Well done, V15 of stellarium corrects the bug. Maybe that in the change log : - Fixed issue for resets flip buttons in Oculars plugin (LP: #1511389) Thanks anyway :-) Cordialement, *David Pineda* *Architecture & Exploitation - Pole publications* *Recyclage & Valorisation des Déchets - France* *Adresse :* *22, avenue Marcel DASSAULT - BP 35093 - 31504 TOULOUSE Cedex 5* *Tel :* +33 (0)5 34 61 58 24 ; *Fax :* +33 (0)5 34 61 58 20 ; *Mobile :* + 33 (0)6 22 60 15 23 *www.veolia.com * [image: fessebook] 2016-08-19 17:56 GMT+02:00 PINEDA, David