2022-07-03 05:12:34,411 INFO subiquity:148 Starting Subiquity server revision 511 2022-07-03 05:12:34,411 INFO subiquity:149 Arguments passed: ['/snap/ubuntu-desktop-installer/511/bin/subiquity/subiquity/cmd/server.py', '--use-os-prober', '--autoinstall='] 2022-07-03 05:12:34,411 DEBUG subiquity:150 Kernel commandline: CommandLineParams(_raw='BOOT_IMAGE=/casper/vmlinuz layerfs-path=minimal.standard.live.squashfs maybe-ubiquity --- quiet splash\n', _tokens={'maybe-ubiquity', '---', 'splash', 'quiet'}, _values={'BOOT_IMAGE': '/casper/vmlinuz', 'layerfs-path': 'minimal.standard.live.squashfs'}) 2022-07-03 05:12:34,411 DEBUG asyncio:59 Using selector: EpollSelector 2022-07-03 05:12:34,412 DEBUG subiquitycore.prober:34 Prober() init finished, data:None 2022-07-03 05:12:34,413 DEBUG curtin:87 Running command ['dpkg', '--print-architecture'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=True) 2022-07-03 05:12:34,451 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:92 arun_command called: ['cloud-init', 'status', '--wait'] 2022-07-03 05:12:38,283 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:101 arun_command ['cloud-init', 'status', '--wait'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:12:38,283 DEBUG subiquity.server.server:530 waited 3.832294225692749s for cloud-init 2022-07-03 05:12:38,283 DEBUG subiquity.server.server:542 cloud-init status: '\nstatus: disabled\n', assumed disabled 2022-07-03 05:12:38,283 DEBUG subiquity.server.server:477 load_autoinstall_config only_early True file None 2022-07-03 05:12:38,284 DEBUG subiquity.server.server:477 load_autoinstall_config only_early False file None 2022-07-03 05:12:38,284 DEBUG subiquitycore.core:120 starting controllers 2022-07-03 05:12:38,294 DEBUG subiquity.models.source:87 loaded 2 sources from '/cdrom/casper/install-sources.yaml' 2022-07-03 05:12:41,407 DEBUG probert.network:585 event for link_change: NEW {'ifindex': 1, 'flags': 65609, 'arptype': 772, 'family': 0, 'is_vlan': False, 'name': b'lo'} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,407 DEBUG probert.network:585 event for link_change: NEW {'ifindex': 2, 'flags': 4099, 'arptype': 1, 'family': 0, 'is_vlan': False, 'name': b'enp0s31f6'} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,407 DEBUG probert.network:585 event for link_change: NEW {'ifindex': 3, 'flags': 4099, 'arptype': 1, 'family': 0, 'is_vlan': False, 'name': b'wlx000ee8f7f7e6'} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,407 DEBUG probert.network:585 event for addr_change: NEW {'ifindex': 1, 'flags': 128, 'family': 2, 'scope': 254, 'local': b''} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,407 DEBUG probert.network:585 event for addr_change: NEW {'ifindex': 1, 'flags': 128, 'family': 10, 'scope': 254, 'local': b'::1'} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,408 DEBUG probert.network:672 link_change NEW {'ifindex': 1, 'flags': 65609, 'arptype': 772, 'family': 0, 'is_vlan': False, 'name': b'lo'} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,480 DEBUG subiquitycore.models.network:418 new_link 1 lo lo 2022-07-03 05:12:41,481 DEBUG subiquitycore.models.network:420 ignoring based on type 2022-07-03 05:12:41,481 DEBUG probert.network:672 link_change NEW {'ifindex': 2, 'flags': 4099, 'arptype': 1, 'family': 0, 'is_vlan': False, 'name': b'enp0s31f6'} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,554 DEBUG subiquitycore.models.network:418 new_link 2 enp0s31f6 eth 2022-07-03 05:12:41,554 DEBUG subiquitycore.models.network:449 new_link 2 enp0s31f6 with config {} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,554 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Network/_send_update: NEW enp0s31f6 2022-07-03 05:12:41,554 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.network:354 dev_info enp0s31f6 {} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,555 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Network/_send_update: SUCCESS: NEW enp0s31f6 2022-07-03 05:12:41,555 DEBUG probert.network:672 link_change NEW {'ifindex': 3, 'flags': 4099, 'arptype': 1, 'family': 0, 'is_vlan': False, 'name': b'wlx000ee8f7f7e6'} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,633 DEBUG subiquitycore.models.network:418 new_link 3 wlx000ee8f7f7e6 wlan 2022-07-03 05:12:41,633 DEBUG subiquitycore.models.network:449 new_link 3 wlx000ee8f7f7e6 with config {} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,633 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.network:118 maybe_start_install_wpasupplicant 2022-07-03 05:12:41,633 DEBUG probert.network:717 addr_change NEW {'ifindex': 1, 'flags': 128, 'family': 2, 'scope': 254, 'local': b''} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,633 DEBUG probert.network:717 addr_change NEW {'ifindex': 1, 'flags': 128, 'family': 10, 'scope': 254, 'local': b'::1'} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,633 DEBUG probert.network:731 route_change NEW {'family': 2, 'type': 2, 'table': 255, 'dst': b'', 'ifindex': 1} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,633 DEBUG probert.network:731 route_change NEW {'family': 2, 'type': 2, 'table': 255, 'dst': b'', 'ifindex': 1} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,634 DEBUG probert.network:731 route_change NEW {'family': 2, 'type': 3, 'table': 255, 'dst': b'', 'ifindex': 1} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,634 DEBUG probert.network:731 route_change NEW {'family': 10, 'type': 1, 'table': 254, 'dst': b'::1', 'ifindex': 1} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,634 DEBUG probert.network:731 route_change NEW {'family': 10, 'type': 2, 'table': 255, 'dst': b'::1', 'ifindex': 1} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,634 DEBUG probert.network:741 wlan_event {'cmd': 'NEW_INTERFACE', 'ifindex': 3, 'ssids': []} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,684 DEBUG subiquitycore.core:123 controllers started 2022-07-03 05:12:41,684 INFO root:37 start: subiquity/apply_autoinstall_config: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,684 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Early/apply_autoinstall_config: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,685 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Early/apply_autoinstall_config: SUCCESS: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,685 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Reporting/apply_autoinstall_config: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,685 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Reporting/apply_autoinstall_config: SUCCESS: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,686 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Error/apply_autoinstall_config: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,686 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Error/apply_autoinstall_config: SUCCESS: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,686 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Userdata/apply_autoinstall_config: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,686 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Userdata/apply_autoinstall_config: SUCCESS: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,686 DEBUG subiquity.models.subiquity:202 model userdata for postinstall stage is configured, to go {'snaplist', 'network', 'identity', 'packages', 'ubuntu_pro', 'drivers', 'locale', 'ssh'} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,686 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Package/apply_autoinstall_config: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,686 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Package/apply_autoinstall_config: SUCCESS: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,686 DEBUG subiquity.models.subiquity:202 model packages for postinstall stage is configured, to go {'snaplist', 'network', 'identity', 'ubuntu_pro', 'locale', 'ssh', 'drivers'} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,687 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Debconf/apply_autoinstall_config: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,687 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Debconf/apply_autoinstall_config: SUCCESS: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,687 DEBUG subiquity.models.subiquity:202 model debconf_selections for install stage is configured, to go {'kernel', 'network', 'filesystem', 'mirror', 'source', 'keyboard', 'proxy'} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,687 DEBUG subiquity.server.server:469 apply_autoinstall_config: skipping Locale as interactive 2022-07-03 05:12:41,687 DEBUG subiquity.server.server:469 apply_autoinstall_config: skipping Refresh as interactive 2022-07-03 05:12:41,687 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Kernel/apply_autoinstall_config: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,687 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Kernel/apply_autoinstall_config: SUCCESS: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,687 DEBUG subiquity.models.subiquity:202 model kernel for install stage is configured, to go {'network', 'filesystem', 'mirror', 'source', 'keyboard', 'proxy'} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,687 DEBUG subiquity.server.server:469 apply_autoinstall_config: skipping Keyboard as interactive 2022-07-03 05:12:41,687 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Zdev/apply_autoinstall_config: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,687 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Zdev/apply_autoinstall_config: SUCCESS: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,687 DEBUG subiquity.server.server:469 apply_autoinstall_config: skipping Source as interactive 2022-07-03 05:12:41,687 DEBUG subiquity.server.server:469 apply_autoinstall_config: skipping Network as interactive 2022-07-03 05:12:41,687 DEBUG subiquity.server.server:469 apply_autoinstall_config: skipping UbuntuPro as interactive 2022-07-03 05:12:41,687 DEBUG subiquity.server.server:469 apply_autoinstall_config: skipping Proxy as interactive 2022-07-03 05:12:41,688 DEBUG subiquity.server.server:469 apply_autoinstall_config: