Comment 6 for bug 1889466

Revision history for this message
dann frazier (dannf) wrote : Re: [Bug 1889466] Re: error: cannot find current revision for snap subiquity: readlink /snap/subiquity/current: no such file or directory

On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 2:40 PM Michael Hudson-Doyle
<email address hidden> wrote:
> Hmm. I wonder if this is the same as bug 1888497 then.

I haven't seen that exact symptom - however, I have seen something similar.
*Most* of the time, the serial console ends here, and I ssh in to continue:

[ 1727.688186] cloud-init[4492]: Set the following 'random' passwords
[ 1727.704128] cloud-init[4492]: installer:6MqFhjF8JNehXbHttvva
ci-info: no authorized SSH keys fingerprints found for user installer.
<14>Jul 30 19:38:25 ec2:
<14>Jul 30 19:38:25 ec2:
<14>Jul 30 19:38:25 ec2: -----BEGIN SSH HOST KEY FINGERPRINTS-----
<14>Jul 30 19:38:25 ec2: 1024
SHA256:SSW96YInIbi59aBCSd+4wphIyZ9Owl3xnk8pHRW7170 root@ubuntu-server
<14>Jul 30 19:38:25 ec2: 256
SHA256:ARVfj7WP1u7jjbvHShX7TX19znZNoRq/W+gw+Ucywvs root@ubuntu-server
<14>Jul 30 19:38:25 ec2: 256
SHA256:TLjJ6EBMbrdHepDPU5TAprbOfHvQoXrgZ62dDCk5kw8 root@ubuntu-server
<14>Jul 30 19:38:25 ec2: 3072
SHA256:bH73OUJKls0/2slJTjVXFRQD4WSx5ljZKR8V1xpStUg root@ubuntu-server
<14>Jul 30 19:38:25 ec2: -----END SSH HOST KEY FINGERPRINTS-----
<14>Jul 30 19:38:25 ec2:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILUbnXrMhWnSnZTbRKAFONCNhp7YosY2W7tyjiE5vQ6M
ssh-rsa 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
[ 1792.534519] cloud-init[4657]: Cloud-init v.
20.2-45-g5f7825e2-0ubuntu1~20.04.1 running 'modules:final' at Thu, 30
Jul 2020 19:38:25 +0000. Up 1792.14 seconds.
[ 1792.556155] cloud-init[4657]: ci-info: no authorized SSH keys
fingerprints found for user installer.
[ 1792.572145] cloud-init[4657]: Cloud-init v.
20.2-45-g5f7825e2-0ubuntu1~20.04.1 finished at Thu, 30 Jul 2020
19:38:25 +0000. Datasource DataSourceNoCloud
[seed=/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud][dsmode=net]. Up 1792.52 seconds
[ 1792.600149] cloud-init[4657]: Welcome to Ubuntu Server Installer!
[ 1792.620182] cloud-init[4657]: Above you will find SSH host keys and
a random password set for the `installer` user. You can use these
credentials to ssh-in and complete the installation. If you provided
SSH keys in the cloud-init datasource, they were also provisioned to
the installer user.
[ 1792.652163] cloud-init[4657]: If you have access to the graphical
console, like TTY1 or HMC ASCII terminal you can complete the
installation there too.

But this symptom is not strongly correlated with the "error: cannot
find current revision for snap subiquity: readlink
/snap/subiquity/current: no such file or directory" failure.