Hi Alexander, If I can find someone to help me with the source code, what comments should I add between lines 1865 and 1872 in Planet.cpp? I would like to use Stellarium 0.14 on a 2014 MacBook Pro/OSX 10.11 as my planetarium software in a 5m mobile dome. Will you be able to fix this bug in the next update of 14? If you can, when is this likely to come out? Thanks, Melanie Melanie Davies FRAS Science Director Creative Space Science CIC creative-space.org.uk The Lodge, Linton Gardens, Hastings TN34 1TD Tel: 01424 420968 Mobile: 07880 233209 Registered as a Community Interest Company in England and Wales, Company No. 9925134 > On 21 Feb 2016, at 09:06, Alexander Wolf