skipping Mirror as interactive 2022-07-03 05:12:41,688 DEBUG subiquity.server.server:469 apply_autoinstall_config: skipping Filesystem as interactive 2022-07-03 05:12:41,688 DEBUG subiquity.server.server:469 apply_autoinstall_config: skipping Identity as interactive 2022-07-03 05:12:41,688 DEBUG subiquity.server.server:469 apply_autoinstall_config: skipping SSH as interactive 2022-07-03 05:12:41,688 DEBUG subiquity.server.server:469 apply_autoinstall_config: skipping SnapList as interactive 2022-07-03 05:12:41,688 DEBUG subiquity.server.server:469 apply_autoinstall_config: skipping Drivers as interactive 2022-07-03 05:12:41,688 DEBUG subiquity.server.server:469 apply_autoinstall_config: skipping TimeZone as interactive 2022-07-03 05:12:41,688 DEBUG subiquity.server.server:469 apply_autoinstall_config: skipping Install as interactive 2022-07-03 05:12:41,688 DEBUG subiquity.server.server:469 apply_autoinstall_config: skipping Updates as interactive 2022-07-03 05:12:41,688 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Late/apply_autoinstall_config: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,688 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Late/apply_autoinstall_config: SUCCESS: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,688 DEBUG subiquity.server.server:469 apply_autoinstall_config: skipping Shutdown as interactive 2022-07-03 05:12:41,688 INFO root:37 finish: subiquity/apply_autoinstall_config: SUCCESS: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,688 DEBUG subiquity.models.subiquity:202 model locale for postinstall stage is configured, to go {'snaplist', 'network', 'identity', 'ubuntu_pro', 'ssh', 'drivers'} 2022-07-03 05:12:41,688 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Refresh/configure_snapd: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,688 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Refresh/configure_snapd/get_details: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,689 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Refresh/check_for_update: 2022-07-03 05:12:41,689 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.network:151 checking if wpasupplicant is available 2022-07-03 05:12:46,842 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/snaps/ubuntu-desktop-installer HTTP/1.1" 200 1339 2022-07-03 05:12:46,939 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.network:158 wpasupplicant already installed 2022-07-03 05:12:46,940 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.network:142 wlan_support_install_finished WLANSupportInstallState.DONE 2022-07-03 05:12:46,940 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Network/_send_update: NEW wlx000ee8f7f7e6 2022-07-03 05:12:46,941 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.network:354 dev_info wlx000ee8f7f7e6 {} 2022-07-03 05:12:46,941 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Network/_send_update: SUCCESS: NEW wlx000ee8f7f7e6 2022-07-03 05:12:46,945 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Drivers/_list_drivers: 2022-07-03 05:12:46,946 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Drivers/_list_drivers/wait_apt: 2022-07-03 05:12:46,946 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Install/install: 2022-07-03 05:12:46,946 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:12:46,961 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:12:46,961 DEBUG probert.network:741 wlan_event {'cmd': 'TRIGGER_SCAN', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:12:46,961 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Filesystem/_probe: 2022-07-03 05:12:46,961 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:12:46,969 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:12:46,969 DEBUG probert.network:741 wlan_event {'cmd': 'NEW_SCAN_RESULTS', 'ifindex': 3, 'ssids': []} 2022-07-03 05:12:46,969 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:12:46,977 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:12:46,978 DEBUG probert.network:585 event for link_change: CHANGE {'ifindex': 3, 'flags': 4099, 'arptype': 1, 'family': 0, 'is_vlan': False, 'name': b'wlx000ee8f7f7e6'} 2022-07-03 05:12:46,978 DEBUG probert.network:672 link_change CHANGE {'ifindex': 3, 'flags': 4099, 'arptype': 1, 'family': 0, 'is_vlan': False, 'name': b'wlx000ee8f7f7e6'} 2022-07-03 05:12:46,979 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Network/_send_update: CHANGE wlx000ee8f7f7e6 2022-07-03 05:12:46,979 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.network:354 dev_info wlx000ee8f7f7e6 {} 2022-07-03 05:12:46,979 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Network/_send_update: SUCCESS: CHANGE wlx000ee8f7f7e6 2022-07-03 05:12:46,980 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Refresh/configure_snapd/get_details: SUCCESS: current version of snap is: '0+git.33f917dc' 2022-07-03 05:12:46,981 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Refresh/configure_snapd/switching: switching ubuntu-desktop-installer to stable/ubuntu-22.10 2022-07-03 05:12:46,981 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Filesystem/_probe/probe_once: restricted=False 2022-07-03 05:12:47,031 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "POST /v2/snaps/ubuntu-desktop-installer HTTP/1.1" 202 81 2022-07-03 05:12:47,034 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:47,141 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:47,246 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:47,362 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:47,469 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:47,579 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:47,684 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:47,790 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:47,895 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:48,002 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:48,107 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:48,215 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:48,251 ERROR probert.multipath:38 Failed to run cmd: ['multipathd', 'show', 'maps', 'raw', 'format', '%w,%d,%N'] 2022-07-03 05:12:48,253 ERROR probert.multipath:38 Failed to run cmd: ['multipathd', 'show', 'paths', 'raw', 'format', '%d,%z,%m,%N,%n,%R,%r,%a'] 2022-07-03 05:12:48,254 DEBUG probert.dasd:134 Probing DASD devies 2022-07-03 05:12:48,254 DEBUG probert.dasd:137 DASD devices only present on s390x, arch=x86_64 2022-07-03 05:12:48,319 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:48,424 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:48,529 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:48,639 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:48,745 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:48,851 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:48,957 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:49,063 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:49,169 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:49,275 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:49,381 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:49,487 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:49,593 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:49,699 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:49,805 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:49,911 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:50,018 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:50,123 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:50,229 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:50,335 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:50,441 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:50,547 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:50,652 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:50,757 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:50,863 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:50,967 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:51,069 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:51,173 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:51,279 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:51,386 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:51,491 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:51,594 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:51,700 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:51,804 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:51,906 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:52,009 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:52,115 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:52,221 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:52,327 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:52,432 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:52,535 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:52,640 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:52,746 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:52,852 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:52,957 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:53,063 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:53,169 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:53,275 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:53,381 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:53,487 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:53,592 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:53,698 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:53,804 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:57,258 ERROR probert.raid:40 Failed mdadm_assemble, mdadm command not found: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'mdadm' 2022-07-03 05:12:57,267 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:57,333 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:12:57,345 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 1 2022-07-03 05:12:57,345 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:513 waiting 0.1 to let udev event queue settle 2022-07-03 05:12:57,385 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:57,447 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:12:57,461 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:12:57,463 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:525 _udev_event change Device('/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-4/1-4:1.0/host4/target4:0:0/4:0:0:0/block/sdh/sdh4') 2022-07-03 05:12:57,464 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:525 _udev_event change Device('/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:17.0/ata1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda3') 2022-07-03 05:12:57,465 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:525 _udev_event change Device('/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:17.0/ata1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda4') 2022-07-03 05:12:57,466 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:525 _udev_event change Device('/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:17.0/ata1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda5') 2022-07-03 05:12:57,466 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:525 _udev_event change Device('/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:17.0/ata3/host2/target2:0:0/2:0:0:0/block/sdb/sdb1') 2022-07-03 05:12:57,466 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:529 Skipping run of Probert - probe run already active 2022-07-03 05:12:57,496 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:57,603 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:57,606 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:12:57,629 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:12:57,631 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:525 _udev_event change Device('/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:17.0/ata3/host2/target2:0:0/2:0:0:0/block/sdb/sdb3') 2022-07-03 05:12:57,631 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:529 Skipping run of Probert - probe run already active 2022-07-03 05:12:57,711 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:57,782 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:12:57,818 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 1 2022-07-03 05:12:57,819 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:513 waiting 0.1 to let udev event queue settle 2022-07-03 05:12:57,828 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:57,920 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:12:57,933 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 1 2022-07-03 05:12:57,933 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:513 waiting 0.1 to let udev event queue settle 2022-07-03 05:12:57,936 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:58,035 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:12:58,089 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 1 2022-07-03 05:12:58,089 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:513 waiting 0.1 to let udev event queue settle 2022-07-03 05:12:58,095 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:58,193 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:12:58,210 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 1 2022-07-03 05:12:58,211 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:513 waiting 0.1 to let udev event queue settle 2022-07-03 05:12:58,215 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:58,313 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:12:58,321 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:12:58,322 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:525 _udev_event change Device('/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:17.0/ata4/host3/target3:0:0/3:0:0:0/block/sdc/sdc1') 2022-07-03 05:12:58,322 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:525 _udev_event change Device('/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:17.0/ata4/host3/target3:0:0/3:0:0:0/block/sdc/sdc2') 2022-07-03 05:12:58,322 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:525 _udev_event change Device('/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:17.0/ata4/host3/target3:0:0/3:0:0:0/block/sdc/sdc3') 2022-07-03 05:12:58,323 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:525 _udev_event change Device('/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.0/0000:02:00.0/nvme/nvme0/nvme0n1/nvme0n1p2') 2022-07-03 05:12:58,323 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:525 _udev_event change Device('/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.0/0000:02:00.0/nvme/nvme0/nvme0n1/nvme0n1p3') 2022-07-03 05:12:58,323 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:525 _udev_event change Device('/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.0/0000:02:00.0/nvme/nvme0/nvme0n1/nvme0n1p2') 2022-07-03 05:12:58,323 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:525 _udev_event change Device('/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.0/0000:02:00.0/nvme/nvme0/nvme0n1/nvme0n1p4') 2022-07-03 05:12:58,323 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:525 _udev_event change Device('/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.0/0000:02:00.0/nvme/nvme0/nvme0n1/nvme0n1p5') 2022-07-03 05:12:58,323 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:525 _udev_event change Device('/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.0/0000:02:00.0/nvme/nvme0/nvme0n1/nvme0n1p6') 2022-07-03 05:12:58,324 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:525 _udev_event change Device('/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.0/0000:02:00.0/nvme/nvme0/nvme0n1/nvme0n1p7') 2022-07-03 05:12:58,324 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:525 _udev_event change Device('/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:17.0/ata4/host3/target3:0:0/3:0:0:0/block/sdc/sdc4') 2022-07-03 05:12:58,324 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.filesystem:529 Skipping run of Probert - probe run already active 2022-07-03 05:12:58,326 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:58,428 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:58,531 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:58,633 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 434 2022-07-03 05:12:59,355 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 440 2022-07-03 05:12:59,459 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/changes/4 HTTP/1.1" 200 529 2022-07-03 05:12:59,461 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Refresh/configure_snapd/switching: SUCCESS: switched to stable/ubuntu-22.10 2022-07-03 05:12:59,461 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Refresh/configure_snapd: SUCCESS: 2022-07-03 05:13:01,984 ERROR root:37 finish: subiquity/Filesystem/_probe/probe_once: FAIL: cancelled 2022-07-03 05:13:01,984 ERROR block-discover:460 block probing failed restricted=False Traceback (most recent call last): File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-installer/511/bin/subiquity/subiquity/server/controllers/filesystem.py", line 454, in _probe await asyncio.wait_for(self._probe_once_task.task, timeout) File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-installer/511/usr/lib/python3.8/asyncio/tasks.py", line 501, in wait_for raise exceptions.TimeoutError() asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError 2022-07-03 05:13:01,986 DEBUG subiquity.common.errorreport:384 generating crash report 2022-07-03 05:13:01,988 INFO subiquity.common.errorreport:406 saving crash report 'block probing crashed with TimeoutError' to /var/crash/1656825181.986498356.block_probe_fail.crash 2022-07-03 05:13:01,988 INFO root:37 start: subiquity/ErrorReporter/1656825181.986498356.block_probe_fail/add_info: 2022-07-03 05:13:01,989 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Filesystem/_probe/probe_once: restricted=True 2022-07-03 05:13:02,264 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:13:02,289 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:13:02,289 DEBUG probert.network:741 wlan_event {'cmd': 'TRIGGER_SCAN', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:13:03,080 INFO root:37 finish: subiquity/ErrorReporter/1656825181.986498356.block_probe_fail/add_info: SUCCESS: written to /var/crash/1656825181.986498356.block_probe_fail.crash 2022-07-03 05:13:03,084 DEBUG curtin:1298 Extracting storage config from probe data 2022-07-03 05:13:03,085 WARNING curtin:424 probe_data missing bcache data 2022-07-03 05:13:03,085 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sdh is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,085 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdh is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,085 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdh is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,085 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdh is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,085 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdh is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,099 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sdh1 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,099 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdh1 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,099 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdh1 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,099 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdh1 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,099 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdh1 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,109 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sdh2 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,109 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdh2 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,109 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdh2 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,109 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdh2 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,109 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdh2 