Hi, now I compared official data for RA/DE from Ceres,Vesta,Pallas with those given from Stellarium 0.12.4 for 2014/03/31 0:00 UT: Official release (Kosmos guide) ------------------ Stellarium data ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ RA DE RA DE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Ceres: 14h05m +2.6° 14h09m45s +2.05° Vesta: 13h56m +1.6° 13h58m +1.35" Pallas: 9h35m +3.5" 9h33m30s +3.31° ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- This means the following deviation values from real positions in absolute distance: Ceres: 1.23 degrees (nearly three times the diameter of distant moon disc!!!) Vesta: 0.56 degrees (a bit more than diameter of nearest moon disc) Pallas: 0.45 degrees (a bit less than diameter of distant moon disc). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- These are indeed HEAVY deviations from real values - where do they come from? Hope community will find the reason for these bugs....thank you. best regards, Torsten In a message dated 11.03.2014 20:35:32 Mitteleuropäische Zeit,