mount version: 2 write_files: etc_default_keyboard: content: '# KEYBOARD CONFIGURATION FILE # Consult the keyboard(5) manual page. XKBMODEL="pc105" XKBLAYOUT="us" XKBVARIANT="" XKBOPTIONS="" BACKSPACE="guess" ' path: etc/default/keyboard permissions: 420 etc_machine_id: content: '0036f6f478054013a63ad08662666c4e ' path: etc/machine-id permissions: 292 etc_netplan_installer: content: "# This is the network config written by 'subiquity'\nnetwork:\n ethernets:\n\ \ enp1s0:\n dhcp4: true\n version: 2\n" path: etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/90-installer-network.cfg permissions: '0600' md5check: content: "{\n \"checksum_missmatch\": [\n],\n \"result\": \"pass\"\n}\n" path: var/log/installer/casper-md5check.json permissions: 420 media_info: content: Ubuntu 24.04 LTS "Noble Numbat" - Daily amd64 (20240228) path: var/log/installer/media-info permissions: 420