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,117 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sdh3 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,117 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdh3 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,118 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdh3 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,118 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdh3 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,118 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdh3 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,126 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sdh4 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,126 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdh4 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,126 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdh4 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,126 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdh4 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,126 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdh4 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,141 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sdd is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,141 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdd is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,141 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdd is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,141 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdd is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,141 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdd is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,149 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sde is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,149 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sde is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,149 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sde is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,149 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sde is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,149 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sde is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,158 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sdf is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,158 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdf is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,158 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdf is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,158 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdf is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,158 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdf is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,166 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sdg is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,166 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdg is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,166 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdg is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,166 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdg is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,166 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdg is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,174 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sda is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,174 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sda is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,174 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sda is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,174 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sda is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,174 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sda is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,183 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sda1 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,183 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sda1 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,183 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sda1 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,183 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sda1 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,183 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sda1 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,191 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sda2 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,191 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sda2 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,191 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sda2 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,191 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sda2 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,191 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sda2 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,200 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sda3 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,200 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sda3 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,200 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sda3 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,200 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sda3 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,200 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sda3 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,209 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sda4 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,209 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sda4 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,209 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sda4 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,209 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sda4 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,209 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sda4 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,218 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sda5 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,218 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sda5 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,218 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sda5 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,218 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sda5 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,218 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sda5 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,227 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sr0 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,227 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sr0 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,227 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sdb is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,227 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdb is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,227 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdb is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,227 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdb is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,227 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdb is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,236 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sdb1 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,236 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdb1 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,236 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdb1 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,236 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdb1 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,236 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdb1 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,246 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sdb2 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,247 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdb2 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,247 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdb2 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,247 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdb2 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,247 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdb2 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,255 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sdb3 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,255 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdb3 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,256 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdb3 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,256 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdb3 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,256 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdb3 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,264 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sdc is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,264 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdc is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,264 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdc is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,264 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdc is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,264 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdc is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,273 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sdc1 