Comment 1 for bug 966335

Revision history for this message
Anthony Lenton (elachuni) wrote :

A couple of questions to spec this out better:

 - If you select *only* "amd64-multiarch", which archs should include the package in the list of available apps for purchase?
 - If you select *only* "amd64-multiarch", which archs (of the ones answered in the previous point) should suffix the package name with ":i386"?
 - Which arch combinations would make sense? That is, if you select "amd64-multiarch", should also be able to select "amd64" and/or "i386" for the same distroseries? If any, how would that affect the arches that include the app, and which of them get the suffixed package name?

As I understand it, this would be either (A):
 - If you select "amd64-multiarch", both "i386" the and "amd64" lists will include the package.
 - Only "amd64" will have the package name suffixed.
 - If you select "amd64-multiarch", then you can't select any other arch (the review form validation would prevent it).

Or (B):
 - If you select "amd64-multiarch", then only the "amd64" list will include the package.
 - "amd64" will have the package name suffixed.
 - If you select "amd64-multiarch", then you can (and usually will!) also select "i386", that would behave as "i386" usually does.

Could you confirm if either of these sound right, or let us know what you would expect?