Comment 0 for bug 1829406

Revision history for this message
Allain Legacy (alegacy) wrote :

Brief Description
Unable to use Ansible to install a helm chart. An error reports that the python helm module (pyhelm) is missing from the target system.

This is the Ansible task:

    - name: Deploy sample helm chart
        src: /some/path/to/helm-chart-0.1.0.tgz
        dest: /home/wrsroot/
        owner: wrsroot
        group: root
        mode: 0644

This is the resulting error from the playbook:

fatal: [yow-cgcs-wildcat-7]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Could not import the pyhelm python module. Please install `pyhelm` package."}

Minor, but if we want end users to integrate the Ansible configuration, system configuration, and application deployment into a higher level CI/CD type ansible playbook then we will need to provide this functionality.

Steps to Reproduce
Use the task provided above to try and run a sample helm chart on the target system.

Expected Behavior
The chart should have been installed on the running system.

Actual Behavior
An error prevents the chart from being installed.


System Configuration

Branch/Pull Time/Commit
Private load rebased on May 10.

Last Pass

See above

Test Activity
Developer testing