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,273 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdc1 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,273 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdc1 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,273 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdc1 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,273 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdc1 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,282 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sdc2 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,282 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdc2 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,282 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdc2 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,282 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdc2 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,282 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdc2 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,294 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sdc3 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,294 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdc3 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,294 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdc3 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,294 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdc3 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,294 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdc3 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,302 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/sdc4 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,302 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdc4 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,302 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/sdc4 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,302 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdc4 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,302 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/sdc4 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,310 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,310 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,310 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,310 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,310 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/nvme0n1 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,319 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/nvme0n1p1 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,319 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1p1 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,319 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/nvme0n1p1 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,319 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1p1 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,319 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1p1 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,331 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/nvme0n1p2 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,331 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1p2 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,331 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/nvme0n1p2 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,332 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1p2 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,332 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1p2 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,344 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/nvme0n1p3 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,344 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1p3 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,344 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/nvme0n1p3 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,344 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1p3 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,344 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1p3 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,356 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/nvme0n1p4 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,356 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1p4 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,356 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/nvme0n1p4 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,356 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1p4 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,356 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1p4 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,366 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/nvme0n1p5 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,366 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1p5 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,366 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/nvme0n1p5 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,366 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1p5 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,366 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1p5 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,375 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/nvme0n1p6 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,376 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1p6 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,376 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/nvme0n1p6 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,376 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1p6 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,376 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1p6 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,386 DEBUG curtin:73 /dev/nvme0n1p7 is multipath device member? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,386 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1p7 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,386 DEBUG curtin:61 /dev/nvme0n1p7 is multipath device? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,386 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1p7 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,386 DEBUG curtin:86 /dev/nvme0n1p7 is multipath device partition? False 2022-07-03 05:13:03,396 WARNING curtin:424 probe_data missing dasd data 2022-07-03 05:13:03,396 WARNING curtin:424 probe_data missing dmcrypt data 2022-07-03 05:13:03,396 WARNING curtin:424 probe_data missing filesystem data 2022-07-03 05:13:03,396 WARNING curtin:424 probe_data missing lvm data 2022-07-03 05:13:03,396 WARNING curtin:424 probe_data missing raid data 2022-07-03 05:13:03,396 WARNING curtin:424 probe_data missing mount data 2022-07-03 05:13:03,396 WARNING curtin:424 probe_data missing zfs data 2022-07-03 05:13:03,397 DEBUG curtin:1305 Sorting extracted configurations 2022-07-03 05:13:03,397 INFO curtin:1324 Validating extracted storage config components 2022-07-03 05:13:03,454 DEBUG curtin:1341 Extracted (unmerged) storage config: storage: - id: disk-sdh path: /dev/sdh ptable: gpt serial: VendorCo_ProductCode_1217911277454395617-0:0 type: disk - id: disk-sdd path: /dev/sdd serial: Generic_USB_SD_Reader_920321111113-0:0 type: disk - id: disk-sde path: /dev/sde serial: Generic_USB_CF_Reader_920321111113-0:1 type: disk - id: disk-sdf path: /dev/sdf serial: Generic_USB_SM_Reader_920321111113-0:2 type: disk - id: disk-sdg path: /dev/sdg serial: Generic_USB_MS_Reader_920321111113-0:3 type: disk - id: disk-sda path: /dev/sda ptable: gpt serial: CT500MX500SSD1_21122DB99114 type: disk wwn: '0x500a07512db99114' - id: disk-sdb path: /dev/sdb ptable: gpt serial: CT500MX500SSD1_21122DA80425 type: disk wwn: '0x500a07512da80425' - id: disk-sdc path: /dev/sdc ptable: gpt serial: TOSHIBA_DT01ACA100_37PYNGAFS type: disk wwn: '0x5000039fefcd7b93' - id: disk-nvme0n1 path: /dev/nvme0n1 ptable: gpt serial: KINGSTON_SKC2000M8250G_50026B72823D1475 type: disk wwn: eui.0026b72823d14755 - device: disk-sdh id: partition-sdh1 number: 1 offset: 32768 partition_type: ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 path: /dev/sdh1 size: 4433672192 type: partition - device: disk-sdh flag: boot id: partition-sdh2 number: 2 offset: 4433704960 partition_type: c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b path: /dev/sdh2 size: 4349952 type: partition - device: disk-sdh id: partition-sdh3 number: 3 offset: 4438054912 partition_type: ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 path: /dev/sdh3 size: 307200 type: partition - device: disk-sdh flag: linux id: partition-sdh4 number: 4 offset: 4439670784 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/sdh4 size: 11287920640 type: partition - device: disk-sda id: partition-sda1 number: 1 offset: 1048576 partition_type: ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 path: /dev/sda1 size: 268435456 type: partition - device: disk-sda flag: swap id: partition-sda2 number: 2 offset: 269484032 partition_type: 0657fd6d-a4ab-43c4-84e5-0933c84b4f4f path: /dev/sda2 size: 8589934592 type: partition - device: disk-sda flag: linux id: partition-sda3 number: 3 offset: 8859418624 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/sda3 size: 34359738368 type: partition - device: disk-sda flag: linux id: partition-sda4 number: 4 offset: 43219156992 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/sda4 size: 34359738368 type: partition - device: disk-sda flag: linux id: partition-sda5 number: 5 offset: 77578895360 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/sda5 size: 422528942080 type: partition - device: disk-sdb flag: linux id: partition-sdb1 number: 1 offset: 1048576 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/sdb1 size: 34359738368 type: partition - device: disk-sdb id: partition-sdb2 number: 2 offset: 34360786944 partition_type: ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 path: /dev/sdb2 size: 34359738368 type: partition - device: disk-sdb flag: linux id: partition-sdb3 number: 3 offset: 68720525312 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/sdb3 size: 431387312128 type: partition - device: disk-sdc flag: linux id: partition-sdc1 number: 1 offset: 1048576 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/sdc1 size: 34359738368 type: partition - device: disk-sdc flag: linux id: partition-sdc2 number: 2 offset: 34360786944 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/sdc2 size: 34359738368 type: partition - device: disk-sdc flag: linux id: partition-sdc3 number: 3 offset: 68720525312 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/sdc3 size: 274876858368 type: partition - device: disk-sdc flag: linux id: partition-sdc4 number: 4 offset: 343597383680 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/sdc4 size: 656606756864 type: partition - device: disk-nvme0n1 flag: boot id: partition-nvme0n1p1 number: 1 offset: 1048576 partition_type: c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b path: /dev/nvme0n1p1 size: 268435456 type: partition - device: disk-nvme0n1 flag: linux id: partition-nvme0n1p2 number: 2 offset: 269484032 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/nvme0n1p2 size: 42949672960 type: partition - device: disk-nvme0n1 flag: linux id: partition-nvme0n1p3 number: 3 offset: 43219156992 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/nvme0n1p3 size: 42949672960 type: partition - device: disk-nvme0n1 flag: linux id: partition-nvme0n1p4 number: 4 offset: 86168829952 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/nvme0n1p4 size: 42949672960 type: partition - device: disk-nvme0n1 flag: linux id: partition-nvme0n1p5 number: 5 offset: 129118502912 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/nvme0n1p5 size: 42949672960 type: partition - device: disk-nvme0n1 flag: linux id: partition-nvme0n1p6 number: 6 offset: 172068175872 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/nvme0n1p6 size: 42949672960 type: partition - device: disk-nvme0n1 flag: linux id: partition-nvme0n1p7 number: 7 offset: 215017848832 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/nvme0n1p7 size: 35041312768 type: partition 2022-07-03 05:13:03,454 DEBUG curtin:1345 Generating storage config dependencies 2022-07-03 05:13:03,455 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-sdh1:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-sdh DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,455 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-sdh2:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-sdh DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,455 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-sdh3:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-sdh DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,455 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-sdh4:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-sdh DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,455 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-sda1:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-sda DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,455 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-sda2:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-sda DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,455 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-sda3:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-sda DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,455 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-sda4:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-sda DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,455 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-sda5:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-sda DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,455 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-sdb1:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-sdb DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,455 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-sdb2:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-sdb DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,455 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-sdb3:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-sdb DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,455 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-sdc1:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-sdc DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,455 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-sdc2:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-sdc DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,456 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-sdc3:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-sdc DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,456 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-sdc4:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-sdc DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,456 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-nvme0n1p1:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-nvme0n1 DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,456 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-nvme0n1p2:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-nvme0n1 DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,456 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-nvme0n1p3:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-nvme0n1 DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,456 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-nvme0n1p4:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-nvme0n1 DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,456 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-nvme0n1p5:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-nvme0n1 DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,456 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-nvme0n1p6:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-nvme0n1 DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,456 DEBUG curtin:236 Validate: partition-nvme0n1p7:SourceType:partition -> (DepId:disk-nvme0n1 DepType:disk) in SourceDeps:{'bcache', 'partition', 'raid', 'disk'} ? result=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,456 DEBUG curtin:1351 Merging storage config dependencies 2022-07-03 05:13:03,469 DEBUG curtin:1356 Merged storage config: storage: config: - id: disk-nvme0n1 path: /dev/nvme0n1 ptable: gpt serial: KINGSTON_SKC2000M8250G_50026B72823D1475 type: disk wwn: eui.0026b72823d14755 - id: disk-sda path: /dev/sda ptable: gpt serial: CT500MX500SSD1_21122DB99114 type: disk wwn: '0x500a07512db99114' - id: disk-sdb path: /dev/sdb ptable: gpt serial: CT500MX500SSD1_21122DA80425 type: disk wwn: '0x500a07512da80425' - id: disk-sdc path: /dev/sdc ptable: gpt serial: TOSHIBA_DT01ACA100_37PYNGAFS type: disk wwn: '0x5000039fefcd7b93' - id: disk-sdd path: /dev/sdd serial: Generic_USB_SD_Reader_920321111113-0:0 type: disk - id: disk-sde path: /dev/sde serial: Generic_USB_CF_Reader_920321111113-0:1 type: disk - id: disk-sdf path: /dev/sdf serial: Generic_USB_SM_Reader_920321111113-0:2 type: disk - id: disk-sdg path: /dev/sdg serial: Generic_USB_MS_Reader_920321111113-0:3 type: disk - id: disk-sdh path: /dev/sdh ptable: gpt serial: VendorCo_ProductCode_1217911277454395617-0:0 type: disk - device: disk-sdb flag: linux id: partition-sdb1 number: 1 offset: 1048576 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/sdb1 size: 34359738368 type: partition - device: disk-sdb id: partition-sdb2 number: 2 offset: 34360786944 partition_type: ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 path: /dev/sdb2 size: 34359738368 type: partition - device: disk-sdb flag: linux id: partition-sdb3 number: 3 offset: 68720525312 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/sdb3 size: 431387312128 type: partition - device: disk-sdh id: partition-sdh1 number: 1 offset: 32768 partition_type: ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 path: /dev/sdh1 size: 4433672192 type: partition - device: disk-sdc flag: linux id: partition-sdc1 number: 1 offset: 1048576 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/sdc1 size: 34359738368 type: partition - device: disk-sdh flag: boot id: partition-sdh2 number: 2 offset: 4433704960 partition_type: c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b path: /dev/sdh2 size: 4349952 type: partition - device: disk-sdc flag: linux id: partition-sdc2 number: 2 offset: 34360786944 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/sdc2 size: 34359738368 type: partition - device: disk-sdh id: partition-sdh3 number: 3 offset: 4438054912 partition_type: ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 path: /dev/sdh3 size: 307200 type: partition - device: disk-sdc flag: linux id: partition-sdc3 number: 3 offset: 68720525312 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/sdc3 size: 274876858368 type: partition - device: disk-sdh flag: linux id: partition-sdh4 number: 4 offset: 4439670784 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/sdh4 size: 11287920640 type: partition - device: disk-sdc flag: linux id: partition-sdc4 number: 4 offset: 343597383680 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/sdc4 size: 656606756864 type: partition - device: disk-sda id: partition-sda1 number: 1 offset: 1048576 partition_type: ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7 path: /dev/sda1 size: 268435456 type: partition - device: disk-sda flag: swap id: partition-sda2 number: 2 offset: 269484032 partition_type: 0657fd6d-a4ab-43c4-84e5-0933c84b4f4f path: /dev/sda2 size: 8589934592 type: partition - device: disk-sda flag: linux id: partition-sda3 number: 3 offset: 8859418624 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/sda3 size: 34359738368 type: partition - device: disk-sda flag: linux id: partition-sda4 number: 4 offset: 43219156992 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/sda4 size: 34359738368 type: partition - device: disk-sda flag: linux id: partition-sda5 number: 5 offset: 77578895360 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/sda5 size: 422528942080 type: partition - device: disk-nvme0n1 flag: boot id: partition-nvme0n1p1 number: 1 offset: 1048576 partition_type: c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b path: /dev/nvme0n1p1 size: 268435456 type: partition - device: disk-nvme0n1 flag: linux id: partition-nvme0n1p2 number: 2 offset: 269484032 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/nvme0n1p2 size: 42949672960 type: partition - device: disk-nvme0n1 flag: linux id: partition-nvme0n1p3 number: 3 offset: 43219156992 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/nvme0n1p3 size: 42949672960 type: partition - device: disk-nvme0n1 flag: linux id: partition-nvme0n1p4 number: 4 offset: 86168829952 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/nvme0n1p4 size: 42949672960 type: partition - device: disk-nvme0n1 flag: linux id: partition-nvme0n1p5 number: 5 offset: 129118502912 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/nvme0n1p5 size: 42949672960 type: partition - device: disk-nvme0n1 flag: linux id: partition-nvme0n1p6 number: 6 offset: 172068175872 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/nvme0n1p6 size: 42949672960 type: partition - device: disk-nvme0n1 flag: linux id: partition-nvme0n1p7 number: 7 offset: 215017848832 partition_type: 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4 path: /dev/nvme0n1p7 size: 35041312768 type: partition version: 2 2022-07-03 05:13:03,470 DEBUG subiquity.models.filesystem:1222 exclusions set() 2022-07-03 05:13:03,470 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Filesystem/_probe/probe_once: SUCCESS: restricted=True 2022-07-03 05:13:03,470 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Filesystem/_probe: SUCCESS: 2022-07-03 05:13:03,717 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:13:03,750 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:13:03,752 DEBUG probert.network:741 wlan_event {'cmd': 'NEW_SCAN_RESULTS', 'ifindex': 3, 'ssids': []} 2022-07-03 05:13:03,752 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:13:03,773 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:13:32,039 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/find?select=refresh HTTP/1.1" 500 261 2022-07-03 05:13:32,041 ERROR subiquity.server.controllers.refresh:177 checking for snap update failed Traceback (most recent call last): File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-installer/511/bin/subiquity/subiquity/server/controllers/refresh.py", line 175, in check_for_update result = await self.app.snapd.get('v2/find', select='refresh') File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-installer/511/bin/subiquity/subiquitycore/snapd.py", line 180, in get response.raise_for_status() File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-installer/511/lib/python3.8/site-packages/requests/models.py", line 1021, in raise_for_status raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self) requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url: http+unix://%2Frun%2Fsnapd.socket/v2/find?select=refresh 2022-07-03 05:13:32,042 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Refresh/check_for_update: SUCCESS: checking for snap update failed 2022-07-03 05:13:45,255 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:13:45,278 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:13:45,279 DEBUG probert.network:741 wlan_event {'cmd': 'TRIGGER_SCAN', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:13:46,721 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:13:46,758 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:13:46,759 DEBUG probert.network:741 wlan_event {'cmd': 'NEW_SCAN_RESULTS', 'ifindex': 3, 'ssids': [(b'corado', 'no status')]} 2022-07-03 05:13:46,760 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:13:46,794 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:14:12,014 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:14:12,029 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:14:12,029 DEBUG probert.network:741 wlan_event {'cmd': 'TRIGGER_SCAN', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:14:13,465 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:14:13,494 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:14:13,495 DEBUG probert.network:741 wlan_event {'cmd': 'NEW_SCAN_RESULTS', 'ifindex': 3, 'ssids': [(b'corado', 'no status')]} 2022-07-03 05:14:13,496 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:14:13,526 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:14:25,659 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:14:25,669 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:14:25,669 DEBUG probert.network:741 wlan_event {'cmd': 'TRIGGER_SCAN', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,093 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:14:27,114 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:14:27,116 DEBUG probert.network:741 wlan_event {'cmd': 'NEW_SCAN_RESULTS', 'ifindex': 3, 'ssids': [(b'corado', 'no status')]} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,116 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:14:27,133 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:14:27,193 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:14:27,219 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:14:27,219 DEBUG probert.network:741 wlan_event {'cmd': 'NEW_STATION', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,220 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:14:27,241 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:14:27,242 DEBUG probert.network:741 wlan_event {'cmd': 'AUTHENTICATE', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,247 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:14:27,261 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:14:27,280 DEBUG probert.network:741 wlan_event {'cmd': 'ASSOCIATE', 'ifindex': 3, 'ssids': [(b'corado', 'Connected')]} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,280 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:14:27,297 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:14:27,297 DEBUG probert.network:741 wlan_event {'cmd': 'CONNECT', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,297 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:14:27,309 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:14:27,309 DEBUG probert.network:585 event for link_change: CHANGE {'ifindex': 3, 'flags': 69635, 'arptype': 1, 'family': 0, 'is_vlan': False, 'name': b'wlx000ee8f7f7e6'} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,309 DEBUG probert.network:585 event for link_change: CHANGE {'ifindex': 3, 'flags': 69635, 'arptype': 1, 'family': 0, 'is_vlan': False, 'name': b'wlx000ee8f7f7e6'} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,309 DEBUG probert.network:585 event for link_change: CHANGE {'ifindex': 3, 'flags': 69699, 'arptype': 1, 'family': 0, 'is_vlan': False, 'name': b'wlx000ee8f7f7e6'} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,309 DEBUG probert.network:585 event for addr_change: NEW {'ifindex': 3, 'flags': 704, 'family': 10, 'scope': 253, 'local': b'fe80::e265:b060:1c93:7070/64'} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,309 DEBUG probert.network:672 link_change CHANGE {'ifindex': 3, 'flags': 69699, 'arptype': 1, 'family': 0, 'is_vlan': False, 'name': b'wlx000ee8f7f7e6'} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,310 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Network/_send_update: CHANGE wlx000ee8f7f7e6 2022-07-03 05:14:27,310 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.network:354 dev_info wlx000ee8f7f7e6 {} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,310 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Network/_send_update: SUCCESS: CHANGE wlx000ee8f7f7e6 2022-07-03 05:14:27,310 DEBUG probert.network:731 route_change NEW {'family': 10, 'type': 5, 'table': 255, 'dst': b'ff00::/8', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,310 DEBUG probert.network:731 route_change DEL {'family': 10, 'type': 5, 'table': 255, 'dst': b'ff00::/8', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,310 DEBUG probert.network:731 route_change NEW {'family': 10, 'type': 5, 'table': 255, 'dst': b'ff00::/8', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,310 DEBUG probert.network:717 addr_change NEW {'ifindex': 3, 'flags': 704, 'family': 10, 'scope': 253, 'local': b'fe80::e265:b060:1c93:7070/64'} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,310 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Network/_send_update: CHANGE wlx000ee8f7f7e6 2022-07-03 05:14:27,310 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.network:354 dev_info wlx000ee8f7f7e6 {} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,310 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Network/_send_update: SUCCESS: CHANGE wlx000ee8f7f7e6 2022-07-03 05:14:27,310 DEBUG probert.network:731 route_change NEW {'family': 10, 'type': 1, 'table': 254, 'dst': b'fe80::/64', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,311 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:14:27,329 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:14:27,329 DEBUG probert.network:741 wlan_event {'cmd': 'NL80211_CMD_UNKNOWN', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,330 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:14:27,345 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:14:27,346 DEBUG probert.network:741 wlan_event {'cmd': 'NL80211_CMD_UNKNOWN', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,346 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:14:27,358 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:14:27,358 DEBUG probert.network:585 event for addr_change: NEW {'ifindex': 3, 'flags': 512, 'family': 2, 'scope': 0, 'local': b''} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,358 DEBUG probert.network:717 addr_change NEW {'ifindex': 3, 'flags': 512, 'family': 2, 'scope': 0, 