For the first part there is an elegant solution: force ongoing connections to initiate from the static ip of a controller. This behavior is ensured when preferred_lft 0 is set on an ip address of an interface (as described here: This would allow us to assign a floating IP and a static ip from the same subnet to the management network but at the same time make sure that all outgoing connections to ip's on other hosts in this subnet are initiated from the static ip. In the example below we have the active controller with 3 ip addresses on the management interface, one static and two floating. The floating IPs move from controller to controller on swact: 1. static: fd01::2/64 2. floating: fd01::1/64 3. floating: fd01::4/64 Connections w/o the option: ==================== [And give example here] We can see that there are connections opened from the floating IPs. Connection with the option: ==================== Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp6 0 0 :::6800 :::* LISTEN 2587586/ceph-osd tcp6 0 0 :::6801 :::* LISTEN 2587586/ceph-osd tcp6 0 0 :::6802 :::* LISTEN 2587586/ceph-osd tcp6 0 0 :::6803 :::* LISTEN 2587586/ceph-osd tcp6 0 0 fd01::2:6789 :::* LISTEN 2587301/ceph-mon tcp6 0 0 fd01::2:40924 fd01::3:6789 ESTABLISHED 2587586/ceph-osd tcp6 0 0 fd01::2:40888 fd01::3:6789 ESTABLISHED 2587301/ceph-mon tcp6 0 0 fd01::2:45520 fd01::3:6800 ESTABLISHED 2587586/ceph-osd tcp6 0 0 fd01::2:43872 fd01::3:6804 ESTABLISHED 2587586/ceph-osd tcp6 0 0 fd01::2:6801 fd01::3:47520 ESTABLISHED 2587586/ceph-osd tcp6 0 0 fd01::2:6802 fd01::3:53458 ESTABLISHED 2587586/ceph-osd tcp6 0 0 fd01::2:6803 fd01::3:48860 ESTABLISHED 2587586/ceph-osd tcp6 0 0 fd01::2:48158 fd01::15f6:1bc9:22:6789 ESTABLISHED 2587301/ceph-mon tcp6 0 0 fd01::2:58020 fd01::3:6803 ESTABLISHED 2587586/ceph-osd tcp6 0 0 fd01::2:34342 fd01::3:6800 ESTABLISHED 81962/ceph-mgr tcp6 0 0 fd01::2:45484 fd01::3:6800 ESTABLISHED 2587301/ceph-mon tcp6 0 0 fd01::2:48000 fd01::15f6:1bc9:22:6789 ESTABLISHED 81962/ceph-mgr How to configure the option by hand =================== Result: 6: vlan10@enp0s8: mtu 1500 qdisc htb state UP group default qlen 1000 link/ether 08:00:27:66:a6:e8 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet6 fd01::1/64 scope global deprecated valid_lft forever preferred_lft 0sec inet6 fd01::4/64 scope global deprecated valid_lft forever preferred_lft 0sec inet6 fd01::2/64 scope global valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 fe80::a00:27ff:fe66:a6e8/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever