Registered by Don Marti

FreedomHEC is a "shadow" conference to Microsoft's WinHEC, and focuses on reaching out to engineers and driver developers at hardware companies, to get them plugged into the Linux driver developement process. Greg K-H is a confirmed speaker. Free of charge for anyone who preregisters. Coming to Seattle in May for that other hardware conference? On your way out, stay for the hardware unconference where you'll learn how easy it is to make your hardware compatible with free, open source operating systems such as Linux, and available to new markets such as servers, next-generation entertainment devices, and more. View the Meeting Home Page

01:00 PDT on Friday, 2006-05-26
09:00 PDT on Saturday, 2006-05-27
701 Fifth Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 USA Contact: Don Marti <> or +1 510-332-1587

Meeting drivers

Each meeting has a person, or team, responsible for deciding which items are accepted for the agenda. This team is called the "meeting driver" and for FreedomHEC they are:

You should contact the meeting driver if you have any additional questions about the structure or agenda of the meeting.


Nobody has yet proposed any blueprints for discussion at this sprint. If you will be attending the sprint you should make sure that the blueprints you are interested in discussing get nominated for the agenda. You can do this using the "Propose for meeting agenda" action link on the blueprint page.


No attendees yet registered.