'local': b''} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,358 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Network/_send_update: CHANGE wlx000ee8f7f7e6 2022-07-03 05:14:27,358 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.network:354 dev_info wlx000ee8f7f7e6 {} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,359 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Network/_send_update: SUCCESS: CHANGE wlx000ee8f7f7e6 2022-07-03 05:14:27,359 DEBUG probert.network:731 route_change NEW {'family': 2, 'type': 2, 'table': 255, 'dst': b'', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,359 DEBUG probert.network:731 route_change NEW {'family': 2, 'type': 3, 'table': 255, 'dst': b'', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,359 DEBUG probert.network:731 route_change NEW {'family': 2, 'type': 1, 'table': 254, 'dst': b'', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,359 DEBUG probert.network:731 route_change NEW {'family': 2, 'type': 1, 'table': 254, 'dst': b'default', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,359 DEBUG subiquitycore.controllers.network:94 default routes {3} 2022-07-03 05:14:27,359 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.snaplist:61 loading list of snaps 2022-07-03 05:14:27,382 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Refresh/check_for_update: 2022-07-03 05:14:27,382 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/SnapList/loader: 2022-07-03 05:14:27,382 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.snaplist:70 fetched list of 0 snaps 2022-07-03 05:14:27,383 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/SnapList/loader: SUCCESS: 2022-07-03 05:14:27,383 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/SnapList/loader/list: 2022-07-03 05:14:27,419 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:14:27,429 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:14:27,429 DEBUG probert.network:731 route_change NEW {'family': 2, 'type': 1, 'table': 254, 'dst': b'', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:14:28,032 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:14:28,077 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:14:28,078 DEBUG probert.network:731 route_change NEW {'family': 2, 'type': 1, 'table': 254, 'dst': b'default', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:14:28,078 DEBUG subiquitycore.controllers.network:94 default routes {3} 2022-07-03 05:14:28,079 DEBUG probert.network:731 route_change DEL {'family': 2, 'type': 1, 'table': 254, 'dst': b'default', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:14:28,079 DEBUG subiquitycore.controllers.network:94 default routes set() 2022-07-03 05:14:28,080 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.snaplist:61 loading list of snaps 2022-07-03 05:14:28,082 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Refresh/check_for_update: 2022-07-03 05:14:28,082 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/SnapList/loader: 2022-07-03 05:14:28,084 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.snaplist:70 fetched list of 0 snaps 2022-07-03 05:14:28,084 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/SnapList/loader: SUCCESS: 2022-07-03 05:14:28,088 ERROR root:37 finish: subiquity/Refresh/check_for_update: FAIL: cancelled 2022-07-03 05:14:28,088 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/SnapList/loader/list: 2022-07-03 05:14:28,140 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:14:28,170 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:14:28,171 DEBUG probert.network:741 wlan_event {'cmd': 'NOTIFY_CQM', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:14:28,336 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/find?section=server HTTP/1.1" 200 None 2022-07-03 05:14:28,342 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/SnapList/loader/list: SUCCESS: 2022-07-03 05:14:28,519 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/find?select=refresh HTTP/1.1" 200 59 2022-07-03 05:14:28,604 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/find?section=server HTTP/1.1" 200 None 2022-07-03 05:14:28,608 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/SnapList/loader/list: SUCCESS: 2022-07-03 05:14:28,719 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool:456 http://localhost:None "GET /v2/find?select=refresh HTTP/1.1" 200 59 2022-07-03 05:14:28,721 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.refresh:181 check_for_update received {'type': 'sync', 'status-code': 200, 'status': 'OK', 'result': []} 2022-07-03 05:14:28,721 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Refresh/check_for_update: SUCCESS: no new version of snap available 2022-07-03 05:14:29,297 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:64 run_command called: ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] 2022-07-03 05:14:29,330 DEBUG subiquitycore.utils:77 run_command ['udevadm', 'settle', '-t', '0'] exited with code 0 2022-07-03 05:14:29,331 DEBUG probert.network:585 event for addr_change: CHANGE {'ifindex': 3, 'flags': 640, 'family': 10, 'scope': 253, 'local': b'fe80::e265:b060:1c93:7070/64'} 2022-07-03 05:14:29,331 DEBUG probert.network:717 addr_change CHANGE {'ifindex': 3, 'flags': 640, 'family': 10, 'scope': 253, 'local': b'fe80::e265:b060:1c93:7070/64'} 2022-07-03 05:14:29,333 DEBUG root:37 start: subiquity/Network/_send_update: CHANGE wlx000ee8f7f7e6 2022-07-03 05:14:29,333 DEBUG subiquity.server.controllers.network:354 dev_info wlx000ee8f7f7e6 {} 2022-07-03 05:14:29,334 DEBUG root:37 finish: subiquity/Network/_send_update: SUCCESS: CHANGE wlx000ee8f7f7e6 2022-07-03 05:14:29,334 DEBUG probert.network:731 route_change NEW {'family': 10, 'type': 2, 'table': 255, 'dst': b'fe80::e265:b060:1c93:7070', 'ifindex': 3} 2022-07-03 05:14:59,859 INFO root:37 start: subiquity/Meta/status_GET: 2022-07-03 05:14:59,859 INFO root:37 finish: subiquity/Meta/status_GET: SUCCESS: 200 {"state": "WAITING", "confirming_tty": "", "error": null, "cloud_init_ok": tr... 2022-07-03 05:14:59,860 INFO aiohttp.access:233 [03/Jul/2022:05:14:59 +0000] "GET /meta/status HTTP/1.1" 200 411 "-" "Dart/2.17 (dart:io)" 2022-07-03 05:14:59,875 INFO root:37 start: subiquity/Meta/mark_configured_POST: 2022-07-03 05:14:59,875 DEBUG subiquity.models.subiquity:202 model network for install stage is configured, to go {'filesystem', 'mirror', 'source', 'keyboard', 'proxy'} 2022-07-03 05:14:59,875 DEBUG subiquity.models.subiquity:202 model network for postinstall stage is configured, to go {'snaplist', 'identity', 'ubuntu_pro', 'ssh', 'drivers'} 2022-07-03 05:14:59,875 DEBUG subiquity.models.subiquity:202 model ubuntu_pro for postinstall stage is configured, to go {'snaplist', 'identity', 'ssh', 'drivers'} 2022-07-03 05:14:59,876 DEBUG subiquity.models.subiquity:202 model proxy for install stage is configured, to go {'filesystem', 'source', 'mirror', 'keyboard'} 2022-07-03 05:14:59,876 DEBUG subiquity.models.subiquity:202 model mirror for install stage is configured, to go {'source', 'filesystem', 'keyboard'} 2022-07-03 05:14:59,876 DEBUG subiquity.models.subiquity:202 model ssh for postinstall stage is configured, to go {'snaplist', 'identity', 'drivers'} 2022-07-03 05:14:59,876 DEBUG subiquity.models.subiquity:202 model snaplist for postinstall stage is configured, to go {'drivers', 'identity'} 2022-07-03 05:14:59,876 DEBUG subiquity.models.subiquity:202 model drivers for postinstall stage is configured, to go {'identity'} 2022-07-03 05:14:59,876 INFO root:37 finish: subiquity/Meta/mark_configured_POST: SUCCESS: 200 null 2022-07-03 05:14:59,877 INFO aiohttp.access:233 [03/Jul/2022:05:14:59 +0000] "POST /meta/mark_configured?endpoint_names=%5B%22drivers%22,%22mirror%22,%22proxy%22,%22network%22,%22ssh%22,%22snaplist%22,%22ubuntu_pro%22%5D HTTP/1.1" 200 189 "-" "Dart/2.17 (dart:io)" 2022-07-03 05:14:59,878 ERROR subiquity.server.server:422 top level error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-installer/511/usr/lib/python3.8/asyncio/events.py", line 81, in _run self._context.run(self._callback, *self._args) File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-installer/511/bin/subiquity/subiquitycore/async_helpers.py", line 26, in _done fut.result() File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-installer/511/bin/subiquity/subiquity/server/controllers/mirror.py", line 141, in _apply_apt_config await self.apt_configurer.apply_apt_config(self.context) File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-installer/511/bin/subiquity/subiquity/server/apt.py", line 190, in apply_apt_config self.configured_tree = await self.setup_overlay([self.source]) File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-installer/511/bin/subiquity/subiquity/server/apt.py", line 167, in setup_overlay lowerdir = lowerdir_for(lowers) File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-installer/511/usr/lib/python3.8/functools.py", line 875, in wrapper return dispatch(args[0].__class__)(*args, **kw) File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-installer/511/bin/subiquity/subiquity/server/apt.py", line 92, in _lowerdir_for_lst return ':'.join(reversed([lowerdir_for(item) for item in lst])) File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-installer/511/bin/subiquity/subiquity/server/apt.py", line 92, in return ':'.join(reversed([lowerdir_for(item) for item in lst])) File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-installer/511/usr/lib/python3.8/functools.py", line 875, in wrapper return dispatch(args[0].__class__)(*args, **kw) File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-installer/511/bin/subiquity/subiquity/server/apt.py", line 70, in lowerdir_for raise NotImplementedError(x) NotImplementedError: None 2022-07-03 05:14:59,879 DEBUG subiquity.common.errorreport:384 generating crash report 2022-07-03 05:14:59,880 INFO subiquity.common.errorreport:406 saving crash report 'unknown error crashed with NotImplementedError' to /var/crash/1656825299.879545689.unknown.crash 2022-07-03 05:14:59,880 INFO root:37 start: subiquity/ErrorReporter/1656825299.879545689.unknown/add_info: 2022-07-03 05:14:59,881 INFO root:37 start: subiquity/Meta/status_GET: