"[ 81.216652] cloud-init[1379]: The key's randomart image is:" "[ 81.216674] cloud-init[1379]: +--[ED25519 256]--+" "[ 81.216706] cloud-init[1379]: | .o+o . oX+%O=E|" "[ 81.216730] cloud-init[1379]: |....... . o.X*=.+|" "[ 81.216753] cloud-init[1379]: |. ... o +=o.=.|" "[ 81.216776] cloud-init[1379]: | . . =.o . +|" "[ 81.216799] cloud-init[1379]: | o S. o .|" "[ 81.216823] cloud-init[1379]: | o . o |" "[ 81.216846] cloud-init[1379]: | . . |" "[ 81.216880] cloud-init[1379]: | . |" "[ 81.216903] cloud-init[1379]: | |" "[ 81.216931] cloud-init[1379]: +----[SHA256]-----+" "Set the following 'random' passwords" installer:x3Z9hgeXCPNDQC8VFeqK "[ 88.599498] cloud-init[2309]: Cloud-init v. 21.2-3-g899bfaa9-0ubuntu2~20.04.1" "running 'modules:config' at Thu, 17 Jun 2021 17:52:56 +0000. Up 88.46 seconds." "ci-info: no authorized SSH keys fingerprints found for user installer." "<14>Jun 17 17:52:56 cloud-init: ################################################" ############# "<14>Jun 17 17:52:56 cloud-init: -----BEGIN SSH HOST KEY FINGERPRINTS-----" "<14>Jun 17 17:52:56 cloud-init: 1024 SHA256:IlmqsAajbofFn9UmKULHaYsQNU91ZPpC9vvX" "E8U405k root@ubuntu-server (DSA)" "<14>Jun 17 17:52:56 cloud-init: 256 SHA256:MKGkFuNzdQ3aNBL33bhqapn8clpDD9ZIL2SLr" "24IDAI root@ubuntu-server (ECDSA)" "<14>Jun 17 17:52:56 cloud-init: 256 SHA256:NitkBIaBVl97j1E3AXOrQRNrfR89UChEFxbJW" "nYhtVE root@ubuntu-server (ED25519)" "<14>Jun 17 17:52:56 cloud-init: 3072 SHA256:YTmNejNSf1OlzQbOcNzkcYrDzqfy9aoT1laA" "s+oca5k root@ubuntu-server (RSA)" "<14>Jun 17 17:52:56 cloud-init: -----END SSH HOST KEY FINGERPRINTS-----" "<14>Jun 17 17:52:56 cloud-init: ################################################" ############# "-----BEGIN SSH HOST KEY KEYS-----" "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBN+XYOWP" AENBt4Uj0g3KU8b0sNJdj909Kxr02HL73lIZtYPjIwW/M3KkRNTqG79KmhA5EKBee5ARQi9BluBzsKs= root@ubuntu-server "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBjVcNNzvC9B0FoKMczUpSJIeukO16h07hryvYEtpBAa" root@ubuntu-server "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQC2LFc6Xyg6SgktsA8fUE75uIzfvvXkTO/OUM+ftTha" A8M2pCLQAKzz4a8YJQ6ytFuKC0/lKX9+sxT+BI3UwsFX6b0D6IYGB4h/B8sz9Gd/SipSqV5pD6/+ZRNR OSlGuhlC2kNrWsvYKVuV1bIb/Q2FHU4SmXNP6d3YaqsRknNSTVvcCnZUdqYmlP7tl/2zoo40H4wdtyMZ nPrt5zD8DhI7qSJvso0s/VgQJQQi7AJQTTcW/dyqdkBTQ4UfTmo0Am/xcaWUEgpniQw1nvthfo+Paktr HPgE1/U3pym/ScRB8KPUjjqzg5hQVhXf6duBx6oCy/G/7WEZ42bRsc7Rk+skiuqahm+lR9wjXv11fklt 2jeytA0CO9PA9NdgTdtPq785ytll2o9+MmiWjeV3+2dOItvCjr2mczF9k348IEnZfSgcAJ/87QNtY8wX "IMOSPTZnqAXowio6KJYV9ctBCLE0SfRWUYHXa4Anchp+V6Oa6sdVtG+IFgJe4wSWo01UPEM= root@ub" untu-server "-----END SSH HOST KEY KEYS-----" "[ 89.028213] cloud-init[2327]: Cloud-init v. 21.2-3-g899bfaa9-0ubuntu2~20.04.1" "running 'modules:final' at Thu, 17 Jun 2021 17:52:56 +0000. Up 88.92 seconds." "[ 89.028258] cloud-init[2327]: ci-info: no authorized SSH keys fingerprints fo" "und for user installer." "[ 89.028288] cloud-init[2327]: Cloud-init v. 21.2-3-g899bfaa9-0ubuntu2~20.04.1" "finished at Thu, 17 Jun 2021 17:52:56 +0000. Datasource DataSourceNoCloud [seed" "=/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud][dsmode=net]. Up 89.02 seconds" "[ 89.028319] cloud-init[2327]: Welcome to Ubuntu Server Installer!" "[ 89.028351] cloud-init[2327]: Above you will find SSH host keys and a random" "password set for the `installer` user. You can use these credentials to ssh-in a" "nd complete the installation. If you provided SSH keys in the cloud-init datasou" "rce, they were also provisioned to the installer user." "[ 89.028380] cloud-init[2327]: If you have access to the graphical console, li" "ke TTY1 or HMC ASCII terminal you can complete the installation there too." connecting... "waiting for cloud-init... -" \ | "It is possible to connect to the installer over the network, which" "might allow the use of a more capable terminal and can offer more languages" "than can be rendered in the Linux console." "To connect, SSH to installer@" "You should use the preconfigured password passed to cloud-init." "The host key fingerprints are:" "RSA SHA256:YTmNejNSf1OlzQbOcNzkcYrDzqfy9aoT1laAs+oca5k" "ECDSA SHA256:MKGkFuNzdQ3aNBL33bhqapn8clpDD9ZIL2SLr24IDAI" "ED25519 SHA256:NitkBIaBVl97j1E3AXOrQRNrfR89UChEFxbJWnYhtVE"