I faced a situation where the console output was obviously not complete: ----------%<-------------------%<-------------------%<-------------------%<----------- ... 1 running 'modules:config' at Mon, 07 Dec 2020 17:56:42 +0000. Up 151.67 seconds . Ý 151.801402¨ cloud-initÝ2068¨: Set the following 'random' passwords Ý 151.801442¨ cloud-initÝ2068¨: installer:qDWRj7PSNdDRHa5Hgx2C Ý Ý0;32m OK Ý0m¨ Finished Ý0;1;39mApply the settings specified in cloud-conf ig Ý0m. Starting Ý0;1;39mExecute cloud user/final scripts Ý0m... ci-info: no authorized SSH keys fingerprints found for user installer. <14>Dec 7 17:56:43 ec2: <14>Dec 7 17:56:43 ec2: ####################################################### ###### <14>Dec 7 17:56:43 ec2: -----BEGIN SSH HOST KEY FINGERPRINTS----- <14>Dec 7 17:56:43 ec2: 1024 SHA256:uYBjXvyrMNVmKqd7D37likufviobGlu3amJ7J2mDhOg root@ubuntu-server (DSA) <14>Dec 7 17:56:43 ec2: 256 SHA256:m1EEaYG/QZt619PbuXOwjsb9aiTjKNQCGrl85S9uns0 root@ubuntu-server (ECDSA) <14>Dec 7 17:56:43 ec2: 256 SHA256:/nWXhTHOH8rWQRVvkDUVP7f2BgLqAgRJgFSUGLKK6Eo root@ubuntu-server (ED25519) <14>Dec 7 17:56:43 ec2: 3072 SHA256:dXgLSm+Vjyi16l8/rXcH2j4Laujrgi8hB1wvCMyaSQE root@ubuntu-server (RSA) <14>Dec 7 17:56:43 ec2: -----END SSH HOST KEY FINGERPRINTS----- <14>Dec 7 17:56:43 ec2: ###################################################### ###### -----BEGIN SSH HOST KEY KEYS----- ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBBJAvTEU tdx9KsFYGSUIMjGsJA2yJMNQ8uctAvWMHxsZmuKDqsmXN1K4iB/A6dkKmYCUQt7IwcOjbWDCFdUhKKU= root@ubuntu-server ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBTPAeVCKbRObLBoKmkCZhrJiFriElrDNGazEpqh5Poq root@ubuntu-server ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQC/Tirwlj7pyJvkKJcmLlP8KkPB+i9xBgcHUB093+9O LeJJsh/VQfsXOlqNTGO0TEcO2t9eEuO9kq8hnw09R35vFLBFsyQWaGPGOOB31TBfYUhSMGjh9XZrmMc0 wG1Iw07W2F6pN4f9a89maTjlhbgqQq+tkQMumyxj4VmvJTUBTxROiiQ90Ms5M24ShPb+a2lwe40toIh0 TGATxitt62pxqZcJMbzO+OJpnJQPs6o79nczIL54zWkI818yzsara1xiYmo/FuU2T2tr6bFUIr/02PKW zlTDpgreQXQ9UfoNRhUKKKAqgSZHMIS5jBUqj619e6HZ6kAM5fmfFRf7ZyP4nW/7ZwXfO9nHv9hJnhIO 6UAvvUFijPelIoWLilkX/S3FZv9mEs1muv8+ikKPhuL6GxgEMvGPweZzf6YkWbPGjOez5B0PWXFTRw0j 4lidShONuGn4utwuha6dJ226ym8jCxh4PMom1MChk8cFMmjY/GDxNYjSQlj/EopTfZ1vkZc= root@ub untu-server -----END SSH HOST KEY KEYS----- Ý 152.164420¨ cloud-initÝ2084¨: Cloud-init v. 20.2-45-g5f7825e2-0ubuntu1~20.04. 1 running 'modules:final' at Mon, 07 Dec 2020 17:56:43 +0000. Up 152.08 seconds. Ý 152.164507¨ cloud-initÝ2084¨: ci-info: no authorized SSH keys fingerprints fo und for user installer. Ý 152.164548¨ cloud-initÝ2084¨: Cloud-init v. 20.2-45-g5f7825e2-0ubuntu1~20.04 1 finished at Mon, 07 Dec 2020 17:56:43 +0000. Datasource DataSourceNoCloud Ýsee d=/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud¨Ýdsmode=net¨. Up 152.16 seconds Ý 152.164593¨ cloud-initÝ2084¨: Welcome to Ubuntu Server Installer! Ý 152.164631¨ cloud-initÝ2084¨: Above you will find SSH host keys and a random password set for the `installer` user. You can use these credentials to ssh-in a nd complete the installation. If you provided SSH keys in the cloud-init datasou rce, they were also provisioned to the installer user. Ý 152.164675¨ cloud-initÝ2084¨: If you have access to the graphical console, li ke TTY1 or HMC ASCII terminal you can complete the installation there too. Ý Ý0;32m OK Ý0m¨ Finished Ý0;1;39mExecute cloud user/final scripts Ý0m. Ý Ý0;32m OK Ý0m¨ Reached target Ý0;1;39mCloud-init target Ý0m. Ý Ý0;32m OK Ý0m¨ Started Ý0;1;39mSubiquity, the installer for Ubuntu Server hvc0 Ý0m. Ý Ý0;32m OK Ý0m¨ Started Ý0;1;39mSubiquity, the ins er for Ubuntu Server t tysclp0 Ý0m. ----------%<-------------------%<-------------------%<-------------------%<----------- The summary with the finger prints as well as the ubuntu-server login msg is missing here. But in this case the ssh login (and the subiquity UI) works. So maybe the logs from this system can shed some more light into this?!