# Autogenerated by SUbiquity: 2018-08-10 21:48:36.773017 UTC apt: http_proxy: '' https_proxy: '' preserve_sources_list: false primary: - arches: [default] uri: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu install: {save_install_config: /var/log/installer/curtin-install-cfg.yaml, save_install_log: /var/log/installer/curtin-install.log, target: /target, unmount: disabled} network: ethernets: enp0s3: addresses: [] dhcp4: true version: 2 pollinate: user_agent: {subiquity: 0+git.ffed9d3_620} proxy: {http_proxy: '', https_proxy: ''} reporting: subiquity: {identifier: curtin_event.1536, type: journald} sources: {ubuntu00: 'cp:///media/filesystem'} storage: config: - {id: disk-0, type: disk, ptable: gpt, serial: SATAPORT0_VBe55d6348-a64f5028, path: /dev/sda, model: SATAPORT0, wipe: superblock, preserve: false, name: '', grub_device: true} - {id: disk-1, type: disk, ptable: gpt, serial: SATAPORT1_VB561faee5-3f6dc1b8, path: /dev/sdb, model: SATAPORT1, wipe: superblock, preserve: false, name: '', grub_device: false} - {id: part-0, type: partition, device: disk-0, size: 1048576, flag: bios_grub, preserve: false} - {id: part-1, type: partition, device: disk-0, size: 2147483648, flag: '', preserve: false} - {id: part-3, type: partition, device: disk-1, size: 1048576, flag: '', preserve: false} - {id: part-4, type: partition, device: disk-1, size: 2147483648, flag: '', preserve: false} - {id: part-5, type: partition, device: disk-0, size: 8586788864, flag: '', preserve: false} - {id: part-6, type: partition, device: disk-1, size: 8586788864, flag: '', preserve: false} - id: raid-0 type: raid name: md/RAIDs/RAID-1/My Awesome RAID-1 (fresh and shiny) raidlevel: 1 devices: [part-5, part-6] spare_devices: [] - id: vg-1 type: lvm_volgroup name: My/Super Duper VG-0 devices: [raid-0] - {id: lv-0, type: lvm_partition, name: It's da /root!, volgroup: vg-1, size: 8577351680b} - {id: fs-0, type: format, fstype: ext4, volume: part-1, preserve: false} - {id: fs-1, type: format, fstype: ext4, volume: lv-0, preserve: false} - {id: mount-1, type: mount, device: fs-1, path: /} - {id: mount-0, type: mount, device: fs-0, path: /boot} version: 1 verbosity: 3 write_files: etc_default_keyboard: {content: '# KEYBOARD CONFIGURATION FILE # Consult the keyboard(5) manual page. XKBMODEL="pc105" XKBLAYOUT="de" XKBVARIANT="" XKBOPTIONS="" BACKSPACE="guess" ', path: etc/default/keyboard}